Welcome to our site for Adam Lambert concerts!

Adamland and eywflyer may be familiar usernames to you from the Glam Nation Tour concert threads that appeared regularly on mjsbigblog last year, and we decided to create a site dedicated to Adam Lambert concert info. This site will provide information on Adam’s upcoming tour, ticket sales, and when the time comes, concert threads for each tour date. We are looking forward to lots of fun during Adam’s second tour!

To register as a new user on this site, look in the right-hand side menu under “Meta” and click on the “Register” link. Login/logout functions are also available under the Meta menu.

Please read the Comment Guidelines (found in the right-side menu under Important Info) before posting on the threads.

Update – Friday evening May 27th:
We are now less than 12 hours away from Adam’s first concert in over 5 months! Watch for the live concert thread late tonight/very early Saturday morning, depending on your time zone.

The twitter list for Adam’s Maxidrom concert on Saturday has been posted (137 people on it currently). Most of it is Russian/Cyrillic, better have google translator ready:

Schedule for the Maxidrom 2011 event in Moscow on Saturday (translated link):

Adam is slated to perform between 130 PM and 300 PM Saturday afternoon Moscow time. This translates to the following times in the U.S., very early on Saturday morning:

530-700 AM EDT
430-600 AM CDT
330-500 AM MDT
230-400 AM PDT

We will have a live thread available for that concert, starting an hour or two before Adam goes on stage and continuing through Saturday.

Link to Adam’s Thursday morning (Wednesday night in the U.S.) interview on the Moscow station “Maximum Radio”: http://lambertlive.tumblr.com/post/5858816038

Single session tickets remain available for Adam’s performance at the Festival in Sainte-Agathe, Quebec on July 29th. Showtime is listed as 9pm, all tickets are general admission and cost $57.95 CAD each. Available at http://www.admission.com/search.php?tm_link=tm_homeA_header_search&language=en&keyword=adam+lambert


1,515 Responses to Welcome to AdamLambertLive!!!

  1. Calgary says:

    We can’t vote in Canada, but I go to iTunes and buy Haley’s songs. She’s been doing well there; wonder why JLo doesn’t like her. Is she maybe just a teeny bit envious?

    T-shirts – I’d buy one if it had a lower neck and just Adam’s image, no name.

    woozasam – what about Adam and Monte???

  2. Suz526 says:

    woozasam says:
    05/11/2011 at 12:36 am (Edit)
    Not sure if this is an appropriate comment…..but what the HELL is going on with Adam and Monte!!! I’m a nervous wreck!


  3. nkd says:

    The expectations for the contestants on Idol are different and much greater since season 8. There was definitely a shift!
    I know that I will never be the same after AI8! I think I have stated this before, but Adam has either changed me or my life was changing and he greatly enhanced it!
    I would have never considered flying across the continent to attend a concert, and meet up with some people I met on the internet. But I am excited beyond words at this opportunity! Smile Smile Smile

  4. nkd says:

    What are you talking about woozasam?
    You must elaborate!

  5. woozasam says:

    Lisa went on a twitter rant about her disappointment that fame can get to anyone, and has since deleted her account…. and Monte supposedly unfriended Ad on his facebook page and unfollowed him on twitter. Maybe it’s a huge joke….hacker?

  6. rainbowgal4 says:

    I know that I will never be the same after AI8! I think I have stated this before, but Adam has either changed me or my life was changing and he greatly enhanced it!

    I have always been a huge music lover, follower, buyer back in the day. I owned a roller rink and music was the backbone of that business. When I left I was at a loss for a long time because I couldn’t find a voice I liked. Then here comes S8 and like you nkd I was knocked off my chair by Adam’s voice, type of music and those eyes. My love for music has come back and I relish singing again. I would say he didn’t change my life but he brought back a joy I thought I lost.

    woozasam Don’t leave us hanging…….

  7. rainbowgal4 says:

    Oops to slow in posting. Thanks woozasam for filling us in. Time will tell if it’s a hacker or what. I hope it will be all for nothing in the morning.

  8. cher says:
  9. cher says:

    nekkid, did you get the email from Kradamour? Just checking, thanks.

  10. rs says:

    Kradamour says:
    I don’t know that he “broke” Idol, but he sure left a big footprint on it!

    So true. And I don’t think that I read a serious review of the show or see a video blog like Idoloonies or Jim C’s Idol Party (great, by the way) where Adam isn’t mentioned a few times, along with clips shown of his performances. He is certainly mentioned more than any other past idols. They just can’t help it.

  11. nkd says:

    My love for music has come back and I relish singing again. I would say he didn’t change my life but he brought back a joy I thought I lost.

    rainbowgal…you stated closer to my feelings and thoughts than I did myself. A love for new music is back. I have more joy, less judgement, more love! And more new friends to explore and share it all with!

  12. nkd says:

    Yes cher, I did get the email!
    Don’t you have my email address?

  13. rainbowgal4 says:

    A love for new music is back. I have more joy, less judgement, more love! And more new friends to explore and share it all with!


  14. nkd says:

    Seriously Adam doesn’t think we haven’t all seen these pictures he is spitting out on twitter! Wink

  15. Calgary says:

    Thanks cher. How do you find these things?
    Gee, I hope whatever went wrong is just a misunderstanding. It’s really hard to believe Adam would have pulled a fast one on Monte…

  16. nkd says:

    adamlambert Adam Lambert
    Snapshot from my Club Kid Days http://say.ly/VAPjK3

    adamlambert Adam Lambert
    Another from the club kid days… http://say.ly/hOHjKa

    adamlambert Adam Lambert
    And another! http://say.ly/antjKc

    In case someone missed them on twitter!

    ETA Oops, forgot about the one link per comment. Got carried away!

  17. cher says:

    Don’t you have my email address?

    nope nekkid. I surely don’t. Smile I’m sad about that. Frown lol Please get mine from Krad, will ya?

    Thanks cher. How do you find these things?

    Calgary, thank margie32127.I was late getting to twitter.

  18. Calgary says:

    Well it looks like Adam and Monte have not unfollowed each other…

  19. nkd says:

    I’m sure you do cher, but I will send you an email, so you know that you have it!!! Smile

  20. rainbowgal4 says:

    Well I’m off to bed. Got to rest these voting fingers so they are ready for Idol. Have a good night, all.

  21. Kradamour says:

    cher says:
    05/11/2011 at 1:21 am

    Don’t you have my email address?

    nope nekkid. I surely don’t. Smile I’m sad about that. Frown lol Please get mine from Krad, will ya?

    check your email, peeps!

    G’nite, all. Sweet Adam dreams…

  22. cher says:

    I’m sure you do cher, but I will send you an email, so you know that you have it!!! Smile

    And you sure are right nekkid!! I’m truly losing whatever brain cells I have left. If I had any to begin with. Frown I’m sure I had some good functioning ones before Adam Lambert sang Black or White on the idol stage. Alien
    Thanks krad.
    G’night Krad and rainbowgal!!

  23. Kradamour says:


    uh, oh. He’s thinking hair color…
    Gotta say, he and Sauli would be incredible together with matching hair. But…!

  24. Kradamour says:

    Okay g’nite for a final time. By morning the Lisa/Monte/Adam thing will be resolved. My take on it is that Lisa is a little bit of a loose cannon.

  25. Kradamour says:

    Okay, I’m pulling a kradamour here (rolls eyes) but gotta post insomniac19’s twitter responses to Adam’s photo display. Girl is hysterical. Love her. And she tweets FAST!

    insomniac19 insomniac19
    @peacefrogdesign I love that I’m in a fandom where “Is that his knee or is that his dick” is a legitimate question.

    insomniac19 insomniac19
    Dear person that just tweeted Adam asking him for naked pics of him as a little boy, you’re fucking creepy. Love, Me Smile


  26. Kradamour says:

    Okay (yeah, I know, I’ll be going in a second), all of a sudden I am getting random friend requests on the fansite. I don’t know these people. Is there any reason I should accept the friend request? Or shouldn’t?
    This whole “friend” thing (which has nothing to do with friendship) is a little bit puzzling to me.
    What do you guys do with random friend requests from strangers? It seems rude to refuse. But what’s the point in having “friends” who are strangers?

    Off to sleep on it.

  27. nkd says:

    But what’s the point in having “friends” who are strangers?

    We all started as strangers! Smile

  28. zzatrms says:

    Thank you so much to Adamland and eywflyer and to those who gave the link.

    I will spend most of my morning reading the site Smile

  29. cher says:

    We all started as strangers!

    True nekkid. Remember Krad? We all did, but I understand your thinking that since we all “met” on MJs that we already “knew” each other. Remember the lady at the Raleighconcert that remembered you were bringing the fans and she is/was a lurker! She “knew” u from the blog, so why not accept these new friends? No harm. U might be pleasantly surprised. Smile

  30. Summer says:

    Hi everyone- I don’t know if you remember me, I sporadically posted on the Glamnation threads at MJ’s, but mostly just lurking since the end of the tour.
    This looks like a great site, thanks for putting it up!

    With all this talk about Adam’s hair, and him tweeting all those old pics, I can’t even imagine what is going through that creative head of his!
    Did you see the tweet from David Hernandez?
    @itsdavidyo (David Hernandez) Tweet: “Good running into you buddy! @adamlambert can’t wait for the new record! Your hair is gonna be dope!”

    Wonder if Adam clued him into his new hairstyle?

  31. Summer says:

    I was thinking Adam might go for real shock value and go really blonde again, but then I remembered an old interview of Sauli’s where he says he loves guys with dark hair- so I can’t imagine Adam would go blonde again if Sauli likes him dark.
    It is kind of funny though that Sauli bleaches his dark hair and Adam dyes his light hair!

  32. Summer says:

    So does anyone know if the Quebec show will be with the band?
    Apparently it looks like the Russia show will be just Adam?
    Will he be singing to back – up tracks for the whole show?
    Somehow I just can’t imagine that.

  33. adamized says:

    Hi Summer. I remember you! Welcome! Now I am nervous about the hair. Adam looked so young and lovely at the Prince concert. It sort of reminded me of the way he looked during his album promo in Scotland. Hair was long and a bit unruly. Nice to see it more relaxed and less of a pompadour for a change.

    Krad, have a great time with your son!

    Mils – happy B-DAY!

  34. adamized says:

    Oh, my thoughts on Lisa’s comments. Remember, this is a young woman with 4 young children = sleep deprivation. Slights (perceived or otherwise) towards those we love become huge! Monte is probably all laid back and sayin “babe, no biggie”…which just probably pisses her off even more.

    Or maybe the whole thing was a hack job.

  35. Summer says:

    I don’t think it was a hack job- the texts sounded just like her. I think she is probably overwhelmed and underslept!
    Remember during the tour when Lisa tweeted something to the effect of ‘nice of Monte to be having fun on tour while I’m home alone taking care of 4 kids’?
    Hopefully whatever is going on will be worked out or blow over in a day or two .

  36. adamized says:

    Summer – ITA- It is hard for me to blame anything on someone with that many young kids. OTH – she really isn’t doing Monte any favors by using Twitter as a way to show her displeasure. Twitter makes it way too easy to historically capture for the world a moments passing feeling. I do remember her tweet regarding Monte at the beginning of the GNT. Again, couldn’t really blame her for feeling abandoned just thought a public berating was a bit misguided.

  37. Summer says:

    I think she’s done a great job of holding it all together- I mean, she went through the latter part of her pregnancy and had the twins while he was on tour! Plus 2 other little girls to take care of!
    I am thinking it was just her way of venting, esp because Monte didn’t seem to be making that big of a deal about it.
    I feel like they all deserve a lot of slack on this one. It’s gotta be so hard living your life under such public scrutiny.
    I also think Adam has a great track record of maintaining friendships and avoiding interpersonal turmoil- hopefully things will look better in the morning for all of them!

  38. Summer says:

    So, anyone going to Russia? Suz?

  39. luval says:

    Good morning!

    Yikes I go to bed and wake up to possibly different hair for Adam. noooooooo. Adam/Monte wuuuttt????

    Oh well, whatever. As long as nothing happens to his voice.

    hi summer…. No one that I “know”here is going to Russia. Suz526 is not. Had a couple of us (me included) had more advance notice we may have attempted to do this. It was just tooooo short of notice with work, etc. What an adventure it would have been! Just two weeks from this weekend.

  40. Summer says:

    haha oh yeah, the voice!!
    what I wouldn’t give to hear just a few seconds of one of the new songs!!!

  41. luval says:

    eywflyer…I never understood the unwieldnyness (spelling?) of the Glam Nation feathers thread. I thought it was fine. If I didn’t check in for a day or so I would just go back a couple of pages and start there. I find it very very fast to go through the pages. If something doesn’t interest me (a link maybe) I just move on.

  42. Suz526 says:

    Summer says:
    So, anyone going to Russia? Suz?

    Not this time Frown Too much $$$$ for Adam and no band/dancers (so I hear). But the main reason is a work commitment I can’t get out of. I wonder if it will be like Wango Tango (minus the seats)? Speaking of which – I’m planning to repost Wango Tango in HD on Sunday (in honor of the one year anniversary and harem pants!)

  43. eywflyer says:

    nkd, your comment with the Adam pix is posted now, I approved it from the moderation queue. Just changed the allowed number of links in a comment, now two links will post without going to moderation. I don’t want to raise the allowed number of links too high or we might start getting spam in here.

    Suz, wow HD reposts! I’ll have to figure out how to make posts for prior events without affecting the front page or the current thread by then! That will allow concert reports for past shows to be linked from the drop down menus in the top menu bar. Tried yesterday and didn’t like the results, but I know there’s a way to do it.

    Luval, the opinions so far are definitely in favor of staying on the same thread for long periods. Kradamour suggested changing threads monthly which is an interesting idea. Of course when we get into the next tour things will be different as we’ll be moving frequently among concert threads, although we still plan to keep a general chat thread open too. We’ll see if there are more opinions on this question during the next few days.

    As for the whole Adam & Monte/Lisa drama, hopefully this is not a big deal, or at least will work itself out with no friendships broken. IMO it would be a big loss to Adam’s next tour if Monte is not part of it.

  44. Ron says:



    Adam’s appearance at Ste-Agathe is finally listed. Click on “Programming”.

  45. eywflyer says:

    Ron thanks for the info! Single tickets are now on sale at http://www.admission.com/search.php?convert=1&tm_link=tm_header_search&language=en&keyword=adam+lambert
    All general admission, $57.95 CAD each, showtime is 9pm on July 29th, at the “Plage Tessier” venue.

    I have updated the post up top and the “buy tickets” link in the right side menu with this new info.

  46. Kradamour says:

    Good morning, peeps! Summer I remember your posts – welcome to this blog!
    mils, hope you didn’t have too much trouble blowing out all 29 of those candles!
    adamized, ITA to your posts above re Lisa. She is a little bit of a loose cannon, but I might be too with four young children and the prime responsibility for them. (I was a Navy wife, husband often absent, I totally feel her pain and I only had half as many children).
    Remember how we always said on mj’s that “Twitter is the devil”? Too brief, too random…Too easy to shoot off that burst of anger/exasperation into the stratosphere, where every one of Adam’s million followers is waiting to pounce on any scandalous tidbit. No one in his circle has a normal life anymore. I hope for everyone that will settle down eventually.

    Summer says:
    05/11/2011 at 6:17 am

    So does anyone know if the Quebec show will be with the band?

    , cherie, we have no idea about anything except the date and the general location (St. Agatha PQ). On that slim knowledge a hardy group of rabid fans (that would include me, so it’s okay to use sketchy adjectives LOL) have bought festival passes, sold out a hotel and reserved more rooms in another, uprooted other summer plans and are planning cross-country auto caravan road trips. We are good at what we do! Grin

    Re friends…nekkid I have known you forever. Ditto cher. What are you talking about? Grin
    I guess the difference is that we saw each other’s blog postings before we took it farther individually. I didn’t need to meet you in person to think of you as friends. But some random peep on the fansite who has never said boo to me and just clicks on “send friend request” to up his/her friend numbers and get another point…maybe it is the word “friend” that gets me. I don’t use the word casually. (shakes head) Okay, it ain’t that deep. Moving on!

    Didn’t know that Sauli was naturally dark haired! Maybe they both need to do extreme highlights and end up looking alike…but remember that tweet about the drapes and the curtains matching? If they don’t for Sauli, either, what an interesting yin/yang effect when they aren’t…um…clothed…um…whoa don’t want to go there, sorry peeps for the image but I don’t think imma delete this part of my post just gonna leave it out there. Oops!

    Okay it is clearly time for me to stop typing and go get my son’s room ready for his COMING HOME ON LEAVE TODAY!!!
    Hope everyone has a great day and someone please text me if we learn anything more about Quebec – merci!

    ETA: thanks Ron and ewyflyer for the ticket update! closure at last! Grin

  47. madnessinmotion says:

    eywflyer, you are brilliant. MJs has started feeling a little unwelcome lately but coming here feels like coming home. From concept to implementation I love it. It feels like a spin-off of my favorite TV show staring my favorite character. Thanks!

  48. Ceddies says:

    check your email, peeps!

    kradamour, was this for everyone on email/Canada list or was it conversation specific? I didn’t get one if I was supposed to. Just sayin’.

  49. Kradamour says:

    It was conversation specific, ceddies. Cher and nekkid wanted to exchange emails and I sent them.

    (I know, I know, I left already…just popped back for a minute, I forgot my umbrella… LOL )

  50. madnessinmotion says:

    I am putting in my thoughts (probably worth less than two cents) about Lisa’s tweets. What I got from them is that she feels like Adam is not being as supportive of Monte as she thought he would or should be. To me this means that she is probably upset that Adam hasn’t attended any of Monte’s shows or helped promote them. She actually tweeted to ArtistSupporter “At least you have a VALID reason for not attending since you live in Alaska” or something like that.

    Also, Adam is probably not writing with Monte or recording the new songs with the band. Adam never gave any indication that he would but the expectation was there. That would be upsetting to Monte (and Tommy) but not a deal breaker in their relationship unless Lisa has caused some bridges to be burned between them by making things public.

    For all of his love of fame and the camera Adam has strong feelings about keeping private things private. I hope this isn’t a deal breaker because Monte is extremely talented and a calming force for Adam when they are on stage especially when something goes wrong. Adam will miss him if he leaves the band. I hope they work things (whatever things?) out and stay friends and valued co-workers.

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