Welcome to our site for Adam Lambert concerts!

Adamland and eywflyer may be familiar usernames to you from the Glam Nation Tour concert threads that appeared regularly on mjsbigblog last year, and we decided to create a site dedicated to Adam Lambert concert info. This site will provide information on Adam’s upcoming tour, ticket sales, and when the time comes, concert threads for each tour date. We are looking forward to lots of fun during Adam’s second tour!

To register as a new user on this site, look in the right-hand side menu under “Meta” and click on the “Register” link. Login/logout functions are also available under the Meta menu.

Please read the Comment Guidelines (found in the right-side menu under Important Info) before posting on the threads.

Update – Friday evening May 27th:
We are now less than 12 hours away from Adam’s first concert in over 5 months! Watch for the live concert thread late tonight/very early Saturday morning, depending on your time zone.

The twitter list for Adam’s Maxidrom concert on Saturday has been posted (137 people on it currently). Most of it is Russian/Cyrillic, better have google translator ready:

Schedule for the Maxidrom 2011 event in Moscow on Saturday (translated link):

Adam is slated to perform between 130 PM and 300 PM Saturday afternoon Moscow time. This translates to the following times in the U.S., very early on Saturday morning:

530-700 AM EDT
430-600 AM CDT
330-500 AM MDT
230-400 AM PDT

We will have a live thread available for that concert, starting an hour or two before Adam goes on stage and continuing through Saturday.

Link to Adam’s Thursday morning (Wednesday night in the U.S.) interview on the Moscow station “Maximum Radio”: http://lambertlive.tumblr.com/post/5858816038

Single session tickets remain available for Adam’s performance at the Festival in Sainte-Agathe, Quebec on July 29th. Showtime is listed as 9pm, all tickets are general admission and cost $57.95 CAD each. Available at http://www.admission.com/search.php?tm_link=tm_homeA_header_search&language=en&keyword=adam+lambert


1,515 Responses to Welcome to AdamLambertLive!!!

  1. Oksana2000 says:

    MusicMatt, welcome to our new site.. Smile
    We are relatively sane and merry crowd..

  2. riskylady says:

    luval says:

    05/10/2011 at 6:31 pm

    Oh thanks, eywflyer. I have to get ready for Quebec! I just got the phone in January and couldn’t use it in Toronto for the Adam parties because I was clueless


    Luval, I recently took my AT&T phone to England and Scotland. I had to get int’l roaming enabled (no cost just for enabling), after that it worked fine. The great thing is, int’l text messages are 50 cents per message, so instead of calling, I kept in touch with everyone by texting. I checked my statements, and that was correct. Of course, you should make sure over the phone – don’t know if that is true for all plans.

  3. riskylady says:

    Guys, I have been voting for Haley too because of the way she has been treated, and I do think she’s talented. Like Durbin’s voice, wish he knew HOW TO USE IT PROPERLY!
    Saw JLo on Ellen just now, and when asked who might win, she mentioned all BUT Haley. Ellen was the one who brought her up. Also, she’s been discussing her “performance” on the talk shows as if it were live. Wash’t it pre-taped?

  4. agathe.hb says:

    I am also rooting for Haley, I don’t like James for his copycat practices….. and I don’t have to mention, whom he is copying, right? Wink

  5. dcglam says:

    Aside from her singing, I love her attitude. She takes the knocks and criticism, picks herself up, smiles, and then just gets better.

    I love this about Haley as well, rs. I have watched Idol since Season 2, and Adam was the only contestant to ever receive my votes. I have a full time job and a full time family. The man totally excited and grabbed me from Day 1 like none other! I haven’t sent any votes Haley’s way this season as of yet, but I may just be inclined to do so….. Wink

  6. Kradamour says:

    re phones…I don’t know about Ste Agathe specifically, but I have used my Sprint phone in Quebec with no problems. They just put regular roaming charges on my calls.

    I am really ready to hear something concrete from the festival. I know that this is the first time that Ste Agathe has hosted a music festival, but there are fans who are tapping our feet!!!!!

    Maybe I will get out my little 4″ TV and watch Haley. When is Idol on? (Eastern time) Tonight? or when?

  7. milwlovesadam says:

    I’m so glad to see so many joining us here. I have told a few peeps at the fansite too, who noticed our feathery thread is dying. Hope that’s OK.

    I am so very sorry to have engaged in that negative exchange last night. I’ll try very hard to not let that happen again. I’ve been thinking about it a lot today…

    About Haley. To me, she seems like she’s pulling a Kris Allen. Sneaking up from behind, and getting better every week. She does seem to have a great attitude, and a big smile, no matter what kind of crap the judges throw at her. She’s my fave.

  8. milwlovesadam says:

    Idol is on tomorrow and Thursday. Glee is tonight.

  9. Kradamour says:

    thanks, Mils. I’ll miss it then, my son comes home on leave tomorrow evening from Korea. (YES!)

    Re your post last night. Gone and forgotten. Smile

  10. milwlovesadam says:

    Kradam, I sent you an e-mail. Thanks Smile

    Have fun with your son tomorrow! That should be a great homecoming!!

    I’ll be eating birthday cake. This Taurus is turning 29 again. Yeah! I love being 29.

  11. rainbowgal4 says:

    Kradamour I second Mils in the wishes for a great time with your son. The time seems to fly by so fast. Just soak it up.

    riskylady I didn’t get to watch jlo and I’m glad. I would have been cursing at my tv screen for not supporting Hayle. That’s why my daughter and I are voting our fingers off. Sometimes I wonder if they know something we don’t. But even with that that woman can sing and isn’t it a singing contest in the end?

  12. turquoisewaters says:

    Found you! Thanks for the help, jlurksacto.

  13. rainbowgal4 says:

    Hi turquoisewaters Nice to see you here.

  14. milwlovesadam says:

    Hi turquoise and rainbow gal! Hey, rainbow, did you ever visit my area like you said you were planning to?

  15. Ron says:

    Dear milw’s,

    Happy Day before your Birthday to you
    Happy Day before your Birthday to you
    Happy Day before your Birthday, dear (won’t reveal it here)
    Happy Day before your Birthday to you!

    And … many more!

  16. glambotgram says:

    Happy “29” Mils Enjoy your birthday cake, You don’t look a day over 28 IMO.

    Kradamour have a great time with your son. I am also a military mom, though mine are stateside right now.
    This is one of Haley’s songs from last week

    riskylady I could not believe how jlo came back to the judges table and acted like she had been rushing around changing clothes to get back out to the show last week. It was obvious it was pre-taped.

  17. rainbowgal4 says:

    milwlovesadam First off – Happy Birthday – I agree you don’t look a day over 28. I hope you have a very special day planned. You deserve it.

    And yes I did make it to your area. I was there around the 15th of April. I went from Oak Creek to Mayfair Mall to Hartford and Slinger. I will be back there again in May. I think the dates are the 21st thru the 28th. The first couple of days we will be at a condo in the Dells with my daughter and her family. We celebrate my cancer recovery at this time. Then on the 25th we will head to Milwaukee to visit with my Mom again. I will be in Hartford and Slinger visiting my godmother and her husband. Had a great time with my Mom in April. She’s doing better but still doesn’t have her voice. I’m afraid she won’t get it back. But we have a way of “talking” and she can still say “I love you.” Couldn’t ask for more.

  18. luval says:

    If anyone is interested Adele is going to be on tonight’s DWTS results show in about 20 minutes.

  19. Miss Chaos says:

    Hey found the site, wondered where everyone was, I felt lost. So anyhow hi, and yes, I love Haley too. Hope she does good tomorrow nite. Will we have a live thread for the show here, or is that too off topic.

  20. Suz526 says:

    milwlovesadam Happy Birthday!!! You’re almost a Gemini!!!

  21. Suz526 says:

    Speaking of Idol, TPTB have REALLY shortened the tour this year! For the first time, they are not even performing in San Diego. Season 8, LA, was at Staples Center – maybe 15-20K? This year they’re performing at Nokia Live. A nice venue but, what? Maybe 4,000 max? The contrast between the seasons is stunning. . . .

  22. luval says:

    Miss Chaos..I’m sure mj will have the live Idol blog thread…not here.

    btw hello…was wondering if you’d find us!

  23. Kradamour says:

    glambotgram I can always count on you for links! merci!

    Will we have a live thread for the show here, or is that too off topic.

    I think it would be off topic/off fan? This is strictly Adam, as I understand it, except that we can toss in bits of other stuff in the random chat thread. But it isn’t an Idol site. That’s mj.

  24. luval says:

    suz526…the Idols are coming to my town. The venue holds about 8000 but it remains to be seen how many tickets are sold. They go on sale this Saturday.

  25. Kradamour says:

    Whoa! Just listened to some Haley. Kinda holding my breath in amazement while she sang…
    Rolling in the Deep…damn. Took on one of my very favorite current songs, the one everyone knows – and made it different.
    Rising Sun…would love to hear what Adam would do with that, I kinda think it would have been like Haley, I could hear him while she sang it.
    Wow. Okay, I’ll vote, I’ll ask husband how to do it.

  26. bridgette12 says:

    Hi everyone, so glad to be here. I am so excited about this new blog. Really appreciate all of the people who helped put it together. Can’t wait for Adam’s next concert.

  27. glambotgram says:

    I think the Idols tour had to cancel so many shows last year and they were so undersold that they are being really cautious this year and booking smaller venues. Funny I have never been to an Idols tour show. I could have gone for season 8, thought about it, but I didn’t care to see anyone but Adam and Allison. Should have gone. Hindsight.

  28. milwlovesadam says:

    Hi everyone.

    First off, I have to squeeeeeeeeee! Suz wished me a happy birthday!! THE SUZ. I’m honored. Suz, you may not think you are a celeb, that you are just a fan with a camera, but to us you are so much more. I wonder if you’ll ever know how much we adore you, adore your dedication, adore your ability to film so well whilst in the presence of such talent and raw sexuality awesomeness.

  29. turquoisewaters says:

    Happy Birthday, milwlovesadam! Stay happy and feisty!

  30. milwlovesadam says:

    Thanks everyone for the BDay wishes. Now, on to better subjects.

    Where’s Waldo? Who is he in the studio with? How much do I wish he would work with Adele? Or, Haley?

  31. luval says:

    kradamour…get on your 4″ tv now! Adele herself will be singing Rolling In The Deep in a couple of minutes. Dancing With The Stars on ABC

  32. milwlovesadam says:

    Has anyone seen Slezak this week? His Idoloonies are really good this week. I share all of his Haley love and angst. Let’s vote like crazy for her!!

  33. luval says:

    mils, I just watched Idoloonies a couple of hours ago. I love that series!

  34. nkd says:

    Hello “hunty”s!

    Happy Birthday mils!

    kradamour have a great reunion with your son. I know you will!

  35. rainbowgal4 says:

    milwlovesadam Just watched Idoloonies. Love Slezak! And yes I will be voting with 3 phones (getting help, I’m not that coordinated!!!) My daughter will be doing the same. Gotta keep Haley in the game.

  36. nkd says:

    @adamlambert Adam Lambert
    New fave term of endearment: HUNTY

    @adamlambert Adam Lambert
    I dunno who these guys are. Saw this on a random fashion blog. All I know is, they are LIVING. love this chic confid… http://say.ly/EFqjIc

  37. Kradamour says:

    whoops, too late luval. I’ll have to settle for youtube! Smile

  38. Kradamour says:

    adamlambert Adam Lambert
    Harem Pants. All over runways the past few seasons. Why do they get policed and always called ‘MC HAMMER PANTS’ #getwithitcritics

    Y’all saw this tweet? We have to stop dissing the harem cossack pants!

  39. rainbowgal4 says:

    I love those pants. Always like see anyone take a fashion leap and be bold.

  40. Kradamour says:

    I liked them. But then again, I have Cossacks in my background.
    I don’t like the trend for men to wear heels/wedges, though. It’s so bad for the feet, back, and posture. Women do it because we sort of have to for dressing up…but it would be a shame for men to start.

  41. cher says:

    Speaking of Idol, TPTB have REALLY shortened the tour this year! For the first time,

    Yeah Suz. First time no idol tour coming to Ft. Lauderdale/Miami area. They only come as far as Orlando which is 4 hrs north of here. I’m so bummed. Won’t go since I have to go to Quebec later that week. “whispering since hubby doesn’t know and doesn’t need to know yet” Smile

  42. JOJOSIE says:

    RainbowGal, I had a hard time finding someone to vote for this year as I like performers. Paul was cute and quirky but he was having voice problems, my husband likes Scotty and I decided to vote for James. Last week was his only really off performance and I rather like his boyishness and the fact that he has persevered to be where he is despite 2 neurological disorders. I’ve read on some other blogs what a role model he’s become to kids with similar problems. I have a feeling parents of these children are voting big time and also folks that like his style and can get over the Adam comparisons, cause to me they are not that similar. Since I loved Adams humble and sweet persona, I just can’t get the liking Haleys. Maybe it’s an age thing.

  43. eywflyer says:

    Kradamour says:
    05/10/2011 at 8:55 pm (Edit)
    This is strictly Adam, as I understand it, except that we can toss in bits of other stuff in the random chat thread. But it isn’t an Idol site. That’s mj.

    Kradamour is correct, we aren’t going to be posting threads for non-Adam Idol topics. Folks should continue to go to MJs for dedicated threads on those subjects and for live Idol episode threads.

    The live threads here will be limited to Adam’s concerts. We are planning the first of those on May 28 for the Moscow show. My understanding is that there will be a twitter list put together, so hopefully there will be some info in real-time (warm up that google translator!) and perhaps some vids later on.

    Of course we will always have a general chat thread open as well. I do have a question to throw out for discussion: During these hiatus periods when there are no live Adam performances, how often do we want to move to a new general chat thread? I know it’s easy for folks to keep coming back to the same thread for long periods of time, but at some point when the comment count gets too high it can become unwieldly to navigate. We’ll be staying on this thread for a few more days at least in any case, but just wanted to get your opinion on this.

  44. Kradamour says:

    I’d just as soon stay on a thread forever. I don’t really see the “unwieldy” issue.
    If we want to break it up, why not monthly? the January chat thread, the February chat thread, etc. and at the end of each thread maybe the link could indicate a couple of high points of the thread to jog peeps memories if they want to go back to look for something.

    January chat: Harem pants, new BluRay disc, special edition tote bag!

    That way everyone knows when to move on and where to find everyone else. I post on another blog that does that and it works really well. I don’t think a month is too long for a thread, and it is a neat amount of time.

  45. Kradamour says:

    Or it could be a week if peeps think a month is too long.
    But the LA thread on MJs went on forever, without problem.

    And as the concerts come along (yay! concerts!), there will be more posts there and fewer in the random chat thread, so less incentive to cut it shorter.

    My two loonies, for what it’s worth.

  46. Kradamour says:

    OMG there was a facebook community to push the Quebec Summer Festival to invite Adam to perform! Who knew?

    (this isn’t the St. Agathe festival, it is the big one in Quebec City)
    Wonderful posts!

  47. rainbowgal4 says:

    jojosie I totally agree with you about James and the example he’s setting. I appreciate how courageous he’s been. He would be the one I would vote for if I felt that Haley was getting a fair shake. And no I don’t think your liking one or the other has anything to do with age. You are the youngest (in attitude) person I know.

    eywflyer Now that we have one place to gather for our Adam fandom I don’t think it will be hard for any of us to locate the most current chat. I like how it was done at mjs. Someone would put up a post saying everyone moved on and where to find them.

    As far as “unwieldy”= for me it depends on how much time I’ve got to go back and read. I know I miss some of the items I might need (ie how to post an avatar) but when that happens everyone shows how patient they are and they just restate the instructions. I go back to read past posts when I have time. When time is short I go back a couple of pages so I can post comments that are happening in “real time”. Hope this helps in making the decision on open threads.

  48. Kradamour says:

    Just went to the Idol tour page…apparently there are new VIP tickets this year ($250.00). Random idols will attend the VIP meet and greet, no promises for individual idols. That would never have worked for season 8. Every M&G would have had to have Adam…
    And he is everywhere on the tour site. Home page: tour pics from fans at prior tours. Yup, our boy is the sample/featured photo. Went to the list of tour locations and peeps’ comments. Things like “I went to Hamilton but only to see Adam.”
    I don’t know that he “broke” Idol, but he sure left a big footprint on it!

  49. Suz526 says:

    Kradamour says:
    I don’t know that he “broke” Idol, but he sure left a big footprint on it!

    Yep – after AI8, nothing was the same . . . (including us – LOL!)

  50. woozasam says:

    Just found this, thank you guys so much for carrying on. I mostly lurk but would be lost without you all.

    Not sure if this is an appropriate comment…..but what the HELL is going on with Adam and Monte!!! I’m a nervous wreck!

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