- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
Kradamour and eywflyer – thanks so much! Being short, I’m trying to get as close as possible.
eywflyer…still squished but usable. I’m using IE8 also. No complaints from me, I’m loving this site!
Page numbers and smileys added! It’s all good!
I think we now have at least the basic functionality we need for comments in the chat thread, please let me know if you find something broken.
This week I’ll be working on the drop down menus up at the top. The map link works, but want to get the concert stats from the GNT out of google spreadsheets and into readable pages here. Also going to try and put together mini-reports for each show, including links to our old chat threads, videos etc. It will definitely take some time to get those done for the whole GNT.
I’m glad ya’ll are enjoying the new site!
nekkid, I am on the fence re closer prestige tickets. I think that is going to be a personal choice, and depends upon one’s previous concert experience. I’ve been close, can’t imagine it being better than Paris, and I think I really want to have the overall pyro experience here. So I don’t need the prestige ticket but I might try to buy one just in case I change my mind. In for a penny in for a pound….
That’s an understatement, eywflyer! Hmmm…enjoying, thrilled by, enraptured with, grateful for, delighted by…!
(oops, I better stop. Lists are mils’ job LOL…)
Hello Everyone and thank you luval and dcglam for the heads up and invite to the site. I made it over and looks like I have some catching up to do.
Looks really good here eywflyer, adamland and suz526. Thank you for doing this.
I will have to catch up tomorrow, I have to get up early for work. Hope everyone had a wonderful Mother’s Day.
Welcome, glambotgram!
I am starting to have trouble remembering who is already here and who still needs to be invited…who is missing now, of the “usual suspects”?
You are very welcome! Sorry for such a long delay. LOL!
Hi! I see y’all have been busy commenting away. There are already several lurkers (you know who are
) that need to register and post. Don’t be lazy.
Site looking good so far.
HotelSpaWatel where most of us are staying at has a restaurant that seats 70, so we can start getting a headcount of who wants to be at the dinner there on July 28th so I can let Lise know if we need to reserve a part of the restaurant. If it’s just a 10 minute walk to the venue from there, we can keep our current reservations.
Suz, adamland, eywflyer, you’re all doing a great job.
eta: ayeeeyee!! look at the time! no wonder I’m here by myself. not even west coast peeps are around.
Good morning …MY GUYS!!!!
MY GUY!!!!
Simple words but they make me happy and my heart is full.
And here is the song:
ITA, asif! loved the phrasing. Not “my friend”, “my lover”, “my boyfriend”, “my significant other” or any of the other things that people say. I thought “my guy” was perfect for this stage of their relationship.
Loved that Adam tweeted it out, loved that he felt comfortable about sharing Mother’s Day with his “guy” and his good friends and his godson.
On stage: badass rockstar. Off stage: a mensch. He seems to have his priorities right where they belong.
^THIS^ … Krads … You are so eloquent.
Also loved that he had a great time with his loved ones on Mother’s Day, and shared the news with fans. He was with good company.
The tweeter world exploded with my guy and the love and support for them. ILHSFM
I don’t have much to say to stay on topic about concerts. No fat chances to go for me!!!
Can I post anything that relates to BB? Or I shouldn’t.
I really appreciate this site. I feel more welcome and more comfortable here.
And I can’t believe that Suz is with us. YAY !!!
She is a celeb. herself.
asifclueless – you are too funny. Def not a celeb – just a chick with a camera – LOL!!!! I was a daily lurker at MJs, and was thrilled to support two very dear friends (eywflyer and adamland) as they launched this amazing new site. It feels like home, doesn’t it?
Guys, I think it is pretty obvious that this is going to be a successful site. Are you planning to ask MJ to link it to her blog now that concert time is coming? She has always made it clear that she isn’t crazy about concert threads, and we Adam fans do have her scratching her head from time to time. This blog might be a relief to her. And of course you would link mj’s blog to this one.
The two blogs are very complementary.
Hmmm…tapping foot and looking at calendar…it is the 9th, yes? Need confirmation from Ste Agathe that Adam is going to perform there! and release of tickets for sale…
This is the first time that Ste Agathe has hosted a festival, and it is not a big place, and it looks to be a very big festival, so I guess we need to be patient while they figure things out.
Tap tap tap…
Guess I’ll check back later. Gorgeous day, I’ll get some gardening work done.
Hi…has tourquoisewaters posted here yet? Wonder if she knows about the site?
Kradamour…good morning! Isn’t that a link to Mj’s…upper right?
Happy belated Mother’s Day! Had a good day despite not being with my Son. He dutifully called from out of country so can’t complain.
Love the idea of dinner together on the 28th. Krad, we should be there in time, right???
Hi adamized!
I’m going to sign my name up for the dinner. Yes, should definitely get there on time…by mid afternoon.
Hello everyone!! I’ve been away from posting for so long. To much RL. Now it’s finally slowing down & was soooo happy to see the email about this site in my box this am. Came right over to register & say hello.
I know I’m to late to the party but I had to laugh. Just the other day I was thinking about starting up a site like this one so everyone could stay together. Especially after I noticed the posts on mjs about the concert threads. I was sad to think I might not be able to find all of you.
Suz526, eywflyer & adamland you are the best. I truly appreciate your effort and if I can help in any way let me know. Thank you for keeping us all connected. I so look forward to catching up with all the posters from the past and look forward to meeting all the new ones.
Could someone lend me a hand? I want to post an avatar and I cannot remember the process. It’s got nothing to do with age!! LOL Just my internal computer is just so full that I can’t retrieve the info. Thanks in advance for the guidance.
Hi Rainbowgal4! Good to see you again! Use gravatar.com to get your avatar. We went through the process on the first page! Good luck!
Hi rainbowgal!
Here’s the Link where you can register or, if you’re already registered, manage your photos to impliment them here.
Good Morning, nkd!
Great minds think alike, eh?
Good morning Ron! Great minds?!! Maybe!
This is a cut ‘n paste from an email I just received from one of my traveling companions to the Festival:
Not sure if I’m going to upgrade. Will wait to see how much they cost.
Thank you for that Ron! I want to be closer! Closer to washrooms is an added bonus!
Thank you Cher for taking the first steps towards organizing a get-together for all of the MJer’s! (I’m sure very shortly we’ll be referring to ourselves as the eywflyer’s. Do you offer Air Miles?)
If kradamour’s friend hasn’t suggested a better location, I’m for meeting in the Watel dining room at a yet to be determined time.
I’ve got to go for now. I’ll check back later for any breaking news!!!
Somewhere I saw a French post (a post on a French language site) that said the privilege zone tickets were about twice the price of the “regular” for individual tickets.
And somewhere in my overloaded internal computer (I totally “get” that, rainbowgal) I am thinking that I saw a passport for the privilege zone for $495 CDN but it isn’t there now, so either they sold out or my internal computer has a glitch.
To be honest, I am there this time for the fun of the concert/festival experience with you guys. Not feeling the need to be right at the stage. Happy to worship from (somewhat) afar.
Ron, if we are all at the Watel (or on a limb outside of it, in some cases) or next door, it frankly seems sensible to be there for dinner. Dunno about anyone else, but I am there for the camaraderie, not the decor or the foie gras. (shrugs) The location is almost irrelevant, and conveniencs trumps other things. IMHO. But I’ll still ask Nicolas (he was out of town this weekend, not checking email) if you like. Let me know how far you want me to go with that inquiry.
Ron,love your “new” avi!
Remember the old P.F.Flyer tennis shoes? Loved them. Random thought, sorry!
Hi kradamour! Interesting that you and I have the exact same mindset about the concert and the get-together. It makes perfect sense to meet ‘n greet in the Watel dining room. We can simply email or phone friends not staying at the Watel to let them know about it.
So, it looks like we don’t have to bother Nicolas!
The next step is to determine how many people will be attending so that we can give as close as possible the number of reservations to make to management.
There is, of course, plenty of time to put this together but, the sooner people start indicating what they plan to do on July 28th, the better.
I too am going for the camaraderie and the next day, seeing Adam perform, will be the icing on the cake.
We’re supposed to e-mail cher, right?…About saying yes to the dinner?
Hi luval!!! That hasn’t been determined yet. If Cher reads this, maybe she’ll decide then that it’ll be a good idea to email her … or not.
Hi Ron!….read cher’s post on this page at 4:49am. I think she says to e-mail her.
I’m going to wait until we hear further from Cher, luval. I think the implication is there but she didn’t come right out and say, “So, everyone email me if you plan to attend”. I’m sure she’ll let us know if she wants to take this on and if that’s the procedure she’d like us to follow.
Are you bringing “Adam, Jr.” with you?!??
He’ll need his own separate reservation. 
haha Ron…that’s the impression I got about her e-mail. That’s why I asked to see how anyone else “read” it.
Adam Jr. would get attacked I think! But who knows, maybe he’ll come and at least brighten up our room or the restaurant.
I thought it would be a good idea at this point to explain a bit more about the philosophy of this site, and its intended relationship to MJs. There is a new link under Important Information above called “Site Mission”, I would encourage everyone to read it when you have a chance.
Basically we intend to complement rather than compete with MJs (as Kradamour alluded to above). We will provide a home for the nightly concert threads, as well as for ongoing Adam chat. We don’t intend to post near-daily items concerning the latest Adam news/sighting/studio info. Folks are encouraged to continue reading about and commenting on such items at MJs.
I saw a question upthread from Asifclueless about staying on topic – the intent here with the general chat threads is that just about any Adam-related discussion (subject to the comment guidelines of course), discussion of plans to attend future concerts, general flailing, or personal chit-chat, is all ok. Since our chat threads aren’t really topical in nature, staying on topic is not so much of a concern.
We do plan to ask folks to stay more on topic in the concert threads, since there may be a considerable number of new people coming into those, and we don’t want them confused or intimidated by too much “insider chatter”.
Adamland and I are planning to have a discussion with MJ on these matters during the next few days.
If you have any questions or comments regarding the site mission/philosophy, please feel free to post here or contact the site admins using the right-side menu link.
luval, I rsvp’d to cher for the 4 of us (you, nekkid, her daughter, and me) – hope that was okay, she had sent me an email. Seemed good to let her know as soon as possible some preliminary numbers.
Thanks for that clarification, eywflyer.
The chat thread here is wonderful, and I hope that it just keeps going as one continuing thread. I would like to avoid having to check too many places. Love Adam and y’all, but I have a pretty complex RL right now and want to stay caught up with AL (that would be Adam Life) as easily as possible.
Many, many thanks for making this blog happen!
Hi luval, ron, krad It’s fine to email me with the rsvps. Most everyone has my email anyway. What’s another 20-30 or so?
I’m very easygoing Ron. Anything goes. I’ll take the headcount. YOU and luval can plan the get together festivities minus the glittery Tarzan outfit. heh We welcome anyone with ideas or suggestions/volunteers for the dinner partaayy!! We r gonna have a blast!!
Kradamour, we do intend to keep the general chat threads going for long periods of time, so that should provide a good home for the continuing conversation. During hiatus periods between tours, we plan to keep just one thread at a time open for comments, to make it easier for Adamland and I to keep an eye on things. When a new general chat thread gets posted, we’ll post a notice in the old thread redirecting folks to the new one, and close the old thread to further comments.
When we start having nightly concert threads again, we’ll probably keep the latest general chat thread open too for the more off-topic discussion.
There will be one other type of post, which will be ticket onsale/availability information. Probably won’t have one of those posts every time tickets go onsale for any show, but would on important dates such as we saw last year when several concerts go on sale at once. We haven’t decided what to do about comments on those posts yet – but might ask that they be restricted to ticket buying success/failure reports. Of course the general chat thread would still be available for comments at such times.
MAJOR news events (such as Adam getting nominated for or winning a Grammy) would probably get their own thread here, but events like that will be rare.
Couple of reasons for not having more threads here – first being that posting all those and monitoring the comments on them would just be too difficult for Adamland and myself to keep up with. Also we really do want to encourage folks to continue going to MJs for the daily news type info. Of course folks are welcome to chat about such items here too, but such discussion will occur in the current general chat thread rather than a specific thread on that topic.
I’m thrilled that everyone is enjoying the new site, and look forward to much fun and excitement as we head toward Adam’s next tour, along with plenty of great chat!
Well, speak of the Devil! Actually a MUCH more appropriate word for Cher is Angel!
I’ll send you an email, then. Unfortunately, I won’t be able to attend.
You know, if I only knew what room I was going to be in, I’d invite people to begin the evening in my-room-whatever-that’s-going-to-be and then go down to the dining room. We’ll see. Just a thought.
kradamour…great…thanks for contacting cher!!
Oh I still go to mj’s for headline threads and such, but like kradamour says, Adam is the only one for me!! I do follow mj’s for DWTS and idol live blog show. Only 3 more weeks for Idol. And I’m guessing she’ll do a thread for So You Think You Can Dance too…one of my favorite shows.
But I feel much more comfortable here discussing Adam than in the feathers. (although I miss feathers
All of s sudden I’m confused. The dinner is on Thursday the 28th right? Ron, you’re not going??
Thank you Kradamour for responding to Cher for me. I would have done that when I got home this evening.
Ron, you’re kidding, right???
Thank you Cher for taking the head count!
Just kidding, luval.
I’ll be there with what is shaping up to be 8 guests.
Of course Ron is kidding. He’s the party planner!! Y’all know he’d never miss that partaay!!! He’s probably planning his eye opening outfit right now as we speak! Ron, I guess I’ll be wearing dark glasses to the dinner… prepared for the glittery/bedazzled outfit I assume we’ll be honored/stunned with?
I personally am extremely grateful to MJ for “introducing” us to each other. I go to her blog as much as possible for The Voice, Idol, DWTS and anything else that catches my eye.
It’s great that her site is so popular at certain times. Proud to be an MJer. 
I like to keep up with all the idols and love the headlines threads. My only beef is that when idol is on, it’s literally impossible to get on the site. It’s deluged with live bloggers and readers. I like to get my two cents in, but it’s hard to get on and stay on.