- Velvet
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- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
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AL, where is your toaster?!
Hi. I’m entering the fray. Let’s see if the tech geek has any success…
Yeah baby, I’m in. Hi everybody {{ waving }}. I’m back from Gaga-land!! Did anybody else watch tonight? How f*cking awesome was that show?
I was just going by Ron’s earlier post so am not sure if the “larger site” is Tessier Beach or not. In any case, the map shows Plage Tessier Beach.
It’s a new toaster. Do you prefer the old one? At least I am seeing a new toaster. What are you seeing?
I give up. You can see me but I can’t see you!
AL, I see a new rainbow toaster! Cool!
Ron, we do see you. Maybe when you log on again you’ll be able to see us too!
Hi mils!
Ron, now I see a new avatar picture for you!
AL, I like your new toaster, it’s rainbow and colorful. It’s not a toaster oven though. So, you’ll have to make do with just slices of toast. Your toaster oven was probably more versatile as a culinary device. You know, you could cook bigger things in it. Like strudel. Or meatloaf.
Aww. Geez. I’d better go to sleep. I’m getting naughty. And I just joined here. If anybody is looking for me I’ll be in my corner. Since it’s a new place, it will need some decorating though…harrumph. I’m not alone here. Move over nkd…
Ron, when I refreshed just now your avatar looks completely different! Did you change the picture or something?
Thanks, dcglam. I just love the very first part where Adam says how loyal and generous his fans are. I don’t perceive the kind of affection he seems to demonstrate to us coming from any other of today’s stars, I mean, Adam’s affection seems to be real affection.
I can see all the avi’s. Ron, you look gorgeous!
I’ve tried that, nkd. I changed my avatar and see that it’s changed on MJ’s but not here.
I also can’t use the “edit post” option. The box is blank … no text.
HI, MILS!!!!! {waves, can you see me down here in Florida?}
Don’t like that pic … that I can see on MJ’s. Going to use one of my old one’s.
Yup. I can see you all the way down to Florida Riskylady!!
Hey, did anybody follow the trail from our old thread and go to that link from Homeplanet for the Kradison thread? Has anything funnier ever been done? Besides Michelle Collins?
I did! I also saw her when she came to SD. She is amazing!!!
Ron, there is a problem on your end! We can all see you just fine. Either avatar! Change it to one that you like!
I had a chance to see Gaga when she came to Milwaukee 2 days before I went to see Adam in Rockford and Peoria. I didn’t go because I couldn’t find anybody who would see her with me. Not even my friend I saw Adam with.
But, if I had seen her and Adam twice in the same week, I think my mind/body would have been in such a state of entertainment overload It would have taken even longer to “recover!”
Suz, I’m glad you saw her. Tonight while watching her, I kept thinking of all the similar elements in their shows.
Ron, I can see both avi’s. The new one is very nice too!
All right. Since we don’t have clouds or feathers on this new thread to curl up into, I’ll need to find a nice cozy spot somewhere, maybe someplace near the lap. How nice of Adam to be sitting in this picture…a ready made lap to sit on. Night-night!
I was impressed with the way she connected with her audience. Just like with Adam, it was a love fest. I was sitting behind a 6’+ young guy dressed in a “Poker Face” outfit. And no one batted an eye . .
HI *waves frantically* – I just signed up. I am so excited
How is everybody?
Hi GH!!!
Hi greenhippo!
Suz, I just saw Rock of Ages with Constantine, there were tons of people dressed up like 80’s rockers, girls just in total costumes, hilarious. And, there must be Rock of Ages groupies, that follow the show from town to town, they were calling out lines, and carrying on. That was such a blast!
I just saw it recently too, we had no groupies though but plenty of dressed up ppl
so is this another EAST coast blog???
Well, it’s late at night, and I can’t sleep, but, I’m not on the east coast. I am on the coast of Lake Michigan though..
So, GH, did you like it?
Mils, I followed the Kradison thread (you know, that’s my fave concert!) and yes, she’s hilarious! Going to have to make it a regular read LOL. The description of “the GROPE” is epic. If anyone ever invents a time machine, I am going back just for that concert.
Not really…Editor Suz526 is west coast. I’m temporarily west coast but will be central after this summer. Eywflyer is the east coaster. Hope more west coasters come on board.
adamland – well with over 120 posts in just a few hours, I would say the chances are very good
what? Rock of ages? LOVED it!!
I am also WEST Coast
but the times on here are going with East Coast time, that’s all I noticed.
That is just because eywflyer is located on the east coast. We are a multi zone blog!
A voting exercise:
11 minutes ago
I will need to say bye bye…. just wanted to check in anyway. See ya!
Tommy at a wedding:
Adam pic at Prince http://yfrog.com/h08pvuxj
@h2oconvo: That was Adam Lambert, to clarify, on stage dancing at Prince’s concert
Adam is in there somewhere! http://yfrog.com/hshohbhj
trending on twitter
Anyone see this: brought this over from the feathers.
I take back what I said about emo hair…that it’s silly for a 29yr old man. You go Adam!! And he’s wearing his new boots.
And this close up:
Yess, emo hair is back! Adam looks much younger …
Wow. Talk about a two-fer. Imagine seeing the glammed out Prince show, AND having Adam near you, dancing, with Sauli, then the treat of Adam dancing up on stage. Wow.
Did anybody notice our boy being nice and helping someone up on stage? Not a surprise at all. That boy is a nice boy.
Speaking of which, it’s Mother’s Day! Happy Mom’s Day to everybody! And, Happy Birthday to my daddy today too!
Hi!…milw…I did see Adam help her up on stage! He started dancing with her too. I just wuv him. And I guess I’m feeling (cougary…you word lol) again with the emo back. Well, it’s that sort of half emo!
Sometimes I get tongue-tied when trying to describe Adam to people who ask “what’s so special about him?”. So I had this top 10 list from juneau/xena from July 2010. I know we could adds tons more since then.
Yes, but, luval, all I ever need to do is gaze at your avatar honey. Sighs….
He’s funny.
His laugh.
He’s a loyal friend.
He’s a loyal boyfriend.
His Eyes. Baby. Eyes.
yeah, baby…fierce NOLA Adam! My acquaintences wouldn’t get it. LOL (I don’t think the smiley faces work her yet)
eta…I like your list. I’d never be able to memorized the top ten one. I’d have to keep that paper and drag it out all the time!
YAY!!!!! I’m in! Hi everyone. So excited about the concert in July and about being together again. Happy to see so many faces.
Alright. This mother, daughter of a mother, sister of a mother, needs to do some shopping….
Think I’ll listen to the EP while driving today. That does tend to give me a certain level of bliss.
ETA: Hi TLKC! Everybody seems to be dipping a toe in the pool now. One by one. All the peeps are finding us!