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All Love – No Hate. I’m getting all emotional.
AI on site Adam report:
jlurksacto Thanks for posting the twit from the AI finale. I was dying to know how folks in the audience responded to having the great one in their midst. I would have loved to have been there to see his enthusiasm for the show. I am so happy that he had someone special to be on his arm tonight. Realized that I was getting used to seeing him without a lot of makeup. It was a bit of a shock to see him more glammed up again.
Can’t wait for Moscow!
I watched last night too, started out rough with Durbin, but got better after he quit screeching. Did not like Jacob at all. Hated what they did to Haley, I agree Mils they are still giving her crap. She sounded amazing but they could have given her someone current to sing with.
Where is all the outrage and frantic calls to Fox on Gaga’s performance? She all but actually fu??ed the guy on top of the mountain. Such a bunch of garbage. Don’t get me wrong I liked her song but am also getting tired of her schtick, and so sick of the double standard.
Quite a few racy performances for a show that wants a “wholesome” idol.
Carrie was awesome as usual but really showed how weak Lauren really is as a singer.
Oh well they have “country Bieber” now. He will probably do better than the last couple of winners.
Good morning!

I saw Adam in the audience for the whole 2 seconds, but to be fair, he was one of the few Idols to be shown at ALL. I saw Cook and Lee and I guess that’s it.
I LOVE picture of Adam and Sauli holding hands on the red carpet.Being in love agrees with Adam…
jlurksacto,thanks for that twit, I guess Adam had to leave earlier due to his trip to Russia. Every minute counts.
As to “surprise” winning of Scotty? I couldn’t care less. Nor most of the country.
Oh, and GaGa. I was really enjoying her performance on the “family oriented” American Idol…
Okay, I’m going on a limb here because everyone on this blog knows that I am an Adam fan
tard. Sometimes critical but always supportive. Today, too.But does it bother anyone else that Sauli is visually becoming a mini-Adam? (Red carpet pics) In each photo since his arrival here, Sauli has looked more and more like Adam. (Clothing, accessories, hairstyle, possible makeup)
Don’t get me wrong, I think they looked great together and I really like what I have seen of Sauli, he seems like a decent grounded nice smart funny guy. But Adam is a pretty dominant figure to everyone around him. For any relationship to work long-term, both partners have to have a strong self and center.
It just seems a little creepy that Sauli is becoming a tiny blond Adam. In the picture, he made me think for a split second of a ventriloquist’s dummy, could almost see him sitting on Adam’s lap.
Okay, clearly it is time for me to stop typing. I would not say any of this on any other site, and bottom line it is all about the music but for the music to continue Adam needs to be happy. I really want this relationship, whether or not a forever relationship, to be strong and good (and that it end well, if it is to end, unlike what Adam has said about his other love). Nothing will kill a relationship faster than one partner becoming subsumed by the other.
ETA: I am probably reading way too much into this.
kradamour,no , I didn’t get that impression.
Sauli looks comfortable in Adam’s presence, not intimidated or hanging on. Remember Drake? He always looked like he doesn’t want to be photographed, really uncomfortable.
I think that Sauli is doing the best he can considering his situation. He struck me as a proud man, not somebody who wants to became Adam’s clone.
Anyway, I noticed that Adam dropped that “pouting” look on the red carpet, now he is always smiling and radiating happiness.
And Kradamour – every relationship is a little tug of war, and the point is to find a healthy compromise.Adam admitted that he is a sort of control freak and he is now learning how to overcome this.
I’m not worrying…
I immediately thought the same thing. And not even just Gaga. Lots of in your face butt-shaking and too short dresses all evening long. I guess the children will be okay as long as the country boy wins.
If Adam left early I guess he missed Steven Tyler.
I don’t see the mini-me and here’s what I see. I thought of another gay male couple who are seen and photographed together and the only one that comes to mind are Neil patrick Harris and his partner. They both had on black suits and ties with white shirts. You could say they resembled each other. I think when it’s two men this comes into play. Now two women like Ellen and Portia look totally different. But men are like penguins…all look alike! Lol
I want to add, however, kradamour I think I realize it’s not just the clothes you’re referring to. Am I correct?
kradamour: I know what you are saying, but I’m not too worried. Their faces look just genuinely happy. Sauli seems remarkably cool and at piece with himself. Maybe next time they can switch shoes
Russian interivew
another link
No, luval, it is just the clothes, hair, accessories, jewelry, the physical stuff. Sauli does look very at peace, comfortable, happy in the shadows of Adam’s limelight without needing to personalize it or be a part of it. I think that is really healthy.
And the point made that all men are penguins when they dress up is well taken.
But these weren’t penguin suits. Adam never wears a penguin suit. And it goes beyond the clothes to the hair, even the gloves…these things are so “Adam”.
I guess it is the point raised that Adam has said numerous times that he is a control freak. He dresses/accessorizes lots of peeps. My guess is that Lane, for ex., used to look very different. (I always think she really wants to wear a power suit, and actually it would suit her better. What WAS that outfit last night???)
And as long as Sauli keeps a sense of humor about it, which he seems to, it’s all fun and silly.
But that red carpet pic just set off a warning bell for me. I have known so many couples who started to try to change the look of a partner and it was the beginning of more control and an eventual end to the relationship.
So I have expressed my concern, said my piece, was at least partly reassured, and I’m done.
And I cannot tell you guys how much I appreciate your thoughtful responses, free of flaming and trollery. Mwah!
You’re awesome, nekkid, that was so cool!
Sounds like no GN? Adam was talking about choosing a cool outfit to wear on stage. I didn’t think he would really do a complete repeat of GN, that is the past and Adam moves on.
Hmmm…getting excited about this!
I cannot imagine flying from LA to Moscow and putting on a show with that much jetlag. Adam is such a trouper.
Very awkward when the one male radio guy tried to go down the sleeping with a friend path in broken English…
kradamour, do you really think that Lane looks different because of Adam? I think it’s more due to the crowd Adam is hanging with. The are
all,mostly artistic, creative people and it might’ve changed her image.Wasn’t Lane assigned to David A. before?
nekkid, thanks for the interview. Since I still understand russian, I had double fun.
I thought Lane looked a mess too. Just random things thrown together. Her power suits look so much better. Of course that didn’t help her attitude in Paris did it, kradamour.
If this was posted earlier forgive me but even thought the Idol telecast didn’t show Adam much (Ron I did catch the same glance that you did) this twitter post shows that he did get a lot of attention for the studio crowd.
Thank you Oksana and retjenny for the validation! I was beginning to doubt myself that I’d caught a glimpse of Adam at the Idol finale.
kradamour, I understand your concerns. I’d only start to become really concerned though if the next Sauli sighting shows him sporting 2-inch thick blonde eyebrows.
But Ron, then you could knit a TWO toned sweater!
Ron, you cracked me up!
I think that unless Adam starts waxing his eyebrows,we will have to accept his looks. Having head of fabulous hair comes with having thick hair EVERYWHERE. Luckily Adam is natural ginger, so we don’t see it THAT MUCH.
Kradamour, Yeah, I think you are. I for one am not concerned in the least. He commented in his twitter party the other night, that he is in love, and that is what I see when they are together…just love!!! I don’t sense that Sauli is a clothes horse by any stretch and he wears things that I know Adam would probably throw out if he had his way, so I really don’t think he is controlling him; maybe just tossing in some advice. I see Sauli dressing as the dude and Adam as the dudette, it’s all good to me and NOT TO WORRY!!!!
Why there is that constant need to pick on Adam by any fourt-rate journalist? I’m reading “Five Big Idol Don’ts—Are You Listening, Scotty McCreery?” in E.online and of course Adam is singled out. And then …3,2,1…comments from God fearing,good ole folks of US of A.(yes, Wendy, I’m looking at ya)
I see signs of just the opposite of Sauli accommodating Adam. In Sauli’s bio it states that he loves sport – love to ski, snowboard, play soccer, etc. We know how Adam like sports – especially “water sports”. When they were on vacation we saw Addy out there sipping around on the jet ski having a ball.
retjenny, very good observation. Didn’t Sauli said that they start day with jogging? And we know how Adam likes jogging..
Excited for Moscow! Well we get an e-mail or site to go to if there is a live stream, and twitter, What time will he be going on PST?
Miss Chaos, 2AM PST.Or something like that.
Late to the party.
Have to delurk to send my best wishes to my hero …
Happy Belated Birthday SUZ526!!!
May all your wishes come true !!!
Love this tweet from Mia Tyler!
Miss Chaos, we will post the twitter list link (courtesy of the fine folks at @lambert_live), but not any possible stream links. Email me using the administrators link under Site Contacts (right hand menu above) if you want more information.
According to the Maxidrom website, Adam is scheduled to be onstage 130-3 PM Moscow time, which is 530-7 AM EDT, and 230-4 AM PDT.
Hi eywflyer…Just tried your link to e-mail you and it said “404 does not exist”. Also click on administrators, site admin and neither of them work for me.
Thanks, so dah-PST gets the show first before EST? I am so clueless about timezones. We get stuff first for a change. how funny is it that Steven Tylers daughter remarks about Adam like that! Wonder what Steven thinks about that.
asif, it’s not belated..heheh
It is still May 26 in the US.
Miss Chaos, no , we both get the show at exactly the same time.It just happens to be 2:30 on the West Coast and 5:30 on the East Coast…
I read somewhere, that attendance at the Maxidrome is about 50,000 , just don’t know if this is in total,or for each concert. Anyway, looks impressive.
Happy Trails gang! @Monterrific @TommyJoeRatliff @UhHuhHerMusic @IsaacTheCarp @adamlambert
I think Dadbert wish he could go to Russia with Ad and the Glam Band.
Heh, Ron. Or wedge boots…
I love the wedge boots.
luval, I fixed the contact site admins link from the right-hand menu, thanks for pointing that out.
thanks, eywflyer!
And just double checking…the Moscow show is SUNDAY morning 5am-ish EDT, correct? (not Saturday am).
Luval, no it’s Saturday. Moscow is 8 hours ahead. The show is 1:30PM Moscow time on Saturday, which is 5:30 AM Saturday EST.
thank you Oksana2000. I can’t seem to keep my time zones straight. Would hate to be late to the party!
Here is your proof, Ron, Oksana, and retjenny!
I find it quite interesting (and fabulous) that the very first person the camera went to on this finale was Adam!!
Yeah, I remember that moment, but if you blinked…it was gone.
Luckily I was taping finale, so I could watch it later again..and again..and again..and again..
Happy Birthday to Suz!!
RE: Sauli styling like Adam. I don’t think he’s copying anything. He has always worn black/white/gray clothes and boots of some kind. He has been spotted shopping with Adam several times. I think he’s just upping his style because he’s A) In LA B) In public being snapped by TMZ and paps a few times a week C) Is attending events alongside a fashion icon D) Just landed a job essentially in PR/public arena.
In other words, I don’t think he’s a mini-Adam. I think he’s just werking it. Wouldn’t any of you? I know I shopped like crazy just for my M&G’s!!! HeeHee…
mils, not only that, but clothing here is much cheaper than in Finland.I have friends who fly here from Europe just for buying high end clothing.
Not only that, but haven’t we all changed a bit during these past two years of Adam — maybe not physically, but certainly mentally? I know that he has been an influence on my way of thinking (and my husband’s) as well. The guy is a constant inspiration to all of us as he is to all of his fans. In a way, I look at Sauli as being one of us.
How old is Sauli? 26? I don’t think that any woman can change 26 old man ( only delusional ones think that they can) and the same goes for man.
I love that deglam. He is one of us BUT he is the one that found the Golden Ticket!