- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
Before I get back in the corner, I have to admit, that ice cream is the last thang I think of when I hear the word Magnum….
I’ve worked with the elderly for most of my career. In most nursing homes there is a menu rotation. So, for instance, Friday was fish, Tuesday was chicken, what have you. After reading about all this liver talk today, I realized that liver seems to have fallen off the menu in most places. Those old folks would be fussy and not eat most stuff, but, on liver and onion day, they used to have clean plates. Go figure.
But, Ron, your sandwich is all kinds of yuck for me. Sorry. I’ll take a BLT any day. Heavy on the B.
Any chance our boy will pop up at tonight’s Billboard awards? Maybe a red carpet werk out. Boy can werk a red carpet I’ll tell ya!!
The Billboard Music Awards are on tonight. Wonder how Adam did on the fan favorite voting. (you had to write his name in).
Ha mils…our posts are two minutes apart about the Billboard awards. I’ll probably watch for an hour then turn on my second tv for Celebrity Apprentice finale.
I too wonder how Adam did on the Billboard awards write in. I voted a couple of times, but that Billboard site is annoying to vote on. It takes too long to load.
CODYSMOM, the corner is looking very nice. We’ve gotten the Adamphernalia moved and in place, and even have some new pieces! The addition of the bedbert pics has me mesmerized for most of the day!
There are frequent visitors to the corner lately.
nkd, glambotgram let me out.
And thanks luval. I did groceries this afternoon and just happened by the ice cream aisle. Guess what? The Magnum bars were on sale so I bought some. Now I can add “don’t read this blog before doing groceries” to the old adage “don’t do groceries on an empty stomach”! Now off to the corner to experience pleasure with Magnum!
Hey nkd, love what you’ve done to the place! I could get really comfy in here!
Storms are officially here. It’s one of those things where it finally got nice out today, but now the skies are upset with the change in temperature, so now we get hail, wind, rain, and some areas may see a twister. I’m very close to the Lake, so everything blows over us. It’s very rare to have a tornado so close to the lake.
So, here’s my new dilemma. I have a new job, but it’s still my old job, just a new area. Anyway, I finally have a desk/cubby of my own. Are you guys thinking what I’m thinking?
I might just have a place to hang my free calendar, with 6 months left of beautiful pictures. My only problem, is that the gal in the cubby next to mine has signs about praying everyday, and her calendar is a verse a day thingie. I’m thinking she might be offended. Dammit. I still don’t have a place to hang it. Maybe I’ll order the new coffee cup and use it for my pens. It has the angel wings like his jacket did at Kradison. It can remind me of my M&G in Rockford, where he wore that jacket.
On second thought, anything Adam related at work is just going to be too distracting. Not to mention the silly grin it’ll give me all the time.
I’m gonna go back to the corner now. With 2 TV’s. One for the BB awards, and one for my Desperate Housewives/Brothers and Sisters. Which just got canceled. Dammit again.
Aw mils, your post started off good then went downhill. What I do at work now is put tiny rhinestones around the nurses’ station. Hiding in plain sight. My boss has no idea and my co-workers love it! This is my signature thing as I mentioned before…putting one rhinestone in every hotel I’ve stayed in on the last tour. ok..maybe it’s glam. Like I said yesterday, I think Adam was saying he is tired of saying the word “glam” but it doesn’t mean he’ll stop totally.
Oh, AL…I went to magnum’s website and read the “nutritional” value. Yikes is all I can say! So enjoy and give us a report.
Mils I feel ya on the weather we have had rain or heat and super humidity all week. Finally cleared up today but more rain for the next week, the mosquitoes are thriving.
Never seen a Magnum bar either but I do love Dark Chocolate Dove bars.
mils, liver has gotten a bad rap in recent years because it is in the liver that bad stuff accumulates: antibiotics and hormones in feed, other contaminants, etc.
ADA recommends very limited eating of all organ meats.
In the US it was generally loathed because cooked into shoe-leather format. Other cultures treat it with more respect and cook it much more lightly, so it isn’t dry and grey and tasteless.
Kinda like our steaks in the US that are cooked to the point that they can only be eaten with so much sauce that the taste of the steak is completely overwhelmed (especially since the taste of the steak was cooked out of it, anyway).
In France, there is a steak done-ness that is one level below our rare. It is called “bleu” (blue, duh) and it is steak that is barely cooked at all.
…”bedbert” photos…
Too funny, nekkid!
I’ve been in the kitchen all this time making fresh Liver ‘n Onion Hoagies for everyone. I’m coming by with a tray … please help yourselves.
Watched a Canadian hour long and very interesting interview this afternoon with Lady Gaga. I was left wondering if what she said is how most touring artist’s operate and how it might apply to Adam.
I didn’t realize that there were two Monster Tours(?) She said that after the first one, “I was bankrupt. I had no money”. For emphasis she repeated, “NO MONEY”. Her manager told her that, after all the discussions about her concept of the show and they realized all the money that would need to go into the production, she would be 30 million dollars in debt. Her answer to that was, “Let’s do it. Just keep booking me and I’ll pay it off”.
I have to admire her courage and her confidence. I guess taking that kind of chance is what is necessary to build a huge, really huge, fan base to ensure your longevity.
I wonder if Adam will be following along those same lines. I wonder if that’s what must be done to cement a career in that business. The “business” part of “show” sounds really scary to me.
On a different, kind of amusing, note she said that she wanted to be carried in that “embryo” to the Grammy Awards because, “I HATE the Red Carpet!” “Being in that thing meant I wouldn’t have to talk to anyone”. “I hate talking”.
She had to mean “talking [on the Red Carpet]” because there she was being interviewed and the interviewer didn’t bat an eye.
nkd,would love to see the corner.I may even have one or two thing’s I could loan you to use,just so you would be more comfortable.
Hi Ron… Thanks for telling us about GaGa’s interview. Her “production” is getting rediculous. I think she has a nice voice and doesn’t need all that other crap on stage with her. (maybe just some crap). She’s lucky it finally paid off. I hear people say they are over her now. She’s everywhere. She’ll be on Letterman tomorrow night,GMA on Friday. Read (in Billboard) that her singles have stalled on the charts and they’re not sure why.
I think Adam seems to be good businessman as we’ve seen. Recycles clothes, minimal stage props, uses his friends whenever possible. I love this aspect about him.
Geez, on the BB Music Awards they filmed PitBull from the waist up. His dress pants were soooooooo tight…well it was no GB but yipes.
haha Don’t think there is another GB out there.
Hi luval!!
Getting feedback that the “Fab Five” here in Toronto want to get together for Pride Day on June 26th. TLKC is part of the “Fab Five”. I’m not a part of the (original) “Fab Five” but I guess I am now because it’s called the “Fab Five + 1”. I’m the + 1.
I don’t suppose you want to drive here or, most likely, won’t be able to take time off from work to be here for that, do you? There’s also the much bigger plan next month in Quebec.
Interesting … the gay guy here could care less about Pride Day and planned to stay in but the five straight women want to part-ey! If they’re going to be there though, so will I.
Hi Ron….damn…June 26th is my work weekend. But I’ll be thinking of ya!!
Well, if you’re not going, I’m not going. However, Doreen is coming here from Hamilton (40 miles from Toronto) and I haven’t seen her since Adam’s birthday party so … I think I’ll join them afterall.
You’ll be missed!
Aw thanks, Ron. I love all my trips and I know there will be many more! What about the MuchMusic Awards? Are you still camping out? I imagine not if our boy isn’t going to be there, but who knows…maybe he’ll surprise us all.
haven’t heard a reference to GB for a while…
A couple of days ago I had to log in to my son’s school grade website. It starts with http://www.gb. and then continues.
Of course I stopped in my tracks when I was typing the website and half thought “why on earth…”? for just that split second…
kradamour….you just cracked me up about that website address!
I’ll have to check with TLKC about that. Adam IS nominated but I’m not sure if that will be a televised award presentation. Or, that he’ll even be here.
Your friend … Lady Gaga … is going to perform.
(nods in agreement with minor change noted above!)
I flove GaGa. “Speechless” just stops my heart every time I hear it.
For me, it is because it just isn’t that new; it sounds too much like Fame Monster.
But what do you do if you are GaGa and have made everyone sit up and take notice (regardless of whether that notice is positive or not) and now have to do a second album? The stakes and the expectations are too high! She must have entered into production of the sophomore album with a measure of absolute panic.
I would hate for Fame Monster to be her Thriller, the album that can’t be topped – not so early in her career. But I am afraid that it could be.
GaGa has said in several older interviews that she wouldn’t be caught dead in jeans and a tee shirt. But just recently she was asked again and she said “of course I wear this when I’m alone at home”. I think she may make a 180 degree turn in her schtick. As usual I’m probably wrong but it would be interesting to see what comes next with her.
This is interesting, since he usually starts following new people when he has either recently met or worked with someone. Not to read too much into this…but I want to!!!
Totally random post here…I just love that Adam went to see Bridesmaids with both Tommy and Sauli. Or maybe I just love the picture of the three of them standing together in line to buy the tickets, Adam flanked by two cute blonde guys much shorter than he is. I’d love a pic of that!
kradamour, I’ve been shopping in the same grocery store for 10 years and I wasn’t looking for it, so therefore, never noticed it but nonetheless saw it yesterday: canned Poutine!!
I’ll bring as many as you want to Ste-Agathe so how many can I put you down for? Real, authentic, genuine Poutine … in a can. You’ll have to add your own frites, though. And cheese.
Cost: $1.59 per can.
Aaahh I get it, it is a can of gravy. Hmm I think we can buy gravy in a can here. But maybe not where Kradamour lives.
Speaking of things in a can, last year a pretty prim and proper teacher at our school retired and I bought her a can of Spotted Dick. I gave it to her with a poem that all the lines rhymed with the name, using words like lick, stick, prick, quick, etc. I saw her at a bridal shower on Friday night and she told me she still has it and can’t bring herself top eat it.
funny what you can get in a can.
(Spotted Dick…WTF?)
Ron, what a lovely thought! You had me going for a minute, though, thinking about cheese and fries and sauce in a can! (ugh, but it would be lovely to be able to just pull a can down from a shelf when I need a poutine fix!)
Poutine sauce comes lots of ways. I usually stock up on the powdered kind when I go to QC, there is a little shop on the road between QC and Jackman ME. They have the cheese in bulk and several types of sauce. Surprisingly, the powdered sauce mix has fewer artificial ingredients than the canned sauce and I think it tastes better. (St. Hubert is the best brand IMHO.) I also have a good recipe to make it from scratch. But thank you for the reminder that I need to stock up on poutine sauce when I am there!
(glambotgram, poutine sauce is not any kind of American gravy. It is definitely a unique taste.)
Hi glambotgram!!
Ah, yes. Spotted Dick. And, you spotted it in a can. There’s a restaurant in Toronto by that name and it’s simply (milw’s, mind out of the gutter) pudding with currants in it. The currants make it spotted.
GaGa has TEN million twitter followers. Had no idea.
g’nite peeps!
http://www.canadianfavourites.com/St_Hubert_Sauce_p/sthubert001.htm, http://www.canadianfavourites.com/St_Hubert_Sauces_Can_398ml_p/sthubert06.htm
Abundant adorableness here: http://yfrog.com/h4k5xepj
Adam, baby Riff, and Macy Gray. I love Macy Gray! Can you imagine Adam and Macy singing together?? And Adam with baby Riff is just cuteness overload.
Looks very familiar, jlurksacto.
Hah!! I wasn’t home but I smelled food here!! hah!! I loooooovvvvve liver and onions Ron my friend. Magnum ice cream…hmmm….guess I’ll go check it out. I love food convos. codysmom, you can get passport pics at Walgreens, UPS outlet stores and some US post office stores in strip malls accept passport applications as well. Hope you have your birth certificate handy. I would have no clue where mine is…ooops. Good luck. Would love to meet you. Food talk..now I’m hungry. Gone to get something to eat.
Good evening, I’m very pleased to report that renataademelo has graciously agreed to help us out with thread moderation, starting with the Moscow concert this coming weekend! We are very grateful for her help!
Also, I was wondering if anyone is still in touch with mlg, it would be very cool if we could have those wonderful posters for the shows this summer as we did during the Glam Nation Tour.
Yay Renata! Thanks so much for your willingness to moderate concert threads! That’s awesome.
Before I go to bed, eywflyer, please let me tell you what a great job you’re doing and, I’m sure I speak for everyone when I also say, how much we appreciate all of your efforts to make this our home, our Adam Lambert home, possible for us!
You’re a treasure and I hope that one day I’ll have the privilege of meeting you in-person.
Thanks for everything!
And now … off to bed. Good night.
Ron thank you for your kind words, I’m happy with how the site is progressing and very pleased that folks are enjoying it! I’m also so grateful that adamland, suz526 and renataademelo have joined in this effort.
I’d love to make it to Quebec and meet everyone, but probably gonna have to wait for the next event as I was already committed to a West Coast trip that weekend before Adam’s concert was announced.
Tonight’s site work was inspired by cwm‘s comment about looking back at Adam’s AI performances. I’ve added a new drop-down menu labeled “Pre-Idol & AI” which will eventually link to all of Adam’s AI songs plus selected pre-Idol ones. So far have added “Is Anybody Listening”, “Dust in the Wind” (one of my all-time favorite Adam performances), and “Jesus On Their Minds”, plus the beginning of the AI journey with “Satisfaction”, “Black or White” and “Ring of Fire”.
Good night!
Ron Now I don’t often allow anyone to speak for me but in this case I’ll make an exception. I could not have said it better myself.
Thank You eywflyer adamland, and suz526. This site is the best.
Wow lots of poutine goodness. I think I may try to make it on concert day, just to join in the fun. Have to gather supplies.
Aww Riff and Adam beautiful.
Awww, eywflyer, I’m touched to have inspired your decision to catalog Adam’s Pre-Idol and Idol songs. Course, it was YOU posting his performance with Queen on the S8 finale night which inspired me to revisit all of his AI performances! Adam’s pre-Idol and Idol work includes some amazing performances and recordings. Thank you for creating that new list — and thanks for everything you’re doing to make this site a great home!
Talk about catalogs, the first page of the Adam Lambert thread at DDD is an AMAZING compendium of Adam’s music and performances — tons and tons of links to just about every song he’s ever done. It’s like one-stop shopping, and might make it easy to find whatever you’re looking for. Plus, on that page they summarize all of the technical discussions they’ve had about Adam’s voice and technique. It’s pretty cool and an amazing resource.
Yup, Ron spoke for me, too, and did it beautifully.
Thanks, guys. This is obviously a labor of love and you’re doing it perfectly.
cwm, “AMAZING” is right. That compendium is (insert superlative adjective here) and I would never have found it on my own – thank you for posting!
Two cool things:
Adam’s VH1 Behind the Music episode is set to air on August 10:
Adam did great on the AfterElton 2011 Hot 100 Men list: (I won’t spoil it for you)
Wonder who won Billboard fan favorite?
cwm, it makes me crazy that the pic in both of your links is the one with black makeup and facial hair. That was Adam’s look for one blink of an eye and makes him almost unrecognizable to the casual observer. Bah. At least there are always his eyes!
Luval…Bieber won the fan favorite.
Adam Lambert – VH1 Behind the Music Set to Air August 10
Maybe a single release from his new album that same week ??????
cwm, thanks for the link to the DDD forum, that will make it very easy for me to find video links! I quickly realized that the list of pre-idol and AI performances is going to become too long to fit on one screen, so I created separate Pre-Idol and AI menus, with just enough room left on the menu bar for the second tour