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- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
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And as we’ve (me, especially…twice!) all learned from the tour last year…DON’T GO TO A SHOW WITH SOMEONE WHO’S NOT AN ADAM FAN!! It’s so much better to go alone if you want to go. Meeting, talking to people who are of the same mindset is amazing. It just happens naturally whether waiting in line, next to you at the show…everyone happy and having fun. Except of course for the ones who don’t want to be there. UGH!
I always say “who gives a crap?”. Just DO IT!! Life is short!!
Ok,,,now I’m nervous (not really)
codysmom…ITA with Krad. It is sometime a lot easier to be less shy among total strangers. I traveled on my own a lot when I was in my 20s. Met wonderful folks and had some great experiences. I think it is harder to be as free spirited as you get older. That’s what I love so much about this Adam community. Doors I thought were closed have opened up again.
Thanks for the heads up re Fedex message. I went back and checked and saw 3 of them with posting date of 5/20/2011 in my spam filter. I won’t open them. I too remember thinking that the ticket was going to be mailed by regular post. I will not get nervous for at least 4 more weeks.
I keep saying I’m going to go to more of his concert’s this time around.I would’nt go by myself,my 15 year old son like’s Adam too,and I would’nt go without him.He wanted to go to Hawaii by ourselve’s.But I worried something might happen,(getting lost,getting hurt)that I could’nt do it.Maybe this year I won’t worry so much and just do it.My son and i will get to see so much togeather and have those memorie’s to look back on.
codysmom, YES. Travel with teen children is priceless in years to come. I have taken each of my sons to Paris (just us two, one son at at time)(most recently this past fall and we saw Adam there) and to Quebec city (several times). Amazing memories. And we do this in a foreign language (the reason my husband doesn’t come with us, I do an immersion experience for whichever son is with me, we speak no English from the time we board the plane until we land back in DC) – to Hawaii, you would have still been speaking English! Fifteen is a perfect age to get going. My advice is to pick a wonderful place this summer, pack up your son, and just go. (Hint: there are still tickets available for Quebec!)
Second that opinion!!! I will always remember going to a small island in Greece and meeting other travelers. Two of the folks that I think of ofter were a mother and son who had been traveling on their own for a couple of months. They were very close and I always thought “I want that with my own son one day”…
Yes, come to Quebec, you will be among friends!
Kradamour,I would love to go to Quebec,but my daughter is getting married this summer and since her Dad passed away 2 year’s ago(we were divored)it’s up to me to pay for it(happy to do it)it’s not possible at this tme,but I’ll be ready for his new tour,hopefully I can see more than one this time.
Just curious,how would I go about getting ticket’s and Hotel arrangement’s for us if I decided to go.I would feel less worried knowing that other fan’s would be there also.
Adamized,my son and I have been by ourselve’s since he was 4 month’s old(my daughter was already in her own apartment by this time)so we are very close.I keep teasing him that he will be with me when he is an old man with a wife and children and he say’s “what’s wrong with that”.
Codysmom, I can definitely relate. My son and I were pretty much on our own since he was three. We are super close but he has a love of travel and an amazing ability to make the best of all situations. Unfortunately for me this means he spends most of his time away from home. I miss him but know that all in all that’s a healthy thing for both of us. Enjoy your son while you can!
There is a ticket link under upcoming shows at the top of the site. If you decide to go I will be happy to email you the hotel closest to the main hotel where many of the MJers are staying. Unfortunately that one is full but ours (at least ceddies and I are staying there) is only a 10 minute walk away.
Adamized,Please email me that information.I just realized it would only be 2 day’s off work and we could come back on Sunday.I need to check on flight cost’s and Hotel’s,but maybe it’s doable(is that a word).Adam fan’s are the nicest and most helpful people,I feel more secure about doing this.Do I just put my email here for you?
That’s fine if you are comfortable doing so. If not, I’ll post mine.
Codysmom – check your email.
I live in Clarksville Indiana,across the Ohio river from Louisville Kentucky.Are any of you near here,if so maybe we can travel togeather.Adamized,the room’s look very nice.Now I need to check on flight’s.Thank you.
codysmom you should probably delete your email address now from this site. Never know who is lurking and we put a fair amount of personal information out here.
Thank you Kradamour,did’nt even think about it.See,the nicest bunch of people ever.
Just had a thought,don’t we need passports?
For what it’s worth, I’m a Gram.
Hi CODYSMOM! It’s good to see that you’re looking into making plans to go to Quebec!
Yes, you’ll need an American Passport to enter Canada.
And to come home!
CODYSMOM, You can get a Passport very quickly if you simply tell the office that it’s urgent. They don’t have to know that it isn’t.
Remember when Tommy lost his Passport last year? He had a new one the next day. I think Suz needed to get a new passport too during one of her trips abroad.
Only kind-of inconvenience is supplying the photos. When I had my photos taken, I sat on the stool, swiveled a bit to my right, faced left and tilted my head down. The photographer said, “What are you doing?!” “Face me and look directly into the camera”. “Oh, you mean you want full-face?” “Does it have to be full-face?” “I think I look a little better at an angle”.
I’m sure he was glad when I left.
Also some Congress(wo)men will help speed along the process if you ask.
Expect to pay extra for rush service, though, regardless of the circumstances. But it’s good for 10 years, so it isn’t bad if you amortize out the expense.
But we’re glad you’re here, Ron!
AAA does cheap passport photos, codysmom.
It’s worth a lot!
I plan to be something semi-French and chic, if my sons every have children, which I sort of hope they don’t. But if they do, perhaps I will be Mimi. The affectionate term for grandmother in French is mémère, shortened to Mémé.
This postho is going off now. Have a great afternoon, all! (or whatever it is wherever you are)
Awww, could you be any sweeter? And, I’m not talking about Otter Pops.
Somewhere in that Mimi, Meme, maybe it could morph into MAME! You strike me as a bit of an Auntie Mame type – which is meant as a compliment! All I know is, “you turn my black eyed peas into grits”.
(Not one of Jerry Herman’s better lyrics!) 
CODYSMOM, I got my passport photos done Friday at my local Walgreen’s. My problem developed when I went on down to my Circuit Clerk’s office (Post Office lines are too long). She said they would not accept the short form of my Birth Certificate. I’m planning to go to Jackson tomorrow anyway, so I plan to go by the Bureau of Vital Records and pick up the long form and come back Tuesday and process everything. I think they will overnight it back to you if you send the extra money to pay for overnight shipping. She told me 6 weeks, but I think that is cutting it too close. The Passport is the only thing I don’t have nailed down at this point, but I’m working on it. Oh, and having the festival pass IN MY HAND.
RL is beating me up today, so I’m just kind of lurking here every once in a while. Check you guys later on.
Hi Codysmom, hey, we would have welcomed you with open arms to Hawaii. I traveled by myself, Jo and Goatie flew together ( I know Ron, and, man, were there arms tired! ) and we all met up in Hawaii, and shared a room. Goatie had her teen son and niece along too. They were very good sports and even went to the second show with us. We met so many fans and to a person, all were nice and fun to meet.
Anyway, if the opportunity comes up for a show or during the next tour, don’t hesitate. You won’t regret it.
Love hearing all the “Adam” stories, Jojosie, you’ll have to keep us posted on your walking buddy.
What’s this I hear about a rainbow triple dipped Dilly Bar?
How radically yummy sounding. Here we can get butterscotch, cherry or chocolate ones. Although my new favorite thing at DQ is the Fat free, sugar free, 60 calorie fudge bars. You would not believe how delicious they are. And if you “cheat” and have two, it’s not such a huge crime!
Hi Mils— That sounds really yummy and not very decadent at all. I haven’t been to a DQ since my days of doing my own dipping. Must try one of these though…
Slow day in Adam land. Can’t really avoid yard work all together…such a shame
Ron, I love you passport photo story. Hey, if it is good for 10 years, you want to look your best!
I can only recommend anyone who is on the fence if they should go to a concert: go! going alone can be a great adventure, definitely beats going with someone who is just going to criticize everything.
I went to a Prince concert last night – alone – and it was so fabulous. Completely on a whim, just saw the ad in a newspaper in the morning LOL. (Prince is one of my earlier music addictions, and I can only say he is still jamming hard.)
I do remember seeing some acts mentioned but then they removed them. At least, they have confirmed who Eric Lapointe’s guests will be: Michel Pagliaro and Jonas! For those going to see these guys, you should have a great time – right kradamour!?
Awww. Turquoise, I would have gone with you to see Prince!! I love him too! Just watched Purple Rain last week. But, I’m so proud of you for going alone! Bet you had a blast too!
I see that Adam has tweeted up a storm again. Great! More
fodderinspirational material for my weekly Adam crosswords.For those of you who are not aware, I’ve been making Adam themed crosswords since January and emailing them to a list of puzzle lovers.
Here’s the latest one with the solution.
Adam en Feux Crossword-May 21, 2011
Adam en Feux Solution
You just need to print it and fill it in and if necessary, peek at the solution to reveal the answers to my obscure clues.
I will post the weekly crossword here from now on as well. Enjoy!
With all this talk about dilly bars has anyone seen the ads for “Magnum” ice cream? Silky vanilla bean ice-cream covered in thick Belgian chocolate. Pure pleasure from the first bite. Who came up with this name? Had to be a man. I’m sorry,I don’t think of ice-cream when I hear the word “magnum”.
. Could be just me.
I just came up with a culinary masterpiece that I don’t think too many other people will want to replicate.
I LOVE Calves Liver. Some years ago a friend of mine and I decided we were going to open a restaurant and call it “Fifty Ways To Love Your Liver”.
It never went beyond the planning stage. 
I didn’t feel like preparing a full meal so I fried some onions, cooked the liver and put it on a long buttered kaiser roll and added a generous dollop of mayonnaise. Delicious! This required 3 napkins (serviettes for those going to Quebec) as it was kind of messy. In fact, I need to take a bath.
But, it WAS good!
Thank’s to everone for the advice.I will see what I can do on the passport’s tomorrow,and see if I can get them in time.Ron,my best side is non-existent.I take terrible picture’s.Mils,I read all about your’s,Jo and Goatie’s adventure,I wanted to go so bad,but we had never been anywhere that far away from home by ourselve’s and I have regret’s about that still.This year,I’m going to try not to have any.
Ron,I love Liver and onion’s .We ate it all the time when I was a kid.My daughter like’s it also,but my son gag’s when I mention it.We alway’s had the side of mashed potatoe’s to go with it.
For those of you who haven’t had the pleasure of doing one of AL’s crosswords, I can definitely vouch for them. Good stuff, AL. Thanks!
Ron — um…ermm…uh…no thanks.
I didn’t have liver and onion’s until I was an adult with my own apartment. It just wasn’t part of my mother’s vocabulary. Mushrooms were forbidden and she didn’t like to use pepper because “people in far away lands make it by stomping on peppercorns with their bare feet”.
Loved my mother dearly but she did have a few “quirks”. It still baffles me today when family will tell me that I’m so much like her. 
When I hear “magnum”, I think Tom Selleck.
It seems that the bar was created in the UK back in the late 80’s when the TV show was on. Maybe they named the bar after him?
and if that was the case, I can agree with your description “Pure pleasure from the first bite.”

Heading for the corner now…
Thanks for the kind words cwm!
When I hear “magnum”, I think champagne! I’d rather drink champagne than eat To … uh, never mind.
AL LOL literally, I am waving at you over in the corner, you might meed to stay awhile, and get your nose in that circle.
Thanks for posting the crosswords I have been wanting to try one but was not on ALF. OK OK I guess you can come out now.
glambotgram, thanks for letting me out! I’m not on ALF either. I posted news about the crosswords in the mjs threads way back. I just never got around to getting a photo account set up so I can provide links in my posts. Hope you enjoy the crossword and don’t
cheatpeek unless absolutely necessary.That’s the second thing that comes to mind. Maybe they called the ice cream bars “magnum” because they are the “Champagne of ice cream bars”. At least I don’t need to go in the corner with that statement.
I don’t think of ice cream when I hear Magnum either. I also think of Tom Selleck!
AL, how did you get out of the corner so quickly? I think I’m still there, and I haven’t said anything naughty in a really long time!
Liver and onions! Yuck!
nkd,I remember reading that you had the corner decorated really nice.I think you like being there.
Mils…heard there were tornados in your area today. Hope everything is ok.
When you were talking about Dilly Bars, I thought of Magnums, we’ve had those for years. Dilly bars sound the same.
Hope Adam manages to get To Russia, see the Iceland volcano is erupting again, already talk of disrupting airspace.
p.s my mum was Nanna to my kids too, just a cute name for little kids to say…
All this talk of Mimi’s and Nana’s I am chiming in My kids called my mom Mimi, it was what she wanted to be called. I am just Grandma.
A friend of mine told me a story about her daughter asking her what she wanted to be called and her answer was she can call me anything she wants as long as she doesn’t call me a bitch.