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- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
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So glad your travel plans are taken care of, nekkid! Now it’s all real.
zzatrms, I don’t have my pic either.
Did you resend the original email or had you sent a new one?
pic of Adam…nor do I. Does everyone else have their picture by now?
Yes, times have changed, kradamour. In some ways for the best, but then, sometimes not. Hard for me to see what you’re seeing living in an apartment in the heart of downtown Toronto. Cement City. When I went to this clinic on Thursday, it was next to a church. I was 20 minutes early so I wondered about the church property. Grass, tree’s, shrubs and … dandelion’s! I haven’t seen dandelion’s since I was a child and, when I saw them, I was 5 years old again! Just the sight of them brought it all back to me.
I enjoy the memory but would I want to be 5 years old again? I don’t think so …
Unless peeps are holding out on us, no one but luval has mentioned getting their picture.
It feels great doesn’t it nkd when a decision is made about something and then it’s completed? Good for you!
What day do you arrive in St. Agathe?
What picture?
I am arriving in Montreal on the 27th. Ste Agathe on the 28th! It feels great! I don’t have to get there on my broomstick. It really messes the hair!
The charity:water signed picture.
I recently attended our agency case mgmt meeting and met a couple young gals who are Adam fans. I conveniently had my Hawaii and Adam pictures in my office so I ran and got them and became the hit of the after meeting coffee break. We are having Healthy Lifestyles walks for seniors this Thurs and I am going to work the event in a town about 20 miles away. My good fortune is that my riding companion is one of the Adam fans I met and she is already to flail over Adam with me on the trip down and back.
Y-A-Y! Meet you on the terrace at the SpaWatel!
If you’re that particular about your hair, don’t open your window on the plane.
Jojosie that is fabulous! What fun for you!
Actually, I have an Adam story for a change…we hosted an event for area French students this afternoon. (American students studying French, for speaking opportunities) During the course of the conversations we talked about summer travel plans. One student is going to China, another to Israel, another to Sweden…someone asked me if I was going to France this summer and I said no, Quebec – and then decided to be brave and say I was going to the Adam concert. Two eye-rollers…but several “wow, he’s great!”. So I went a step further and said I went to Paris in the fall for his concert. Even the eye-rollers were impressed by that…so took a deep breath and mentioned the M&G…okay, the eye rollers acknowledged that he would be a cool person to meet. Win!
Very good to see young Adam fans. The most enthusiastic ones were middle schoolers.
I’m looking forward to it Ron. And meeting everyone else, also!
I re-sent the original email. I said in the email I had not received it and maybe my email got lost. If I get an answer, I’ll let you know.
I bought jeans with big fleur de lys on the rear pockets. Y’all will be able to recognize me LOL…
Such cool Adam stories, mils, jojosie and kradamour.
I love hearing that the middle school kids are enthusiastic about Adam!
That’ll be easy, then. I’ll just look for the woman who’s bent over.
IKR? Bodes well for his longevity.
heh. Or walking away from you, Ron
Actually, I bought them to wear to this picnic today, but just realized that they are my avi, too.
I was just thinking about the autographed picture the other day and and wondering what the hold up is. But considering the hundreds who donated on his birthday I guess he has writer’s cramp and might only be signing a few at a time. I know he’s a busy man so I’ll continue to be patient. Not sure what I’m gonna do with it though. Hang it with my grandsons’ pictures?
BTW I’m a YOUNG grandmother…Nana to be exact. They love Adam and sing along in the car. 
Oh, well … it won’t be the first time.
Actually, if you’re going to go anywhere, I’d like to see you STRUT away from me.
Hmmm…I’ll have to practice that strut, Ron. Not much use for it in RL…I’m probably a little rusty…
I’ll oil you.
Just like the tin man! cool.
Yawn! it’s late, guys. Off to the feathers (or whatever we are using here in lieu of)…g’nite peeps! Sweet Adam dreams!
I love the name “nana” for a grandmother. That is why my boys call my mother. It’s sort of ageless.
And tchrsd, I plan to hang my pic proudly. It was for charity, after all!
(If you look at the list of emails to which the message was sent, where does yours fall on the list? Mine is way down. I assumed Adam was just working his way through it.)
And now I’m really gone for the night!
Pics from last night! UNF!
Nana will be my name for my granddaughter to call me!
My friend’s girls have called me Nana for about 25 years now! I love it too!
25 years, nekkid? Since you were four years old???!!!
Okay now I am really gone. I only stopped back in for a second!
Yup! I was 4! Nana was all I could pronounce!
Any guess’s when we’ll receive our Passport tickets for the Festival? I’ll go so far as to say they probably haven’t been printed yet. I hope we’re not going to get them in drips ‘n drabs with some getting theirs while the rest of us wait 5 more weeks and still no delivery.
I’m such an optimist!
Thank you Ron! Something else for me to fret over!!!
I shouldn’t have made the post. I don’t want to worry any one needlessly! There’s still 2 months to go … plenty of time.
nkd, are you staying at the SpaWatel?
I am staying at the SpaWatel. Inside, in a warm room!
Where’s my memory?!?? Of course you are! We upgraded from the tree.
Is this something else I’ve forgotten or that you haven’t mentioned? Is your daughter going with you?
Yes, my daughter is going with me.
Hi guys. Checking in before I retire for the evening. Ron, I see that you mentioned the passes for the festival. I received an email dated May 14 supposedly from FedEx system that gave a tracking number, said the parcel had been mailed and should arrive at my home in five business days, and said to check the attachment for more specific information. When I purchased the pass, the guy told me it would be mailed the following week, so I thought this was the subject of the FedEx email. When I tried to open the attachment, Norton AntiVirus popped up and said it contained a virus that could not be cleaned (I have McAfee so don’t know how Norton got into the picture). I don’t know if it was a legitimate email or not. I haven’t ordered anything else. Has anyone else gotten anything like this? I have just been waiting to see what happens next and thinking that I wouldn’t worry until after I find out if others have received theirs.
Hi Ceddies! I’ve been thinking about you ever since I learned of your travel plans. I’m so happy for you!! So glad that it worked out as you hoped it would.
I paid for my tickets through PayPal and have the email receipt for the purchase but there was no indication as to when to expect delivery. I haven’t received any other correspondence about the Festival Passport since making payment on May 8th.
Will check back tomorrow to see if anyone posts a response about any notifications concerning their passes. G’nite.
Oh, Ron, I’m so excited that plans are in place for my trip. I couldn’t ask for a better plan. This will give time for several of us to REALLY get to know each other. I haven’t actually sat down and figured the miles or the travel time involved, but I know it’s quite extensive. I’m not complaining at all!!!!
I talk a lot when I am excited or nervous. Someone will have to just take my feet and hold them to the ground. I’m already telling folks around here right and left about my plans. So fun!
Good for you, Ceddies! Have a good night’s sleep.
I’m off to bed also. Good night.
Kradamour & nkd, Yep. I had a Nana, my kids called my mom Nana, so keepin with the tradition. Thanks for the tip of looking back to original email to see where my name is located on the list. Of course I’ll display it proudly somewhere…not sure where exactly but a place of honor! Maybe my classroom! LOL That should trip out a few parents or at least start a conversation!
G’night all.
I received my signed charity water picture a while ago but after luval.
SNL JT and gaga – great show
Whew, those (pics) are beauties, no doubt about it. Wow wow wow. Thanks much for posting, nkd.
Morning all….RL does get in the way sometimes but I have been lurking off and on. I loved that BB had a twitter party. I have really been missing him lately. The little TMZ tidbits are just irratating. Love that he is so happy both professionally and personally. Proud that he is making so many top lists of best idol moments, etc.
I want you all to know that not only do I remember Dilly Bars but I actually made them! I worked at DQ while in college. I was a frustrated hippy (missed the real hippy generation by several years) and was constantly fighting against “the man” in my own very silly way. I thought it unfair that my particular DQ only allowed chocolate Dilly Bars to be made instead of all three flavors available. So I would dip them in cherry, then butterscotch, and then top it with chocolate so nobody would know. Why didn’t I go into high tech espionage is anybody’s guess! LOL.
Can’t wait for the long ride to the festival. Trying to focus on the fun aspects of a long road trip. Maybe I could learn some French????
Sauli is pretty funny. Did anyone see the little interview he did where he complained that everyone is trying to make him look so small compared to Adam? He points out that Adam always has on high shoes and a pompadour. Jokes that next time he will wear high heels and a nice spring dress.
Phew….I guess I had a lot of pent up posting.
I got my picture a couple of month’s ago,also to add to the subject of dilly bar’s,we have 2 Dairy Queen’s about
5 minute’s drive from us,and we get them several time’s during the summer month’s.
Good morning Adamized!!
We never had a Dairy Queen in Central New York. I don’t think we even have one now! Love love what you did there. I would have done the same thing.
I’m not even thinking of the trip to Quebec. I’ve learned from all the traveling I did last year to just take one day at a time. All I could think of is maybe the day before…wow…I’m going to see AFL tomorrow!!! or the day of the trip on the road just….hours before Adam!! The fun aspect would come on the road, listening to the cd…singing along (actually screaming along). I tried to learn a bit of French for Paris but gave up. Whatever happened happened. I would point! Wasn’t any problem. It’s only a couple of days. If it was longer I might have made more of a commitment to the language.
I am so jealous of the one’s that are going to these new concert’s.I tried to get someone to go to the one’s in Hawai with me but could’nt find anyone to.My son and I went to the one in Louisville Ky,but we live right across the bridge from there.I have never been on a plane or out of the United State’s.Would love to be able to just get on a plane and go,but I would never go anywhere by myself(to shy)that’s why I love to read all your post’s about the concert’s,it’s like being there.
P.S. I’m a Nana too.
Well, duh.
Adamized, I fully intend that you’ll be bilingual by the time we get to Luval‘s.
LOVED your story re the Dilly Bars! Definitely looking forward to the road trip with you.
codysmom, there’s a big travel adventure in your future. One morning you will wake up and just do it.
And as for the shy part…I am very shy with groups of people I know (acquaintances, not friends of course) but I find that with total strangers I am fine, so travel alone has never been a problem. Perhaps it would be the same for you. I actually enjoy traveling alone and talking to random people. Anonymity can be reassuring!
ceddies, re the fedex receipt email – did it say anything about the festival? If not, please just delete it and DO NOT CLICK ON ANYTHING. There are a lot of those spam FEdEx messages out there.
I would call your local fedex place and ask them to go into their computer to see if it is legit.
My recollection is that our passes will be mailed by regular post.
(And as someone posted above, it is entirely likely that they aren’t printed yet LOL. They don’t even have details about the opening performers (tout feu tout femmes) on the website yet. All it says is that four female performers will perform.