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- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
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Wow, I really feel comfortable here.
Thank you again eywflyer, adamland, suz526 and anyone past, present and future who will be helping out here!!!
Speaking of concerts, there are only 25 passports still available for Quebec, so if anyone is planning to go to Quebec and hasn’t bought a ticket yet, I’d hurry.
But Ron, your avatar has shown up from the beginning! I see it now and always have.
kradamour, are you staying at the Auberge Spa Watel? That’s where we made reservations. The concert grounds were described as “just across the way”. But, I learned today that the location of the grounds has been changed to a larger site. 10 minute walk from the Watel to the new festival grounds.
I must have skipped a step as I don’t see any avatars. Hmmm …
Hotel Spa Watel. Yes.
Adamized and Ceddies are next door at the St. Venant but I think the rest of us are all at the Watel.
Is there a better location that we should all shift to? Our reservations are cancellable.
Need to hurry before peeps buy their tickets on ticketmaster and look for hotels.
I got one of these passports, but no luck with the Prestige Passports (busy signals/no answer). I’m not quite sure what the passport entitles me to – and what the difference might be in the tickets going on sale (supposedly next week)? Obviously, I’m hoping to get as close to the front as I can to video. Anyone have any info on the differences between the passports and tickets?
The passport entitles you to attend all concerts; in effect, it is five tickets. Huge discount.
A ticket can be purchased for only one concert, but the promoters want peeps to come and stay for the festival. So offering the 400 passports for a cheap price (relatively) kickstarts the festival.
A ticket will not give you priority over a passholder.
ETA: after the initial 400 passports are sold for $99 CDN, more passports will be available at higher prices. They are looking at a possible 60,000 total attendees, but that might be optimistic for the first time a festival is held. On the other hand, the Quebec City festival had 2.1 million attendees last year, I read someplace. That is an 11 day festival.
Just wanted to say Hi to all and to wish eywflyer, adamland Suz and everyone else involved good luck with this website. I will be going to the Quebec show. Hope to reconnect with some of my Adam friends there, and make lots of new ones.
Suz, you might not want to be too close to vid this one. As I understand it, the stage will be basically ringed with fire (back and two sides), plus fireworks above. That’s why the festival is called St. Agatha on Fire. It’s a pyrostage. You’ll lose that effect if you are too close.
Even the food vendors are being encouraged to use fire to prepare the food: grilled, etc.
cgesq, good news that you are going to Quebec! will be delighted to meet you!
There are some within my group who want to now stay at a B&B that’s located “just across the way” to the new fair ground site. I think we should stay where we are. A 10 minute walk is nothing.
I don’t know the name of the B&B but I do know that it only has 6 rooms. That’s sure to mean sharing a bathroom and I don’t like that idea.
What I’m most concerned about is designating a time and place where we can all agree to meet at a specified time. This hotel has a veranda with Bar service but I don’t know how large it is. The dining room looks small and cramped. I would really like to set something up concrete instead of, “Well, we’re bound to bump into one another”. I can’t seem to get my head around coordinating something like this, though.
Ron, I have a friend here who knows the Ste Agathe area very well – he is from Montreal. I’ll ask him for ideas.
Any idea if there will be any raised areas further back?
I don’t think so, Suz. It is just a big grounds area with a raised stage.
But the stage is on the lake beach, and the topology of the land might be such that it slopes gently upward away from the stage.
Kradamour, I look forward to meeting you too. I have heard lots about you!!
Gosh, I’d hate for us to get off on a bad start. Please forget everything you have heard and keep an open mind…!
That would be great, kradamour. Maybe a large Pub setting where one can have drinks with the option of also having a meal. One can then circulate and socialize instead of being “stuck” in a chair at a restaurant. Just my thoughts, of course.
I’ll email Nicolas tomorrow, Ron.
What do other peeps have in mind? Pub? Restaurant? More drinks or more dinner?
Gotta say that I am too shy to really do much circulating, but I am happy to sit and watch others circulate.
I’ll get some ideas from Nicolas and throw them out there to y’all.
Wonderful, kradamour. The Pub setting worked perfectly for our birthday party January 29th. People can sit at a table if they prefer to sit. One can sit with them for a while then join a group standing on the other side of the room. It’s so flexible and allows you to mingle and get to meet everyone.
kradamour, I’m kind of shy too, I’ll sit with you and watch! We can talk.
And if people start changing hotel reservations, let me know!!!
What?!?? Listen, I’ll buy you a double martini and watch any inhibitions you might be feeling fly right out of the window. LOL
I feel like I’m at a new school or something. A lot of familiar faces, but I really need to be on my best behavior!
nekkid, you have experience with corners. Let’s stake out a corner and let the maelstrom whirl about us!
Ron, that’s sweet of you, but I’d prefer a kir royal, please.
Sounds good kradamour!
As you wish! I’ll ladle three or four down your throat and we’ll see then who sits in the corner. LOL.
I have a lot of studying to do on Quebec cuisine.
Today for lunch with my mother-in-law, I had a fried green tomato sandwich on a jalepeno cheese bun! Far from French or French Canadian eats!
nekkid, cherie, google “poutine”. It’s all you really need to know…I had a wonderful poutine in Maine a couple of weeks ago…sigh
Suz which bad boy are you taking to film with? We don’t want them anywhere near the pyro!
Wow, I take a nap and come back to see 80 comments already! I’m seeing avatars for everyone, guess I need to get up to speed on that and get one for myself. Very cool to see people helping each other out with some of the tech questions, that’s exactly the spirit of community we have had on MJs that I want to see here.
oops! I had posted that they are hoping for 60,000 attendees at Ste Agathe – should have put 30,000.
The mayor had as a campaign promise in 2009 that he would create a significant festival during his term. Nice to see a campaign promise kept!
Hi, everyone. This is great! Thanks to eywflyer, adamland and Suz526 for setting up this site!
For the record, I agree with Ron – I don’t want to change hotels, but Cher will have the final decision.
A 10-min walk really is nothing.
kradamour, I did google poutine. I don’t know!!!!
I remember looking that up last year while the troop was at the balloon festival.
Oh – didn’t think about responding to the hotel issue – I am happy to walk 10 minutes. It will sober me up after Ron pulls me out of nekkid’s and my corner and plies me with likker…
Wow, what a difference a day makes. Glad to find the new site. Thank you to those who are taking the lead in this project. RL right now for me is a little complicated but be assured I will be your number 1 lurker
I tried to help others a number of times with their avatar’s. Never thought I’d need help. I’m still not seeing any avatars. Mine’s in place along with everyone else’s at MJ’s but not here.
I’m going over to en.gravatar to see if I missed something.
Here’s a lovely trip down memory lane I spotted on Twitter. Haven’t seen this one before, very sentimental.
Ron, I see your avatar…..
Ron, as someone said above, your avatar (and everyone else’s)
is visible. Don’t do a thing. How about rebooting your computer?
Thanks! I think I’ll do that. Everything checks out fine at en.gravatar site. I closed the browser and it didn’t change anything. I’ll try the reboot.
Ron, we can see your avatar!
Vito! Baby boy has a 35X zoom (and he stays out of trouble – unlike you-know-who!)
Wow, we do like this new hang out!
Ron, do you know where they are moving the concert to? They had originally mentioned it would be at Tessier Beach. I did a search and got a google map which shows what hotels, inns and B&Bs are close by. The new location might even be closer now since you said it was a 10-minute walk from the Spa Watel.
Restaurants in next post.
Suz, terrible about answering emails – am gonna do it! ! ! !
Cher – do you see this? No more links to other hotels – LOLOLOL!!!
Yay!!!!!! And may I also say YAAAAAAY!!!!
Peeps, why do you think it won’t be at Tessier Beach? I thought they had changed it TO Tessier Beach from another smaller location. Tessier Beach holds 10,000, I think.
ETA: just checked Kenny Rogers and Eric LaPointe are both performing at Tessier Beach. As I understood it from the press conference, all the headliners were going to perform on the same stage.
Well, guess I’ll just have to get used to not seeing avatars here. Must be doing something wrong but can’t figure it out. Not that important, really.
A few restaurants not far from the Lake.
Restaurants Ste. Agathe
kradamour’s friend might have a better idea of which of these are acceptable and can accommodate everyone – those who wish to mingle and the shy ones who wish to hide out in the corners.
Or ask the hotels for ideas.
Thanks for that lovely trip down memory lane, riskylady! I especially loved the part where Brooke talks about going around the world with her “amazing friend.” Adam’s dancers and band members must be incredibly grateful for the opportunities that came their way as part of Adam’s GNT.