- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
I’m still learning how to use WordPress, so expect things like the top/side/bottom menus and some other appearance items to change frequently during the next couple of weeks. I’m hoping to have the site configuration stable by late May.
The “Upcoming shows” and “Last show” links will definitely stay put at the top of the right-side menu!
Looking good, eywflyer
Welcome! Looking forward to fun nights during concerts and great discussions after!
Good times ahead!!!
eywflyer, You’re a godsend! I can’t tell you how much I so appreciate your efforts to do this for us!
My sincere thanks also to Adamland and Suz! I’ll be able to meet both of you in just a few, short 82 days.
Was looking forward to meeting you too eywflyer! Perhaps your plans will change between now and July.
Thanks again for this new “Home” and providing it for all of Adam’s fans!
Thank you so much for having this site, eywflyer. You’ll probably see me quite a bit here!
Are we able to change our passwords? Maybe I missed this.
I log in and who do I see? A familiar face! hi Ron!
eywflyer, thanks for putting this together. Our home away from home away from home. You are now not just our resident statistician but our concertician too! And thanks to Adamland and Suz526 also! This is a great idea.
Look forward to concert chats by the firewall!
luval, you just need to go in to “edit my profile” and change it there. Also, if your e-mail address matches the one at mj’s, your avatar should appear.
WOOT! A new home! eywflyer, mille mercis! Love that you were pro-active and made this happen. And a wonderful idea to keep it on wordpress so we aren’t confused.
Hi luval and AL
When I first tried to log-in, I used my username and password that’s registered with WorldPress on MJ’s. It wasn’t accepted though and I had to re-register to be able to post here. As before, I sent my email address and was then emailed back with a special password created by WorldPress.
It was easy but AL’s suggestion appears to be even easier.
Hi, milw’s!! Remember to wipe your feet. The carpets are new!
milw’s? She’ll be here shortly but what was I thinking?!??
Of course I meant: kradamour
Ok, I changed my password…thanks Ron and AL.
I have a new e-mail…I corrected Mj’s site but it still didn’t show up here. Oh well!
Well, 3 posts in a row! Having a bit of challenge with edit. Anyway, I meant my avatar didn’t show up here. Maybe it’ll catch up at some point.
New playground – Hi all
Hi y’all! Glad 2 see some familiar names! Glad 2 have a new place 2 play! Thanks eywflyer for this site and 2 Cher 4 spreading the word!
Hi, I’m so glad we have this new home! Thanks eywflyer..
So from now on we can say openly what we think??? ::
Luval: I’m still trying to figure out the edit previous post functionality. I know it’s ugly and very difficult to use right now. Hopefully I’ll get that fixed sometime this weekend. I’m not sure about the avatars as I’ve never used one, will research that further.
HI all…will no doubt lurk as usual, but am really happy to have a home for concerts! Thanks adamland and ewflyer!
Hello? Hello? Is this thing on? ok!
Thanks for doing this! Another example of why adam’s fans are the best!
Ok, back to lurking…
Thanks eywflyer. I really don’t mind having or not having an avatar. Awww, edit is not ugly… its very pretty and just a little tempermental!
Thank you eywflyer for starting this site. It is such a relief to know that we will have a place to stay connected to each other, and a place to flail at tour time! XOXO
Also a thank you to Adamland and Suz526 for your participation!
Hi everyone!
Thanks eywflyer and everyone who helped to get this site up. Can’t promise I’ll be more vocal here than anywhere else, but I’ll be enjoying it!
This is so cool. All familiar faces. Love it!! Home away from home.
Don’t worry luval. I don’t have an avatar either. Too dunce. Margie, you need one. 
Ok I think comment editing is working properly now. Please let me know if you encounter problems with it.
Hi everyone! So good to see all the old familiar faces, which this heart of mine embraces, all tour through(don’t know why Adam doesn’t hire me as his songwriter)!
Anyway, this looks wonderful, all sparkling new and shiny, and just waiting for all the glorious, witty, stimulating pool parties to come. Great idea, and thanks so much, eywflyer. I’ll enjoy the conversations, with my occasional comment thrown in when I can catch up with you guys. So nice to see you all! Suz526-counting on you for Quebec!
Thanks to all for the kind comments, I’m very excited and happy to have this new community up and running! I’m sure there will be some hiccups here and there at first as with any new site (like the comment thing earlier – I think that’s fixed now), but you should see the functionality of the site continue to improve as we go along.
Myself and Adamland will be sharing the admin duties (thanks to Adamland for all of her help and encouragement in getting this project underway). Suz526 has graciously volunteered to help out with concert threads as well, when she is not on the road! I’m hoping to eventually have another couple of thread moderators to help out, but there is plenty of time before the next tour starts.
We’ll stay on this welcome thread for the first several days so it will contain the active chat for incoming new members. I’ll be looking for some additional ticket info to be released regarding the Quebec show on Monday.
A huge round of applause is extended to eywflyer, adamland, and Suz526 for bringing Adam’s concerts to all of us!
Thank you for making this happen.
There you are!!! This feels like home!
eywflyer – can we get a quick lesson on how to create an avatar?
Hello Suz … That function to have an avatar accompany your message isn’t in place yet. If it was, our MJ avatars would automatically appear. I’m not sure eywflyer plans to have avatars on this site but he is looking into it.
Here’s the Link though where you can register and have it set up: http://en.gravatar.com/
Thanks to all for the great comments. Ewflyer and I had discussed the possibility for this site and am so happy to be a part of this from the beginning. I’m so please that my other good friend Suz526 will be aboard as well!
Suz we have to get instructions on how to bring an avatar here once it is created. I do know it is a site you go to to create it. Can anyone help with this please?
We are looking forward to bringing all of you great concert threads!
Hello everyone! This is so exciting. First 2 new concert dates and now a new blog dedicated to Adam in a format we all know and love! Thanks so much!
Use gravatar.com to make your avatar.
Go to the site, sign in with your email account that is linked to wordpress sites, set a password for gravatar.
The password is independent of other wordpress accounts.
You then add pictures from your computer.
Sorry if I repeated what was already stated.
It seems if you made an avatar acceptable for mjs, that it would, maybe, transfer here, as long as it is linked to the same email account.
nkd thank you so much for the avatar info!
My avatar magically appeared here when I first posted.
It is so wonderful to see all the peeps from the old neighborhood here!
ETA: hmmm, looks like the smileys don’t work here. No matter!
Thanks, Ron!!! Imma try in a few minutes more to see if it has taken effect . . .
.hey….got my avatar to work here!!
You two are wonderful and I am thrilled to be helping you1 BTW-I have missed you so much since you moved – this will be the next best thing.
How long before it showed up? I’ve gone through all the steps on gravatar
Hi suz526
Nothing happened until I realized I have to click on “link” in the tiny blue letters. Then it magically appeared here.
eta…I started all over again on the gravatar site…then “link” at the very end.
Hi people! The site is looking great! Thanks for creating this eywflyer and adamland. I think we’re gonna have a lot of fun here.
Avatar test *fingers crossed*
luval – OK -gonna start again . . .
Hey I see you Suz. Miss you so much too. But we are connected here.
Yay, Suz…I see your avatar!!!!
And we’re not limited to 140 characters, either!
Woo Hoo! Got my avatar!!!