- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
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- Trespassing
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- AL’s Games
Great pic from Sandee Lambert @hegivesmefever
Adam, the Rain King
eywflyer, I am now able to view the videos in the thread. Thanks for taking care of that as you fly around the country!
eywflyer the videos all work for me now in Firefox.
Videos are working for me too. Thanks eywflyer.
Cool Rain King pic, AL!
Here are a couple of additional pics worth sharing:
Very much enjoying, after watching these vids, the cohesion as a band that is now part of Adam and his guys. Not gonna happen, of course, but, in the old days, I could see them in a bus touring all over the States and having a blast (while it lasted, of course – it never does). Adam obviously thrives (reading his tweet – who’s at the concert?) on an almost personal level with his audience. I’m sure he loves the occasional big arena-type audience, but, as a steady diet, not so sure. But with access to today’s social media, in a way, he IS always in touch – so perhaps that may be sufficient. (Still love that abattoir venue in Texas – whatta hoot – think they were all feeling no pain there. That’s where Adam said something to the effect – “I’m so ridiculous.” The group’s reaction to the site was hilarious.) But he’s said that once before in that great interview with the guy (lawd, give me back my brain) with reddish hair (at the time) whose Mom loves Adam.
Well, of the vids I’ve seen so far,love TCB, SW, Fever, Music Again, and WWFM and PH in the rain – keep going back to those. And must comment on the number and beauty of the hundreds of pics of Adam that have been showing up. Spent a couple of hours today saving a bunch. A god on stage.
Okay. I finally finished unpacking.
I’m ready for my
close-uprecap.Actually, I’m not ready. It would take too long. My trip from the moment jlurksacto picked me up until AKE and Stephan drove me home was PERFECT! I would do it all over again in a heartbeat.
This was only my second time seeing Adam perform. Those who’ve seen him countless times all told me that this was his best performance to date. He was phenomenal!!
OH! My tickets arrived!! YAY! Delivered on Friday, while I was in Ste.-Agathe, the day of the concert.
Good night
Ron, that is too funny, I hope you and everyone had a great time, I sure did watching the videos and looking at the pictures. Cant wait for more Adam songs and appearances. Hope everyone is home safe.
Ron, I’m so glad you and everyone had such a great time. I also love the picture of you and nkd. But, I’m confused, which one is you?
milwlovesadam says:
07/30/2011 at 11:42 pm
Ron, I’m so glad you and everyone had such a great time. I also love the picture of you and nkd. But, I’m confused, which one is you?
There I go again!
G’night Gorgeous!!!
Ron, someday I just know, we will meet and have some Adam fun together, but, in the meantime, I’m so glad you adn everybody else got to meet each other!!
Hi Ron! I missed telling you goodbye.

You posted the picture? I’m horrified!
I had one of the best times of my life! I’m actually trying to remember anything better.
I’m in NY. No wifi so won’t be posting much.
mils, I’ll look for your trail!
I’m off to bed. Goodnight.
Yes, we didn’t have that, but there will always be that very special ‘hello’. I’ll never, ever forget it.
nkd, have fun in NY!! I didn’t leave any crumbs for you, we ate everything that wasn’t tied down. We had some excellent meals in special places. Write me at the fansite for details if you want. Otherwise, have a great time!!
Stay cool. It’s hot there. If you need coolin’. Just think of your own personal version you all had of Woodstock. Adamstock.
Ron, you’re making me cry! I will never forget it either! Really goodnight!
Dear mils, of course we’ll meet one day and I want you to know how much I look forward to that special occasion!
But, just ask anyone who has met me these past few days and they’ll tell you, “THAT’s him?” Major
But, if you’re still game … so am I.
mils, I will never forget Adamstock. If we can’t find any food, I’ll contact you!
Ok now goodnight!
Ron, I know. Sometimes putting an actual face to our names is so strange. But, it’s always worth it. Someday.
When I look back on highlights of the last couple of years, besides family type events, my most fun moments have been in Adamworld. Meeting new people, sharing a common interest, loving music, and being caring, giving people. What could be wrong with that???
And, as you know, so many of us are so similar, it’s uncanny. That’s why when we meet, we just instantly get along.
That “Adam, the Rain King” pic is incredible. Thanks!
I want you to know mils how much I admire you. You could have gone to this concert but you put family, your son, first.
I hope your son knows that he has a special Mom!
No comment, mils?
Well, you are. So, there!
Really off to bed now with so many wonderful memories that will carry me off to a good night’s sleep.
That was Michael Slezack and it was at the end of the epic 5 part Idolotry interview at the end of Idol. Slezack is a great interviewer and blogger of all things Idol and other similar reality TV stuff.
Thanks, rs – Michael Slezack’s the one – what a great interview that was – tops on my list.
Oksana2000 I sent you a message on the fan site. A question actually. Am “Lola” there.
Just got done watching most of the videos. When Adam first appeared on stage I instantly thought he looked like a young young Elvis and moreso thoughout the show. His facial expressions, sneer, just so much about him. I immediately noticed his more mature look. I loved it. His Hotness is getting hotter. And the freckles….wow…on the jumbotron they were soooo noticeable on his arms. Beautiful.
I noticed in IIHY at about 2:28 he was “picking lint” or something off of Tommy’s shoulder. The several unexpected “jump” parts…the one where people kinda bent their knees (lol) was in SFW. The song was a little slow to jump totally off the ground. Also in DTRH no one expected him to shout “jump”.
Never thought I’d hear MW again. This may be the last time. It was lovely. MW and WWFM were slow. “They” must have heard our dislike of the hurry and get out versions. (although I LOVED fast MW on the ep).
And those eyes…pools of blue water drawing us in. And his teeth were so white!!
One more thing… guess Adam and his “posse” did show up at a strip bar 430am-ish called The Stork Bar in Montreal.
Ron and nkd that is a great picture. The joy on both of your faces is palpable. I am so happy for all of you who met and had such a great time together.
Oh Ron, I went to bed before I could see your sweet comment. Thanks! Yes, the sacrifices we must make….
Hoping for pics from the Stork Bar. Adam + Strippers = HAWTTT!
Luval I can’t wait for more recaps! And, yes, his teeth were very white, eyes too!!
On a selfish note: does anybody have that fantastic picture of Adam taken from the front of him with his arms spread out, head back, rain falling, tank top only, maybe at the end of WLL? I don’t know where I saw it, and can’t find it.
I shoulda saved it. Bummer. One of his best pics evah…IMHO.
Love this one:
hi mils…is this the one? if not, think I know where there’s another.
I think that’s the one luval. I was gonna say that I posted a bunch of pictures starting at 4:33am on 7/30 (page 8), and that one is posted there. Along with a bunch of other great shots.
A little tidbit about my trip: Myself, Ron, Jlurksacto and TLKC took a walk to a greasy spoon type restaurant near Spa Watel. Were crossing the road (I should say under the road in the rabbit hole) and this car with a couple in it pulled up next to us and said with a French accent “are you here to see Adam Lambert” we shouted yes! He asked where we were from…some other small talk, then he says “By the way, I am the mayor of Sainte Agathe”. I remember his photo from the Ste. Agathe website. haha, we didn’t know what to say, although TLKC told him how we loved his town, we’d spread the word, come back again…etc etc. Really cool.
Inside the restaurant (??) Ron was talking to this man about the show, etc. Turns out he was the owner of the Spa Watel and had talked to Ron once on the phone. As he was walking away I shouted “excuse me, can I ask you a question”? “How did Adam Lambert come to this festival”? He said he is good friends with the mayor…they saw the success of the Balloon festival with Adam last year and the other festival in Quesbec…knows Paul McCartney, Kenny Rogers and other stars and was able to get Adam. I don’t have the conversation word for word but thought it was interesting.
My recaps will be in bits and pieces.
eta…Kenny Rogers tour bus was in the Spa Watel parking lot. I waved to it. LOL
Great fan made video of OOL (better audio too)
Outlaws Of Love – Adam & Sauli
Luval … Love your recaps.
Thank you, Thank you and Thank you.
Sauli’s tattoo and Adam’s fairy
The fairy is flying towards the right side of the neck exactly the same spot of Sauli’s tattoo. Beautiful !!! or I’m insane.
I drove Kradamour to the venue the day before the concert so she could get her GA number. While waiting for her I got to talking with the ambulance driver (I love to make friends with the staff…ya never know), for Eric LaPointe. Told him that on Friday his ambulance would be officially known as the “Glambulance”. He laughed…he knew a little bit about Adam but I had to explain alot. He asked if there would be many gays and lesbians there. Told him Adam’s audience is very diverse from families with young children…from 5 to 85 years of age, etc etc. I then asked him “where’s the festival”? He looked at me oddly and I said…the food, the concession stands, the cotton candy. And he said “oh no…you have to go into town to get food”. haha I guess my idea of a festival is different.
Kradamour took her car into town to a local garage to have it checked out after it overheated coming to my house, so nkd, her daughter and I decided to go into town and check it out. Lots of small restaurants, a couple of antique stores but we didn’t notice any unique clothing stores or shops. We knew there was a Walmart somewhere…turns out we drove by it a couple of times but missed it. a Walmart in a resort town…weird.
Something like this?
Wonderful to hear all the side stories. They make any experience that much richer. I am so happy that so many of you got to share it together!
Thanks asifclueless for the morning tears before I even had my morning coffee.

haha AL…exactly like that. The curled up lip.
oh…on the drive home through the ca/us border, the customs officer asked me what my business was in Canada. I pointed to the Sainte Agathe Adam Lambert sign on my window. He said “hmmm where do I know that name Adam Lambert from”. I said “runner up in American Idol, season 8. Best singer in America, maybe even the world”. He laughed and said “on your way”…
Hi nkd, glad to hear that you had the time of your life. Hope your daughter enjoyed it too. Love the pic of you and Ron!
And in French “goodbye” is “au revoir”! See you again!
Thanks Mils for letting me know about this site. It is awesome. Adam’s Quebec concert was amazing. So grateful for Suz. Wish I could have been there.
Good morning, I’ve rearranged the videos in setlist order, with another link to OOL at the top of that section. Also starting to update the photo section. So far one photo which I think captures the unforgettable nature of this show well, along with a couple of links to photo sets, courtesy of AL. I’ll be looking through the comments for additional photo links today, so if you come across any photos not yet linked here, please post ’em.
For those heading home today, safe travels.
And just to keep the anniversary recaps on schedule (posted in the July thread as well):
San Diego Glam Nation Tour recap from 7/30/10:
and Las Vegas GNT recap from 7/31/10:
Even though I didn’t go to the Feux Festival, I have been to Ste. Agathe; I have a friend with a house just 3 km from there. She explained that Ste. Agathe is not one of the real resort towns in the area, more a “working town”, with car dealers, hardware stores, etc. The “charming” resort towns are nearby, like St. Sauveur and Mont Tremblant. They have the the trendy restaurants and cool little boutiques.
Also, loved your story of how the festival came to be. Good for the mayor, n’est-ce pas?
Thanks, Calgary
Yes, there were MANY car dealers. One on every corner.
And the venue really was in a residential section. (can’t remember if I’ve already said this)…While talking to the glambulance driver I turned around and this guy was mowing his lawn. Seemed funny to me. Just a couple of hundred feet away from Adam. Wonder what his voice sounded like in the neighborhood? Spectacular, I’ll bet.
While we were waiting for the 5pm check-in with our numbers, we heard the tail end of the sound check. WWFM was great and everyone in line sang along. Oh, and I heard WWFM twice in my car on the way home. Once in Canada and another time on my local station. It will be 2 years since that song came out soon. Boy it has legs.
Interesting statistics from Suz’s OoL youtube – looks like the world is watching!
And for other most-viewed vids of OoL…
check out this gif
morningafternoon,I woke up at 2:30pm so feels like morning to me. After signing off last night, I starting reliving the whole trip/experience and didn’t turn in until 4:00am.
I had the option to continue the journey with jlurksacto by returning to Montreal. I made the right decision though to come back home yesterday. I would have really been pushing myself. I mention this because MANY did go to Montreal for the NOH8 photo shoot that took place last night.
There are a number of recaps yet to be posted by TLKC, NorthernSpirit, Milkywayfairy, Riskylady, Floridagirl who were among those that had their photos taken in Montreal. Can’t wait to hear how that went! Everyone should be on their way home now and I’m looking forward to hearing from them later today.
Having mentioned photos, I have this wonderful candid shot taken by luval the moment I was introduced to Suz at the dinner. I’d love to share it with you but I don’t think Suz would approve of her photo being on the internet which I completely understand and respect. SO LOVED meeting you Suz! I’ll never forget your first words to me!! I hope this is correct … tchrsd … it was such a pleasure to meet and speak with you!! I thought it was a very funny moment we had when we returned to the SpaWatel after the concert walking in that torrential rain. tchrsd, “Is my eyeliner running?”. “No, it’s fine. How about mine?”
Walked most of the way back with eywflyer. It was both a pleasure and an honor to be able to thank him for giving us this site! You were just slightly in front of me eywflyer with jlurksacto during the show and I loved seeing your enthusiasm, punching the air, during many of Adam’s songs!
Kradamour and luval were in front of me while I stood with Ceddies, Adamized, and nkd. AKE and Stephan were behind me. To all of you, I’m SO glad we shared that evening together!
Partner just told me we need to go grocery shopping. What?!?? No … I don’t wanna.
First sign that real life is beginning to creep back in. 95% of me is still back in Ste.-Agathe! Oh well, time to go and buy a loaf of bread. 
THANK YOU Suz, eyw for the vids and managing the thread. I have just had my first chance to see them (long weekend at cabin with guests) and they are wonderful!
I nipped over to YT out of curiosity to see how many views, and happened on a vid from TALC of Aftermath – and it sounds like the audience is singing along to the whole song – is that right?
While watching the videos it looked like Adam’s clothes were looser than they were in person. At the show he looked TALL AND THIN. And he knows how that skingraft vest widens the shoulders to make him even more sleek. Such a rock god, he is.
Just got back home…left Ste Agathe with kisses to all at 10:30 yeterday morning…drove to Adamized house and got there at about 2 am this morning; we had traveled in caravan with Ceddies until after lunch, which we shared together at a very, very strange place but it was wonderful to be together for that last little bit of time…Adamized provided hospitality and I slept like a LOG until this morning her house is wonderful…got up this morning and drove the rest of the way to Norfolk and arrived about an hour ago and my family is trying to interact with me WTF?
I’ve got vids to watch and posts to read!!!
I think it was probably all a dream. Gotta see/hear/read evidence to the contrary.