- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
Thank you very much for all recaps, updates, photos and videos.
Greatly appreciated.
Adam looked and sounded amazing.I can’t wait for more video’s.Thank you’s to everyone who keep’s us up to date on everything Adam.
Kradamour, your recaps and comments from the show are amazing, so full of feeling, I can just feel your emotion….
OMG, love the new song.
Haven’t finished watching all the vids yet, but he looked and sounded out of this world. Love it when he’s freer and adlibs more.
Neonlimelight review on the new song.
I just saw WLL in the rain and I am in awe of this superhuman being. How could the same person sing Outlaws of Love and WLL like that within a few minutes of each other? Both with such passion and yet so different, and in the rain! And those vocals! I have been a devoted fan since the early days of Idol and he still makes my jaw drop.
haha, it was MY FESTIVAL

the new song sounds absolutely great….
can’t wait for his album
Suz — you are a hero! Thank you so much for all of the videos!!
Outlaws of Love is heartbreaking and achingly beautiful. What a treat indeed.
Here’s an another video of Outlaws of Love. Less audience chatter is audible here:
Heaps of high-quality pics are starting to roll in. Some of these are awesome.
You must scroll through all of Tuke18’s shots on twitpic — she’s got a bunch of awesome shots:
http://twitpic.com/5y47hy (this is the first one, then just go from there)
This gal has a bunch of great pics as well:
http://twitpic.com/5y3smn (again, this is the first one, then just go from there)
Haha the underwear: http://media.photobucket.com/image/recent/snuggle62/Ste-Agathe%20July%2029th/P1020145.jpg
And… this gal got a bunch of great shots as well:
And one more for the ages:
And a few more here:
ahem… http://twitpic.com/5y42oo
Seriously, you have to look through tuke18’s collection. She’s got pics like this:
and this:
and this:
and this:
Ok, I’ll stop now, before I get put in moderation.
Well, I guess I won’t stop.
Suz’s recording of Fever just came up. Woohoo great dancing at the end of this one! LOL
And WWFM (plugged in). OMG the rain was really coming down! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZBEifiXbIbs
Well, gang, that’s it! I’m off to bed – none the worse for wear. An incredible concert! If Adam had any doubt about his fanbase, he won’t have after tonight. Torrential rain and lightening at the end but the faithful (more than half of the crowd) stayed through. We walked home sopping wet, grinning from ear to ear!! Although the fireworks lit up the Canadian sky after the concert, nothing could light up our world the way Adam did!
Purple Haze from Suz. http://t.co/nz7i56B
Suz, there are no words to express our thanks for your hard work and awesome vids. Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you.
Now get some rest!
Suz, you are a star! These are spectacular videos of a spectacular show, and your dedication to bring it all to us so quickly is truly amazing. Thank you SO much!
Yeah, what she said!
Haha I just watched WLL and Purple Haze. Holy crap, Adam is a force of nature. And Adam belting out those songs in the pouring rain? Stick a fork in me. I’m done.
And on that note, this post ho needs to go to bed.
It’s been a great night. So jealous of those of you who were there, but really really happy for you!
Good morning, I’m at Montreal airport heading back to the US. Still on a high from last night – incredible show that I will never forget. I see that Suz526 has worked her usual magic and all the vids are up! Thanks also to Adamland for hosting this thread.
Not that people are thinking much about the GNT at the moment, but I have the San Diego recap from 7/30/10 ready, just need to get on a pc to post it, will do so this evening.
Hope all the travelers enjoy their remaining time in Quebec and have a safe trip home!
thanks eywflyer for your posts, tweets, all your hard work, and for the brilliant idea of creating this site in the first place. Have a safe trip home.
THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU to everyone responsible for this site, to the people who recapped tonight and future recaps also, for the pictures from tonight, for every little crumb from this concert tonight. I love you all.
Suz526 A great big smooch to you for the great videos and for always trying your best to get the videos up as soon as possible for us starving fans. Your work is greatly appreciated.
Good morning!
My world is a better place already thanks to Suz526, and creators of this site. Big THANK YOU to all of you who posted recaps already.
OoL is already on my iPod,what a beautiful song.Even though I’m tone deaf I’m walking around my place humming this song (out of tune, naturally).
Now, a very important question: HOW IN ALL THAT RAIN AND WIND ADAM’S HAIR WERE STILL UP????? There is no amount of mousse, or other hair products that would make it happen.FORCE OF NATURE, that’s what it is!
hi all-
have perused comments and everything said is a given and more. WE HAVE SEEN the beginning of a new Adam era. He had “STAR” written on him after the 1st 2 numbers .Of course, he’s always been a “star” to us but last nite his whole demeanor said “STAR”. HE OWNED THAT STAGE in Ste Agathe and there will be no going back. you coulld feel the fire.He is like no one and nothing else. He seems more mature, grown up, as Kradamour mentioned. Believe it–HE was so much betterer than any and all of the GNT concerts. It was so REAL! No artificiality(sp). It was pure MAGIC!!!. Adam and the band were “tight”. My 1st thought was “they’ve been practicing together” bec. this was just smooth. Didn’t feel like what we saw in Moscow (which was great) but it didn’t seem like they were as in sync there. Tonight they ALL were in the zone-everything sharp, everyone happy, everyone with each other. Everything PROFESSIONAL but from the heart ,not choreographed. Monte was on fire too. I wish, I wish. I wish they would all be together always. But if not… we’ll always have THIS –the 1st of many. “It’s a new dawn, it’s a new day, it’s a new life and I’m feeling good!!”
Love you all. So happy to meet those I did. Hello again to Ceddies whom I met last night. Don’t know where Kradamour was(my bad) when I was speaking with Ron at length but I did so want to meet you too as I enjoy your articulate, reasoned comments as I lurk. Next time, perhaps.
Safe travels back home everyone. Hope we meet again in our future with Adam.
P.S. The Duke is still talking about the show this morning. Thank god he feels as I do. He;s a musician and hears with a musician’s ear more then with his heart. He enjoyed meeting you all. Thought that our dinner was a great gig.
RON, he so liked meeting you and chatting throughout dinner. And so loved your 1st nite’s fashion ensemble that he was taken aback with your relatively sedate concert nite outfit! Love you.
What an amazing concert. Thanks for all the recaps and videos. How does man outdo himself all the time. He is simply amazing, and born to be on stage.
I am a fan for life!!!
@little Duchess,
was it ‘your Duke’ that was mentioned in a tweet about Adam singing to in Fever?
Bonjour a tous! I bet you travellers are still bathed in the afterglow of last night. Sigh. I hope you all have a safe and happy trip back to rl.
I was so excited to see Suz’s vids this morning but no luck. Is it just my computer or ???? Every time I click on one of Suz’s vids it takes me to a twitpic of the grounds. I would much rather watch Adam sing “at home” here on this thread than on YouTube but I may have to go there.
Good morning all! I just want to add my thanks to everyone involved with getting this site set up and everyone who has contributed to last night’s amazing concert thread and follow ups.
I bet everyone there is barely able to move today. Suz, thanks for getting the vids up so quickly. They seem to be everywhere on the net!
A few articles from last night’s show:
Quite a Character, Adam Lambert
Some facts need more checking though.
Adam Electrifies His Admirers
Hi Calgary, BTW, I love your avatar peeking at all of us!
It seems that the links are not correct for the Youtubes so if you want to see them, you’ll need to go to Suz’s youtube channel.
A couple of links to a few photos…
http://philfoto.zenfolio.com/p294524452 – professional HQ photos
I’ll take a look at the thread this evening from Palm Springs, I know Adamland had some trouble with her PC last night. Unfortunately I can’t edit the thread very well from my phone
About to be airborne again, talk to y’all later on!
ETA: vid links seem to work for me, not sure what’s going on. Only suggestions I have if it’s not working for some folks are to clear Internet cache and delete temporary files. Or maybe try a different browser.
Thanks to all the concert goers and especially Suz526 for keeping us informed and excited. I had my supper with oven number 2. She was way far back and the sound was very good. The visual lacked clarity but as this quite a bit over 29 fan, who doesn’t do GA it’s about where I witnessed my first Adam concert. She has the cellcast vid’s up yet. I sat in a darkened quite room and when the first song came on it was magic and memories of last year flooded my mind and heart. Those of us who were there only by technology still felt the awe, emotion and excitement. Can’t wait till the next tour.
That’s interesting that the videos work for you eywfler. Like Calgary and AL, they don’t work for me.
Also, I notice that Fever hasn’t been embedded yet.
JOJOSIE– you got one of those cellcasts to work?? That’s weird, I couldn’t get anything to work the whole time, despite several attempts. Congratulations on being able to enjoy the show in real time — you must have some kind of magic! And you must have wondered why the rest of us were complaining about frozen dinner!
eywflyer, tried IE and the links work. In Firefox, they all link back to the crowd pic. Not sure why they are not working in Firefox. Now back to the videos!
Oh pooh. Vid’s don’t seem to be working in Safari either.
Anyhoo, wasn’t able to be here last night for the whine party (my gf didn’t work so we went out din and a movie)
Finally finished reading through all the comments and man oh man how I wish I had been there. I soooo knew it was going to be amazingly special. I love his look and I can just see him moving forward to a fabulous career. He does seem to have grown and matured based on the vids I’ve seen (saw them when I read the article Lyndsey wrote on the new song OoL). I will have to wait to see the rest since the computer I’m on today tends to have issues with videos. Congrats to all of you who were at the show. So glad you were there so that those of us that couldn’t make it would still be able to experience it and live vicariously through you. Hugs and love to you all!!
Someone has already worked out a beautiful instrumental version of Outlaws of Love on the piano. Really highlights how beautiful the melody is. Reminds of when Adam said that “a great song is a great song,” and how a great song can transcend genres.
And check this out –Tuke18 caught a pic of the little fairy with Adam!
Whew. Just catching up. Holy Shmoly. Boy was on FIRE last night. Even the rain couldn’t bring him down. My favorite of the night: SFW. The interlude was smoking. All the playing the boys have been doing in the off season just makes them even tighter of a band. I’m really regretting not going to see Tommy and Monte when they were in Chicago this summer.
But, SFW, vocally, Adam was just off the charts. And the dancing. And the fierceness. And, people, it has been said before. But, Oh. Em. Gee. How much does he channel Freddy at the end with the sing off? Has anybody here seen Queen Live at Wembley? Blows me away how much similarity there.
Love the Lyndsey Parker article. Read hers first. Now I need to catch up on other stuff. Oh, and maybe a little real life too. Crap. I hate that.
BTW: Suz. Once again, bowing, and blowing kisses to you. You survived Adamstock, mud and all!
Had to watch vids in another window, on You Tube, one by one. Can’t open them here. Oh well. It’s still Adam.
SFW on again. No surprise there. Sleepwalker-oh my. He still has that coat on in his mind!!
What song was the moth/fairy? Is there any video/audio of it?
ETA: Found it, Mad world intro. Complete with the fan fic reference!!
Here! When Adam is introducing the band before MW!
Thnx for all the vids!
Adam is full of joy … and even HOTTER !!!
Love this type of concert =)
Really excited 4 album 2!!!
Just landed in Phoenix, more thoughts on last nights show:
– Quebec crowds may be the best anywhere. Adam was very clearly absorbing the positive energy from a super enthusiastic and very diverse crowd. Also saw that Tommy tweeted this was one of his favorite concerts ever. The tour will be visiting Quebec next year – count on it.
– I was very impressed with the professional organization of this brand new event. Ticket number scheme worked perfectly, crowd was brought into the venue in an organized and safe manner, and the sound/video systems in the venue were first rate. I’d love to see Adam play this event again next year.
– Adam was MUCH more relaxed during his chat segments than during the GNT, “realness” was very evident. I think that will carry into the next tour, you can be sure Adam is aware of the negative comments by some reviewers regarding his rather scripted GNT patter.
– I agree with the earlier comments, Adam is maturing as an artist before our eyes. There was just a different feel last night than before, no need for four costume changes or sparkles or glitter (although those things are fun too), Adam knew he was killing it and owned that stage with his voice and presence alone.
– Very dramatic and cool at the end as Adam smoothly incorporated the thunderstorm into his lyrics and stage moves. Watching him stand there with head thrown back as sheets of rain blew past gave me chills (on top of the ones from being soaked lol)
– SLEEPWALKER! Jlurksacto, luval and I were turning to each other in awe during the last part of that song. He certainly didn’t hold back on any high notes last night.
– This is the Adam we need to hear in the studio as well as on tour – he is one of the great vocalists of the rock era IMO, no need for tons of production. Just sing things that no one else can.
Of all the times I’ve seen Adam perform, this was the most memorable and is my favorite. It’s amazing to think – as good as Adam was during the GNT, I think we saw last night that his potential is to be even better.
I just finished watching the vids in order of the set list to get the full effect. Our boy brought the fire to the festival. I bet they are already asking him back for next year. My husband watched every video with me and we hooked the stereo into my computer and had it blasting. WOW WOW WOW. DH said “he has really toned down his show from when we went to see him. Where are all the costumes?”
He sure hasn’t toned down that voice. I am so much more excited for the new album, it is going to be incredible.
Might have to shop for a new avatar among all these great pictures.
This quote reminds me of an interview I saw while Adam was on Idol of his Zodiac friends. I think it was Carmit (I may have misspelled that!) who said something along the lines that we hadn’t even seen all he was capable of, that just when you think you’ve heard his best, he gets even better. That stuck with me because it seems to be his M.O. He just seems to be constantly evolving artistically.
“Just sing things that no one else can.” That sums it up very well, ewyflyer. Adam’s the finest male singer we have today – and he may very well just be the finest singer – period. Following his career has been one of the most entertaining periods in my life, and I hope to continue doing so for a long time to come.
I’ve just listened to Outlaws for about the 100th time. So haunting and lovely, so poignant and heartfelt.
Geebus. And this is just the start of the Adam onslaught coming in the next few weeks. I’m feeling a Fever starting already.
Me too, I listen and find myself in tears, so beautiful, it just gives me chills.
Just got back from St. Agathe. Long drive because of 45min construction holdup and 1 1/2 hour wait at Canadian/US border. Won’t necessarily recap right now. Just want to say this show was better than all the GN shows I saw put together. I’m still on a high. And meeting everyone was the topping on the cake. (normally Adam is but in this case I’m making an exception).
I’m going to send Outlaws of Love to everyone I know. I’m tearing up right now listening to it again, even with all the “I love you’s and marry me’s”. He’s such a professional.
I’m still unpacking but wanted to share this photo with you right away. I LOVE it! It’s so natural, candid and real. I tear up when I look at it.
With permission, this was taken by jlurksacto moments after meeting our dear nkd
Be back soon …
That takes care of one suitcase.
On to the next one.
In the meantime, photo taken by luval. (HI LUVAL! Glad you’re home safe and sound!)
jlurksacto, me, TLKC
We named this “Going Down The Rabbit Hole”.
Oh Ron and nekkid — that is a beautiful, joyful picture! I love it! Such a sweet connection.
And nekkid and kradamour — I was truly touched that you thought of us homies and honored each of us with a bite of chocolate mousse. Aww thanks!
Long day: http://lockerz.com/s/125167107
Started reading this thread from page one and just want to say hello to AdamisgodXXX. It’s been so long. We met in New Orleans and flailed a little bit at the restaurant. I remember a post of yours long ago. Something about what Adam wants us to do. 1. tell a stranger they’re beautiful, 2.fall into the glitter…can’t remember the third one. lol
Wait a minute eywflyer — don’t you live in Florida?? You’re going in the WRONG DIRECTION! LOL I wondered why you were in the Phoenix airport on your way from Quebec to Florida! I guess Adam’s performance really did knock you upside the head, eh?
Ok I think I’ve fixed the issue with the videos. Just tried on firefox and they worked. Firefox did ask for the latest version of Adobe Flash when I loaded the thread page, once I installed that everything looked correct. Also put the Fever video link in, and completed the setlist.
cwm, yea I shoehorned the Quebec trip at the beginning of a previously planned So Cal trip, with some rejuggling of flights. So now I’m in So Cal for a week – flew into Phoenix because it was cheaper and an easier drive to Palm Springs than coming from LAX.
Heading out to dinner, y’all please try to view the vids from this thread using various browsers and report any problems here. I’ll take another look after dinner.