- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
This is cool. Somebody found the set list in a puddle!
My computer started acting up, kinda messed up the thread so I’m following from my phone now.
Just a quick OMG! That was just the best! We are all soaked to the bone, with cold rain, but who cares! The new song was breathtaking. We had tears, it was just so beautiful! I am nekkid now, I need a shower!
Let me add that he was on fire! Don’t skip watching any vids. It was great, beginning to end!
Wow…just listened to the new song. Beautiful!!!
BTW. He was gorgeous as always. The hair was awesome! And he had some new medges with what look like zipper curving around them up to his knees, black pants, the black tank, and the black leather vest!
I hope I’m not being repetitive, I haven’t had time to read through the thread.
There are no words……..
Hello all I just got home from the wedding, had some wine there in honor of all here, and some chocolate. New song is incredible. I just want to be there so bad, it sounds like once again he put on a stellar show. I love the comments and and seeing all the new(old) people here, Welcome everyone.
I especially love that he got them all wet!!
Mils I never worry about his thingy either, wonder maybe but not worry!! And no corners tonight there is just too much excitement.
Ok off to try and read my way through the twitter list. SQUEEE
Thanks for the reports, nkd! So happy for you and all the others who got to see such an epic concert!
Beyond beautiful.
I’m back and mostly dried off.
I’ve been to 5 glamnation concerts. Tonight made me forget all of them.
It will be the concert that years from now, people still talk about.
The best performance of every song. Ever. And possibly ever to come. It was that good.
But, Kradamour, did you like it?
They’re stuck in traffic but Suz is in the backseat making videos so hang on a little while longer guys!
He owned the stage. And he owned us, and he knew it, but he also knew – and so did we – that we owned him.
Adam was so delighted to be on that stage – every pore in his body exuded delight. He missed us. And he was playful and happy and fulfilled on that stage.
And Sauli was in the control booth. He walked right past us on his way there, escorted by a security officer. I have been sceptical of the Adam-Sauli love affair. It’s only been a few months. But in the moments that Sauli was passing us, I became a believer. He has an aura of simple decency. He glows. He is beautiful. And tonight, he saw Adam perform the most amazing set of his career so far. And then went home with him. I hesitate to imagine their meeting after the performance, or what they would say to each other. When I start to think about it I stop myself, because tonight will be so special to them that even thinking about it feels like an intrusion.
Odd, Kradamour, how the stars come together at certain times and a moment occurs that will live in one’s mind forever. And not in one’s power to create it – it just happens.
Wow, Kradamour, thanks for sharing! So glad it was so amazing!
Twitvid appetizer of Outlaws Of Love
I am so very, very grateful to have been there with friends, with posters from this site who have become, indeed, friends. It would have been unbearably lonely to leave the concert alone tonight. There is so much to say, to share, to analyze, to love. Nekkid, Luval, Adamized, Ron, Ceddies surrounded me at the concert. Cher and ewyflyer and riskylady were there, and others I won’t name for fear of forgetting someone. Luval is my roommate at the hotel and Adamized will be my passenger to Baltimore and Ceddies will accompany us. Ron was just in our hotel room for a final OMG. I am so grateful for our mutual understanding and flailing. Tonight, in the afterglow of the concert, I truly love each of them.
How I wish that every one of you could have been there!
OMG! It was amazing. The new song is a lovely acoustic but a few people did scream unfortunately! (What is wrong with people?)
Adam was at his best: relaxed, happy and in full voice. Sauli walked right past us just before the concert started – everyone started cheering him but it was such a surprise no one in our area got a picture.
It was an amazing concert and the rain at the end (WLL) didn’t dampen our spirits.
He didn’t sing “Soaked” but in the end it wasn’t necessary. LOL.
I hope that all of your ears were burning! You were so often spoken of. At dinner last night, nekkid and I were eating dessert and she named each poster who was not with us as she ate a bite of chocolate mousse! It was funny but also touching. So often during the two days someone has said “___ would love that if she was here!”
Kradamour, I wonder if Sauli has ever seen Adam in concert. He did not see him in Finland nor Russia. This might have been the first time that he has seen a complete concert. So glad that you liked it! His voice soars in an outdoor venue!
Must have been a big mousse!
So jealous of you guys right now!
Kradam, I’m loving your recaps. And I’m looking forward to hearing from many more of you. It sounds like it was simply divine. And a Sauli sighting to boot. I love what you said about them. He must be special for Adam to be so in love with him.
Can’t wait to hear all the tidbits and goodies from the show. Sometimes, those are more fun than the show! LOL.
Yes, AL, his voice does soar in an outdoor venue. I saw him in Rockford, Soaked was unforgettable outdoors.
But, tonight seems to have surpassed it all. Need more vids. The one of Outlaws above is divine.
No Tommy kiss – thank goodness with Sauli in the booth! – but nice playful interaction.
Adam also made reference to the extensive fanfic about Tommy and announced, very archly, that it was entirely inappropriate.
Remember at the beginning of glamnation, how we talked about Adam’s “patter” sounding canned and stilted? That was hard to remember tonight. He held an easy conversation with us. He knew us, knew what to say, and held a conversation as a part of the performance. And every song included instructions to jump, pump, clap…there was a dialog in ways that I have never experienced at any concert with any performer.
One of the most endearing moments of the concert turned into a funny situation. We all jumped up and down for the first chorus of IIHY and Adam was touched that we anticipated him so he asked us to jump for every chorus.
Then he asked us to jump for another song… and another. Some of us are -ahem- older and we couldn’t keep jumping but we didn’t want to disappoint him so we were bending our knees and pretending to jump. I won’t tell you which frequenters of this site just admitted to this but am sitting with Jlurksacto, luval and Ron.
Wow, I am soooo jealous right now, but at the same time so happy for you and everybody else who went. Hugs to you all.
Our happy little band had great positions – several of us went on a reconnaissance mission last night to the Eric LaPointe concert – and the jumbotrons were exceptionally well managed, as well.
And as I glanced at the jumbotrons, and the closeup of Adam’s face, I suddenly realized that he has grown up. During Idol, there was a young-ness to Adam. He was 26 going on 20, in some ways. His face and expressions and mannerisms were almost surprisingly smooth and young.
Tonight he was clearly a young man of almost 30. The tour has matured him in some deep and tangible ways, and I cannot wait for the richer and more nuanced music that this maturing performer will create for us.
Kradam, you are right, the babyface is gone. Good. Makes me feel less cougary.
Ya know, not only am I on my third glass of whine, but, I am over not being at the show. Now I’m whining over not being with all of you. We shall meet some day….
And finally, because I am exhausted, I will add that Monte and Tommy and Isaac and Adam have become an amazing unit. Their interaction was natural and seamless and comfortable, as multiple parts of one organism. And we were part of that organism, too, partners in the creation of an evening that seven thousand people will never, ever forget.
ETA: 8800 tickets were sold
With regards to all those “jumps”, Adam, all I have to say is they weren’t in the script!!!
And now I am falling so hard for this new song. His voice sounds so tender, I don’t think I have a chance against the tears. “…nowhere to grow old, we’re always on the run…”
Wow Kradamour love your musings on the show. I was also thinking about Sauli probably seeing a live show for the first time. I bet he is in awe tonight.
TLKC cute story about the jumping. I can see him telling Sauli, “just watch what I can make them all do.” LOL
And I still say Gaga totally stole the “now jump” from Adam on SYTYCD last night.
So happy for all of you that was at the concert. Adam sounded amazing as usual. Thanks for all the recaps.
The new song is simply haunting. The lyrics are so meaningful. Another anthem for LGBT. Or, for anybody for that matter. The video for this would be beautiful.
I can already hear Curt Colfer singing this on Glee.
AL: thanks for fierce Adam pix!!
IKR it is just haunting and beautiful. I love it already. Maybe this was the “you Glamberts are gonna poop” Alisan was talking about. They could have rehearsed it that day and he might have said he was going to sing it in Canada. She was in the studio with him on the day she posted that wasn’t she?
Didn’t we have some speculation before about the underarm hair or no hair?
Wonder if Adam and Sauli will hit any clubs tonight?
Must go to sleep. Will catch up in the morning. Can’t wait for more recaps and fun tomorrow.
Looking forward to news reports, interviews, Seacrest asking for vid of the new song. Gads, it is so much fun to be an Adam fan!
Suz vid!
I put this same post on MJs with the link here. Let’s see if it gets deleted.
Traffic is bad and Montreal is over an hour and 15 mins away without traffic and it’s raining. Dayum, he was on fire!! He outdid himself tonight. 8,800 tickets sold. He looked fantastic, handsome, happy, in great shape. He took off his jacket near the end and performed in his tanktop. Crowd was great all night. Canadians very very supportive. This is a ski town, kind of rural, very scenic, lovely
Some locals said they drove 3 hrs to get there. Mixed crowd, many more men than normal, families with children, very polite crowd, but extremely vocal and enthusiastic. Then the rain poured down near the end and the main crowd didn’t move. Adam put out his tongue to catch some rain and the crowd loved it. He gave us a stellar WLL for the encore, then left. The crowd stayed there in the rain and kept yelling, Adam Adam Adam and he came back and did a second encore Purple Haze and then he left again. The sound system was really really good.
Loved it, just not being soaking wet like all of us are now. Just thank goodness we have Suz. You’ll see how good he was tonight. Just wow!!
Thanks Cher for the update, it really sounds like we missed something special. Be careful.
Suz the video is beautiful.
I have a few pics as soon as I figure out how to upload them!
Big thanks for all your early reactions, and especially for your videos, Suz.
Woke up at 5:00 and came in to try to catch the stream but it wasn’t working. I saw from the tweets that there was a new song and that it started pouring. Then I got up a couple of hours later and this magnificent song was waiting for me. My jaw is hanging open and I have tears in my eyes. Read a couple of cher’s recaps and now I will take my time to savor the rest. Thank you ahead of time to everybody who wrote, tweeted, took pics and vids, and did anything to help up us vicariously share one amazing, electrifying night.
link to a few pics:
Lyndsey Parker just wrote about Adam’s new song. She loves it and fully expects him to be singing it in full stadiums!
Whew, back at the airport hotel in Montreal (early flight in the AM). Drove Suz526 and her friend tchrsd back from St Agathe thru a freeway closure & detour traffic jam, much pouring rain, and a Tim Hortons drive thru that only spoke French and had no doughnuts. Incredible concert and awesome time with friends! Dont want to start naming and leave some out, but for now i want to say it was a pleasure and honor to meet everyone!
Must sleep now, back on sometime Saturday.