- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
thank you luval for your kind welcome, I am almost to the “I dont care anymore” stage regarding eye rollers. I have never been one to take a stand- rather tend to conform to the crowd but not anymore. Adam has opened my eyes to many things, amazing effect he seems to have on people.
I look forward to future concerts, I’ll get there if I have to crawl (even thru fire) until then I will enjoy the wonderful atmosphere here.
Welcome Sparkle and missdfyed this is a great place to hang out.
Cher I love your stories, so much fun. I too am a foodie we would have great times together perusing restaurants and menus. HCP hilarious.
Oh I would definitely read this 8O
well, I got the block quotes right, but blew it again on the BOLD. Sometimes I get that right too but I must do something inconsistently. My newest challenges to keep my brain going
Welcome missdfyed and sparkle! I love both of your usernames!
My recaps will be out of
Pockets of memories, of this and that, put into words as they come to mind.
sequinssequence.I started packing on Monday afternoon for my Wednesday trip.
I packed at a (very) leisurely pace to make sure that I had everything I needed. By Tuesday evening, I had everything I needed. Half of the clothes in my closet and I were all set and ready to go.
I was so thorough, so detailed! Why then could I not find my deodorant once I was in the Montreal hotel?!
This was not good. A quick trip to the hotel’s convenience store in the lobby solved that problem.
jlurksacto. I wouldn’t have been in that Montreal hotel in the first place had it not been for his kind heart and generous soul. What a wonderful man! The main highway (401) is a good 25 minute drive to my apartment building. I told jlurksacto that it would be easier for him to pick me up if I took the subway north and met him as near to the exit ramp as possible. He instead insisted on making the drive down to pick me up directly in front of my building … 25 minutes out of his way and then another 25 minutes back to the 401. He phoned me when he left the 401 which gave me a time frame for when I could expect him to arrive. I absolutely didn’t care what people passing by might have thought of me as I stood there by the curb with the biggest smile on my face that seemed like it would never go away. This was really happening! Was it really happening? Yes, it was! The 84 day wait was over and my journey was about to begin! I was so happy. So excited. When about 10 minutes had passed, I began to scan each approaching car’s license plate looking for one that read California. I didn’t wait much longer when suddenly there it was! Then, there he was! jlurksacto got out of his beautiful Prius car and we both let out a big “Hello” but there was a bit of business to attend to … my luggage. Once they were loaded into the trunk, I began to extend my hand to jlurksacto but that quickly gave way to a HUGE BEAR HUG! Instant friendship! I marveled at the technology of this talking car!
Navigational system with a monitor showing the route as we traveled along?! What? Last time I drove a car, which was 30 years ago, there was a speedometer, fuel gauge, oil gauge and a steering wheel!
Three minutes into our drive and we stopped. One block east of my place and a couple of blocks north is the Bar where exteriors were shot for the TV show “Queer As Folk”. jlurksacto is a big fan of both the English and American versions of that show. I could tell he enjoyed being able to see the outside of this Bar. After a couple of photos were taken, we were now truly on our way! Montreal or bust … which I almost did because 40 minutes into the drive and I needed to use a rest room. 
First, welcome to all the former lurkers! Glad you removed your invisibility cloaks!
Nkd, lol, I didn’t get a pic of Cher’s HCP (which to me looked like a loaded baked potato), but I did get one of her flaming Baked Alaska. Adam wanted a flaming headdress, Cher wanted a flaming dessert. It was pretty cool – well, hot.
I’m loving all the recaps!!! Didn’t realize we were all going in different directions in little Ste. Agathe LOLOL!!
The place was literally CRAWLING with us trying to find one thing or another. We (Cher, tchrsd, margie32127, floridagirl, ladybugs and me) were actually IN Walmart looking for a white shirt while luval and group were looking for said Walmart I guess. We then had a lovely breakfast/lunch at Mike’s of Italian wraps/salads, etc. Of course, before that, we stopped traffic and attracted gawkers while posing for silly pics with the large festival poster featuring Adam on that busy street. Fortunately, we did NOT have a sharp object with which to cut out Adam’s 4 ft tall picture as some of the more criminally-inclined members of our group were plotting.
Ron, have to smile at your story about you and jlurksacto bonding. It does get better!!
Missdfyed, do not conform when it comes to Adam. We all have our naysayers around in RL, but I just tune them out. They don’t matter to me if they don’t agree with my uh..obsession. Their loss if they wish to lose my friendship, but so far I haven’t lost any. They’re kinda just peeved because I have my friends from our blog and I don’t have as much spare time for the RL ones anymore.
I will try to give them some xtra time now that Adam is not touring.
We’ve made great friendships from MJs and from going to concerts and meeting other fans and you’ll never believe that we all feel like we’ve known each other forever! Seriously. There are some OTT ones that you know to stay away from, but otherwise, we’re good. You can friend most of us on the fansite and if you wish to correspond with any of us on email, just say so. It’s lonely if you don’t have anyone who understands this Adam thing like we all do. Please join us somewhere on the next tour. You can leave hubby home like I do mine. I’ve learned to barter favors. lololol Or just say you’re going on a trip with my girlfriends like I sometimes do. Which is true. 

BTW jlurksacto, he’s asking for an email account to be set up for him now. haha. Maybe you can blackmail me in the future.
Also, I’m renaming jlurksacto on this blog. He should be called jcrazynutso! Who leaves Alabama and gets to northern Calif in under 2 days driving alone? He did! He drove 16 hrs straight yesterday from Texas to Northern Calif! Just because he couldn’t find a Motel 6 to stay at!! lolololololololol j/k
Thanks riskylady, glambotgram, and ron for welcoming me to the group. And luval – it made my day that you remember me from MJ’s. I was looking on MJ’s about a week ago to find info/recaps about the concert. I was disappointed that MJ only had a post about OOL and there was not much discussion from the “regulars” from the tour. I think mils posted a link to this site. When I saw the poster of AL I knew I was “home” – back with good people that love Adam as much as I do. It was a wonderful feeling. MJ’s is great but not if all you really want to know about is AL news! Thanks for sharing, everyone!
Ron, if you are here I sent you an e-mail about the VH1 show tonight. Also put it on the August chat.
Sparkle…I remembered your name because I love that name! So sparkly…
Ron More please!!! Am loving your recap so far and we are only 40 minutes into the trip. How great that
jlurksacto got to see the bar where one of his favorite shows is taped. That plus a hug from you probably was more than a fair trade for the extra driving.
sparkle I have had difficulty sharing my obsession with many friends/family since they were all fairly critical at first. Now some of them are coming around a bit and recognizing that I’m having some pretty wonderful experiences. My sister has said several times that she would like to see Adam perform again. We will see. Now that I have had the experience of seeing Adam with the glamily I’m not sure I want to go back to seeing him with folks that just come along with me for the ride.
Hi adamized. I have a feeling too that people I know will want to come along after me sharing all my adventures. Sorry, I won’t have a ball and chain around my ankle on the next tour! Not the same mindset…not coming along.
eta…and yes…Ron and Kradamour…more more more!!!
eta again…And recaps from anyone/everyone else too!!!!
Made it home 2am Sun morning from one hella, crazy, mind blowing, out of this world, 7000 mile, concert trip. Nice to sleep in my own bed after all of the
different ones, whoopee cushion included. To meet, see, drink, party, put
names to faces, and have an Adam concert as a bonus – WOW – just WOW. I was
in St Agathe (Montreal) when —— (fill in the blank{s}) Thank you to all
for making it what it was. A few down moments – navi didn’t want me on major
highways/streets – but laughter and good times, all the time! ! ! !
jlurksacto…hi! Can’t wait until the next tour/trip!
Welcome home, my friend, in both Sacramento and here!!
Very happy to know that you’re safe!
jlurksacto, it’s great to know you made it home. I owe you several big thank yous for carting us around from Montreal to Ste. Agathe to Montreal to the airport! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!
Is everyone else still walking around with a smile on their face singing songs, thinking of all of the people we met and the great moments we had?!! I don’t even care about those laughing at me and my little obsession!
nkd…still walking around in a daze. Will it ever end? Hope not…
Cher, 20 hours, but who is counting!! A lot of breaks and rest stops because
rear tire developed a slow leak so had to stop to fill tire (gas not so much –
prius). $4.69/gal in Needles, Ca – Az/Ca stateline. Pump price shock. Traffic
the whole trip was light – economy? Forgot, heavy morning rush hour traffic
going into Toronto to pick up Ron. My bad tho, timing is everything.
Are you the Sparkle from Milwaukee who takes such good pictures and videos or another one? Whoever, welcome.
Was talking with some Canadians tonight and was so happy to have an oppy to say that I was in Canada a week ago and explain why! They couldn’t have cared less about Adam but were happy to listen to the story about Canada, so it was all good!
But today was the last day, one week ago, of the adventure. Spent Saturday night at Adamized’s house and then came home on Sunday. No more days to say “One week ago today, we…”.
But the recaps are coming in now, loved the posts by cher and Ron, jlurk, riskylady…it is so much fun to find out after the fact what the rest of us were up to during the time we were in Ste Agathe! too funny re the walmart, I spent the afternoon looking at it through the window of the garage…
(But I am getting ahead of myself! That is for chapter 3, soon to be posted!
I hope it won’t end either, but I really need to get out of my daze when I’m driving on the freeway!
luval, nekkid, I actually think that it won’t. I really think that this will be the concert that people talk about for years to come, perhaps the rest of his career. So we will continue to hear references to it – and with every reference, we will joyfully remember THAT WE WERE THERE and how awesome it was to be there, and the wonderful peeps we shared it with.
nekkid, it might be easier to just avoid the freeway, cherie! Honestly, it is hard to focus on RL…maybe I’m not trying hard enough…
Someone did a best of Agathe video: Adam Lambert — Outlaws of Love (edited) & Ste Agathe highlights
really enjoying reading all these recaps and stories. Its been great seeing all the videos, and seeing Adam perform, and they will provide many more viewing hours in the future, he was stunning, both to look at and vocally, but it brings a whole new meaning to it being able to read all the non concert tales and anecdotes. The feelings of friendships, fun and enjoyment are coming through loud and clear.
turquoisewaters Thanks for posting the Ste Agathe highlights vid. I loved seeing all the special moments and of course the entire OOL.
Have a great Monday everyone.
The SpaWatel terrace and lake view have been described but here’s a pic that shows the beautiful setting we found ourselves in:
Here’s a detail from the pic of some guy in a red shirt.
luval made the bowtie for me! Thank you luval!!
I’m still behind due to RL but just finished looking at/listening to the Soundchecks!. The Duke and I enjoyed them a lot. Thanks milkywayfairy
WHO SOUNDS LIKE THAT AT SOUNDCHECK? Unbelievable! Thanks also riskylady for the DDD info. It’s easy to believe that he’s tough. Such a perfectionist. You’d think he was playing in Carnegie Hall (or similar) instead of a dirt field in Ste Agathe. Oh what fun to be an Adam fan!
. Agree with Ron. Can’t wait for more. Love your writing style.
MG. I did both the bold and block quotes right! Must be the sign of a great day!
Ron–love the pic from the SpaWatel terrace!
Hi little dutchess!!
Yes, me too! I loved being on the terraces, upper and lower, to be able to look across the way to the lake. It was also like having a front row seat to be able to sit there and watch the spectacular fireworks that followed Eric LaPointe’s concert that Thursday night.
I loved my stay at the SpaWatel!
Thank you, little dutchess! I think he really found the right sound guy now. Sound in both Russia and Ste Agathe was just FABULOUS, my point being reinforced by the sound for OOL! Flawless! Beyonce, eat your heart out but we will NEVER let you have your sound guy back!
FYI, I asked milkywayfairy to give us a recap of how she got those fab soundchecks, and she promised she will when she gets a chance.
Ron, loved your pics, but the guy in the red shirt? Was he a movie star or something? Really? Part of OUR group, you say? WOW.
luval, what?
Ron, I love the pictures. I want to go back there with everyone!
I’m ready to read some more recaps. Anyone?!!!
I’ve neglected to welcome missdfyed. Welcome!
I hope you love it here as much as I do!
nkd…hi…can’t remember what I deleted! Been doin’ alot of that lately. Sometimes my posts sound stupid after re-reading. wawawawawawa…I wanna be back there too. (my grammar is just peachy tonight…doin’, wanna….). Am tired I guess.
Waiting for further episodes too.
Hi luval! I sometimes wish I could backspace and dot out what comes out of my mouth!
I do need to mention all of the wonderful peeps that I met, but I want to do it right. It was such a special time, and now memory, that deserves more than a quick mention. I’m working on it!
Kind words about our recaps are so encouraging! Chapter 3 was going to wait – RL was so complicated today! – but I am feeling inspired now! Watch out…it could be long!!!
This may have been posted already but I keep watching it over and over and over! So adorable!
Chapter 3: gathering momentum!
Woke up on concert morning to sun peeking in the curtain of the window that opened onto the small terrace that ran the length of each floor. Hooray! Sun! Just a little, but we have been apprehensive for a week about the weather for the concert. I brought an umbrella, rain jacket, and rubber crocs shoes in case of rain but this morning looks promising. Luval is a wonderfully considerate roommate, always consulting with me about everything that is involved with our mutual living arrangements. She decides to go out for a walk/run while I pull myself together, and then she will shower before we go down to breakfast. The tub, by the way, is huge – a Jacuzzi actually, with a sign on the door saying that it should not be used between the hours of 11 pm and 7 am, so presumably it is noisy. So it was a roomy shower, very nice. While Luval finished her shower I went downstairs to start breakfast, and found peeps on the terrace having coffee: Ron, jlurksacto, TLKC, and perhaps eywflyer? It is hard to remember exactly who was where when! So I sat and chatted for a while before going in to the wonderful buffet breakfast ($10 CDN, a fabulous deal for a hotel breakfast IMHO). I’ll try to remember everything: scrambled eggs, boiled eggs, ham, bacon, sausage, pancakes, waffles, yogurt, some sort of pale thing that might have been chicken? And excellent fried potatoes. Sliced tomatoes and baked beans (this is Canada). Watermelon, honeydew, cantaloupe, pineapple. Carrot muffins, nice dense Canadian ones! With real butter. Maple syrup. Oatmeal. Various cold cereals. Toast, English muffins. An unopened package of stuffed dates that I discovered and opened for luval when she came down. Apple, orange, and cranberry juices. After we were seated from the buffet, a server brought our tea or coffee. The tea came in a hottle! Hooray for the hottle! Too rarely seen these days! So I was able to brew my tea to my liking and have an extra cupful at the ready. Tea is VERY important in the morning.
Everything was delicious and we took our plates to the terrace and pulled little tables together as more peeps appeared: nekkid and her daughter, Northern Spirit…and it looked as though we were creating little Venn diagrams with the small round tables pulled together! What a lovely way to start this day that we were all so excited to share!
Sigh. What to do about the car? Luval and ceddies and adamized were going into town and luval offered to take me to the garage to talk with the garagiste, but I thought it better to just take the Jeep and throw myself on his mercy and beg for him to look at it right away or at least as soon as possible. I had called CAA (the Canadian AAA) and gotten the name of a recommended garage, and after our very positive experience with AAA the day before, I was feeling pretty confident. But such a shame to lose my day to auto repairs! But very scary to drive home – 850 miles – without having the car checked out. Oh, well. So I wished a fine outing to my peeps and set out to take my son’s soldiermobile to the garage. I stopped at the reception for a map of Ste Agathe, but the street wasn’t on it. cher helped me look… Hmmm…I am optimistic, the city is quite small, surely I will find it. On the way out I was stopped by a woman in the most beautiful blue and white blouse! It was riskylady and she wanted to chat with me, and I was so very glad to meet her! Cher had told me for ages that she thought we would enjoy each other, and of course she was right. We talked about food and where I learned about it – I lived in Paris as an au pair in 1973, I was at a very impressionable age (19) and I soaked up a lot of information to use as a foundation. (My host family’s cook was very talented, and she made wonderful things. I loved to wander Paris looking at all the shop windows at the charcuterie, the breads, the fresh fruit and vegetable markets, the rabbits hanging upside down in the butcher shops, the dressed birds of all types in the poultry shop, the dozens and dozens of kinds of cheese at the fromagerie. Fresh-made marshmallows that melted in the mouth at the bakery/patisserie. Pains au chocolat. Ice cream so rich that only a few spoonfuls satiated….)
I go back inside in case they need to talk with me. Hmm, here is the Ste Agathe newspaper with a nice article about the festival. The personal ads are interesting, too. Quite a bit of variety! Ste Agathe seems to be an open-minded little place…must be the French heritage… 
) Can’t find my umbrella. No matter, it probably won’t rain.
Okay, so I set off for the garage! The street does not exist, I decide. But I need gas anyway, so I stop at a gas station in the middle of town and ask for directions. Wrinkled brows. Concern. Someone from far away – who speaks French! – needs help. No one is sure where Ste Agathe Transmission might be. Lots of consultation…finally a man behind me decides that the place I want to go is right next to the Tim Horton’s; turn right from the gas station, continue etc. etc. but I get the feeling from several others that they aren’t sure this is correct. He is insistent, though, so others yield to his presumed expertise and I thank him and set off again. There is the Tim Horton’s…oh, no! it is Ste Agathe Radiateur next to it, not Ste Agathe Transmission! Merde! (sh*t) Now what? It is getting later than I would like – almost 12 – and I am getting worried about the time. Soundcheck is rumored for 4 pm! Do I soldier on, or do I stay at Ste Agathe Radiateur, which might actually be an appropriate place for a car that overheats? I don’t want to think about this! I want to think about the concert! But I also really want to get home safely, and I am responsible for Adamized’s safety and comfort, too. So I decide to continue on (Radiateur looked a little sketchy, frankly) and there, at the top of a hill, across from the Motel 8, was my destination! I pull in, and go into the office and explain my problem and am met with sympathy and the promise to look at my car at 1:15. This is cutting it so close…thank you! And yes, I will wait right here, there are lots of magazines to read. So I read for a while, and then it is 1:15 and my car goes into the bay, so I step outside to call my husband, and then my son calls to see if he can subscribe to the New Yorker magazine. Honey, do you remember where I am? Oh, right, you’re in Québec. Well, can I? sigh. Let’s talk about this when I get home, chéri, you’re leaving for college in a couple of weeks and will have a different address.
I am getting nervous…it is after three o’clock…those of us with numbered tickets need to be in line by 5! I need lunch, I need to dress…and I need my car back! Ceddies had called me to see how things were going…it was so nice to get that supportive call! I am almost ready to say that I just need to leave, when the mechanic comes out to talk with me and let me know that there is a problem with the compressor, but as long as I don’t use the A/C, there should be no problem at all to get home. I tell him that I am going to Virginia. He seems a little unsure as to where that might be, but I tell him that it is about 1500 km, and he still reassures me that all is fine with the car except the AC. YES! Such relief! It was worth it to spend my afternoon at the garage, and I did enjoy the French reading material. Now to rejoin everyone and hear about their day and get ready for the concert!
But first, food. I stop at a McDo and get a sandwich filet de poisson with a petite salade jardin and a thé glacé. But what is this? A little paper bag with my salad dressing in it, and my fork and knife and napkin. This is nice! The bag says “La touche finale” and the dressing is actually very tasty – I usually don’t like bottled dressing, I make mine fresh, but this is not bad at all! Renées Gourmet Dressing. The McDonald’s is very light and spacious, a nice place to eat, actually. But I am looking at my watch…time to get back! Hurry! Hop la…
I drive back, past the venue…I can’t see anything from the road, though. I did see a wonderful festival billboard downtown, I will take a photo tomorrow on the way out. Arrive at the hotel and hear about the others’ adventures – actually not too many adventures, but pleasant times on the terrace, and I am sorry to have missed that, but it couldn’t be helped.
Upstairs to dress for the concert…I decide against the linen shirt I have brought to wear with a loose linen vest, and instead wear skinny jeans and a plain t-shirt with my rain jacket (the sky became gray earlier, but it doesn’t feel like rain) because it has big pockets and I won’t need a handbag, and I do wear the crocs shoes. (Note: these are not the unbearably un-chic crocs clogs. They are actually rather cute little slingback ballerinas. Had to say that.
Rush downstairs…are we leaving? Some are catching a ride with a very nice peep who is going to make multiple trips in her car from the hotel, but luval and I walk to the venue. It is nice to walk after sitting all day! We arrive and THE SOUNDCHECK IS GOING ON! This is real! There is really going to be a concert and WE ARE THERE!!!! Ceddies and Adamized are with us, from the other hotel. (Did we meet them on the way? Did they come to the Spa Watel to join us on the walk? I can’t remember, it was all such a happy blur!)
People who live in the house nearest the venue arrive and go into their house. We speculate about whether they are enjoying the festival, or wishing they had rented out the house and left town lol…we look around and it is obvious that the glamberts are out in force. Peeps are from everywhere! Many of us (not me) know a lot of the peeps who are there. Many peeps look eccentric, in a good way! With a top hat here, some yellow tights there (illustrated with Adam’s pic)…but most peeps are just dressed for a concert. The crowd is wonderfully varied! Lots of men, lots of couples, all ages and stages and flavors. Suddenly, the sun comes out and beams! The heavens are smiling on Adam and on us! Could it be otherwise? Of course not. There has never been so much light and love in one place at any concert, of that I am certain.
(To be continued!)
Love that gif, nekkid!
Riskylady, if you think that’s all I told Krad about you, think again!!!
Ron, that whole page is coming, I promise y’all. Have to find some free time first…a lot of free time… 
Kradamour…your recaps are wonderful. I think I mentioned my sister…a so-so Adam fan…just loves them too and keeps bugging me to find out when the next one is!
Cher…can’t wait!
You did it again Kradamour! I am sitting in that repair shop wishing I was elsewhere and fretting over getting there on time, then relief heading back, knowing the drive home will be safe. LOL Then all happiness from there and excitement. If the leading up to the concert is this good I will probably flail all over my living room at actual concert details. Can’t wait.
Loved part 3, kradamour! (Of course, I am partial.)
Haha, cher, you didn’t tell her my nickname, did you? lol
of course not riskylady…we still want everyone thinking you’re this sweet little grandma….so harmless and pure minded.
It was as if Adam’s voice during soundcheck had cleared the skies! But hang on…!
Kradamour, I am loving your recaps immensely and I was there! I do wish that you didn’t have to spend your day at the auto repair shop. Such a bummer! There were plenty of obstacles thrown at this group in making this trip happen. I’m just glad that it all worked out well, and now everyone is safely home.
Shhh! don’t give away the ending lol!
I posted this on August thread, but I want you to see it NOW.
Someone made a comment that it looks like a toothpaste commercial…
With my original travel companions, I expressed my concern about rest stop breaks and asked if we could please keep them at a minimum. Without breaking any laws, I wanted to get to Ste.-Agathe as soon as possible. I confidently told them that, if the drive was to last 7 hours as estimated, I could easily “go the distance” without needing to use a rest room. I suppose I was hoping to inspire them to do the same thing.
So, it was to my great horror when I realized, 20 minutes into my drive to Montreal with jlurksacto, that I was beginning to feel the need to … powder my nose.
I couldn’t tell him. What would he think of me? We just started and I wanted to stop?! Our conversations continued but I began to notice that I was becoming a bit quieter and a lot less animated than when we’d started off. Not much later, I began to look lovingly at each bush that we zoomed past!
Another 20 minutes went by and I finally had to spill the beans, so to speak.
jlurksacto said that it was fine, the car needed gas anyway and that there was a rest stop about 10 minutes away. 10 minutes?
I’m not sure that the car really needed gas at that point. I think it was jlurksacto’s way of helping me to not feel badly for needing to stop so soon. This turned out to be the most beautiful rest area on a highway that I had ever seen!
Our only other stop was when I treated jlurksacto to a lavish lunch at Wendy’s. A burger and a bottle of water … for two. When I take someone out to lunch, I go “all out”.
The talking car guided us perfectly to Le Nouvel Hotel & Spa in Montreal where Cher and some of her party had arrived the day before. I also knew that nkd and Calli were there. Our room was your typical hotel room (which means it was fine) with two queen sized beds. How appropriate.
When I opened my suitcase, I presented jlurksacto with a gift. Vodka! A nice big bottle of vodka. I thought he might appreciate it after all the hours of driving from California and for spending the last 5 of those hours with me.
I also brought soda mix but didn’t think it was a good idea to pack a bag of ice. So, jlurksacto went to hunt for the ice machine while I freshened up and changed clothes. He found the ice (in the basement?), we poured our drinks, made a toast and then jlurksacto hooked up his computer. OH, Cher was absolutely right about the beds. When you sat or lay on them, they sounded like one giant whoopee cushion! What?! We were online, reading the latest posts here on ALL, sipping our drinks when suddenly and very unexpectedly … there was a knock on the door!
OMG, Ron, that was so unfair! I at least post a few
thousandtens of thousands of words before I stop at what I hope is a good stopping place!Hanging on the brink! And have to go to bed to get up early in the morning! Such a tease!
Srsly, Ron, I love your recaps. So wry and quirky in the best possible way! I followed breathlessly…so I might turn blue now! nothing to relieve the tension and release the breath! I could turn into a smurf! (in French: schtroumpf)(they are actually from Belgium)
Sweet Adam recaps!
Wishing you all the best on your very special day!