- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
nekkid,I know that true Adam fans would not move even if there was an earthquake, but I assume that some peeps run for shelter. I wonder how many was staying.Half? More than half? Did we ever find out how many tickets were sold for Kenny R? (I want to boast, if Adam was the biggest seller)
Oksana, I would say that way more than half stayed. It was a long time (or seemed like it) before he came out for the second encore and no way to know if he would, he had already said goodbye and it was pouring…but he came out again to do PH after a lot of peeps had thought it was really over – and peeps came rushing back in the downpour!
Frankly, I was surprised that he came out again, in the pouring rain – but I think that he didn’t want it to end any more than we did. I have wondered since whether he would have stayed and done more if the weather had held. He didn’t sing Soaked, and of course there is PUU and Loaded Smile in his repertoire. Ah, what might have been!
Oksana, part two tonight, I’ve been writing it in my head while looking after my mother. It has been a very full week with her first week home in a very long time and therapists, doctors, etc. to schedule. Thank you for being an encouraging audience!
Oksana, from the Quebec newspaper articles that I read, they stated that it was “Kenny Rogers qui a attiré le plus de spectateurs.” – attracted the most spectators. So no boasting this time!
Adam was #2.
Concert Pg.16
It was reported that the concert for Eric LaPointe attracted about 5000 people so we know Adam sold more than that. There were supposedly 25,000 tickets sold for the 5 nights of concerts. More details concerning numbers are to come in a few weeks.
ladybugs, do you still want me to teach you about bolding?
(see above). 
Ladybugs, WELCOME!!!! I was hoping to hear from you, dear roomie! Can’t wait to see what avatar you and Ron come up with.
Oksana, I was in the bleachers about 75 feet from the stage when the rain started. Most of those people ran for it, but I ran back and had to fight my way through the crowd to Cher for a poncho she and a few others were standing on (to put on over my soaking wet clothes, lol). So I agree with kradamour, in fact I would say the crowd around the stage lost only about 1/4 – it was a looong push to get through.
QUESTION: Didn’t Adam sing something like, “The show is over, but we’re STAYING” at about 4:55 in fierce alien’s video of WLL???? Can anyone understand exactly what he says?
And after WWFM, the crowd chanted his name. They/we weren’t going anywhere without an encore lololol. He looked soooo happy, that’s real love, to stay for someone with rain and lightning!
Kradamour, AL, riskylady thanks for answering my question, somehow I’m experiencing this concert thru all of you. I could tell from the videos that Adam was really happy, he did 3 encores in heavy rain cause he felt real love coming from his fans (quoting riskylady).
I’m lucky to be able to watch YouTubes on my 46″ TV screen, (magic of wi-fi), TALC vids are in HD, so I feel like I’m there. Believe me, out of 72,000 views of OoL, 71,999 are mine..
BTW, combined views of all the YT of OoL is approaching 200,000.
Ron! Adam sang that “We can’t change” and obviously neither can you!
Please continue to be the lovable, bold and
that you are!
We love you all the more for it! After all, you give the bestest ((hugs)) around so I hear! 
I want to say again and again, that we are really lucky having this site, created by eywflyer. People here are so friendly and positive, and if we are worrying sometimes about Adam it’s because we love him and want the best for him (Geez, I’m hearing my parents right now.. )
The blogs that thrive on negativity, snark and pure vitriol are never successful for long. I just came back from two such a sites, one is literally dying, the other one is not doing any better.
They have limited number of posters, (same peeps on both blogs), and they struck me as being quite unhappy individuals.
I feel sorry for them, seriously.
Me, too, Oksana. I used to care, but now I feel the Adam juggernaut has left the station, is picking up some momentum, and those poor fools will sink into oblivion where only they know they exist. Bwaaahaahaaa….
I actually watched the first part of the concert VERY close, maybe 5 rows from the front, with ladybugs and cher, but during Monte’s interlude decided to go experience the excellent sound back in the bleachers (knew that from the night before). Heard SFW, Fever, and first notes of WLL and then all the French speakers in the bleachers shouted Merde, and everybody took off. Ran back and stayed up front again.
chuckle…sounded like good advice to share with kids going off to college…I just shared it with my son. He stopped in his tracks. Said “What?!” and then “Yeah, I could keep a poncho in my backpack. That’s a big campus and I could get caught in the rain.”
riskylady, I was so torn about where to be for the concert. Def you got the better sound in the bleachers, but up front was better visual. But there were really good jumbotrons…so… !!! brain exploded.
Does anyone know if mp3s were made and are available of all the songs from the St. Agathe concert? If not, I can convert the youtube vids myself, but I was hoping some of tech savvy Adam fan had done it already (perhaps even enhancing the audio, to eliminate the annoying screaming???
Heres hoping…..
cgesq, upthread there is an improved mp3 of OOL, it is excellent.
Here it is: http://megaupload.com/?d=NKY234HH
Also this from Adamtopia:
That came from this page with other mp3 options:
Some soundcheck youtubes from milkywayfairy that I don’t think have been posted yet:
I haven’t listened to these yet but according to the comments they have good sound quality and no screaming! and Adam is in shorts totally casual, just wandering around the stage singing, such a contrast with the performance itself! but he is wearing the fox tail with the shorts, too funny!
ETA: listened. These three vids are such a treat!
Thanks Kradamour!
I knew about the ool mp3 (which, of course, I have on my ipod, in multiple versions) but I wanted the rest of the show, which, thanks to lynneville, I can now download. Adam fans are wonderful
I’m listening to Liam McEvan’s Adam Lambert Hour. Guess what he is playing right now? Yes, Outlaws of Love…
kradamour…I had seen FYE soundcheck already but never noticed the foxtail! Thanks for pointing it out. Don’t know what I was looking at and how I missed it.
Sound like “The rain Gods are telling us the show is over but we won’t go, we won’t go, we won’t go, we won’t go, I said we won’t go.”
Recap part deux:
Kradamour’s Ste Agathe recap, part 2: the reunion! (including some French vocabulary words to learn)
Safe arrival at Ste Agathe! There were “travaux” (“road work”) signs and a gravelly messy road spitting pebbles, so suddenly I was happy to not have my own car with me! Arrival at Ste Agathe was a huge relief after our overheating adventures, and I took Adamized to her hotel where she met up with Ceddies and checked in. I went in just in case English language skills were lacking at the reception, but it looked to be okay so I went back down the road to the SpaWatel and there were some of us on the terrace, including my roommate luval.
Big hug! I am so glad that she is here!
But we’ll have to scope out tonight to know exactly what place to head for tomorrow. I feel a little bad for peeps who are not arriving until tomorrow, this was not announced before and they will have no way to get numbers…
but I think that only the first few hundred will be numbered, and then it will be a free-for-all.

I knew that she had already arrived, even though she left after us, because we saw her car with its “Light and Love Adam Lambert” glittery window sign pass by us after we were stopped on the road for one of our mishaps! No hotel has ever looked as good to me as the SpaWatel when we arrived safely there, gotta say. And it is a very attractive hotel, set high on a hill with a wonderful view of the lake from the terrace as well as from each room (as I would learn in a few minutes). But…no stage in sight. Where will Adam be? Uh, oh. Will the performance be far away? Did we make a terrible mistake? Can we not walk to the concert? Hmmm…sigh of concern. But optimistic! I already know that at least three wonderful peeps will work through this with me (I haven’t met anyone else yet, or I would know that “three” was only the beginning!) so no worries.
I wish I could remember everyone I met on that first terrace meeting! It was all a blur because it had been such a stressful trip, BUT there was a woman with a beautiful smile at the top of the steps as I mounted them and IT WAS NEKKID! Woot! We had skyped so I recognized her, but I think I would have, anyway.
But then the stress came back when luval told me that even though I had emailed our room request in French to the hotel, and had very specifically requested a double room with two beds, we had only one bed in the room. Well, let’s go take a look…yes, that is definitely one bed. It’s a queen, but it is definitely one bed. Luval tells me that she has already addressed this with the owner, and the hotel is full. Okay, we knew that. Hmmm…okay, I am fine with sharing a bed but luval is resourceful (“débrouillarde” in French) and says she thinks we could just split the bed in half and one sleep on the box spring and one on the mattress. Okay, I’ve done that before. Is there enough bedding? No problem, this is the north and there is a lot of everything: sheets, blanket, comforter, afghan…even a little furry throw rug that looks something like a dead animal skin (WTF?), which I think is the point. It’s all good. Definitely the universe is smiling on this trip!
Now…we have tickets but it seems that we also need another ticket, one with a number for lining up. At this point we think they have sold a few thousand tickets. General admission is the devil. More stress. So we go to the venue and the ticket booth (“la billeterie”) and find out what to do…there is a little line, and then they staple a little numbered ticket onto your admission ticket. We will be admitted in groups of 50, by number. This is so well organized! Adamized and Ceddies and I line up and…we are in the fourth and fifth groups! not bad to be in the first 250 out of thousands! This could be a good general admission!
So … I am thinking that drinks are at five, dinner at seven, and I leisurely return to the hotel room and unpack thinking I have a while to get ready for dinner – and a phone call from (luval? adamized?) tells me that peeps are already sitting for dinner! Oh, no! I am not a quick dresser and I really want to look my best for this event! Okay, I can do this…dress (“une robe”), followed by a Watteau-esque overdress, ankle-tie shoes, pearls, another string of pearls, drop earrings (“boucles d’oreille”), hmmm I think I’ll add the mother of pearl necklace to the two strings of pearls, bracelets because I like to jangle in the summer…whew! Quick, primer, mascara, eyeliner, lip liner, lipstick…OMG my hair is hopeless never mind …Okay, dash down to the restaurant and OMG everyone is there and it is WONDERFUL! And suddenly there is a very tall and splendid man in red sequins standing in front of me apologizing that he was unable to obtain a kir royal for me because the bartender did not know how to make one and I smile hugely because THIS MUST BE RON! And I have wanted for so very long to meet him! And he is gracious and charming and happy to meet me, too! And how amazing was that for him to remember our posts several months ago when he said he would offer me a martini in Ste Agathe and I said I would prefer a kir royal! (And by the way, in case anyone is wondering, a kir royal is one part crème de cassis and four parts champagne; a kir is one part crème de cassis and four parts dry white wine such as Chablis). A matter of no importance, Ron, it is just so good to meet you and exchange a hug. Then I look for a place to sit – we are at two long tables, we are so many! And there is a place for me across from nekkid and her beautiful daughter, and Adamized and Ceddies are at the end of the table, Ceddies in a beautiful blue iridescent dress, and Adamized chic in black. I plop into my seat with what I hope is a very dignified plop, and find that TLKC is on my left, and how I wish that I could remember who was sitting at what table but I do remember that suddenly THERE IS CHER and we hug and I am so glad to see her it has been so long since we were in Raleigh for GlamNation at her brother-in-law’s house! Suddenly everything that went wrong on the trip is totally irrelevant and even if I never make it home I don’t care because it would all be worth it!
Ohmygoodness who are all these people? Thankfully, suz has thought of name tags, so welcome!
A waitress (“une serveuse”) hands me a menu and asks my room number. I answer in French and she looks as though she might hug me, tells me that she is so happy I speak French and that she speaks only a little English. There is not enough help, she is hopelessly overworked but doing her best, and she takes good care of francophone me.
Ummm…is that cher going into the kitchen to help LOL ?! This does not surprise me at all and I hope that they make her welcome if that is what she is doing!
The food is wonderful, in spite of the stresses on the staff…I have never had a bad culinary experience in Quebec, and this dinner is no exception. My dinner was carrot soup, baby greens salad, perfectly baked salmon in a slightly sweet (maple?) mustardy glaze, chocolate mousse cake…so good!
Everyone is talking and meeting and squee-ing over actually being here! Souvenir blue glowsticks from glamnation are distributed. Someone is distributing little fans for Fever. Oh, it is time for the drawing! Cher and suz have put together door prizes: a Rolling Stone magazine, a Details magazine, an acoustic EP, the glamnation DVD, a Rock Star Weekly book of the glamnation setlists…later, the man who won the setlist book, jlurksacto, gave it to KDD43, seated next to Nekkid and she was RAVIE (“delighted”) and held it close and they thanked and you’re welcomed and they beamed at each other and all was light and love! As it should be.
Dessert…Nekkid says she misses the peeps who can’t be with us. She starts to name them…and takes a bite of chocolate mousse cake with each name in their honor. I love this.
Peeps are talking about the concert that night, Eric LaPointe. I am planning to go, because I really like his music, he is sort of the Bruce Springsteen of French Canada. Nekkid says she will come with me – we go up and change into more appropriate concert attire and then head off to do our reconnaissance for the next night. We time the walk: about 20 minutes. Not bad. Uphill, though, and after a big dinner…! We are strong (“fortes”)and we soldier on! At the venue, our tickets are checked, my bag is searched, we go in…we love the venue! So many options…bleachers in the back. Sound booth in the center. Hmmm…an aisle to the stage from the sound booth, that might be a good vantage point. We try each bleacher…no, too far. We feel a little bit like Goldilocks checking out the three bears (“les trois ours”) house…trying to find the “just right” place. Hmm…nekkid notices that the ground on the stage left side slopes slightly away from the stage. That won’t do. We are thinking we need beverages…water is $3 CDN/bottle (“bouteille”), not bad for a concert venue, and it is cold and refreshing. We continue our reconnaissance (this is a French word, btw) and decide that stage right, about halfway between sound booth and stage is optimum. The stage is about 6 feet off the ground, so too far forward and the sound will be poor and the neck will be strained. This place where we are is just right. Okay, now we can just enjoy the show. Nekkid says she can’t understand a word but she loves it anyway! Jonas is one of the performers that have joined Eric for the show, and everyone loves Jonas plus he is gorgeous. Looks a little bit like Sam Sparro, I am thinking. Nice.
But uh, oh. My eyes are burning. WTF? Everyone is smoking! Even Eric LaPointe is smoking! Dripping ashes on his guitar! Ugh. We decide to ignore it but it is hard to ignore. Never mind it is still a wonderful concert and it is wonderful to enjoy it together!
What is that? A firework? Huh? The concert isn’t over! Apparently they figure that out and we don’t hear any more
and later Eric ends with my favorite song, “Mon Ange” and everyone is happy and leaves content. (Incredibly, THERE ARE NO YOUTUBES OF ERIC LAPOINTE at the festival, WTF is wrong with his fans??? But here is the official video of the song on vevo: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i8G7DKrbChI )
So Nekkid and I start for home, energized by the concert and happy to have found “our” places for Adam’s concert, talking and enjoying each other’s company and POW a firework shoots into the sky! We hustle down to the lake to see the fireworks (“les feux d’artifice”) that are a signature part of the festival and OMG I have never seen so much money thrown up into the sky at one time they are totally awe-inspiring and could this night get any better??? I have been to a lot of fireworks in my 29 years and this is by far the best I have ever seen! They are being shot from three different locations, all colors, all styles, all heights, and the show is almost too much sensory overload but we are RIVETED at the fence watching the fireworks and their reflections in the mountain lake! When it finally stopped, after about twenty minutes, we were satiated. Enough! And we continued the remainder of the way to the hotel so delighted with what we had seen…
Goodnight, nekkid! See you tomorrow!
Upstairs, luval had already magically transformed the bed (“le lit”) into two beds, and we fell into them and had sweet Adam dreams, so excited for the next day!
To be continued…
I think you made the right decision! There are VERY FEW opportunities to SEE Adam up close in action. Definitely top priority IMHO after experiencing it for the first time.
When we want good sound, there are plenty of available options.
Awww, Kradamour, what a lovely remembrance of a very special evening! I’m loving your recaps. I haven’t had the time to truly reflect on the whole experience, it’s so nice reading yours!
The walk from the hotel to the venue wasn’t bad. But you know the term uphill both ways? That fits!
Glambotgram, Thank you! LOVE that he sang that and stayed with us!
risktlady you are welcome.Pretty cool that he sang that.
Kradamour Your recaps take me right there. I could not go but you make me feel like I am there meeting everyone and having dinner with you. Thanks for the french lesson also.
Thank you, Glambotgram! That is the goal – I appreciate it so much when peeps post recaps of shows I can’t attend. My turn to try to give back.
Merci beaucoup, Kradamour, je suis ravie de lire votre conte. C’est juste comme j’étais là!
C’est mon but, Calgary! Merci!
Lovely recap, Kradamour. Can’t wait for part 3!
Here’s an interesting tidbit from the DDD:
You go, BB! Only the best sound tech for you!
Hi Kradamour et al.!!
Thanks to mils (I believe) on MJ’s, I found this blog. I was so excited to see all the familar names and hear about the concert. Kradamour, I thoroughly enjoyed parts 1 and 2 of your recap. I had started planning to go to this concert back in June and then found out my daughter would be having a volleyball tournament that day. I was disappointed but knew that suz or someone would take awesome videos (which she did) and I’d be able to see the concert that way. However, when I heard that you broke down in Shrewbury, PA, about 30 minutes from my house, what I had missed out on hit me hard.
I eagerly await your third installment.
Loved the tidbit, riskylady! Watching/listening to the soundcheck vids from Ste Agathe, it’s pretty clear that Adam was really putting the sound tech through his paces.
We saw, even on the idol tour, that Adam can get upset when the sound isn’t up to his standards, and now that he is the headliner, he is likely even more discerning. He demands his best from himself and it isn’t surprising that he expects the same from those who so strongly impact his performance.
sparkle, it would have meant a lot to us to know that a friend was nearby when we were there!
It is so hard, isn’t it, to balance our own needs/wants with our families, especially our children? It comes down to weighing the equities, and that is a challenge: is this concert more important to me than having me at the tournament is to my daughter? Such a tough call!
There will be other concerts, sparkle. If all goes well, many many more! and in the meantime, we are here with 15 pages (so far) of sharing!
Thanks for the kind words! And I am enjoying all 15 pages of sharing! My husband is in Norfolk tonight – isn’t that your neck of the woods, as I recall?
Yes, it is! It is pretty hot and steamy tonight, unfortunately.
He’s on a WWII liberty ship on the Chesapeake, so maybe there’s a bit of a breeze. Have a good night – I’m off to bed.
Kradam, the DDD (DigitalDreamDoor) is a music forum, and lots of experts/musicians post there, technical stuff about voices, techniques, etc. Jlurksacto and I have been lurking there for a few years – they are on their second Adam thread (they have hundreds, with lists of Best Rock Artist, etc. ad infinitum). Eywflyer put a link up there on the blogroll just above MJs, if you ever feel like perusing. They can be pretty rude sometimes, but interesting nonetheless. I know they lurk at MJs, but don’t know if they have found us yet…..
Hi everyone, just catching up with this thread. Haven’t been able to get a breather to do a recap. So much paperwork to catch up on and I’ve not even begun.
I had such a great time in Montreal/St Agathe with all of you that were there and met some others not on this blog who were very friendly. Obviously some OTT ones were there, but tolerable. It’s always fun to meet up with friends for these concerts. We love Adam and the concerts but it’s also the friendships and bonding that make these trips more noteworthy and memorable.
We gave out purple glowsticks since glows4Adam had asked Adam during one twitter party if purple would be good for his next set of concerts and he had said yes. I actually had a request from one of the glows4Adam ladies to start using the purple ones if we could and I said sure. They were grateful if I could find some.
) ladybugs and myself went to dinner. We walked a few blocks and believe me, downtown Montreal has dozens of restaurants, reading outside menus to decide where to eat. jlurksacto and I found a restaurant that pretty much met everyone’s food criteria including ours that had to involve poutine. Remember I had promised to try it, krad? Anyway, it was a really upscale French restaurant and had beautiful decor. There was a pretty large mirror on the far wall that was beautiful with a painted gold wood frame that Ron was coveting. He wanted to take it home with him but we said Jlurksacto’s car would never fit that on top neither did we want to be in a Montreal jail. The only poutine on the menu was duck poutine, so I ordered it. I remember jlurksacto got steamed mussels and fries, Ron had grilled liver (he took a long time to decide-lol) riskylady had a large steak with fries and all the other ladies seemed to be having different types of salads. Oh and I had a pate de foie gras (goose liver pate) which jlurksacto and I enjoyed. Pretty sure it’s not healthy, but twas rich and tasty, served with mini pieces of toasted croutons. Of course I had a taste of jlurksacto’s (much much more than a taste heh heh), Ron’s and riskylady’s food.
Now on to my poutine. The waiter brings a plate with something looking like a cheese casserole in a round bowl-like shape, but not deep. I asked what that was and he said duck poutine, so I started to eat it. That’ wasn’t like any of the poutine pics that krad had shown me, so I started to take it apart. Well, we figured that this was high class poutine, from hereon called HCP. First off, the potatoes under the melted cheese crust were cut in small chunks, almost like country style potatoes but smaller, with a creamy cheese sauce, duck slices and it was very very good, right jlurks? So I was very pleased. Even McDonald’s there has poutine on the menu,but not HCP. 
So the coffee arrives and jlurksacto starts drinking, I asked if it was good, he said it tasted like plain coffee, told him to keep sipping and kept asking him how it was and the same answer kept coming back to me, so I thought they were being cheap and just put only a tip of the liqueur in his coffee. Well, when he was almost finished the coffee, the waiter arrived with a brandy snifter 1/3 full of the Tia Maria. lololol Jlurksacto ended up
As it was, I even missed the airport exit and had to go a few miles more before I could turn around. Let me warn you. Montreal’s street signs are pretty badly placed or few and far between. Luckily Suz’s and tchrsd’s flight was delayed a bit and their luggage hadn’t come. Suz did have Rolando, Vito et al with her though and that meant the most important passengers had arrived.
St Agathe is about an hour and 15 minutes if traffic free drive north of Montreal. Suz’s luggage was delivered later that evening to St Agathe, but tchrsd’s didn’t arrive until after midnight. She felt so grungy, poor thing. She was nice and perky after a shower the next morning though. New person!! We had almost had to take her to the WalMart on the edge of town to get her some clothes!!
And she had been traveling in those same clothes from early Wednesday evening!! On that note, I’ll continue another night with more stories..or you can say no more please… 
Dinner at the SpaWatel restaurant was very enjoyable. Very reasonable price and the food was great. Our main server was such a nice lady, worked so hard and I made sure to give her extra money even though a service fee was charged on our bills. We were a noisy, happy group. I believe the final head count was 33. Some people weren’t from our blog but were friends of others and we all had fun. If you want me to list all the names, let me know. I’m pretty sure I met all except 2 people. My head was spinning. Suz was smart, giving out name tags.
Krad is doing a great job of recapping right now, so maybe later on if my middle aged brain remembers all -seems like a dream now- I’ll try to do a bit of one.
More importantly, I have to talk about my poutine experiences.
Yes, more than one. On Wednesday night in Montreal, jlurksacto, nekkid and her daughter, riskylady, margie32127, floridagirl, Ron (I’ll have to do a whole page on him
Then for dessert, I ordered baked Alaska, shared with a couple of peeps and some of the ladies had creme brulee.
Instead of plain coffee, I suggested that jlurksacto order a coffee with Tia Maria liqueur. (Tia Maria is a coffee liqueur made in Jamaica and it’s supposed to make the coffee go zing! lol -not that I drink coffee.
drinking it separately, like wine. He said it was good!!
When we were in St Agathe, we ate at a local restaurant in the town, I again ordered poutine. This time I got the real one, from hereon called local Pt. It had fries with a cheese sauce on top, literally like french fries with mac and cheese on it. A couple peeps like Suz and Margie were brave enough to try it, but not most. Wasn’t too bad, but wouldn’t go out of my way to get it again. I would have the HCP again though. lolol That was great.
I’ll leave you with one more story from Montreal for now. Riskylady and I were going to be picking up Suz and tchrsd from the airport on Thursday morning to take them to St Agathe. I woke up during the night (well early morning since I don’t go to bed until almost morning) because I was having nightmares. ( or morning mares if I have to be specific) Told my roomies I dreamt that I had picked them up at the airport, that peeps all over the world were waiting for Suz’s vids and that I was lost and couldn’t find St. Agathe. I woke up in a cold sweat and panicked. My roomies thought it was hilarious, but I didn’t.
No krad, I did so not go into the kitchen to help!! Remember I don’t cook!!! Well, maybe once a year.
That kind gentleman was jlurksacto. He’s a sweetie. Don’t get jealous Ron. I can be shared. hahahahaha
Kradamour, thanks so much for your recaps. The details are pulling us in, the excitement is building, and you haven’t even gotten to the day of Adam’s concert yet. The vids of the concert help us feel the music, and your recaps, as well as every detail provided by others, give us the feeling that we were right there with you the whole time. Meeting the other peeps made this time so very much more special. Can’t wait for the next installments.
And cher, your culinary tales are priceless, as usual.
Good morning! Kradamour, thank you for your amazing recaps. Can’t wait for the next one.
Cher, will hold out for HCP when I visit Quebec City in a few days. It sounds so damn good!
GREAT recap, Kradamour. Wish I was there. Oops, I was there! LOL. Still seems like a dream sometimes but reading the recaps totally brings back everything. Can’t wait for #3.
now on to read cher’s
Welcome sparkle!
riskylady, thank you for that bit from DDD. Interesting!
cher, that was a great HCP recap. Did anyone get a picture? I’m trying to think of what it reminded me of, visually that is.
The woman on the receiving end was KDD43.
luval, I’m still waiting on your recap on the search for WalMart!
Ah, thank you guys for filling in the holes in my recap! I only remembered the RL name for KDD43 and didn’t want to post that, I enjoyed meeting her so much! and I had forgotten about suz‘ name tags, that was such a good idea.
cher, I knew you weren’t going into the kitchen to cook, I thought you might be supervisory help lol
poutine…sorry, HCP does not exist. It is not poutine. It is a restaurant dish that has its roots in poutine.
And the other poutine you had in town is not poutine, either. No cheese sauce should be involved, only large curds of squeaky white cheddar cheese. The gravy on top will melt some but not all of the cheese after a while, but when it is delivered to you it should still have big chunks of white cheddar cheese.
(shakes head) What has it come to, that there is no real poutine to be had???
Adamized, hold out for the real deal! and it is more likely to be found in QC than Montreal.
cher, I love your stories about what happened in Montreal! That is like the other bookend to the set of stories, so many peeps were there en route that it is an integral part of the concert story and you are telling it so well! I love the way you focus on a series of incidents like beads on a string.
riskylady, thank you for the DDD info! It was so nice to meet you in Ste Agathe – you are in part 3 of the recap!
haha nkd…I have done a couple of mini-recaps but I skipped that part!
Anyway, nkd, Cali and I had decided to to get something to eat. This was the day of the concert so we decided to take a short trip to the village, park and look around for small shops, etc. Walking up and down both sides of the street we really didn’t find what we were looking for. Cafes were full, shops were more antiques than anything else. As Calgary pointed out later, Ste. Agathe is a working man’s town…that the outlying towns had the small quaint shops. In Ste. Agathe there was a car dealership on every corner it seemed.
So no luck there and it started to sprinkle so we decided to head down the road. Nkd had heard there was a Walmart somewhere around. Odd, but ok let’s try and find it. (I think I mentioned the Walmart thing in one of my first recaps). So we went down the main road in town in one direction…came to a dead end..The Lake!..couldn’t go any further so we turned around and tried the other way. Heading out of the village, first thing that appears is a traffic circle! Hate those things although they say they are very efficient. Tried sneaking my way in and around it and almost got slammed by a car doing the same thing! Went down the busy street as slow as we could and looked right and left and right and left…no Walmart. Saw the Super 8 where some peeps were staying. Eventually we were in the country so turned around back the other way. Never found Walmart.
Ugh…had to back around the traffic circle again. This time was a little better and we headed out another road to find it. No luck. So we turned around to go back to Spa Watel. Nkd was able to veer me off to a side street so I could avoid that traffic circle. Good job.
Back to the hotel. But we were still hungry and I remembered a Subway location. So back on the road we went…through the traffic circle to Subway. Went inside. A HUGE line. So we left to go back to Spa Watel. We gave up on food for the moment and thought we could get something at the hotel.
As far as Walmart…later we heard it was near the Motel 8. None of us had noticed it in our many travels up and down that road. I think we had a certain concert on the brain!
eta: So wish now we had just one more complete day to search and enjoy the surrounding area. Love doing that in a place I’ve never been and adding Adam to the mix is so amazing.
Hi y’all, just another lurker who couldn’t stand reading all these wonderful recaps and thoughts without thanking all of you for sharing them. I was SO close to going to this concert, but husbands business got in the way and it didn’t work out. Love reading about every detail that I missed, you all seem like such a great bunch, I have alot of eye rollers and nay-sayers(?)here- have yet to meet anyone in RL that shares my passion for AFL! such a shame
nkd – thanks for the welcome!
cher and luval – thanks for the interesting recaps.
I’m getting excited to see the VH1 special tonight!
obviously I’m not so good at the bolding – I wanted to try it but I think I’ll just play it safe from now on!
Welcome missdfyed and anyone else new I missed.
Yes, we all have eye rollers. But honestly I don’t care anymore. I tell people to just humor me. As Adam said in his It Get’s Better video…”there are tons of us out there”. In this context of course I mean AFL fans. Hope the future will bring many more reunions, fun and meeting in person new peeps. Yes it is hard to meet anyone in RL to share the passion but when it happens it’s wonderful.
oh and hi sparkle…I remember you from mj’s
Good Morning,
I love the style and eloquence of your recaps, Kradamour. There is a quiet elegance about them which I do believe also applies to, and is a perfect way to describe, their author. I want to thank you for the very nice things you said about me. Our meeting was exactly as you described it and one that I’ll always remember.
I have my own story of having Poutine when a small group of us went into the village for lunch. When I saw it on the menu, I looked no further. I think jlurksacto was mulling it over for a bit but then he too ordered. Then, a very, very reluctant nkd snapped her menu shut and said, “Well, okay. Why not”. I could tell she couldn’t wait for her order to arrive.
We almost had genuine Poutine. French fries, cheese curds and gravy … the real deal.
But, I guess the chef wanted to put his own spin on it by covering it all over with tiny squares of smoked meat. I ate most of my serving, jlursacto had less than half of his while nkd … did you have more than 3 bites?
I wanted to put a water hose in my mouth for the rest of the afternoon. Salty smoked meat = big THIRST!
It was a fun and very memorable lunch.
Okay, it’s obvious I should now add “How To Italicize” to the list.