- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
Hi, everyone! I’m only up to page 5, but just wanted to jump in and say how much I LOVED meeting you ALL. (Also having a blast reading the tail end of the July chat and the comments by the “winers and whiners.”) And I FOURTH the motion for a reunion – hopefully with planning farther ahead more can participate. It really is a blessing to be part of such a wonderful group of people.
Wonderful recaps and minirecaps (Kradam, your survival skills surely warrant a Glam-medal of some kind!!!) Nkd, your description of “Outlaws of Love” was spot on. I felt his pain too and it was just heartbreaking. I already have a few boxes of tissues lined up for Sunday night.
Article about Adam and the new song from “Têtu” – a French (France) gay website. Good (short) article and mostly good feedback in the comment section. We hear that gays “eat their own”
but French gays love to “devour” non-French gays even more so I was pleasantly surprised by the positive comments. He should need a venue larger than the Trabendo next time he tours Europe!
AL— thanks for the translated article link and the comments. Pretty impressive…for a change
Risky Lady —It was nice to meet you at dinner in ste Agathe. I, too, haven’t totally finished with a lot of this thread. Pages 7-11 have a lot of links and info that I wanted to keep and I could only READ it while I was in Canada. Haven’t had enough time to go back and go through it all and file it away.
Look what I found! A virtual newspaper L’Information du Nord (Ste. Agathe) with many pages dedicated to the Festival – no translation available but it has photos! I spotted some of you in the photo on page 17. You can zoom in and see if you can spot anyone you recognize.
L’Information du Nord
Someone will have to buy one to put with the other Adamphernalia! Nice souvenir too!
AL, that newspaper was fabulous! So nice that the mayor is being congratulated, he really put everything on the line and not so long ago, he was being pilloried for his idea.
Re purchasing the newspaper, it can be downloaded (“telecharger” is the icon you are looking for) and then saved to the hard drive using downloadhelper. I just did that and the result is exceptional. If anyone wants to purchase a hard copy, I recommend doing it right away, it is a weekly newspaper that will not have a lot of extra copies and likely won’t keep them around for very long.
Thanks for the newspaper Link, AL! It was fun playing “Where’s Waldo” with the crowd photo. I was able to find 3 people that I know. The wonderful group of people that I stood with aren’t in the frame.
As I type this, one week ago at this moment, we were waiting in that field. Can we have a “do-over?” I’d do the entire trip again, and not change a thing, in a heartbeat.
Hi Ron! Was thinking the same thing starting with one week ago Wednesday when myself and Adam jr.were anxiously waiting for the gals to arrive. Then a week ago yesterday driving to Ste Agathe…what fun. One week ago tonight it would be one hour until “touchdown”. Am I pathetic or what! But I embrace it!
Hi luval! You’re “or what”, you’re not pathetic.
I’m the one who’s pathetic! I don’t remember if anyone has mentioned this but, while we saw the concert in a field, we weren’t standing in a meadow.
It was a field of dirt. Then, with the torrential rain, we were in a field of mud!
Here’s where the pathetic part comes in … I don’t want to clean the sandals I was wearing that night! When I got back to the hotel, I put them in plastic bags. They’re still in those bags, dirty and unwearable, and for reasons I don’t understand, I don’t want to clean them.
What’s wrong with me?!?? Oh, that’s right … I’m pathetic.
Haha Mr. Pathetic…as I mentioned once to Kradamour (don’t think I ever posted it here), I have a pair of shoes with Nutella crepe drippings on them from Paris that I won’t clean!! So I totally understand about your sandals.
Thanks for the reassurance, luval! Talk about Nutella, I thought I was losing it. Not that I ever had it to begin with.
I guess in my mind, if I clean the sandals, I’ll be taking something away from the concert. I don’t want to lose anything from that experience including the muddy sandals that I walked in back to the hotel.
Okay, got
meit. I’m still pathetic, though. Actually, more than I realized.Hehe … If I know luval, and I do, at 9:20pm she’ll be watching a video of the beginning of the concert and at least play “For Your Entertainment” and maybe watch the whole thing.
Ron honey move on over so I can join you and luval on the pathetic wagon. I have been doing the one week ago today count down since 7pm. I believe we were just gracefully sinking to the blanket about that time praying that when the time came we could get back up.
omg….For Your Entertainment….LOOOOOOOOOVVVVVVE IT!!!!!!!! Can’t forget how he walked on stage, his back to the audience, turns around….AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH.
Folks, I think we need a haywagon for the pathetic ones. Count me and floridagirl in (she’s praying for groundhog day on Twitter). Wasn’t it just about now that Adam came out? I had NEVER been up close during a concert, and I will NEVER forget it. He’s so expressive, he’s constantly scanning the crowd, looking at everyone, you just feel drawn in completely. Now I will join luval and watch the vids for the very first time, and wish we could be there again – sob…..
One thing I don’t think anyone has mentioned…the GB stayed home. But ya know…all for the better I think. Loved the way he was dressed from head to toe. I could not take my eyes off of his face. No dancers? Didn’t matter…liked them at the appropriate times in GN but did not miss them here.
hi riskylady! Yes..constantly perusing the crowd. If you think he looked you in the eye for a split second it’s not your imagination. I’m sure he did.
Am so wondering if he’ll play anywhere else between now and the tour (?). Maybe something interesting will come across his desk. haha made me laugh when he said that. He has a desk?
Littledutchess…if you’re around…we were so worried about General Admission, yet it turned out great. At least this time.
Dear adamized, thank you for being one of the happy memories of my trip! What a pleasure to meet you and spend time with you on Ceddies blanket. Thank you Ceddies, I don’t think I could have managed standing there for 3+ hours or, at least, it would have been difficult for me.
I have to admire the three people in the group who stood the entire time: jlurksacto, eywflyer and Kradamour.
I always admired them! This was just one more reason to admire them even more.
Hello riskylady! I’ll never forget meeting you in jlurksacto’s hotel room in Montreal! What a pleasure!
First to arrive was nkd. I’m sorry Mr. nkd but I’m in love with your wife.
Soon to join the party were Cher, (sorry Mr. Cher but … nevermind.), Floridagirl, (future poster) ladybugs, Calli and Margie.
What a happy, happy memory!!
A new friend, Nicky, put her heart and soul into the videos she made and they’re wonderful!
Hi guys. I logged on just in time to see my name in bold letters. I, too, have been lamenting the fact that we can’t do last week again this week. We would SO be enjoying the presence of each other right now. Ron, regarding the blanket…I thought I had left it somewhere in Ste Agathe. I almost panicked. I found it (in one of Luval”s black trash bags)up behind a box of small tools that I keep in the trunk of my car. I debated whether or not to wash it. I finally gave in and washed it, all the while shedding tears of joy over our trip. All of you guys are ‘way beyond awesome.
I have so much that I want to say but just don’t have time. I hope no one will take this the wrong way, but I have felt robbed of my afterglow. I have been totally immersed in my mom’s care since I got home. I have not read forward from where I posted last time–maybe on Tuesday. I try but just can’t get to stay on here long enough to formulate comments and replies to others’ posts. I don’t mean to sound ungrateful for my mom, but I really had hoped to come home and enjoy the slow burn of the afterglow of meeting all of you and just being in the midst of one of the greatest times of my life. I do hope that peeps will check back here on this thread occasionally because I want to eventually go thru the thread and respond as well as make some comments.
Good nite for now.
ETA: Oh yeah, I have been one “ill” little red-head. Just when I start thinking back and get into a good place, I have to jump back to real life. Puts me in an “ill” mood.
ceddies, I know. I have spent most of this evening with my mother taking care of some things she needed…while in my head I was reliving THE CONCERT and wishing I could be here to share the auld lang syne with everyone. I got here just as the concert ended a week ago, about the time we arrived in our hotel rooms soggy and delighted and delirious! A hot shower, a dry robe, and a running leap to the mattress to scoop up my netbook to log in and share with the peeps at home! I just hemorrhaged thoughts and words, so many things to say and share, so many emotions, so many musings, so much energy on the high! Ron came in to fetch Luval and me to go down for a drink but I chose to stay and post and collapse and debrief and archive, didn’t think I had it in me to get dressed and be civilized. Ron gave me a wonderful goodbye hug because he was leaving early the next day, truly one of the best hugs of my life, Ron!, and Luval went down while I continued the brain/typing hemorrhage.
It would be wonderful to be all together in the bar of the Spa Watel right now, sharing these memories and sensations, but gotta say this blog is one hella good second choice! So so so so grateful to ewyflyer and adamland and suz and everyone who makes it possible. Mwah!
Hey all! Is there some room on that pathetic wagon? I miss you all so much. I had to return to work today, and getting Calli ready to move back to school. I don’t want to do any of that stuff! Right now, last week, we would be soaked from the cold rain, but I’d do it again! I just need more time with everyone!
Ron, I showed Mr. nkd your comment, he just laughed! I thought it was very sweet. I miss you!
I miss you too, nkd! Very much! I’ll phone you soon to talk all about NYC and “Phantom of The Opera”.
Nekkid, cherie! I’ll scootch over to make room for you. The wagon is getting a little crowded…I have the shoes right here next to me that I wore in the mud…clean them? Nope. So funny that so many of us are enshrining muddy shoes!
I was so happy. That was a very special moment for me Kradamour. While luval was getting ready to go downstairs with me, you welcomed me to join you to look at the new messages on this site. I realized that this was going to be our only private moment together. We talked, we shared, we laughed (about something or other) and that brief time we spent together is one of the highlights of my trip.
Stamping my foot.
THIS is where you all are.
I’ve been trying to play all by myself on the NEW thread. And here you all are.
Glad I found you.
Ahem. I’m so glad somebody finally mentioned the GB. Because I also though it was left behind, or in the sound booth, ahem, with Sauli.
But. Upon careful research. In the name of science. Please.:
The GB, Tigger, is present in Purple Haze. At 2:26. There’s just too much loose fabric in the shirt. Dammit.
Not gonna complain. We got a very sexy look in the tank shirt. And the rain. Kiss the sky indeed.
Ron, that magical night had so many special moments…and yes, the time you described was one of the best. I smile thinking of very tall you scootching down to the level of the mattress on the floor to see the screen! The sort of moment that is so common when we are younger, we thoughtlessly forget them. Now that we are older, we realize how important they are.
Oh yeah, count me in the Legion of the Traveling Muddy Shoes. Mine haven’t been touched either.
I have a confession, I cleaned my shoes to pack in my suitcase.
Hi, Mils! Yup, this thread is still going and likely will for quite a bit longer, so many of us have still not been able to read all the posts and check out the links. I am glad to have a thread continue for the concert while we also have a chat thread for current items. More reviews may turn up, and my recap has a couple more chapters to go. (Nekkid, I loved your recap of OOL! yes, it was just like that. And I was so delighted when you grabbed my arm, that was exactly the physical connection that was needed at that moment!)
Did you save the dirt in a little container?
Hi mils! The GB was there, bumping and grinding!
(about the shoes, that is)
For anybody interested, there is a huge thread going at Mj’s about Adam leaving 19. Very educational.
There are a lot of regulars there I haven’t noticed since the tour. I wonder if everybody is coming out of lurking with so much Adam in the news, and BTM coming up.
Maybe some of them could be told about our sandbox here.
Um…no. Just wiped off the little bit that was on the sides with a washcloth. I wonder if the SpaWatel knows that they are in possesion of sacred dirt?!!
Hehe … With an opening bid of $500.00 on eBay, I’m thinking about selling a portion of the dirt that’s on one of my sandals that stood on the Festival grounds at Ste.-Agathe.
Mils, I was just about to say the same thing. Just finshed watching WLL, WWFM and PH (well, more than once each, I confess) as I was reliving the concert in real one-week-anniversary time, and yes! GB is alive and well in PH. Actually, as an afterthought, so is the rest of Adam.
Hehehe, don’t think I’ll be sharing this with riskyhusband, Ron, but yes, it was great to meet you! You really are a very sweet and unique person, our group is so lucky to have you.
Over to MJs to check out that 19 thread, thanks, Mils!
G’nite, peeps. Thank you for being here to share the “one week ago today” syndrome. Tomorrow will be the last day that we all spent together before scattering…
Yes!!! He was so fierce! Those first two songs were unbelievable! So much passion!
He sang 15 songs y’all! 5 of those were the first time for me. I had not had the pleasure of hearing FYE, MW, WLL, or PH live. And of course OOL. What a memorable night, Adam, the music, wonderful friends, and the rain!
I followed Ron’s four step tutorial on how to register and post…was I successful??
Peeking in for a moment, and I see that ladybugs has joined us too. Hi ladybugs!!! Yes, you were successful.
Now, I’m gone to get another couple of hours’ sleep.
Ceddies so good to hear your voice! I’m sorry you have been robbed of your afterglow but nothing can rob you of your memories. Keep planning for little respites away from your caregiving. It’s important for both you and your Mom’s health in the long run.
Kradamour Hope your back/neck are feeling better. I feel guilty that I didn’t do any of the driving. Being a navigator certainly doesn’t put the same pressure on your body as the strain of driving.
Smooches to all. Off to read at MJs.
So this is where all of you are hiding? I was checking out August thread and thought that this blog had died.Ha!
Kradamour, I waiting for second part of your recap, you have a way with words seldom people do.
Ron, I was really enjoying your descripion of Mudstock, it seems that rain didn’t bother Adam and fans alike.
Welcome ladybugs!!!
You did it! You were so sweet and so nice to me in Montreal and Ste.-Agathe! So much fun, too! I’m very happy to see you here!
One step at a time but the next lesson coming up will be called: “How to Add an Avatar”.
Hi ladybugs. Welcome! Yes, you posted successfully! It’s so good to see you here!
All lessons from Ron?!!!
I suppose next lesson will be bolding and blockquoting!
Good luck ladybugs!
Goodmorning everyone!…nkd..sent you an e-mail.
Yes, the thread on mj’s was interesting about Adam and 19. Day and a half before Behind the Music! Still think we really won’t hear anything new. Maybe just new childhood videos. Guess I should be posting this on the August thread!
Hi Oksana!
Not that we would have gone anywhere once the rain started anyway, not while Adam was on stage, but there was nowhere to go. The hotels were at least a mile walk away and there was no other shelter, so we happily got wet!
Good Morning nkd!
Good morning Ron!
You’ve done a great job mentoring peeps through the site!
Now, I’ve got to go! I’ll check in later.