- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
Thank you for pointing this out! I’m going to guess that in the first second you can see luval’s and Kradamour’s arms on the fence and then there’s a moment of me and then an open mouthed, astonished AKE behind me. I can’t wait to send this to her!
Uh, oh! Wrong username and no avatar! What have I done now? It’s Ron, not Rauhn.
Link to video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GWRUblko7VE&feature=email
Oh, now it’s Ron again.
Hi Everybody!!
Hope its been a good day for all. Thanks to those who posted great comments in the sleepwalker vid in response to “the troll”. Actually he/she/it responded, which I don’t know if you have seen, and I put in one last comment. I was going to ignore it all, but my fingers got the best of me, and I started typing away. I know it is really better to just ignore such stupidity. But thanks for backing me up on the vid with the positive comments.
Whoops! Adam has a temper! Would be interesting to see him pissed. Sauli has the perfect reply – love that guy the more I know about him.
Hi guys! I arrived back home in Mississippi at midnite last night–1350 miles from Ste. Agathe–800 of which I drove on Sunday. (More on the distance later). Slept til almost 10 a.m. today. I arrived home to find my mom not feeling well, so I’ve been caring for her and dealing with nurses most of the afternoon. Just got my computer up this evening, so I don’t have time to go back and read everyone’s posts–or even to make my comments or recap. I will be back here tomorrow to try to do that, so please don’t forget about this thread once the new one goes up (AS IF WE COULD). Hugs to everyone!
Ron I do spot you way over on the right side. I don’t know AKE but since you said she’s behind you I’m able to see her. I also need lessons on how to bold. Someone needs to be a tutor for those of us who can’t figure it out. I love those two lovebirds together. I bet they have lots of laughs and frustrations over Adams celebrity status, media and fans.
Dear Kradamour,
I do hope your mother is doing well. If I remember correctly, she was to be released from the care facility yesterday? Please tell her how much we enjoyed meeting and loved being with her daughter and that we wish her a speedy recovery.
Yup, that’s my pointy little elbow on the fence LOL…glad to finally have a Sauli vid!
Ceddies, I am so glad to see your post. Got your text message but you aren’t really home until you post here!
Ron, that is so sweet of you to remember my mother! Yes, she got home yesterday and is doing so well – I am grabbing a few minutes here on the blog whenever I can, wanting to make the trip to Ste Agathe last as long as possible!
I will be sure to give her your good wishes – she has heard so many stories about the trip that she probably feels she knows everyone!
Loved Adam’s tweets. Y’know, when I read his reply in the interview I was surprised by the lack of the word “near” and wondered about it. Looks like my Adam instincts are on-target! Hmmm…two years of constant
stalkingresearch is paying off!CEDDIES!!!
I just saw your post! It was wonderful to meet you and I’m so glad you made it home safely!! What a happy memory you’ve given me when I shared your blanket at the Festival with you and Adamized and nkd. I’m still sitting there now. A big part of me still hasn’t left Ste.-Agathe.
I posted this a few pages back but I want to say it again … you looked stunning in your blue dress when you arrived for dinner!
I hope your Mom is feeling better very soon!
When I bold something I type in what I want bolded then highlight it. then I click on the B up on top, make sure you leave a space before and after the bold code.
You can also click on the B then type what you want bolded then click on the B again. Make sure you leave a space before and after the bold code.
Same directions apply to block quoting except click on the B-QUOTE where I said B above. HTH
Well, I’m a big fan of your pointy little elbow and you have to know that you’ve made it to the Big Time Kradamour now that you’re on YouTube!
Hadn’t thought of that, Ron! I’m on the little screen! Woot!
(Well, at least my elbow is!)
Somebody fill me in on the Sleepwalker video controversy please.
Hi glambotgram! Just kidding.
I’ve decided to take a one-week course at a local elementary school to learn proper block-quoting and bolding. I’m counting on my 7 year-old classmates to guide me through it.
Mils there was a troll leaving stupid comments on Nicky,s (fiercealien) youtube video of Sleepwalker. You can click on her video above and read the comments, it is listed under Suz’s video. but you might have to watch Sleepwalker
oncea few times when you are there. I know I know a fans work is never done.Hi Ron. See how easy it is!
Wow! Love your new avatar, glambotgram!
Easy as pie!
Aside: Who decided that pie is easy?
Thanks. A lot. I just got lost in Sleepwalker, Fever and SFW for a little bit. Nicky’s vids are fantastic.
I started looking at the comments, then just quit. It’s the same shit over and over again. It’s the same shit Adam has referred to in interviews, and on his It Gets Better video. I really wish people would just quit reading that crap. I did a long time ago. I also wish that Adam would just check out “decent” sites, like here, and quit You Tube all together. He needs to only go where there is love. IMHO.
BTW. Some new vids and photos seem to showcase his voice and the lighting so well. That arms spread wide thing at the end of WLL just kills me. So dramatic. UNF indeed.
Wow. To have been there…..
adamland says:
08/02/2011 at 11:39 pm (Edit)
The August Chat is up. How do you like the picture?
I know that I haven’t posted since the night before the concert so I wanted to get something here before we move on to August. Unfortunately I had a book typed in here and for some reason (by my own fault) I lost the entire post.
I’m still upset by it since I was about to hit “enter” on the keyboard. Oh well! Pretty much I just reiterated that the concert was beyond awesome! Adam was so happy and in touch with the audience and believe me, we gave the love back. This man was totally meant to be on a stage.
I also can’t say enough about all the wonderful people from here that I saw in St. Agathe that I had not met prior. You guys are all awesome and I just feel so blessed to be a part of such a great group. I was explaining to my friend today how I have such a great Adam family!!!
Thank you, I have been looking at pictures for days trying to decide on one. I really like the rain king ones too.
Pie is easy Ron, Need a recipe?
Pie, Shmy!! Oh My!! Just look at the new thread pic!!!!!!
ceddies, I hope your Mom is feeling better and you can give all (well not all, but a lot) of your attention to reliving your fantastic concert experience in Quebec. I know that you will want to download vids and I don’t know if you are still having the problem with realplayer that you wrote about last month. I had that same problem and I answered you on page 13 of the July thread but you weren’t around for a while and I don’t know if you saw it.I just wanted to let you know how I solved it in case you want to go back and see. Realplayer really is so easy.
ceddies so glad you made it home safely. Have been worrying about you on the road and then how you would find things when arriving home. I hope things improve and that you are able to have some time for yourself. Miss you and think of you often.
Ron, I too find myself reliving our time on the blanket.
florida girl sorry about the dissappearing post. I love your sense of humor and I’m sure it was full of funny insights. Loved meeting you.
Kradamour too funny. I spent all day thinking how unlike Adam the marriage answer was and that he most likely was misqouted. Glad he cleared it up and Sauli’s delightful comment. Unfortunately, once a mis-statement is out there that’s what most people remember. Oh well, at least over a million of us will know the truth.
One more thing and then I will shut up and drink my coffee. I have to eat some humble pie. When I first heard OOL I thought it was lovely but didn’t think the tune was catchy enough to be earworm worthy. Well I have to say I think I was wrong. That song is haunting me. I’ve listened to it about 50 times now and find myself singing it to myself all the time. The tune is pretty basic and now that we all know the words it is an easy song to remember and sing excluding the crazy highs and riffs that are all Adam. IMO having songs that are singable by us humans will bring Adam to a wider audience.
OK. Now off to view some vids. Have a great day everyone.
yeah Krad. A bunch of us did the shoot. 10 of us in one group and 4 in another. The four person group members were from our Toronto contingent – northernspirit, milkywayfairy, kkd and tlkc. Our 10 person group included jlurksacto, riskylady,floridagirl,margie32127, suz526,tchrsd,cgesq,our friend that tweets as ovationimpact, ladybugs and myself. ‘Twas a lot of fun and we all wore tails like Adam lol. The NOH8 tattoo on the face was cute, but hard to take off. Had to catch a plane the next day to see my mom and sisters in Toronto, so scrubbed at it until the left side of my face was red and “lost” the tail. I showed my mom and one sister the tail when I got here and my sister asked our mom if she knew she had given birth to a beaver.
Am still here in Toronto. Was thinking about more things to tell about the concert but I guess the thread is pretty much done and August is already on.
Oh well. Had a great time and miss everyone. Wish we could hang together all the time and not have to be so far apart.
Until the next concert then.
eta the NOH8 photos should be ready in a couple of weeks or less, so maybe someone will be nice enough to post them for y’all to see. I’m pretty technodunce as I’ve said before.
Hi Kradamour. Please remove your post at 8:45am.
I fully apologize for causing anyone in the linked photo I posted any concern! I don’t see my original post. I hope it’s not my faulty registration and that it was rightfully deleted.
I’m very sorry!
It’s just a dot now!
Hi All-
Finally arrived home in FL around midnite and this morning -after “my Fabulous French Family of Five” (daughter married to Frenchman and lives in the South of France) were finished semi catching up with us and went to the beach, the Duke said ‘let’s watch/listen to Adam!’ Yes!!!!We had been unable to watch the vids while in Montreal due to problems with computer in our room so this morning was our 1st time. OMG!!!!! I know we’re several days late but it doesn’t change how it feels to relive that night.OMG!!!
And I can’t stop listening to “Outlaws of Love”. Who sings like that? I am beside myself and can’t seem to get anything else done.
Does anyone have a link to the best MP3?
I wish I could relive Ste Agathe with all of you there. It was surreal. I watch the vids and pinch myself that I was in that field. What a special moment in my life. What joy that boy has brought to my life and yours.
OK. Got to go. Rl calls–dentist appt.!!!
Ceddies, so glad you got home alright. It was so nice to meet you.
As Cher mentioned, the Toronto contingent was definitely at the NOH8 shoot. What a great time that was. I hope Adam B. comes to Toronto. I’d like to do another one.
little dutchess, go back a page or two and there was some discussion about whether the max number of downloads had been achieved and it was necessary to use downloadhelper instead. That is a wonderful cleaned up version, mp3 only, no video.
ETA: here it is:
glambotgram says:
a cleaned up version of OOL
Just download it as you ordinarily would with downloadhelper or realplayer, you can’t use the internal download option because it has reached its limit.
Caveat for those who have not read my recaps before: they are somewhat lengthy.
1. Visualize a concert in French-speaking Canada
2. Announce the visualizing of the concert on a blog frequented by wonderful peeps
3. Peeps make the concert happen with emails and karma
4. Peeps go to Canada and meet in person to the great joy of everyone!
5. Adam sings and peeps flail!
For the recap, I will skip right to step 4: going to Canada!
Quite some time ago, Ron announced that we had 84 days to go.
Then, suddenly, there were only two days left! OMG! I’m not ready!
I was to pick up Adamized in Baltimore, then meet Ceddies at Luval’s house in Syracuse to spend the night. I had spoken on the phone with Adamized a while ago, and two hours had flown past, so I was definitely looking forward to our drive together. I had also communicated with Ceddies on the phone and emails, a great addition to our little band!
Uh, oh. My spooky semi-feral cat has a UTI. Has to be boarded to be treated. Okay, done. Monday morning has evaporated. Suddenly, the air conditioning on my car needs repair. It is Monday afternoon and I have to leave on Wednesday morning. This can work. George the mechanic says the condenser needs to be welded. 4:15 on Tuesday afternoon, it is done. George is just returned today from back surgery, but stays late to oversee the welding and recharging of the system because he is absolutely the best. Oh, no! a last minute call from the garage…another pinhole leak has sprouted! The condenser needs to be replaced! It can’t be ready in time! Ste Agathe is 850 miles away! Adamized is depending on me for a ride! It is a billion degrees and we can’t travel without A/C!
My other car is a 1988 Suzuki Samurai…just a fun car, not roadworthy to Canada! We will have to take my son’s soldier-mobile, a Jeep Cherokee with a crappy suspension and terrible gas mileage. On the other hand, my European car has no cup holders and the Jeep has awesome cup holders! So it’s all good. Adamized is wonderful about the whole thing (because she is wonderful, in general) and I collapse in a heap in front of my suitcase.
What does one wear to a date with Adam? What is the weather going to be? I am never good at this, and I finish packing at 2 am but I am too wired to sleep, anyway. I pack a bag of snacks for the trip and a bottle of Rosa Regalo to thank Luval for her hospitality.
Alarm shakes me awake at 6 am…guess I managed to sleep after all! I pile into the car, wave goodbye to my patient family, and … the adventure has begun! Hardee’s biscuit in hand (two for $3, what a deal!) I hit the open road and arrive chez Adamized for lunch at her home ten minutes from my inlaws and from where I grew up. So nice to visit and meet her son! Lunch is delicious, homemade quiche and salad…and then off we go! Zipping along on I-81, all is wonderful! Adamized is the best of navigators! Until…oh, no! car is overheated! Gotta stop, bewildered by this development…damn, the brand new serpentine belt is chewed up, clearly not installed correctly. We are in the middle of … nowhere. Car cools down. We decide to limp to next exit…Shrewsbury PA. Still pretty much nowhere, but AAA tells us that there is an approved shop there. We go to the shop…no tech free, can’t get to it until tomorrow. Not acceptable. They have another branch shop at the next exit. Adamized and I are brave and decide to go for it! At next exit, we find open arms (well, it seems like it) and a wonderful shop where I get a new belt, and Adamized and I drink beverages from the Keurig machine and eat her healthy snacks and we watch a TV show about … I forget. And then the service manager calls me to the back to look at my tire…OMG it is ready to explode! Literally! A huge blister is raised where something gave way on the interior of the tire…Yes, please replace that tire, and do two of them (always buy tires in pairs). Oh, no they are not in stock! Oh, wait, a man is coming from their other store – they will catch him and ask him to go back and get the tires! They catch him in time! He brings the tires and we are on the road again! Woot!
Uh, oh. (Seeing a trend here?) The A/C makes the belt squeal unbearably. Something is wrong! Clearly, this trip is to be made without A/C in any car I touch. Well, it is later in the day, and relatively cool (by now we are in Yankee land). It’s all good, especially the company of Adamized who is def keeping her cool.
Arrival at Luval’s house at about 9 – Ceddies is already there and Luval cautions us to be careful of the enormous thistle bush at the entrance, taller than we are! We are all delighted to see each other and to meet Adam Jr.! He is every bit as amazing as we have been led to believe: a glossy, full size, framed photo of Adam, signed with “light and love” and his autograph. He oversaw our wonderful dinner – Luval kept adding things to the table: caprese salad, cold chicken, delicious things – while we watched Sasha on SYTYCD and got to know each other around the cozy round table. Then: a show and tell of the interesting items in her big box of adamphernalia! The box was zebra striped, of course! Luval was in Paris for Adam’s concert, and she showed some photos on her computer that someone had taken of the meet and greet (infamous for the lost M&G photos) before we all went upstairs to our beds, heaped with pillows and coverlets…and a surprise! On each of the three guest beds at Chez Luval was a delicious Ghirardelli dark chocolate and a souvenir dollar bill that had been modified to show Adam as the portrait, enclosed in a plastic sleeve, to add to our personal adamphernalia collections. Warm shower, fluffy towels, sink into bed, mmmmmm….!
In the morning, cheery greetings all around, with a lovely continental breakfast and mini-tour of Luval’s wonderfully planted back yard/deck before we saddled up for the trip north. We took three cars, because we would be scattering after the concert; Adamized and I traveled together, enjoying the daytime views of Syracuse as we left, Ceddies following us, and Luval leaving a bit later after preparing her house for her absence.
Off to the border, passports at the ready! No problem crossing, only a short delay, and we stopped to exchange some American money and scope out the souvenirs a bit…then on our way.
Uh, oh. (the trend continues…). The car overheats. This time, it is pretty incredible…the overflow tank is roiling with boiling brown liquid…what? OMG is that oil mixed with the coolant? Ceddies pulls over and comes back to join Adamized and me…and mentions things like blown pistons because she knows a lot about these things, she is amazing. While we contemplate the situation, a small turquoise pickup pulls over and a man in a bright orange t-shirt comes back to see what he can do. He has very few teeth, but he speaks English and he is very kind and he is braver than we are…he pops open the overflow tank, which is no longer boiling but very hot! And peeks in, declaring that he sees sediment floating, that the brown liquid is just sludge from the bottom of the radiator. With that, he suggests that we add some water to the tank, and he provides us with two empty plastic jugs to fill with water for the trip and the promise to follow us as far as the next town just in case we have more trouble. Okay, this sounds do-able. Off we go, and…we make it to Ste Agathe without further crisis.
To be continued…
Awesome Kradamour I feel like I was riding along with you and saying Oh Crap every time the car broke down. You went through a true trial by fire to get to the Fire Festival.
Great reading Kradamour, can’t wait for part 2.
Love all those sensory details that you included as part of your recap, Kradamour! Having your car break down in an unfamiliar place has to be mighty scary. I’m so glad you had the company of adamized and were not traveling alone.
WOW! Had no clue what you’d been through. But what i really am in awe of is-how do you write like that? Have always enjoyed your comments and your writing style and so did want to meet in Ste Agathe but hopefully next time…
Anyway, looking forward to part 2
Hello everyone…I don’t think I really said in a previous post here how much I just loved meeting everyone. Little Dutchess and your Duke…just a hoot. Eywflyer, cher, my luv Ron, Floridagirl (or is it gal),jlurksacto…luv you for being you , the gang from Toronto…TLKC, ake, milkywayfairy, northernspirit – I know I left out many. Kradamour, adamized and ceddies…could never have had a better bunch of peeps staying at my house. If not for the car trouble we could have had more time to chat before bed.
I talk about this trip still at work every day. This one attending doctor is very interested in the Adam “cult” as he calls it.hahaha. I know he wants to go to the next show.
Is anyone else still on a high? Really don’t want it to end.
I am absolutely still on a high. Several people this week told me I seemed to be in a great mood. I told them it was because of a “reunion” I attended over the weekend!
I have also been sharing my concert experiences with some Adam friends who couldn’t make it to St. Agathe. I’ve been trying to space out the conversations to prolong the experience. Don’t know how long I can keep this up, but I hope it lasts a very long time
OMG yes, cgesq, a reunion is exactly what it was! Love that word for us. And yes, I am trying to stretch it out, too…watching the vids little by little, and continuing to come here for posts, so happy when I see a new one!
little dutchess, thank you for kind words! But your posts are no less well-written or articulate than mine. I love that about our blog – our posts are so often thoughtful and literate.
How I wish that we had had another day together to have more time to get to know everyone. I am serious about choosing a tour date during the next tour and designating that one as the Adam Lambert Live Reunion Concert that we all try to attend.
Hi cgesq I too have experienced an “after glow” from our Ste Agathe reunion. So happy that you and your friend from CA (sorry blocking on her name) were at our hotel with us.
Kradamour I can almost smell the fumes from the radiator as I read your wonderful recap. Not sure you put enough focus on the wonderful cup holders though. I couldn’t have had a better traveling companion. Not sure we spent more than 5 minutes in silence the entire trip. Poor ceddies had to witness the chattering for hundreds of miles as she followed along in the silence of her air conditioned luxurious car.
Would I be spoiling the SYTYCD results for anyone if I spill the beans?
Hey, cgesq, kradamour, et al,
“reunion” in French means meeting, so you chose the perfect word!
I’m also loving Kradamour’s recap part 1.
I’m feeling a little like Dr. Seuss following Walt Whitman, but I want to start with a recap of Outlaws of Love and the experience of hearing it live, since it has haunted me, replaying in my head constantly for the last week! What a beautiful song!
Adam takes a seat on the stool and informs us that he has a little treat. I knew it! I knew that he had to perform a new song at this concert. I grabbed Kradamour’s arm or shoulder or something, (she will never want to stand beside me at a concert again), just so excited for what we were about to hear! What would this song be, will we like it? I loved it from the first verse. It’s from his soul, his pain, his love. I was breathless. The screams started after the second verse, scars make us who we are. As much as I would love for people to control their screaming during such a tender song, I understand it. There had to be an outlet for that emotion evoked by the beauty. For me, it came in tears! After the performance Adam left the stage for a few minutes, I assume to take in the reaction of the crowd and to give us all a chance to linger in the afterglow. We all turned to each other in disbelief and loving what we had just witnessed. We were awed! I’m still awed by that most perfect song. The melody, the lyrics, and the most gorgeous voice combined! Although I didn’t know what I wanted, that was it!
I would love to express what a joy it was meeting everyone in Montreal and Ste Agathe. For fear of leaving someone out with my frazzled mind, I’ll wait to try to list everyone! Reunion is the perfect word to describe our meeting. It was difficult saying goodbye after such a short visit. We needed more time! What a fabulous group of interesting people. I love you all!
Well said nkd. I’m so grateful that Adam was brave enough to share something so personal with all of us. Though there were 1000s of us there I’m hoping he felt like he was surrounded by one united blanket of love and adoration.
I can’t wait for our next “reunion”. It felt a lot like my summer camp to me. Bunking with strangers, bonding quickly over intense experiences, and hating to see it end. Who would have thought this “29” year old would get another chance to have so much fun and meet such wonderful people.
I say this is a motion and I second it!
(My 1st attempt at a block quote…did I do it?)
YES!!!!!!!!!! (but what did I do?
I third the motion on the reunion tour date.
Hi nkd!!!
Loved your mini recap. I don’t remember EVER loving a song after hearing it the first time. It touches your soul. I was and still am stunned by the beauty of it. Should be interesting to see what they do in the studio with it. Violins? Don’t think so. I could see this song “on ice” or on SYTYCD but the show is pretty much done now.