- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
Brian is angry!
These nails!
He just posted an IG of himself. I love this picture
Beautiful…definitely worthy of a photo of the month nomination…
AND ANOTHER PHOTO FROM ABSINTHE ” “mimi__sugar Adult humor – covered all the boundaries – such talented performers. The icing on the cake -sitting 2 seats from @adamlambert @OfficialRMT https://www.instagram.com/p/BnW5Dnzg5MQ/?taken-at=1017176623 …
Oh I’d love to hear what they’re talking about
46m46 minutes ago
@adamlambert with his friend edensespinosa last night at Absinthe
https://www.instagram.com/p/BnW5Dnzg5MQ/?taken-at=1017176623 …
Rami Malek on Jimmy Kimmel last night talking about Bohemian Rhapsody movie
Kylie Erica Mar
Verified account @KylieEricaMar
2h2 hours ago
Just interviewed @Gwilymlee, @ItsRamiMalek, Lucy Boynton, and @MazzelloJoe for #bohemianrhapsody in Vegas!! Up next: @QueenWillRock concert!
bio:Host @YahooEnt • Co-Host @MIHTV • Lead Anchor @ComplexHustle • BFCA Film Critic • BTJA TV Critic • Snapchat: KylieEricaMar • Instagram: @KylieEricaMar
From mimi__sugar instagram stories
@adamlambert at Absinthe last night laughing
Adam’s laugh <3
“Adam Lambert just wants to honour Freddie Mercury”
New digital painting @adamlambert
I’m also planning post digital painting with all QAL members. Probably in middle of Las Vegas shows.
The Today show today
3m3 minutes ago
Freddie BD….movie promo….quick footage of QAL…it’s all good @todayshow
Kathy Katz
9h9 hours ago
insta_gi’s IGS “Thanks again @adamlambert for the tickets! (And not calling out my eyeliner ?)”
https://scontent-sjc3-1.cdninstagram.com/vp/87deed4ce582b276084c6fb83767396b/5B93435B/t51.12442-15/e35/39979227_169700867261191_6770728529355743933_n.jpg2 …
Have there been any real reviews of the Las Vegas show? The articles I have seen were more like glorified announcements about the residency with the set list and/or some fan videos, and then some information about the new movie. Is the American press still downplaying Adam? It is strange, especially after the exceptionally glowing reviews he got in Europe and the UK.
rs, this is the only one I’ve seen. I don’t think there will be more – Vegas is more an entertainment venue, not noted for journalistic displays IMHO.
I mean, it’s QUEEN!!! ?????
AL, ulti, I’ll be in the UK/Ireland from Sept. 10th thru Oct. 18th. Will be checking in regularly, don’t anticipate any problems but if you have one and need me for any reason, just email me. Happy posting!!!!
Here are 3 oil paintings of Adam on his tricycle, Brian with his acorn guitar & Roger on mushroom drums….as gnomes of course
“glam” by Adam
Captain Skepticpants
4h4 hours ago
Brian May is A God amongst men. @QueenWillRock was remarkable last night. 3rd time seeing @adamlambert w/them, and my God he has gotten better every time. Adam’s vocals were on point & “Who wants to live forever” may be the single greatest performance I’ve ever witnessed. Period.
Thanks riskylady! Happy travels!
One of the reporters from the movie press event
Adam was strangely silent today, just the one sort of serious Instagram. Am I the only one wondering where are the pics with the cast, Steve Aioki, after party? Was he not feeling well? Not included????
Feeling Freddie overload? (I am.) I mean, yeah, great, the movie’s out in November. But the residency is NOW. I’d like to see a little more care from Brian, especially. I know Queen has done a lot for Adam, but by the same token, he has given them 7 years of his youth and career. 
Maybe he’s bored, riskylady – I’m sure bored with the Freddie speech every concert – can’t wait for his own music –
Yep, me too.
Nice Adam mention by Mercury Phoenix Trust
4h4 hours ago
Adam’s red shirt
(p.s. I had no idea who the designer was, he edited his ig photo and wrote all the fashion designers for the red outfit, head to toe. lol)
https://www.robertocavalli.com/en-us/shopping/man-red-and-black-geometric-panel-shirt-12917178 …
riskylady, your thoughts are interesting regarding Adam’s silence. I think he either wasn’t feeling well or purposely decided not to go to anything Freddie…taking the spotlight off of him…leaving the bells and whistles to Rami & the cast. I didn’t notice Brian or Roger at these parties either unless I just missed them in the pictures or videos.
eta: wish he didn’t have to make his speech anymore
I added four more videos to the 9/5 show from TALC.
We have a show tonight, but I don’t see a thread yet. AL, is everything working right? Do you need anything?
Another review
date on this is Sept 3 but it could be for any show. Really great review
1h1 hour ago
Time: 8:00pm PDT, 11:00pm EDT
Clock: https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=Q%2BAL+%22The+Crown+Jewels%22+Residency+%28Park+Theater%29+%234&iso=20180907T20&p1=127&ah=2 …
Streams: http://mixlr.com/dancygeorgia/
More Info: http://www.adamlambertmedia.com/index.php/event/concert-qal-residency-las-vegas-4/ …
♥ Adam Lambert is ♔
15h15 hours ago
@QueenWillRock + @adamlambert
#TheCrownJewels #4 @ParkTheaterLV Las Vegas, NV 07.09.18
Photo Credit ~ @nicolec42
Poster Design ~ @nicolec42
@DrBrianMay @OfficialRMT @SpikesSASBand @tylerwarrenrock #neilmfairclough
Everything is working fine! All is good!

Concert threads are scheduled to automatically post at noon EDT the day of the show – at least that is the plan. If you would like them to be posted earlier please let me know. I’m here to keep ALL happy!
Oh, that’s excellent! I was confused with the tour threads that used to come up at midnight. However you schedule is good! Don’t mind me, I’ve just been inundated lately with emails wanting to commercialize ALL and a number of plugin offers that we don’t need, as eywflyer explained, plus updates. But ok now, I’ve gotten the hang of it.
Think this is one of those music blogs
I added 5 more videos from TALC to 9/5/18 show
Two guys berting
Demforever @bradretrieve
Saw Queen & Adam Lambert in Vegas, incredible show, lighting, staging, May & Taylor amazing, Adam Lambert’s voice is beyond belief, his swagger and stage presence is crazy, best male vocalist in the business today, check out youtube vids Park theater, vegas
Leimond santiaguel @Leimond_112
Totally agree. Honestly speaking, I am didn’t see him live but when I always watch his different performances on youtube, I want to watch it over and over again, not just once, but unlimited times. Because it makes my soul alive.
4h4 hours ago
Oh man oh man he’s pissed with the sound and look how his face changes from pissed to smile at the audience https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o1XnXWgV1Fc&feature=youtu.be …
What do you think the problem was, luval?
Adam has been having issues with the feed in his ear piece since Day 1 in Vegas. He keeps removing it from his left ear. I’ve also seen him signaling the sound guys to make adjustments in a few videos. On other QAL tours, they seemed to have found the perfect mix but not this time.
True, AL. Cher and I noticed it too in the first show, LOTS of gesturing to the back. Almost like the early days with Queen. I wonder if they couldn’t get his regular sound guy. He’s been sounding great, but we all know how maddening it is to him when it’s not how he wants.
Anyway, I just checked Ticketmaster and there are only 12 seats available for tonight, mostly resales. So basically sold out!!!
Then I checked the remaining shows. Tomorrow has about 200 available, the 14th/15th maybe 300 each, and the last 3 about 100/150 each. I think walkups will sell them mostly. Tomorrow’s a Saturday night, then 14/15 also Friday/Saturday, and the last 3 Thurs/Fri/Sat. Good planning!
That’s odd about the sound – according to info about the Park Theatre, it’s supposed to be outstanding – but, perhaps, that has nothing to do with an individual performer’s sound (?) –
The sound in the Park Theater is probably good. What Adam hears in his ear pieces is different. I’m not sure exactly how it works but if the sound of the band/vocal mix is too loud in his ears, he can’t hear himself so maybe that is why he removes one. The sound in the theater and the audience could affect how he hears too so every song might need to be fine tuned so the mix is just right. But don’t quote me on any of this!
Thanks, AL – I’ve noticed the gestures to the sound people, too –
.@QueenWillRock + @adamlambert fans! Are you ready to celebrate Queen Day this Saturday? First person to meet us at Beerhaus at @theparkvegas at 2pm will receive a prize package fit for a Killer Queen! #TheCrownJewels
Ahhhh I just looove this faster version of?WE WILL ROCK YOU??—- Adam’s rock voice is everything !! ⚡️??@AdamLambert ???
?Two videos combined from nights1️⃣3️⃣1️⃣(I love combining videos?)credit to jungpeter1958gmail on YouTube and @taylor_kron ❣️#TheCrownJewels ? ⋆
Posted on the 9/5 show too since we’ve moved on
15h15 hours ago
Warms the cockles of my heart to see the older gentlemen excited to shake hands with Adam then clasps his hands together.
Love these close up vids.
Q ueen + Adam Lambert – R adio Ga Ga – P ark Theater – Las Vegas – 9.5.18 https://youtu.be/c5BSqv4MhGw via @YouTube
I love the guy with the long grey hair at about 2:48 who puts his hand on his heart after shaking Adam’s hand.
Terrance’s relationship with Anthony Lee Medina is still going strong. Didn’t realize he was in Hamilton too (duel role) and has tv credits. He’s very cute.
Nicole Nett
10h10 hours ago
I’m prepared to physically fight any person who might doubt @adamlambert’s awesomeness. Dear God that was a breathtaking show w/ @QueenWillRock
31m31 minutes ago
DuckBert Retweeted Unique is Nature
hmmm…how do you describe ADAM LAMBERT in #TheCrownJewels at @ParkTheaterLV in #LasVegas? ???? #Queen #QAL #glorious ?