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- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
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Sep 22
Awwwww I love him. His grandma was there tonight and he wanted to give a shout out and a Happy Bday! ❤️ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V-uDFuch99s …
and of course he is wearing his star ring
I posted my recap for the last two QAL shows in Las Vegas on the 9/22 concert thread.
“How Auto-Tune Revolutionized the Sound of Popular Music”
“An in-depth history of the most important pop innovation of the last 20 years, from Cher’s “Believe” to Kanye West to Migos”
A long, LONG article on auto-tune – skimmed through it and got the gist of it – summed up in the last paragraph –
Brian posted a video of this young and talented ukulele player.
He saw Brian’s acknowledgement and posted a thank-you video. You might recognize the tune!
Seems he was on Ellen recently.
I saw that kid on Ellen last week.
Another BoRhap teaser from Brian
Teasers sometimes tell too much. Why bother going to the movie? lol
Steve Price
Sep 23
Happy to report I’ve survived possibly the most epic month of my life. Will miss my lovely QAL family though, what a trip
#Queen #AdamLambert
I think Adam is extremely magnetic and laser focused when he performs and IMO no one, not even Beyonce can match his showmanship and vocals!
Whole subject of Queens concerts.
Picture of Adam as clue!! In red leather with leopard shirt.
Nobody knew his name.
Alex Trebek: that is Adam Lambert.
And the video is up already!
And it seems that it’s not the first time…
Second that, magiclady –
Jeopardy show just had a category called Queen Concerts! The 3rd question was the American Idol contestant is touring with Queen pictured here with Brian May. It was ADAM! He looked good too of course no one knew who he was. Try to catch the show it was just on East coast.
What’s wrong with them?
2h2 hours ago
grayjoey’s IG post with a lovely mention of Adam ? ? https://www.instagram.com/p/BoKf2zph_rL/?utm_source=ig_share_sheet&igshid=1fg2sih9to6hn … q
grayjoey’s elderly dog passed away several months ago. He got another wonderful pup just recently. Someone was dog sitting and there was some sort of accident & the new dog died. He was devastated as to be expected. He’s been through a lot.
Adam’s reply
7h7 hours ago
Obviously this gorgeous D&G suit is popular in the music scene. ❤
LA premiere #AStarIsBorn. @ladygaga was so emotionally vulnerable and real in this film! Wow! Bravo. #BradleyCooper was charming and complex… great songs! Great seeing my old friend @willam in it as well! Great connecting w @ourladyj popcorn buddy: @grayjoey !
Have seen the Garland and Streisand ones – and there’s an even older one – can’t work up much excitement for a rather overdone plot – wonder if it’s in the present day or a throwback –
Thank you, luval, cwm, mmm222 for your recaps! Funny, our group dinner on night 1 was also at the Italian restaurant in NYNY. So fun!
I think Adam is a million times more handsome than Bradley Cooper, who has no lips. And cannot stand Gaga, so full of herself. And she looks like it in that pic with Adam.
Another full head to toe picture from the black carpet
(his suit is so “normal” which I like for once. Kind of retro. Rather than wear a flowered suit which seems like everyone and their mother is wearing now. Wonder if the flowered suit men compare themselves with each other
18h18 hours ago
VIDEO @adamlambert and @RuPaul arrive at A Star Is Born premiere at The Shrine Auditorium in Los Angeles https://www.gettyimages.it/license/1044283506 …
(I don’t care for RuPaul’s suit one bit!)
Am I the only one who can’t see a Robbie Williams & Adam collaboration?
Sep 25
2 HQ PHOTOS FROM Jacob Wilson FACEBOOK #AStarIsBornPremiere ” @adamlambert is seriously such a sweetheart omg ??❤️” https://www.facebook.com/jkwilson93/posts/1892548887497301?__tn__=-R …
17h17 hours ago
RED CARPET VIDEO @adamlambert attends Warner Bros. Pictures’ ‘A Star Is Born’ Los Angeles Film premiere Red carpet at The Shrine Auditorium.
https://scanpix.no/spWebApp/preview/video/td34ea8e …
I don’t see the love for Bradley Cooper either.
22h22 hours ago
lol obviously ? just like this shirt
RT @BerlinAdamrocks: Obviously this gorgeous D&G suit is popular in the music scene. ❤
Ashley, Adam’s former bass player and now Cher’s bass player, got married 6 months ago. Look what a beautiful bride she was!
That’s so great! Ashley & her marriage & Cher’s bass player! So she’ll be on tour with her.
Brian May observing Mars with the 24-inch Clark refractor at Lowell Observatory.
Ditto magiclady
Beyonce had a lovely voice at one time, but her image & performance style now, has a ‘gangster’ vibe to it. I just don’t get her anymore.
Most likely JZ’s influence?
I like songs that make me feel something & she leaves me ‘cold’, and not inspired.
Am I getting old & grumpy?
Odd pic – happy to see the bodyguard close by –
Bey is a fine singer, but agree with you, twilightmagic8 – last song I bought was “If I Were a Boy” – seems the OTRII tour, from the vids I’ve seen, lack a sense of joy and fun that QAL so wonderfully embodies –
No.. I second that! Robbie shouldn’t unless it was a song like ‘Under Pressure’, where he would sing Roger’s part?
That’s it, ultimathule! She seems mad all the time & the performances are angry. Who wants that?
cocoo up to her funny vids –
I heard someone here mentioned rehoming Frank ??? #imageinmyhead
11h11 hours ago
Hi I’m Kate and I’ve literally spent half my life being upset that @adamlambert didn’t win American Idol
I can’t see a duet with Robbie Williams working as his voice is not that great…but he is a huge name in the UK, and it would surely help Adam get more recognition there if they were to do one….Think a duet with Sam Smith would work better.
Also agree with the comments about Beyonnce,liked a few of her old songs, nothing for several years though….same with Rhianna…loved her old stuff, like Man Down, Russian Roulette etc, haven’t liked anything of hers for at least 6 years…
44m44 minutes ago
PHOTO|@AdamLambert on Instagram Stories:Idk who made this, but thanks!! Hahah
Sheesh, September almost over! Nominations for your consideration for October.
2. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DmVKKzQU8AE-NAc.jpg
3. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DmMl4bBWsAAoOAh.jpg
4. https://www.instagram.com/p/BnlIhqDBnGN/?taken-by=adamlambert
5. https://www.instagram.com/p/BoJEFzwnFsE/?taken-by=adamlambert
7. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Dn7gj4-XgAAyUAS.jpg
7h7 hours ago
Awww from @adamlambert Instagram story Fireside Romance ❤❤ Pharaoh!!
1 for me definitely…absolutely gorgeous pic…
2nd choices 4 and 5….
My personal choice is 5. I like 1 but it’s from Vegas which is over now.
Dr. Brian May
Verified account @DrBrianMay
11m11 minutes ago
The SMILE track in BOHEMIAN RHAPSODY the Movie is already attracting a lot of attention. This is the official logo – designed by Tim Staffell in 1968, and printed by himself by silk… https://www.instagram.com/p/BoO-F9VBqQ7/?utm_source=ig_twitter_share&igshid=136lwgpvj5bf8 …
Dr. Brian May
Verified account @DrBrianMay
11h11 hours ago
The second edition of my 3-D Queen book will be in stores from October 24th. It comes with a LITE OWL instead of a regular OWL, and without slip-case, so it’s going out there at a more… https://www.instagram.com/p/BoN2tnOBD78/?utm_source=ig_twitter_share&igshid=2ap509uwubhi …
Dr. Brian May
Verified account @DrBrianMay
Swiss Army We Will Rock You. I’m honoured. Never in my wildest dreams … Bri https://www.instagram.com/p/BoNwDUWBvom/?utm_source=ig_twitter_share&igshid=vigefrt5vw92 …
Does anyone know WHY Adam was at the premiere of Star is Born???
Good question, mils. Am thinking you have to be invited by someone from the movie. But who?
He did say his friend Willam is in the movie.
This full length pic is nice.
And smiling.