- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
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- AL’s Games
Off topic-but just letting you all know the Duke and I are back from from Atlanta and have power at our house! return trip only 13 hours (vs. 18 hours going there) We are blessed to have power as much of Naples is still without: Costco hasn’t even been able to open but their gas is finally open today )Lines are an hour long. Very few other gas stations open. A few restaurants and a few stores..markets etc. Naples took a really bad hit but lucked out on the amount of storm surge! So Lots and lots of tree damage and debris,but they are doing a great job of cleanup. Our access street was barely passable late last night when we arrived…sort of a tunnel between trees down on both sides of the street but today much of it has been cleaned up and taken away or is ready for pickup. Glad to hear the other Floridian Allers are ok.
New digital painting @adamlambert
Maria @captainscholar
Replying to @sjg66 @GDerosia @PetraJo
Dadbert replied to someone that Pharaoh has returned ?
Maria @captainscholar
He added “Superstar” from JCSuperstar on spotify ??❤️
Where is luval? She is sorely missed for sure.
Adam was in NYC … might be on his way to Ibiza, Spain.
John Chandler just reposted this older pic
#tbt New York nights with @ramslam @adamlambert @fureyyyy
JOHN CHANDLER Indie Soul/Pop artist from ATL based out of NYC, my debut EP ’24 HOURS’ now on iTunes ! itun.es/us/U5LRG
Robin in NYC @robininny Sep 12
Scientists find that nanoparticles from tattoos travel inside the body – Scienmag: Latest Science and Health News
Hi asif
The psychic’s predictions were made 4 years ago and Adam was in a movie in 2017 – “Captain Fancy Pants”.
Guess things are looking up for him in Ibiza.
Hi, luval – more reasons not to get a tat –
Thanks … Ron!
Are we all taking up Spanish now?
Adam might buy a villa in Spain.
little dutchess– Thanks for letting us know how things are going in Naples. I’m glad to hear that you, the Duke and your house made it through the hurricane without too much damage other than some fallen trees and road weary butts.
Old photos
Adam.Lambert is ♔
Adam Lambert clothes-shopping with his mom, Leila Lambert, in WEHO at Skingraft!
waiting for him to release a new song so people will stop posting photos of fcking flamingos like
Not according to MJ’s, mils. The problem is an inability to lock down judges. You can’t film the audition part of the series without a judges’ panel. It’s a money problem, apparently. The people they have approached are asking for more than the Idol budget can accommodate.
Word is that, by the time they sort out the problem, Katy will have to be on the road.
Adam is a no go regardless. His QAL tour conflicts with Katy’s spring 2018 schedule.
Happy to hear from you little dutchess. It is by no means off-topic to hear that you are safe.
Glad to hear good news about the Duke and Dutchess! !!
TLKC your insights about everything Adam and Idol are appreciated . I hardly ever go to MJ’S any more for info.
He is in Ibiza
Hana Frisons @HanaFris 18m18 minutes ago
Dana’s snapchat from Ibiza
Just reading my new Rolling Stone, and there’s a pic of Springsteen and his wife and talking about all the music and celebs in Ibiza.
So glad when posters check in to let us know they’re safe – was worried about luval for a little while, and hoped it wasn’t related to the hurricanes, as it seems she is here every day helping to bring us the news, pics, vids, etc!
Ibiza, huh? I’m just selfishly waiting for some of those fabled “secrets” to start being revealed. Doesn’t it seem Adam has been resting up for long enough? Is it ok to hope there are no more tattoos for the time being?
Snapchats from Ibiza
9/14/17 interview in People with Brian, Adam mentions.
Also, yesterday article re QAL in Straits Times, Singapore: Smoking hot F1 acts: https://twitter.com/geriperi/status/908605758480121857
Lol Adam wasted no time getting in the action in Ibiza. Wouldn’t surprise me if Roger and family are there, he likes to party.
Risky …
… You’re right. Roger is there.
So Adam is with Dana now. Where is my sweet Sauli?
Who is Dana and how did we know Adam was with him? (before the recent video with Roger in it)
I don’t know who he is … glambot.
I’m just guessing from the igs in NYC and then Ibiza. My bad!
No asif not your bad. He is there with him. I just couldn’t figure out how people knew from the pictures Dana posted. I thought I was missing something.
OOOOh … mils, nkd and glambot …
Is this your WILD CORNER?
In the New York lunch Instagram, Charl called them “old friends, Ibiza bound,” so I’m thinking he’s someone Adam’s known for a while and he’s just a trip companion/date, much like his friend Hunter Muns who accompanied him to Fashion Week last year. We haven’t seen him solo around LA with Adam in the past weeks or so. At least he’s documenting the fun for us lol!
Btw, Dana’s Instagram is private, but says http://www.bluewavemarketing.com. That sounds familiar to me.
ETA: I love that Roger’s there! Maybe Rufus and girlfriend too, they’ve been sailing around the Mediterranean. Great pics on Instagram.
Yes yes! Adam is here in our Wild Corner!
Where are you asif?!!
nkd …shhhhh … I’m under the purple chaise lounge.

Count Maffew
@adamlambert hiiiiii from #SouthAfrica rocking the pub
Gelly @14gelly 12h12 hours ago
VIDEO @adamlambert and Roger Taylor in Ibiza , Dana Snapchat
Gelly @14gelly 6h6 hours ago
From @adamlambert instagram stories, 2 stories combined
You can hear Adam “Oh shit! ”
Gelly @14gelly 3h3 hours ago
Adam posted one more instagram story from Ibiza last night
Lilybop @lilybop2010 45m45 minutes ago
? Seems to be Roger’s yacht. Gorgeous slideshow of photos! Tigerlily of Cornwall
Gelly @14gelly
VIDEO From @adamlambert instagram story Ibiza Lio
From @adamlambert snapchat pic Yaaaaas
Gelly @14gelly
NEW PHOTO Via Adriana Terrén @ club Heart yesterday @adamlambert, Dana, Roger Taylor,Sarina ?
Gelly @14gelly
I think he’s wearing the Pink
DSQUARED2 sandals
Gelly @14gelly
Adam in Ibiza September 15 (Danascarbo ig story and snapchat stories, Sarina ig stories, Adam ig stories+ instagram)
“Ticketmaster Tries to Weed Out Scalpers, and a New Market Is Born”
“Professional resellers offering as much as $1,000 for special codes given to ‘verified’ fans”
Oh hi! @adamlambert this is going to be a fun weekend. #azealiabanks #nervo #nervomusic #Ibiza #adamlambert #summerclosing
just Adam, please. ?
INFO|@ParisHilton left a comment on @adamlambert’s Instagram photo:”Have fun in Ibiza babe!!!???”
You can hear Adam “yaaaas! C’mon girl” via danascarbo’s snapchat 9/16/17
Kathy Katz @katzolicious
Adam changed his IG avi