- Velvet
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- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
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Love the creativesharka artwork with hair back! So much sexier jmo
Adam’s IG: “EMO DOG”
OOOOOO .. Better …
cocoo @cocooyau
Flip ver. Oooooooo Adam 9.6.17 #sweetdreams Src
Best wishes to our Florida ALLers.
Floridagirl, cher, riskylady. Any others. Be safe. Many prayes and best wishes for your safety.
Listen to the first posthumous George Michael single “Fantasy”
This whole thing is truly blowing my mind … Stupendous recreation of a moment … in last day of rehearsal. Yeeeeeow ! Bri
Mihhail SELEVKO EST – RIGA – Men Short PGM – ISU -JGP 2017
Skating to “Ghost Town” – not too happy –
Cracked me up –
Hope everyones friends and family stay safe…this storm is so bad…my cousin is in St Lucia, they are OK so far..
ulti … Thoughts and prayers are with you and your family …. and with everybody who are in the paths of these horrific hurricanes.
Stay Safe!!

This whole thing is truly blowing my mind … Stupendous recreation of a moment … in last day of rehearsal. Yeeeeeow ! Bri
olivia @johnspumas
Queen – Live at LIVE AID 1985/07/13 [Best Version]
Off topic
IMHO the re-do of George Michaels song sucks . Can’t even listen to it. Sorry Nile. Shoulda been left as is.
Did anybody see Kelly Clarkson on Today this morning???? She is gonna RULE this year. Amazing new song. A may zing .
So nice to see and hear something so great with all this horrible news ….
Great interview!
Lÿndsey Parker
.@DrBrianMay says some lovely stuff about @adamlambert in part 1 of our #Queenin3D interview here:
Part 2 of my @DrBrianMay interview!
Yahoo Music
Brian May discusses the unusual, beautiful love story in Freddie Mercury biopic
The Independent
Queen News of the World trailer shows never-before-seen footage for 40th anniversary edition
Queen – News Of The World – 40th Anniversary Edition
Pre-order now:
My thought when I listened to it was that I’m not sure GM would have approved.
I didn’t see her this morning but have listened to the 2 songs available on i-tunes. Beautiful!
Yes amazing!
Surprise surprise mils we agree on something!
To all of those in Irma’s path, I’m wishing you the best. Stay safe.

riskylady, cher, floridgirl
This ads FRAGRANCE CHANEL makes me think of Adam’s song “RUNNING”
Funny fan’s IG .. when Adam is asked about his new album!
Lolol. Nkd.
I’m at ATT…..aggravated…..beyond belief…..
From @adamlambert instagram story ” Siiiiiiiiiing!” @samsmithworld
“Too Good At Goodbyes”
https://instagram.fskg1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/t51.9792-15/e35/20777675_1972393383032914_6365563895460921344_n.jpg?ig_cache_key=MTU5OTUwMjk3Mzg5MTkwOTA4Mg%3D%3D.2 …
Things now worked out at ATT.
No real complaints here. No hurricanes in WI. Just cooler than normal.
Grateful for what we have. Wishing for safety for all our Florida people, and their families.
Has anyone been in touch with little dutchess?
Very concerned.
Ron, I texted her but no reply yet. My oldest son and ex-husband plus other nephews live in Naples also. Starting to look very worrisome for west Fla!
Big day !!! Today the cameras rolled on Bohemian Rhapsody the Movie. First shot is A magnificent and very emotional recreation of Love Aid, which is one of the pillars of the film’s structure. Wish I could show and tell you more than this, but we’re all honour-bound – and truly the Bo Rhap ship is now sailing under her own steam, piloted by genius Bryan Singer our director and, as always, our magnificent stalwart producer Graham King. Bon Voyage to all who sail in her ! So proud to see this fabulous team go forward. Bri
Oh riskylady, I used to live in Sarasota. This is all so horrible. Where are you now? I can only hope that you are both safe!
I know that my posts were very OT AL but, under the circumstances, I hope you’ll make an exception. How concerned would we be if eywflyer still made his home in Key West?
Maybe he had a premonition years ago to move to Hawaii.
Always try to insert some humor if I can.
Ron, watching news here. It’s so scary. Having blog friends in Florida, personal friends, relatives. It’s just plain worrisome and scary.
Had dinner tonight with friends, his brother rode out the hurricane in St Thomas. They’re ok.
Wishing safety for all our friends.
Ron, all, just heard from little dutchess! She and hubby just arrived in Atlanta after 18 hour drive which normally takes 9-10 hours. They should be fine there, just some fringe winds, unless there’s a major shift!
We’re battened down at home here about 8 miles inland. Looking like we on east coast won’t get the strongest winds, at least per tonight’s path calculation.
It’s relieved to hear from you.
Thank you riskylady for letting us know whereabouts you and little dutchess are.
Stay safe!
Thoughts and prayers are for everyone.
I am sitting here on the other side of the world worried about all of my friends in Florida. Risky, I wrote to Little duchess and haven’t heard, so thanks for the news. Stay safe and dry everyone….PLEASE!
BTW, there is terrible flooding in Asia that nobody seems to be talking about. My fathers carer is from Sri Lanka and the situation there is awful.
Thanks for the update on little dutchess. So concerned for all of our Florida people.
I lived in Tampa up until 5 years ago, all my friends and dog people are there, I am getting updates from everyone, some stranded out of state, tho safe, I am sick. I feel like I am riding out the storm thru them. And I am 3000 miles away. When I can get back there I hope there is some state left. Have a special great friend that is a mounted Patrol policewoman, shes in West Palm, she will be working the recovery, I am worried about her too. This is awful, and just after Harvey.
Hi All-
Thanks for all the concern and good wishes. Love our ALL friends! Been kinda busy the past few days and not on the blog at all…lol…getting ready to ‘get out of Dodge’ and then 18 hours yesterday to drive to Atlanta. I think we averaged 38miles per hour.Still recovering today! Feeling better now that we are safe despite the fact we will get effects here in Atlanta the day after.
Thinking good thoughts that all of us Floridians will stay safe. Will be back to check in later. Thanks again.
It’s wonderful to hear reassuring updates on all our folks in Florida. I’m so glad that they’re among those who decided to evacuate. There are news reports about a few people, even families(!), who’re bound and determined to stick it out, no matter how high the surge, or how fast the wind.
No, we haven’t heard much about Asia, rs, and that’s a shame. Gonna send my best, most positive thoughts to everyone in harms way, and try harder to be grateful for my own good fortune here in California.
Good ideas, asif, for documenting and storing valuables on the link you posted.
over 1200 dead through India, Nepal and Bangladesh due to the flooding from Monsoons….so awful….and we had typhoon Hato 3 weeks ago that killed 17 I believe, 10 in Macau and 7 in Guangdong province….Irma has already claimed enough lives, I hope everyone in its path stays safe
“DON’T STOP RAMI NOWRami Malek pictured filming iconic Live Aid Concert as Freddie Mercury on the set of Bohemian Rhapsody”
Comments are interesting –
ultimathule says:
09/09/2017 at 9:02 pm
I’ll say they are! Geez, Rami is now facing the uphill battle of acceptance that Adam went through. Freddie fanatics have put Mercury on such high and unreachable pedestal that it’s just ridiculous.
Hi riskylady!
Thank you for keeping us up to date. Thinking of both of you and know that you’re staying safe in Miami!
Hi little dutchess!
Relieved to know that you and the duke are safe and sound! 18 hour drive? Ugh! But you can put all of that past you now.
So glad to hear that little dutchess and riskylady are okay. What about cher?
Gosh these are stressful times: earthquakes, famines, pestilence,fearful events etc. A little bit of Adam helps to smooth the worries…
Good luck to Rami Malek. He seems perfect for the part. Maybe Adam will speak out at some point on the challenges of being accepted by Freddie’s fans and the patience needed to win their respect.
One of the hardest things to do is replicate Freddie’s charisma. His presence is overwhelming – only Nureyev comes to mind as someone whose visual, real life presence packs a phenomenal wallop.
Malek has a tougher task than Adam. For Adam, the fandom’s focus of deniability was on his voice and, of course, he easily measured up. On stage he brought his OWN charisma, which is as powerful as it is undeniable.
For me, the highest moment of acceptance by Freddie worshipers came when one of the angriest queenonliners finally announced that he would attend a spring 2015 UK concert. Other posters were shocked. One of them posted: “but you said he was a shit.” He responded: “Well he is a shit but he’s our shit.”
Malek has a much tougher job. He has to replicate. You can see from the still shots in the Sun article just how hard this will be. Brave man to take this on.
So true Ron I have always been a Queen/Freddie fan, but never deified his as so many others have. He was awesome, but Adam is awesome too. I do not think Freddie was any better. But he died and people have added to the memory ever since and tried to make him bigger and better than he ever really was.
Does anyone know how cher and Florida Girl are doing? I thought cher was on holiday but her facebook shows she’s at home.
I have been in touch with Cher. She was on a Caribbean cruise that raced the storm home. She returned on Thursday. She is hunkered down in her home with two generators and lots of ice cream!