- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
? Tim White
It’s #MusicMonday Here’s what I’m listening: http://mf.tt/C5HSm
Tim White | Singer & DJ
riskylady…what is FURCA?
I’m glad you watched the film, wish I could
Idit Geva shared Udi Appelboim’s live video.
#Queen stage is almost ready ?❤️??
Love Paul O’grady…..he’s one of the reason we went to Borneo on holiday…he did a documentary from the Orangutan sanctuary there which my sister in law loved, so wanted to follow in his footsteps.
eta…Greenday look awful in that pic..
HKfan I can answer that.
..now I get it, just couldn’t work it out…thanks glambotgram.
“RANK Adam Lambert’s Best Magazine Covers”
mmm222, another memory lane moment, the lovely Barcelona audience serenading QAL “Ole ole ole” – so much love! http://youtu.be/WvITSn1Yfu4
Cannot wait for the DVD!!!
I’ve totes forgotten how hot his Fiasco shoot was!!! DAMN LAMBO!!!
5 days till QAL Tel Aviv!
They are so well organized here. Fanzone sent out emails and text messages for people to sign up for bus transportation, shared taxis, or shared cars to the concert. I signed up for the bus which leaves a couple of blocks from my apartment and returns me there after the concert. They are leaving from locations all over the country and they have added more buses in the last few days. Even mr who lives in Tel Aviv signed up. It is great, as it avoids all the traffic jams and parking problems.
At Scrabble Club this week one of the guys heard I am going and said that he loves Queen but hadn’t thought to go since Freddie is gone. I told him that Adam is fantastic and that he has to go! Another funny thing happened that night. A frail elderly (85+) British religious lady saw my QAL VIP tote bag that I use for my scrabble stuff and asked me if I had seen them. She loves Queen and loved Freddie, and knew that they were singing with the guy who “won” that singing competition. I told her that they are performing here next week and she said that she knows but couldn’t afford a ticket. I really couldn’t see her standing or sitting on the grass and the few seats are very expensive.I asked if she watches YouTube, thinking I could give her some links to watch QAL and she said that she doesn’t have a computer! It was just so sweet and unexpected coming from her.
Magazine covers mini show @adamlambert today’s and some more? http://topmeganews.com/rank-adam-lamberts-best-magazine-covers/ … Sep 7, 2016
rs…so excited for you and QAL. Seems like yesterday you were wondering if you ever were going to be able to see a show and had to come to the North America to see one. And the setup with transportation sounds wonderful.
Can’t remember if this xfactor clip’s been shown
closeup of the ear cuff he’s wearing
Gelly @14gelly 27s27 seconds ago
https://www.wow247.co.uk/2016/09/08/freddie-mercury-inspiration-lgbt-community/ …
Adam Lambert’s quotes:
Saturday Night Live @nbcsnl 21h21 hours ago
We want to hear who your dream musical guests would be this season. Let us know using #SNLmusic!
Obaby @ObabyGraf 2m2 minutes ago
Beautiful ❤ @adamlambert #AdamLambert The X Factor AU
Since my QAL is coming up soon, I figured that it is about time that I recapped the April TOH trip. Not a complete recap, others already did that beautifully, but here are just some highlights. First of all my travel companions: my dear friend, riskylady, the first Glambert I ever met in person, way back at the Hard Rock GNT. We have had so many adventures before and after Adam’s concerts, and now lovely riskyhubby comes, too. Then there is mmm222. We bonded way back in San Diego over our common love of photography, and I stayed with her for the Merryweather concert. HK fan joined us in London and we had such a good time together. I first met her at the Glambert dinner before the first QAL concerts there, and it was so good to spend time with her. Adamized joined us in Finland and we laughed so much when we realized that very often we were thinking exactly the same thing. The trip to Finland was special because of our hostess/tour guide, NorthernLady. She showed us such wonderful places that we would have never gotten to without her, and dinner at her beautiful home was wonderful. Agathe.hb was the person (along with cher) who answered my first post on MJ’s and we have been friends ever since. She found us our gorgeous hotel in Warsaw, showed us around, recommended places to go, and her translation services saved us. Without her we would have still been standing on the wrong line, lol. And her beautiful daughter joined us for the concert. A huge part of all my Adam and QAL concerts has always been the company I was with. (Actually, this upcoming QAL will be the only one I have ever gone to alone!)
Now for the four concerts:
London- London concerts are so great. I am sure that lots of the people there got to know Adam through QAL and they really appreciate him and everything he has done for the guys. Brian, Roger, and other VIPs were there and Sauli was just across the aisle from me. It felt like a regal concert.
Helsinki- The Finns love Adam and the Glamberts there seemed to be very young. I felt like I was the oldest person in the whole arena. They were dancing, singing along, screaming, and giving Adam so much love.
Copenhagen- mmm222 had an M&G and adamized and I had early entrance, so we were standing at the very front by the stage. We were on our feet without leaving our spot for about 5 hours, and my feet were killing me, but I forgot all that when I got lost in Adam’s beautiful blue eyes. I can’t say anything about the crowd behind me; I was too enthralled with the show in front of me.
Warsaw- The Polish crowd is crazy and the energy level was higher than anywhere else.
And finally, a word about the show. It was fabulous! As great as Adam was when we first saw him on Idol, he has come so far and is such a confident and polished performer. (I know, this isn’t news to you.) His band was brilliant and so were Holly and Terrence. Each one added something special to the show and there were no extraneous elements.
So that is it. I have hundreds of photos, but since Picasa is no longer functioning I have to decide on another way to upload them to an internet album.
I hope that it doesn’t take me five months to get around to recapping Monday’s show.
Wonderful recaps, rs. Seems live forever since there’s been one.
Adam catching up on Mykonos
Gelly @14gelly 2m2 minutes ago
I added a video to a @YouTube playlist http://youtu.be/wbDR1uKXBxw?a Adam Lambert’s Instagram 9/8/16 (3 vids)

What a great article! The writer really did his research and I liked how they included the bits about what a nice guy he is, and of course Brian calling him his GFG. I guess if you look at the US and the UK, you could say that he had “fared moderately”, of course I call him a global superstar
. I already called a friend and asked her to save me the article from the paper.
Haha love Adam’s little video, and his chuckle. So cute. I think they had a royally great time on Mykonos – a vacation to remember.
Great recap rs. A lot of fun was had on that trip! I wish I had been able to stay at the front with you all in Copenhagen, but already had been standing in line for an hour for the photo, so I knew I wasn’t going to endure another 3 1/2. Grrr. It was fun seeing the Danish audience from the balcony though.
TALCvids @TALCvids 2m2 minutes ago
Queen Tour Rehearsal – Adam Lambert’s snapchat story 9/8/16 (1:11 mins) https://youtu.be/Z3SOs7yWClY via @heathermarie_87
His hair has kind of a seashell aqua color. Maybe it’s the lights?
Sides are short!!
Wonder if that’s his new look or he’ll probably swoop it up.
That’s a change! Hair down looks so much better with faint facial hair –
lol – in those two pics, his eyebrows look “Spock-ish” –
Flipped video – think he looks really young and cute –
rs, what a treat coming here today, and finding your re-cap!

So thrilled for all your fabulous concerts you were fortunate enough to attend, and of course the next one on your home turf. Probably thought that would never happen?
Looking forward to your Tel Aviv re-cap.
I’m sure you’ll meet new friends, who will just love your passion’s, and devotion to Adam. I would like to see their faces, if you choose to share all your travel’s to see Adam’s concerts.
You will have a blast for sure!
OMG! Brian’s playing his guitar licks from, “Dragon Attack!!!”
Why is something blurred out at about 59 sec. in? What is it.
And when Adam says “louder” at the end he means it!! Mr. perfection at all times, even rehearsals!
You’re right ulti, they do. “Spock brows.”
He looks so much younger. I bet his mother might of said something, about the longer hair on his forehead, or longer hair in general?
He now looks like he’s in his early twenties.
He will be carded for sure?
His hair was already that greenish color when he was out in LA clubbing, remember? At Crystal Waters.
Hehehe that rehearsal looks ???promising??? Lol maracas and tambourines….
Aleks? @aleks_kv
ICYMBI, my new blog, on transgender actresses and Adam Lambert and what not
US radio: #Broken ? by @Tritonal, @JenauxMusic ft @adamlambert on the Mediabase Spincrease chart with a move of 20!
I knew that & remember thinking it was greenish. Thought maybe from the chlorine in pools. I think it was inspiration from the Mediterranean Sea…blues/greens. He seems like the type to soak in something he loves and carries it on to his life.
This one is a minute 14 seconds
AdamLambert.eu @AdamLambert_PL
Queen+Adam Lambert Asian autumn Tour- próby w Londynie
@ScorpioBert 22s22 seconds ago
RANK Adam Lambert’s Best Magazine Covers http://topmeganews.com/rank-adam-lamberts-best-magazine-covers/ … via @play_buzz
Gonna start soon
and my favorite
Pool construction. Great pic
Cool! https://www.instagram.com/p/BKG2n-vAZAq/ https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/e35/14288158_1162253050514624_78004663_n.jpg?ig_cache_key=MTMzNDk5NDU4MTQ5Mzc0Nzc1NA%3D%3D.2 …
I’d look quick before it’s taken down
Kinda heart shaped. Well, he’s all about love.
New short snap
Gelly @14gelly 2m2 minutes ago
From jskystyle ig story . Loree Rodkin candle. He’s thanking Adam. Nice
D/L https://instagram.fath2-1.fna.fbcdn.net/t51.9792-15/e35/14284817_630385103794700_1225722506_n.jpg?se=8&ig_cache_key=MTMzNDU4OTE4NzQzMjkxOTQ3Mg%3D%3D.2 …
Gelly @14gelly 1m1 minute ago
From the constructor’s ig story, Adam’s pool video http://instagram.fath2-1.fna.fbcdn.net/t50.9793-16/14271321_1015652928531880_2080807491_n.mp4 …
Screenshots – VERY nice –
Reminds me of U2’s Elevation Tour catwalk.
There will be lights around it for sure!
Tonight at 9pm EDT if anyone is interested there is Lance Bass’s new gay dating show “Finding Prince Charming”. It’s on both VH1 and LoGo.
Dr. Brian May @DrBrianMay 15m15 minutes ago
In the running for TV ad of the year ! https://youtu.be/BIR5dNN7o1w and yes – I DID approve it ! Bri
Have posted this before but now it’s official
Doesn’t the pool look shallow? Or is it just the angle?