- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
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- AL’s Games
ulti I have also been noticing the beautiful skies around here and the pictures you have been posting. As a matter of fact, I saw that pink sky last night and thought of you.
mmyy9 @mmyy9 3h3 hours ago
On Stage VIP packages for QAL Tokyo shows just announced
https://twitter.com/NMEJAPAN/status/772449413411241984 …
unsteady @CrazyGlambert17 21h21 hours ago
just wait…
nickwrightbarrister @wrightbarrister 17m17 minutes ago
Happy 70th birthday Freddie Mercury #montreux @The_MPT @QueenWillRock
Queen Extravaganza live now at 70th Bday (with Marc Martel)
omg the comments as Martel is singing…
honestly…Marc Martel is not good! off key at times.
ADAM LAMBERT @adamlambert 7m7 minutes ago
Happy Birthday Carmit! @Doll2Dame!!
At a party at Ron’s place, which is all Glamberts, except for my sister and brother in law, and having a great time. Didn’t know until today that this great place was found by luval. Anyway, thinking about you guys and we are talking about when Adam or Queen +Adam comes to or near Canada and planning a Rocky Horror viewing party.
Lurking often and thinking about you guys all the time. Wish I wasn’t working 50 hour weeks for my friend. I would be on here more often. Take care everyone.
Congrats to Danielle Down, as lovely as her mum. We are discussing her and planning to watch on Netflix.
Aww, glambert get togethers are so rare these days. Glad you’re having a great time, TLKC. Wish I could have been there. Keeping fingers crossed for SOMETHING happening with Adam or QAL.
“Why didn’t Queen tour (more) with Marc Martel?”
Martel vid is gone now, luval – what was he singing?
? Adam Lambert #Tonguebert Very slow GIF
HK fan Seems from the interview that your daughter is a delightful person ! I wish her all the best for her career !
ultimathule maybe the bad comments did it… or maybe they hope to put a more representative video on the queenextravaganza website
Beautiful pink picture.
rs I cannot imagine how you are feeling now… “my concert is still about one month away and I am already so excited… Good thing you are more in front.. Cannot imagine being number 50,000 and having all those 49,999 people in front of me….
Ultimathule. It was a WHOLE show…the Queen Extravaganza that Roger produced. The event was at Freddie’s birthday party in Montreaux Switzerland. He sang pretty much every song from the QAL tour. At one point he said “now I’m gonna sing a song that Adam Lambert sings with Queen on their tour. I want to be like them and sing it”. It was I Was Born to Love You.
The comments were very mean towards Adam. Things like “Brian and Roger should get rid of Adam and use Marc on their tour”. There were the defenders thank goodness.
But like I said before, I thought Marc was awful. At first I was a little nervous that he might really be good but as the show went on he got worse. No stage presence, off key at times.
For those who remember sal valentinetti who auditioned for American Idol when Adam Lambert was a guest judge.. his audition and Adam’s reaction is later than 4minute22 seconds mark.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sDqAu20KS9E .
Sal is now in the finals of American got Talent and these kind of (flattering) articles are popping up.. referring to the above American Idol audition… http://www.justjared.com/2016/09/03/adam-lambert-predicted-success-of-agts-sal-valentinetti/
What does that “I want to be like them and sing it” mean, luval? Because it was IWBTLY? Did he sing with the band from the Queen Extravaganza?
This is Natalie. Natalie’s voice will leave you like ???. #xfactorau. Coming soon to @channel7.
GT video just passed 76 million.
“Billboard Poll Names Top Artists That Should Sing At The 2017 Super Bowl”
The rock icon, with over 8,000 votes, would be a superb choice for the National Anthem and the Half Time show! His vocal range is absolutely tremendous. You also can’t forget about his show stopping performances.
Athena Art @_AthenaArt
This week our spotlight falls on the legendary Mick Rock, mastermind behind #Queen #artwork:
Off topic but appropriate for our blog.
#BreakingNews: We’re launching an exciting new savoury #condom range – Eggplant flavour! ? #CondomEmoji https://t.co/idA07EaiXC
LOL glambotgram!
luval – I’m curious which black and white photo you asked your artist friend to draw, from the treasure trove that glambotgram linked us to the other day. Care to share?
TLKC – great to hear from you! Glad you all had such a good time together.
7 days till QAL Tel Aviv! I just checked the official ticket site, not scalpers, and there are still tickets left at all the prices. I don’t know where they got the info that it is sold out. And the prices were raised. Don’t understand that.
Good afternoon. cwm, I sent three. And apparently didn’t have to be black & white. First one is sideways.
ultimathule, yes, the band was the Queen Extragavanza Band. I tried to see if anyone possibly posted the video on youtube but didn’t find anything. Am gonna tweet mmadamimaadam or gelly and ask if they watched it.
First pic says “currently unavailable,” luval – but like the “sideways” idea – can see more of his extraordinary profile then –
Sometimes don’t they release tickets as get close to the concert, rs?
ADAM LAMBERT @adamlambert
Happy Birthday my Fairy King! #FreddieMercury #Freddie70
Found it on Adam Lambert Images 2016 on google. I’ll fix my other post
“Revolution against ‘rich parasites’ at utopian Burning Man Festival as ‘hooligans’ attack luxury camp”
Lot different from the Adam years –
Nice shot, luval! An artistic rendering of that photo will be lovely. Thanks for finding and posting it.
Who had that money jar for #adamlambert NEXT tour. Just started mine???
Glamberts should ~steal this revolutionary initiative ??
cute: “feat ME”!
wow…How’s he gonna manage this? Tel Aviv on Mon. Sydney on Wed. 22 hr flying time between the two. Article is actually about Iggy
DILAMBERT @dianik_bg 22h22 hours ago
“The judging panel of 8season of #TheXFactorAu begins auditions next Wednesday in Sydney”
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-3774355/Iggy-Azalea-flaunts-toned-tummy-cropped-denim-shirt-sashays-LAX-airport.ht …
Hollywood Reporter @THR 10h10 hours ago
Beyonce postpones New Jersey concert for vocal rest http://thr.cm/4Whhbf
So I googled a random day & time (if it’s 11pm in Tel Aviv what time is it in Sydney Australia)
11:00 PM Monday, in Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel is
6:00 AM Tuesday, in Sydney NSW, Australia
Now I’m confused…22 hr flight…
luval, there are no direct flights from Tel Aviv to Sidney. It is 22+ hours flying time plus the time difference. Here are the fastest travel times:
22h 15m+
Royal Jordanian, Emirates, Qantas
via Amman, Dubai
23h 10m+
Royal Jordanian, Emirates
via Amman, Dubai
23h 45m+
Royal Jordanian, Etihad
via Amman, Abu Dhabi
23h 50m+
Arkia, Qatar Airways
via Larnaca, Doha
Why would they be hearing auditions now? They already spent time doing that and cutting numbers already.
Good question, riskylady. I know they are auditioning right now in the UK for UK XFactor. MJ has several threads about that. Bet Daily Mail got it wrong because Iggy is not a judge in the UK.
Gelly @14gelly 4m4 minutes ago
eee babyjesusfilms Back to school
https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/e35/14135010_1105787322808785_1889161342_n.jpg?ig_cache_key=MTMzMzQxMzc0NzA3NDk0NDU2Mg%3D%3D.2 …
idk if Adam is there bt exciting!
♎️ @tinapglambert Sep 5
Good Morning Glamworld !!! ??? please VOTE for ADAM !!!❤️ http://popcrush.com/poll-prince-of … #Glamberts #AdamLambert
A question about twitter if anyone knows. It’s impossible to contact them directly.
If I mute someone (someone I like) will they still get retweets from me? They complained in a tweet about getting so many Trump retweets and wondered how that could be stopped. She said twitter is no fun anymore because of this. She’s a huge Adam fan. I’m sure it was me retweeting! I really don’t want to unfollow during this election madness.
Gelly @14gelly 23s24 seconds ago
I added a video to a @YouTube playlist http://youtu.be/u5w0wyh1d6A?a The throne is going backstage while Adam is singing DSMN, Poland
AL…the September up top photo is not showing when you sign in at adamlambertlive.org.
luval, if you Mute her, you will not see her tweets or retweets but she will see yours and will not know she’s been muted. It’s a way of painlessly blocking someone without unfollowing or blocking.
She can turn off your Retweets, by going to your page and using the Tools menu. That will turn off ALL your Retweets for her, even the Adam ones, but not your tweets.
Thanks, riskylady. Think I’m gonna do that because I’ve got lotsa stuff to retweet about.
TALCvids @TALCvids 40m40 minutes ago
brianmayforreal’s photo So ! Back to the day job ! Rehearsal time ! It’s all glamour ! Anyone for QAL in Asia ?! Bri https://instagram.com/p/BKBhZlmjKzm/
Ah !!! The glamour is inside ! Hopefully the ol’ magic still works !!! #queenandadamlambert… https://www.instagram.com/p/BKBhlSUDdEN/
From the back line to the front. #queenandadamlambert #queenwillrock Bri https://www.instagram.com/p/BKBh32BDJFD/
This is the old “Q” isn’t it? Wonder if this is an old pic
Gelly @14gelly 1h1 hour ago
https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/e35/14287917_1180147122056255_234304283_n.jpg?ig_cache_key=MTMzMzQ5NDY2MjQ5NzY4NTc3Mw%3D%3D.2 …
Oops…knew I forgot something! All fixed now!
“Freddie Mercury meet today, 70 years – got its own asteroid” [TR]
Marianne @mimmikki
‘Adam Lambert who is the lead singer of the band at the moment is also a Freddie fan..’