- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
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- AL’s Games
This is funny!
Anupama @Glammodeon 23h23 hours ago
you must watch this!!!
Adam Lambert – CRACKVideo
https://youtu.be/Da7XB-AgWTs via @YouTube
ADAM LAMBERT @adamlambert 42m42 minutes ago
ADAM LAMBERT Retweeted Zara Larsson
Damn Girl! ?
MY NEW POSTER ? http://goo.gl/XEpQPv #FANART #ADAMLAMBERT @adamlambert
No comments ? new chibi @adamlambert
this is from that Marc Martel article….what a load of shite…I’ve seen him performing, and he tries to copy down to a T, from voice to moves, he has studied all the videos…..
Another great shot of my hometown tonight – the very air was golden pink –
Shopping (over the years)
Erzsébet Molnar @erzsebet_molnar 9h9 hours ago
The Big JC @jcummings03
Watching @adamlambert and @QueenWillRock on MTV Live. Amazing.
Freddie would be so proud. And pissed. ? ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
glambotgram…others thought he was carrying a little garbage can.
lol – for a minute I thought it was an ice bucket with fresh fish in it –
Just because…
mmm222…we’ll never forget this, will we.
Never made it to Culture Club tonight. There were two shows within minutes of each other Culture Club on one stage, Florida Georgia Line (country) on another. News is saying the worst traffic jam ever.
That is one of my VERY FAV PICS OF ALL TIME, luval – everything about it is perfect – probably my favorite outfit on him, too – I printed it out once and had it on my wall – think I’ll do it again – lol –
Yup, mine too, ultimathule. I remember printing it at work, forgot and left it on the machine overnight. When I got to work someone (I never found out who) tacked it to the area where I worked. They knew.
They knew –
Adam posted this –
He never looked better than that night in Vegas at I Heart!
I agree with the outfit, it was perfect. His body was perfect(that booty) his hair, and he sang the hell out of those Queen songs! Sexy…
So true
Lotti @Lotti_V 4h4 hours ago
Two unlikely friends with phenomenal talent spreading immeasurable joy around the world:
Adam’s there
TALCvids @TALCvids 18m18 minutes ago
Fun! ? RT @katzolicious Adam Lambert on GrayJoey’s snapchat 9/2 he’s snapchatting ? https://youtu.be/2f8QO92Ri8s
Looks so young with hair down. Haircut?
He’s always loved her
TALCvids @TALCvids 23m23 minutes ago
At Crystal Waters. TYSM! RT @katzolicious Adam Lambert’s snapchat 9/2/16 (6 snaps)
Looks like the hair down right from the beginning.
TALCvids @TALCvids 27m27 minutes ago
? RT @LoveMrSpencer W E H E R E | W E H E R E Last minute turn up with Adam and the boys @lukenero now. Come say… https://www.instagram.com/p/BJ4reCLA9ZZ/
Gelly @14gelly 2h2 hours ago
Gray Joey just posted a video snap. He’s saying ” after hours at Adam’s will never be the same. Grotto is gone”
He’s saying “It’s a construction sight”
So pool not ready yet
(I never found the video)
Repeat again…he looks 18 years old IMO
kejonsson Just hanging with Adam Lambert https://www.instagram.com/p/BJ4zP3OD9TB/ https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/l/t51.2885-15
cocoo @cocooyau 3h3 hours ago
SlowMo party w/him singing along @adamlambert fr terrance and grayjoey snaps TY @katzolicious @14gelly 9.3.16
Gelly @14gelly 4h4 hours ago (blurry)
Sheer shirt, with a tank top.
Gelly @14gelly 5h5 hours ago
He’s here, went to see Crystal Waters
shoshanna stone @shoshannastone 2m2 minutes ago
Fun week: shoots, tv shows, phoners then Tel Aviv. ?
And there he stands with his phone in the air, just like all of us. Come on Adam, put down the phone, be in the moment.

Here’s grayjoey’s snap about the pool construction
laurieb @LibraLaurie 40m40 minutes ago
Adams pool construction 2016-09-02 https://youtu.be/oY7Y08qS5s4 via Scorpio Bert
Gelly @14gelly 23m23 minutes ago
adamlambert Out on the edge @ terrancespencer @ jskystyle https://www.instagram.com/p/BJ5ccC0j1rt/
https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/e35/14063411_174333783001241_1234070123_n.jpg?ig_cache_key=MTMzMTIyMDIzNzM0MTY0NTU0OQ%3D%3D.2 …
Actually think the hair down would look better with no mustache – look even younger then –
Oh yeah, the stache. If only it wasn’t so dark!
luval– You’re right, we’ll never forget this:
Words can’t begin to describe the experience of seeing this show live. He was absolutely stunning, visually and vocally. WWTLF left me speechless, which is quite a feat for me(haha!). It’s too bad that you didn’t get to see Culture Club, but it’s just as well that you didn’t have to deal with that traffic. No one except for Adam is worth sitting through traffic like that.
HK fan– I enjoyed your comments on Marc Martel. I’ve only seen a few YouTube clips of him imitating Freddie. I read that interview with him posted yesterday and kept thinking that he was full of crap, not to mention delusional and totally lacking in humility. So if Queen Extravaganza isn’t a tribute show, what exactly is it?
This is neat –
Gelly @14gelly 2m2 minutes ago
Thank you Adam
adamlambert #mrblack @ grayjoey @ djjoshpeace https://www.instagram.com/p/BJ6FKVhDWS7/
https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t50.2886-16/14237104_576148035904003_435650007_n.mp4 …
screenshots already – lol
#lastnight #uber #LA #adamlambert #brossie #jskystylefav
Kathy Katz
Crystal Waters: Guess who came to hang out with me last night! Adam Lambert. See u in Sydney https://www.facebook.com/crystal.waters.547/posts/10154510237129766 …
Gelly @14gelly
Adam Lambert at Micky’s August 10, HQ PIC
mar @leviosalambert
club kid adam is my favorite adam
natalie @idklambert
his brows are so thicc
These end-of-summer skies have been extraordinary lately – driving home tonight we were all enchanted by the colors –
Always loved this photoshoot –
Adam Lambert on His Past Look That Makes Him Roll His Eyes — and His Newly Refined Rocker Chic
ulti, I agree, about the full mustache.
Maybe barely just a hint of one, would be nice to see?
Yes, this the youngest he has looked lately. With all that hair shaved off, ruffled down in the front is the way to go. You can tell he’s wanting to look more edgy.

Probably getting ready for the non- stop concert Tour with Queen.
Thanks for sharing ulti.
What a beautiful late summer sky you captured in Washington, D.C.tonight.
Just stunning!
Watch Adam Japan special live now on Japan periscope
8 days till Tel Aviv QAL! Can’t wait!

I will be seeing mr. A lot of you remember her from MJ’s days. She has seen Adam a number of times but this will be her first QAL. She is so excited. cgesq is coming to Israel for the concert, but will be with her family back on the grass so I won’t see her at the concert.
Sounds like a gear time, rs. And you probably saw that it’s sold out!
50,000 tickets sold! Glad I paid for the golden circle at the front.
“Commercial with Adam Lambert is airing on Brazilian Globo TV by Radio Mundo Livre FM – 2016”
This one has subtitles –