Adam-CloseUpAdam-ABC-GreatestHitsAfter a few weeks in Mykonos for a well-deserved break, September will be busy for Adam. Q+AL are to do a short 9-concert tour of Israel and Asia. The first concert is in Tel Aviv on the 12th wrapping up in Bangkok on the 30th.

Enjoy the chat!

Photo#1 – Adam’s Instagram from Mykonos, #2 – ?, #3 – from ABC’s Greatest Hits
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And during this quiet time why not check out the puzzle page for a new jigsaw puzzle, crossword, word search and Adamoku (Sudoku)!

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Broken – Tritonal & Jenaux ft. Adam Lambert – [Official Lyric Video] (8/12/16)

Welcome To The Show – Official Video (7/6/16)

“Hands” – A Song for Orlando – Interscope Records (7/5/16)
Can’t Go Home – Steve Aoki & Felix Jaehn ft. Adam Lambert (4/26/16)

Another Lonely Night Video (10/08/15)
Ghost Town Video (4/28/15)


896 Responses to September 2016 Chat

  1. Axxxel says:

    Wow HK fan, you are already on the road… Thank you for willing to go to “my” area in “the south”. Still sort of listening to the presidential debate while checking things on internet. Funny term, fun police !! I do think that in “our” venue everything is seated so we cannot really rock it out… but I think I will be too starstruck to move.. just like what happened when Adam performed in Jakarta a few years ago. Not so hot = 31 degrees celsius. Haha. Yeah… it is hot in the tropics. I already start to shiver at 18 degrees celsius. Hehe…

  2. Axxxel says:

    glambotgram and luval … thank you !!!

  3. riskylady says:

    Guys, both Tokyo and Shanghai were seated and they were plenty loud and rocking, so hope for the best!

  4. ultimathule says:
  5. ultimathule says:

    New @adamlambert ‘s snapchat

  6. Axxxel says:

    Thank you HK fan for one fine afternoon at the seaside in Stanley. Meeting at hot noon in the coolness of the covered pier was a good suggestion !!A pizzeria was tempting us but unfortunately renovations were going on even though the place was open. We ended up in a ” sea front ” restaurant where I ordered a grilled fish fillet with mash potatoes and long beans (I think) and HK fan ordered Caeser’s salad with additional smoked salmon…I know I know… not very asian food… So we talked about many things Adam and non Adam stuff. About the past, present and future. Maybe because HK fan has been in this area before many times in the past. Our attention was diverted by a gorgeous Porche sportcar ( black lined with red and white) parked in front of the eatery and the charming senior aged man ( 70 something ?) who was addressing people walking by, hoping that they would eat at his place…( where we had lunch). And of course a bit of a gossip about the ALL’s… just a bit… Grin … Then we strolled to a nearby market and HK fan did a walk there through memorylane. She even recognizes one of the marketvendors and vice versa. The prizes are a bit high there. 3 T shirts for 100 HK dollar, which according to HK fan in another market one can get 6 similar T shirts for the same price. Just unfortunately I want to use tomorrow wednesday to conserve my energy for the concert night and thursday afternoon I am flying back to Indonesia. Oh well… Then we dropped by a nice chinese temple nearby…then a necessary selfie near the waterfront before we parted at a mall. It was great to see you HK fan !! We may or may not see each other tomorrow but we just hope for the best tomorrow…

  7. luval says:

    BoRhap interpreted by English National Ballet/Trinity Boys Choir

  8. luval says:

    Soso ‏@SosoChan 27m27 minutes ago

    they arrived at hongkong

  9. luval says:
  10. luval says:

    Mariana ‏@_swoosh14 7h7 hours ago

    TOH album is still in top40 on iT in Germany. Been there since yesterday

  11. Axxxel says:

    luval dreaming of bumping into them… haha… Maybe they will just stay in a hotel near the venue and go to Hong Kong Disneyland which is not far away from the venue either ? Just my personal speculations… The venue is also near the airport…

  12. luval says:
  13. ultimathule says:

    Very nice interview . And pants/boots combo? Yes I am in love with these boots

  14. ultimathule says:
  15. ultimathule says:

    Tiro @Tirozash
    .@adamlambert on @thexfactorau promo board on the busiest Central station Sydney! Literally every 3 minutes the ad is on! #xfactorau

  16. ultimathule says:

    Yes – really great pic, luval

    Lilybop @lilybop2010
    @HousesOfCandy Joseph Sinclair takes the best pics. I’m so excited about the shoot. Thanks.

  17. ultimathule says:

    Ofc Adam changed his IG avi

    Guess he likes it, too –

  18. luval says:
  19. luval says:
  20. ultimathule says:

    Yep, @AdamLambert will do that. ❤️

  21. milwlovesadam says:

    That new pic.

    Gasping here.

    Wow wow wow wow wow wow wow


  22. ultimathule says:

    My mood my art??⭐️ with @adamlambert

    Don’t think this is new – but it’s pretty nice –

  23. ultimathule says:

    My NEW drawing : Adam with the green hair !!!?? @adamlambert
    PLEASE tag @adamlambert ?

  24. ultimathule says:

    Lambert_Numbers @ALambertNumbers
    Sept 25
    Ghost Town ?

    Streams 143,554,200
    5 day increase ?? 600,000 streams

  25. ultimathule says:

    Glambert Nation @GlambertNation
    @glamberlicious Found the link someone provided. It’s a 12 page pdf file with all of the judges. Smile

  26. luval says:

    Gelly ‏@14gelly 3m3 minutes ago

    Ferras interview : fav song that co-wrote is ‘Aftermath’ for @adamlambert

  27. luval says:

    cocoo ‏@cocooyau 1h1 hour ago

    37″ full phone screen view. my heart. my destiny ?? TY josephsinclair!!
    from @adamlambert IG 3 hrs ago HK time 10:45 pm Sep 27, 2016

  28. luval says:
  29. ultimathule says:

    Loooove Billy Gilman’s voice – bought his performance right away – better than Adele’s version –

  30. twilightmagic8 says:

    Very nice interview . And pants/boots combo? Yes I am in love with these boots

    What boots?
    I am finally going to comment on this photo, because I have to. Dazed

    To my eagle eyes, it appears that Adam put his phone in his pants. You can see the outline of it in the corners around the zipper. Looks like a heavy-duty zipper. Grin
    I’ve never seen rectangle ‘man parts’ before this.
    I know you guys might think I’m crazy? Wink

    Anyone else see what I am seeing? Question

    ETA: Wish I could enlarge this photo, for further inspection.

  31. twilightmagic8 says:

    AL I nominate this new pic for October thread!

    Great one luval! In Love
    Me too, AL!

  32. luval says:

    Anyone else see what I am seeing?

    I see it, twilightmagic8. But like you said…a phone under the zipper? ROTFL I think he usually puts it in his back pocket. I always think of when the was on So You Think You Can Dance singing WWFM. At about 1:18 you see the phone in his right back pocket. Grey always shows “bulges” Smile

  33. twilightmagic8 says:

    I am crazy then, because I’m seeing a rectangle crotch (package). Dazed

  34. ultimathule says:

    Think it’s just the light hitting the edges of the curves – lights are “tube-like” – not sharp-edged –

  35. twilightmagic8 says:

    Think it’s just the light hitting the edges of the curves – lights are “tube-like” – not sharp-edged –

    Ok, Thanks for some variables. Big Smile

  36. AL says:

    I think it’s just the stitching needed to attach the zipper.
    If you need a closer look…
    You’re welcome! Devil Wink
    And here is the X Factor promo PDF with just the Adam pages to download so you can zoom, zoom all day long! Wink

  37. luval says:

    Daphne James

    Breakfast in Hong Kong . #QAL #Queen#AdamLambert #

  38. milwlovesadam says:


    Adam has made so many costume choices lately so as NOT to highlight the well known and much appreciated glambulge, with tunics and droopy drawers, that this single showing brings so much analysis!!!

    That pair of gloriously tight leather pants with that exposed zipper and special placket stitching is quite the wardrobe choice.


  39. twilightmagic8 says:

    Thanks mils, for your detailed opinion. You alway’s sounded like an expert, in that region.
    Yes, like you said, it’s been hiding. Wink

    Too many baggie clothes lately, that we miss his curves & Present.
    Gah… I’m blushing!

  40. luval says:

    Reeve Carney ‏@reevecarney 1h1 hour ago

    #TransformationTuesday!!! ?#RockyHorror @RockyHorrorFOX ???? #LetsDoTheTimeWarpAgain!!! ?

  41. glambotgram says:

    If you need a closer look…
    You’re welcome!

    AL I nominate that picture for October ROTFL Wink Devil

  42. luval says:

    glambotgram…there’s nothing I can say. ROTFL ROTFL ROTFL Handcuffs

  43. luval says:


    Dan ‏@scubadan21 46s46 seconds ago

    Arrived in Hong Kong yesterday, what an amazing place!. Show day today

  44. luval says:


    .@adamlambert will be on @etnow tomorrow. ..just saw a preview…woo hoo Entertainment Tonight

  45. milwlovesadam says:

    ET?? Wonder why?

    To discuss his amayzing style choices lately?

    To discuss his being a judge on XFACTOR?

    To Discuss RHPS?

    To discuss his green hair and the link to Scream Queens?

    To discuss his link to Allison Porter?

    To talk about celebs with tats?

  46. riskylady says:

    Agree with mils, I think the pants are structured to have a sort of codpiece-like effect, and the light shines on the – dare I say – protuberance and shiny material.
    Reminds me of those other zipper pants he had in the Citizen Vein gigs and I believe Ring of Fire….not shiny, but prominent. Cool Grin Devil

  47. nkd says:

    Zipper crotch pants for the win…always! Laugh

    Great close-up pic AL!

  48. luval says:


    mmadamimadamm ‏@mmadamimadamm 28m28 minutes ago

    RT [Locked] Adam looked amazing as Eddie on ET commercial just now. They asked just how sexy it was going to be. Lol. They know him?

  49. luval says:

    MardiBlitz ‏@mardiblitz 1h1 hour ago

    Tonight’s venue

  50. HK fan says:

    its a long time since I’ve seen that WWFM performance on SYTYCD….strange seeing the band…it seems a very long time since he had those guys around…..don’t miss them!!

    It was lovely meeting Axxxel yesterday.

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