- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
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- Queen+AL
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- AL’s Games
milsI Loved the show “Better Late than Never”! This morning I heard Jeff Dye (young comedian traveling with the Geezers), on The Bob and Tom Show and he said there’s probably going to be another season. They’re trying to figure out where to go. Same cast. It got such good ratings.
This is terrifying to me
(as most fan art is)
☕ @creativesharka Sep 9
New digital painting. GREEN HAIR ????? #adamlambert @adamlambert #fanart
Very nice
hmm. I like the pants
I’ve had a busy week and have only had time to read the comments and watch snippets of the Israel concert. But today, finally, I can immerse myself in the full concert video. At full volume, I might add. Pure aural and visual heaven!
The photos from Israel have been beautiful. I was also very moved by the photos of Adam in Jerusalem. I can only imagine what an emotional experience it must have been for him. On a more superficial note…the hair! IMO, the shaved sides and green color move him down a few notches in the sex god category but do not detract from his rock god image. From a practical standpoint, his current hair style makes a lot of sense while he’s performing in warm climates. It is cooler and will be a lot easier to maintain when he’s sweating on stage. Adding the green color makes it so ludicrous that it’s amusing. On the other hand, the EMA haircut was just plain ugly! I agree that the high waist baggy pants do not work with the lace shirt. But those tight fringed pants…oh my! I love Brian’s lace shirt too.
another pic
TALCvids @TALCvids 1h1 hour ago
X Factor starring @IGGYAZALEA, @GuySebastian and @adamlambert finally has an air date http://www.couriermail.com.au/entertainment/confidential/news-story/4995c75644d063ab877af30463a5c00d … via @couriermail < Mon Oct 3
TALCvids @TALCvids 2h2 hours ago
X Factor starring @IGGYAZALEA, @GuySebastian and @adamlambert finally has an air date http://www.couriermail.com.au/entertainment/confidential/news-story/4995c75644d063ab877af30463a5c00d … via @couriermail < Mon Oct 3
Photos look great here
TALCvids @TALCvids 2h2 hours ago
Adam Lambert backstage (Tel Aviv) http://www.1883magazine.com/music/music/adam-lambert-backstage … by @1883magazine <Currently in the middle of a soldout world tour/ Adam smashed it
well, it's not a world tour
Wow, aren’t those the highest heels/shoes so far? And he was prancing around the stage as if wearing sneakers!! (VERY strong legs!
And I just saw a pic on iHeart Radio’s Instagram of Usher wearing those same exact black cropped harem pants, so Adam’s not the only one. I think they’d look better with a different shirt though.
The fringed pants!!! Those fringes got a workout during DA!!!
One of their very best concerts overall IMHO, looooved the very demanding set list, love the full HTF and SSOR (Queen’s first big hit I read somewhere).
Nice to hear Adam and Brian’s explanation of why TSMGO not included sometimes, but crowds seem to always react with the first chords. I think maybe they could include it more instead of WWTLF – it’s so spectacular, and Fred never did it live. Love both, but TSMGO has the rock edge for me *ducks flying tomatoes*
Minus the lace top
Love love love the fringed pants.
I hope everyone saw that close up Dragon Attack video. Amazing. If not, post here & I’ll find it.
Tied for my two favorite outfits & pics. I don’t even mind the hair!
Can see a bit of the lace top here
The very first thing that stood out for me was the lack of any color…even white, for his outfits. Black as the night. I do like black, though. And really like outfits better than the palm tree jacket
When Adam opened up the show, with his black hat & coat assemble, I immediately was struck by the comparison, to traditional Jewish men’s attire. Of course Adam punked it up, with the sleeveless coat, the black dueling holsters, gloves, and the Robo-cop eyewear. He even danced around, with moves that reminded me of, “Fiddler On the Roof.”
I was enthralled by his sweeping movements in that coat, showing off his tattoo’s, and the edgy parallel to todays Jewish men’s clothing.
Of course, it did have a ‘Zorro’ resemblance too, but I feel Adam did choose to mimic his costume to the Jewish multitude.
Gelly @14gelly 1m1 minute ago
gribiche The gang unboxing the giant discoball https://www.instagram.com/p/BKYhzmuA1E8/
https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/e35/14295427_343042822703960_9060223580947611648_n.jpg?ig_cache_key=MTMzOTk2OTU3MDk0NTA2MTE4MA%3D%3D.2 …
When Adam opened up the show, with his black hat & coat assemble, I immediately was struck by the comparison, to traditional Jewish men’s attire.
Thought the same thing, twilightmagic8)
Gelly @14gelly 1m1 minute ago
Five [More!] Places Adam Lambert Has Been Serving Up Realness
BeZa @BeZa_here 15m15 minutes ago
“Even Adam Lambert (Queen) know where to spend time in the city…” https://www.facebook.com/omer.oz.35110/posts/10153959254888505/ …, https://www.facebook.com/ShirPintoPR/posts/1159726567417477/ …
Dr. Brian May @DrBrianMay 7s8 seconds ago
Singapore sunset – a painting in the sky ! What a truly beautiful place. Bri https://www.instagram.com/p/BKYwB5PDFg5/
Singapore Shangri-La by gibbous moonlight. Bri
Window dreams – Bri https://www.instagram.com/p/BKY0V9_D8Gt/
I thought the same thing about those outfits, especially the opening one, but didnt want to say anything. I so agree with you and now its all growing on me. Looove the outfit with the fringe pants, I even like the Lace shirt.

So what will he do in Singapore, come out in a Chinese Kimono?
Off topic, Fantasia is on The Chew. Time for Adam to get on a cooking show here.
Queen fan in a car
Just realized there was no selfie stick in Tel Aviv.
mmadamimadamm @mmadamimadamm 9m9 minutes ago
RT [Locked] Oh Queen is staying in Shangri La according to Brian, far away from the F1 noise lol
Am so hyped for Adam’s fringed pants and Brian’s lace blouse… TSMGO does rock my heart but is hard to sing… My absolute favorite is WWTLF, a bit operatic and only absent from the concert when Adam was really not feeling well…
luval there was a selfie stick, at 38:40 in the whole concert, just after STL and before LOML.
by brian?? pretty sure he did. its on the 2 hour video…..unless i imagined it!
i thought the same thing about the first outfit too twilight…
Still don’t like the lace top….actually i think it would look fine with tight black, lower waisted trousers, its the combination of the trousers and top together.
I thought those boots were different one, they are really high!!
OMG slow motion leg porn!!
Thanks for the info on the selfie stick guys. It wouldn’t seem right without it. Missed it on YouTube.
Comments from laverne cox about Adam
and he tweeted
ADAM LAMBERT @adamlambert 6h6 hours ago
ADAM LAMBERT Retweeted Laverne Cox
I adore you @Lavernecox ! ??
Laverne Cox Verified account
Laverne Cox Retweeted Susie Fierce
Adam is amazing as Eddie. He is most definitely worth the wait. #RockyHorror
TALCvids @TALCvids 7m7 minutes ago
?RT @14gelly This new video from official RHPS channel has a full view of Eddie & bike scene https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BBLsLh3NAkE …
babyjesusfilms Our stage, and the F1 track, from my window. https://www.instagram.com/p/BKZxR3PByzu/ https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/e35/14359553_182322328842591_447503416_n.jpg?ig_cache_key=MTM0MDMxOTA5NTkzNzUxMDYzOA%3D%3D.2 …
Brian May IG’s
Oh ! They know we’re here, then ! Hello Singapore ! Bri X https://www.instagram.com/p/BKaO_zdD1f3/
Architecture to enjoy ! Marina Marina Bay Sands Singapore. This makes a sound like the ocean,… https://www.instagram.com/p/BKaC5qYjWhi/
View from Marina Bay Sands observation platform. Amazing. These are gardens. Bri https://www.instagram.com/p/BKZ9WySjSn-/
Window dreams – Bri https://www.instagram.com/p/BKY0V9_D8Gt/
Eric Ascher @eric_ascher 35m35 minutes ago
Good news! @thexfactorau starts October 3rd (with @adamlambert as a judge) and I’ll be recapping the season for @mjsbigblog
carter_ @_AOStarlighter_ 8m8 minutes ago
SKINGRAFT IG: “The homie @adamlambert looking SLICK in #Skingraft Mozaic leather tunic and classic suspended bags” https://www.instagram.com/p/BKZYSU6BlBF/
Sound check in Tel Aviv (what’s he singing?) will post on that thread too.
well, well, well
holmen luna @gomezswifts 20m20 minutes ago
Hana Frisons @HanaFris 25s25 seconds ago
New @adamlambert ‘s snapchat right now “Kylie”
He’s cute..youtube of snap
Am getting used to Adam’s hair now but a couple people I showed his pic to said it was like Kim Jon Un…dictator of North Korea.
It’s about 1am in Singapore right now.
mmadamimadamm @mmadamimadamm 21s22 seconds ago
WC: http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=Q%2BAL+Tour+-+Singapore+Grand+Prix&iso=20160917T2230&p1=236 …
Lynneville @Lynneville 3m3 minutes ago
From back stage: Queen עליה לבמה https://youtu.be/I34eQX7sfY8 via @YouTube
2016 F1 Singapore Race feat. world class entertainment
Found this on Amazon –
Another stream for Singapore –
mmmm, that seemed a bit veiled from meatloaf….so he’s saying that he didn’t think Adams version was as good as he was expecting?
There’s a lot of empty seat around where Adams watching Kylie….I saw her Aphrodite tour a few years back…it was good but more like watching a show than a concert.