- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
mmadamimadamm @mmadamimadamm 2m2 minutes ago
WC: http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=Q%2BAL+Tour+at+IMPACT+Arena+%28Show%29&iso=20160930T2030&p1=28 …
STREAMS: http://mixlr.com/sandyrk/
nkd, thank you for your warm words.. Am finally home now… had a 5 hour transit time in KL..
I am still in the afterglow of the concert… The concert itself is more a blur now…. but I still feel the happiness and the inspiration of the concert. A cousin of mine said that finally going to the concert of your favorite artists is similar to experiencing a religious event… Well…eeehmm.. at least I do agree with Brian after I watched the QAL show… Adam is indeed a GFG….
HK Fan … Hallo…. I am finally at home. Almost missed my flight to KL because I was too much enjoying the view from another “waterfront restaurant” in the south of Hong Kong… Transit in KL was 5 hours and on 11.30 pm I touched down in Jakarta.
Thank you again for making the time for our fine meeting… I enjoyed it a lot !
Great Shanghai review (will post on that thread too)
BroadwayWorld Verified account
FOX to Offer Sneak Peeks of @RockyHorrorFOX with Midnight Streamings Every Thursday
http://www.broadwayworld.com/article/FOX-to-Offer-Midnight-Sneak-Peeks-of-THE-ROCKY-HORROR-PICTURE-SHOW-Every-Thursday-Beginning-Tonight-20160929 …
My friend brought out Mini Adam from Hawaii❤️✨Mini Adam and Mini Freddie met in Bangkok. @katdroba
Simone @skaschep 16m16 minutes ago
By request: Streaming totals on @Spotify for @adamlambert’s albums #ForYourEntertainment & #Trespassing. Update is from last Sunday (25/9)
Jason Dundas @JasonDundas 51m51 minutes ago Sydney, New South Wales
3 more sleeps till @thexfactorau starts. Monday 7:30 @channel7
@adamlambert @thenewclassic @guysebastian
HK Fan & Axxxel … Thank you very much for your great reports and recaps. They were fast and fabulous.
Love everything you gave us.
I’m very behind on this tour. Hope to catch up later.
But I’m going to set my alarm clock and go to bed early tonight.
I wish I were there.

Tomorrow morning is the last concert.
The 2 beautiful posters for BKK show
mlg (augenpoesie)
asifclueless you are welcome !!

Twitter Users Have Mixed Reactions to Lady Gaga’s Super Bowl Gig
Wow, Lady Gaga at the Super Bowl halftime show. I’m sure maybe 2% of NFL fans listen to her. Great choice! #superbowlhalftime #worstchoice”
Can’t go to bed this early … Hahaha!
This makes me sooooo happy!
You need to listen to the end pass the Thai reporter in order to hear Brian, Roger and Adam.
They flew in to the old airport by their private jet.
By the way Brian and Roger speak Thai very well. And good Wai-ers. (Put the hands together and bow.) Adam hasn’t learned the Wai yet, but by the end of the stay he’ll be an expert.
While I was in Japan later on I caught myself bow to the phone when I was talking on the phone with my boss.
From that video the reporter said
NewYork,iLoveU @NYCiLOVEu
@katzolicious @Cloe553
He said Adam was phenomenal as if Freddie’s reincarnation
Bangkok Post Culture @BPculture
Queen is here. Adam Lambert, Brian May and Roger Taylor have arrived in Bangkok for their first-ever concert in Bangkok tonight.
Adam Lambert Pics @adamlambert_pic
The X Factor – Australia: Hottie Alert! Are you ready for Memphis?
https://www.facebook.com/thexfactorau/videos/1155529944484413/ …
My pics from the HK concert….(they’re not great, wish I could take my big camera in…), a few are pretty nice though.
Says “Sorry, this content isn’t available right now,” HK fan – just me?
#TBT to the one and only @adamlambert ?
Angel_nDisguise @Angel_nDisguise
NEW!!…Nova 93.7 Nathan, Nat & Shaun (Australia)
10/2 6:00-9:00pm EDT, 10/3 6:00-9:00am AWST
don’t know ulti….when i click on it it takes me to the album?
Same here.
Thanks for posting your pictures HK fan. They are wonderful!
I want a show so bad! Begging and pleading may begin soon!
Brian’s twitter’s been hacked
lovesummer22 @lovesummer22 10h10 hours ago
Snippet of @JasonDundas talking about the @thexfactorau Judges Panel on @morningshowon7 . “Adam’s pretty cut throat…..” ?
Gelly @14gelly 6m6 minutes ago
Profile perfection
Smile perfection
Apparently you can only watch this if you have hola. I couldn’t get it.
Crowd surfing
Adam Lambert Pics @adamlambert_pic 4h4 hours ago
upperhouse_hkg: The biggest idol @adamlambert at our House ?✨ https://www.instagram.com/p/BK9ypvohdYK/ DL https://scontent-arn2-1.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/e15/14504954_340463989630024_6173055949356400640_n.jpg …
Lisa Gold @VioletFeline 10h10 hours ago
I’ve made friends around the world who share the love for @adamlambert! ? #HowTwitterHasChangedMyLife
S.C. @MiaChenanne
More SC from the xfactor-Australia 18+ minutes VIP preview. The video can be viewed on Plus7 app
mils…you should (I hope) be able to view this…Imagine
That X-Factor preview was awesome! Sure hope we get to watch the full shows.
Luval, thanks so much!!
IslandGirl @islandgirljams 9h9 hours ago
5 things we’d love to see @LadyGaga do at the Super Bowl http://usat.ly/2dqM4dz via usatoday
Bring @QueenWillRock & @adamlambert to the SB
No thank you – my first impression –
I love me some Gaga. But not with QAL. She just plain sucked with them .
Throwback – swoon –
the most iconic
Do you think that Adam will be able to come home, before he heads down to Australia?
Would love to see the finished pool photo’s. Adam most likely has been updated, with it’s progress? ?
Here’s hoping he has a very fun October, including his favorite holiday Halloween!

Can’t believe it’s October already! ?
We are so blessed, to have had so many Adam moments this year.

It wouldn’t have been possible, without the people who provide us with such fabulous support HERE!
Thanks to you all for giving, your generous time and talents.
Following Adam’s journey with you all, has been a huge highlight in my life, and there’s much more to come!
The ‘love for Adam’, just keeps on growing.
Just a casual dinner with Adam Lambert and Queen. #unforgettable
Twilightmagic8 – Actually your whole post is just what I would have said if I talked good like you. Thanks for expressing everything so well!!!

Adam has to be in Sydney Monday, and it’s a 9 hour flight. My guess is one of these on Saturday night, arriving Sunday morning.
More screenshots of Adam xfactorau