
August saw Adam globetrotting to Australia, New Zealand, US, Germany, Poland, and England promoting The Original High. But the travel doesn’t stop there as he heads to South America for the first time. Queen + Adam reunite to play a series of dates there including Rock in Rio which Queen inaugurated some 30 years ago.

Photos above are from the Billboard cover photo shoot. Video captures by Jadelle.

Enjoy the chat!
And don’t forget to check out the puzzle page for a new puzzle, crossword, word search and Adamoku (Sudoku)!

Ghost Town Video (4/28/15)


1,787 Responses to September 2015 Chat

  1. ultimathule says:

    Go read this post at MTT. Kid who auditioned for The Voice – his YT has 6.6M views. Lots of comments about Adam!!!

    Think they’re talking about this guy –

  2. luval says:

    When I first heard that audition I thought he sounded like Adam but listening again to the YouTube I don’t think that now. He does have a nice voice , though.

  3. riskylady says:

    Sorry, don’t like his trembly voice….people always go nuts on first listen, then mostly they don’t pan out. Like that girl on XFactor that sang STL (btw copied some of Adam’s signature embellishments) but no way did she have a radio- friendly voice. I remember a guy who NAILED “A Little Help from My Friends” on UK XFactor and didn’t even make finals. J/s…..

  4. riskylady says:

    GT Vid at 28.8 MM, will hit 29 by late tonight or tomorrow morning. EPIC!!!!!

  5. ultimathule says:

    Gelly @ 14gelly
    MINI VIDEO Adam arriving at the hotel in Sao Paolo

    Wild –

  6. ultimathule says:
  7. ultimathule says:

    So beautiful moment..magic.. ♥

  8. ultimathule says:



    JSYK, I will wait until tomorrow afternoon to ‘tighten’ GEBA… too many people are still adding to their lists.

  9. luval says:

    Your are correct, riskylady. The judges will pick the songs for them & they’re toast! Most singers can only sing in one genre. This guy could be one of them. Remains to be seen. And hate to say it but it’s the whole package that makes a star. If he makes it that far, this could be a factor in the voting.

    eta: and Gwen running up to him saying “you shocked me”! What do you think she means? Shocked because he doesn’t “look” like he should have a voice like that?

  10. ultimathule says:


    NEXT UP:

    RE-AIRING OF P7 MixMøder – Portrait of Adam Lambert





    “After Hours” playing now –

  11. luval says:

    ultimathule Did you see this goofy thing?

    OvationImpact ‏@ovationimpact 1h1 hour ago

    OvationImpact retweeted Robby Johnson

    WUWT? millions of Global Fans were issued Wishful Thinking Tickets 2claim AdamLambert.RU saying U won & chose 2adopt

    Robby Johnson

    The hustlers adopt Adam lambert coming this fall!

    Some kind of an online thing?

  12. ultimathule says:

    Goofy is right, luval – looks like fun whatever it is –

  13. ultimathule says:

    Crazy Mexicans in Argentina !!

  14. asifclueless says:

    On now … Fever

    10 minutes to Music Story with Adam on Radio KISS Proton

  15. asifclueless says:

    Dr. Brian May retweeted


    Don’t forget! Tonight, a #SuperBloodMoon will be visible. Be sure to get outside, look up & enjoy the show!

  16. asifclueless says:

    AWWWW … All these old songs .. Idol and ERA 1 … bring back memories. Smile

  17. asifclueless says:

    They really play great Adam’s songs. Heart


  18. ultimathule says:

    These Boys – love that song!

  19. ultimathule says:
  20. asifclueless says:
  21. luval says:
  22. luval says:

    cwm122 retweeted
    Lambert Music 411 ‏@LambertMusic411 8m8 minutes ago

    Adam Lambert’s #GhostTown now recurrent (removed from radio chart) after 5+ months on Hot AC – 16 peak; goes recurrent on Pop 10/4 – 20 peak

    cwm122 retweeted
    Lambert Music 411 ‏@LambertMusic411 6m6 minutes ago

    @mmadamimadamm I said it in ( ). Smile It’s removed from the chart. It happens when songs have been on chart 5 months and have peaked (- spins)

  23. asifclueless says:

    A-LAMBERT.CZ ‏@alambertdotnet

    Music Story w/Adam Lambert Listen here:

  24. luval says:

    Don’t really understand what “recurrent” means but this short wiki article explains it a bit in case anyone else is wondering. (lol I’m probably the only one)

    Pat H

    Only 46 songs have gone recurrent on CHR this year. GT will be #47! “recurrent” is like a Gold Star 4 a song’s chart longevity! It is great!

  25. luval says:

    Crowd is nuts. Argentina

  26. milwlovesadam says:

    Hi everyone!!

    Just popping in for a few seconds, I am lurking like crazy lately, but, just taking a break from posting. I’ve been a post-ho for over 6 years…and my fingers finally got tired!

    Just kidding, real life has been busy beyond belief, but am enjoying our guy as much as I can.

    I won’t be around for the final 2 QAL shows, which makes me so sad. But, I will be catching up when I can.

    And….as for my real life….one of my problems is that I have lost my email. AGAIN. AT&T is trying to figure it out.


    I’m screaming mad here.

    So, if any of you ALL need to contact me, please text me. Especially about Ron. He’s in my thoughts so much, I just hope he knows how much a certain gal from Milwaukee cares about him. Big hugs and well wishes to you sweetie.

    Everybody please have fun with tonight’s show. Boy has been on FIRE lately. And gorgeous and loose and just sexy beyond human belief.

    Super Red Moon tonight. Wonder what that’ll do to our boy.

    For those of you who text me , I do have gmail, I’ll share it.

    After AT&T fixes my email ( it took 16 days last time ), I’m switching to gmail. Should have done it last time. Poop on AT&T.

  27. asifclueless says:

    Dr. Brian May ✔ @DrBrianMay

    @PeoplesAstro For my friends here in S. America the eclipse will be around midnight. But in the UK you gotta stay up til 4 ish. Go ! Bri

  28. asifclueless says:

    Miss you … mils!!
    This place is not the same without you.
    Please come back soon.
    In the mean time … Enjoy quality time with your boys!!! Heart

  29. milwlovesadam says:

    Oh asif, I will! I’m so glad you , luval, and ulti hold down the fort here so well. You bring so many goodies here, and make it so easy to stay connected.

    And with that...Mils is out!

  30. retjenny says:

    luval says:
    09/27/2015 at 5:30 pm
    Don’t really understand what “recurrent” means but this short wiki article explains it a bit in case anyone else is wondering. (lol I’m probably the only one)

    Thanks luval for posting this! I didn’t have a clue what “recurrent” meant.

    It seems like this is GREAT NEWS indeed.

  31. renataademelo says:

    Reports from Rock in Rio this weekend:
    Sam Smith got totally drunk after his show; it´s all over the press
    Rihanna got really bad press because her back up singers sang most of the songs and only had one look for the entire show (Adam mentions here since he had 4 looks for his show with Queen)

  32. Axxxel says:

    luval LOL with that goat.

    renataademelo.. we sometimes forget that Sam Smith is only 23 years old. He may switch to fruitjuice when he is Adam’s age LOL…
    Adam could give Rihanna some fashion tips…

  33. luval says:


  34. ultimathule says:

    “You Loco?!”

    Bloody hell Adam; don’t tip them over the edge.

    On go on then, I’ve never seen human combustion before.

  35. ultimathule says:
  36. ultimathule says:

    Dimitris / Dimitrisdimitrisr
    Adam Lambert’s new(ish) album is a breath of fresh air in an originally fun genre that’s been raped by the Nickis and Kanyes of “music”.

  37. ultimathule says:
  38. ultimathule says:

    The supermoon rises behind Glastonbury Tor on September 28, 2015 in Somerset, England (Matt Cardy/Getty Images)

    Wonder if this is photoshopped –

  39. ultimathule says:

    Hits en meer @_Greatest_Hits
    Thanks to the massive amount of retweets last week @adamlambert made it to the top3 with #AnotherLonelyNight

  40. ultimathule says:

    2017 quero @ adamlambert @ maroon5 @ 30SECONDSTOMARS @ Imaginedragons @ U2 @ BonJovi @ BandaMalta_ @ katyperry @ Pink…

    Billboard BrazilBillboardBrasil
    It is over. Frown The next # rockinrio is confirmed for 2017!

  41. ultimathule says:
  42. ultimathule says:
  43. cher says:

    This is a newly posted Sheffield vid.. FBG… Mils and all you shallow Glamberts will love this one! Grin

  44. TLKC says:

    Just kidding, real life has been busy beyond belief

    Me, too, unfortunately. I started a new job two weeks ago and the hours are very long with spillover into after-hours. When you add in Ron’s hospital stay, it means that I am missing you guys a lot.

    I visited Ron on Friday and yesterday. He has one more test to do today and then, with any luck, he will be on his way home. I didn’t want to say too much last week but they had found some spots on his lungs which are now determined to be unproblematic. Big Smile Big Smile Big Smile Yes Yes Yes Party Party Party

    He is recovering well from the fall. He walked around the hospital for nearly an hour yesterday and, with a bit of physio, is expected to fully recover. He is pretty geared up to meet the goal of walking in the Halloween parade on Church Street, so I think he will make it.

    Much love! Hope to be part of the Wednesday night squee over Santiago!

  45. riskylady says:

    Oh my, TLKC! Thanks for the update about Ron! Glad he’s doing better, hate those little scares.
    Does your new job mean you’re not with cher’s family member any more?

    GT over 29 MM and heading for 30!! Just wow.

  46. riskylady says:

    Another new appearance for Adam!

    @Q104Cleveland: The #Q104HolidayShow starring @AdamLambert & @Echosmith is coming to @PlayhouseSquare Dec 7!

  47. riskylady says:

    And ANOTHER. Promo on steroids!

    @lilybop2010: ???Adam Lambert Worcester MA Show December 10

    And let’s not forget Late Night with Seth Myers on 10/6.

  48. luval says:

    This seems like TOH tour but I guess it’s just the promo.

  49. luval says:

    And there’s a z100 jingle ball coming. NYC I think. Details to come later.

    ” In a city of rust
    @sandyzzzen 2m
    Adam Lambert! #Z100JingleBall…

  50. luval says:

    Z100 New York
    @Z100NewYork 5h
    YESS! @nickjonas + @RadioMoBounce announce our #Z100JingleBall presented by @CapitalOne lineup next Monday inside @Macys Herald Square! ???

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