
Summer is almost over and so is the “Once In A Lifetime” tour. It has been a fantastic experience for Adam and Queen and for the many who were fortunate enough to see them live (and even for those who just saw them online). The concerts may be over soon but they live on in our memories and on Youtube (since our memories cannot always be relied upon). They will have to do for now as we wait for new music from Adam and possibly another tour in 2015. It will be here before we know it!

Enjoy the chat!


2,169 Responses to September 2014 Chat

  1. riskylady says:

    I am getting up for it. Evil twisted hubby has promised to eject me from bed.

  2. ultimathule says:

    Katerina @Jadelle1
    Ok, now time for Adam’s helpers to start uploading vids of changing outfits process Razz

    You wish – lol

  3. milwlovesadam says:

    Goodnight, nkd, glambot and luval. Miss you guys something fierce.

    Wouldn’t it be nice if we could all get together when it isn’t a concert???

    I know. I know. My piggy bank is a bit depleted at this moment. It’s Adam’s fault.

    (( Runs to put another 20 in Adam fund ))…..

  4. ultimathule says:

    Building the rig – Melbourne


    DVD shoot vid on 8/27

    Other great Queen tech vids on his channel –

  5. luval says:

    Putting the set together. Now good nite!

  6. milwlovesadam says:

    What time is the show? Central?

  7. nkd says:

    3am-ish mils.

    My computer is being wonky.

  8. ultimathule says:

    Another pic of Adam in the Land of the Giants –


  9. asmallworld says:

    Or this black and white one! He has many many great pics on there!!!
    mils, red shirt close up for you.

    Whoa!! These are Incredible. Aye yi yi yi….. In Love Razz

  10. asmallworld says:

    luval says:
    09/03/2014 at 1:37 pm

    Article about Brian May’s red guitar. His hair is awesome!!!

    Hi luval! Thanks for bringing this over. For some time now I’ve been curious about Brian’s “red special” and the reasons why it’s so ‘special’. I had no idea he built it with his Dad. That IS exceptionally special! Considering his father took quite a while to come around to Brian’s choice to go into Queen and not something more “practical” within the science field (now he does both! Still amazes me). What a wonderful bonding time with Brian & his Dad.

    The fact that it was engineered by their own hands & design … together… and built to specs fitted for Brian’s expertise makes this such an impressive instrument even beyond fact that Dr. Bri plays it.
    Great info! Big Smile

  11. asmallworld says:

    Hey mils! Great to see your posts again. Glad you’re back.
    And good to hear you had a nice getaway in between rain drops.

    What’s this you having to work during the concert?? Frown
    (here’s hoping you find opps where you might be able to pop in if you can).

    Either way…a long after party will prob still be going on whenever you make it back.

    Corner flailings just aren’t quite the same without you. Grin

  12. ultimathule says:

    Beautiful Saskatoon pic – almost like a painting –

    may have been up before – think remember man in lower left of pic –

  13. ultimathule says:

    And here’s the last tower of the tour. Thanks Auckland and thanks Andy ! Bri

  14. sparkle says:

    Sweet Special Magic – The Show Must Go On Dreams, ALL!!

  15. asmallworld says:

    ultimathule says:
    09/04/2014 at 12:29 am

    Beautiful Saskatoon pic – almost like a painting –

    may have been up before – think remember man in lower left of pic –

    ooooooooh…… This one is WOWOWOW. In Love In Love
    AND in my fav QAL outfit of his, to boot.

    Gawd, this is just fiercely beautiful.
    (here’s another one of him to adore in his WWTLF outfit, asif!)

    Anyone notice whether he still wears that necklace at all now?
    Or did he “replace” the ankh necklace with the ankh earring, perhaps?

  16. asifclueless says:

    What??? Does anybody know about this? Is it true?
    I just found this tweet.

    Luke Easton @3ku1

    So apparebtly @adamlambert was takeb to hostopal after the show. Was sck thecwhole show apparebtly diddt show it.

  17. asifclueless says:

    I’m shaking right now. Cry

    I don’t know how serious it is. Just a cold or something?
    Luke Easton is a real fan though. I’ve seen him flail and promote Adam all the time. He wouldn’t joke about this?

    Twitter is very quiet right now. Confused Question

  18. asmallworld says:

    Not sure if this has already been posted?

    This is such a great soundcloud interview…. Loved hearing every minute.
    Adam is especially personal and candid in this. He gives insight into his view of himself, his fans… what he thinks makes him appealing… some of his inner world; such as feeling like an outsider… and more.
    (Some of the things he said in this just make me feel like giving him a comforting hug).

    It seems more like a conversation between two friends, really, rather than a formal interview. It’s From 2012, so many of you have likely heard this already, but perhaps worthy of a repeat, as it’s one of the best, imo!
    The article around it is and enjoyable read, too:

  19. asmallworld says:

    What??? Does anybody know about this? Is it true?
    I just found this tweet.

    Luke Easton @3ku1

    So apparebtly @adamlambert was takeb to hostopal after the show. Was sck thecwhole show apparebtly diddt show it.

    asif…. Is this a brand new tweet?

    Ok, I see it now.. 44mins ago.

    Thinking Adam is probably doing well as we would be hearing
    of a cancellation by now, I would think.

    Checking further into it along with you…..

  20. asifclueless says:

    Hi smalls.
    It’s 50 mins ago.
    Luke was at the concert last night … I think.
    I guess it was not serious.

    You know … I’m a mother hen. Heh! .. Heh

  21. asmallworld says:

    You know … I’m a mother hen. Heh! .. Heh

    Me too, asif! I completely understand… Heart

  22. asifclueless says:

    I guess it’s just rumour of gossip. Never Mind!!

    I don’t think I can make it here to the last concert with all of you.

    Last night I fell asleep just before the concert.
    Feel a cold is coming. Daughter also has a cold.

    Good night … ALL. Yawn Sleepy

    I’ll watch videos later tomorrow.

  23. asmallworld says:

    Goodnight, asif!Rose

    Hope you get to feeling better. I can relate as I’ve been nursing my son back to health from a cold as well. Ugh… Must be something going around.
    Last night I was out like a light, too.

    Sweetest of dreams to you. Heart

  24. rs says:

    Morning ALL! 46 minutes to concert time. (I am going to ignore that rumor until I hear otherwise)

    In the meantime I want to share part of a lovely email I got from someone I met on line while waiting for the Merriweather concert. She had had camera problems and wouldn’t be able to take pictures during the show, and seeing my camera, asked If I would be able to send her some of the photos that I took. Well you all know me and how I love to show off my photos, especially of Adam. So I took her email and finally yesterday I sent her my Merriweather album as well as the Auckland WWTLF. And I asked her how she enjoyed the show. I knew that she was a Queen fan and not a Glambert. Here is part of the response I got from her.

    Thank you so much for sharing this video. I can say that you are spot on about the WWTLF performance. It really is WONDERFUL!

    I really enjoyed the concert. I didn’t give Adam enough credit. He exceeded my expectations by far. Being a Queen fan first, I was very skeptical of what he would do, but again, I was pleasantly surprised. It was great to see Roger and Brian having such a great time on stage with Adam. I always thought Adam was a very talented singer, especially having watched him on American Idol. He sure has grown professionally.

  25. AL says:
  26. ultimathule says:

    This is just such a GREAT review posted on both Auckland threads, too.

    Written by New Zealand broadcaster Tim Roxborogh (Newstalk ZB’s The Two and Choice TV’s N2K)

  27. TLKC says:

    Just took a little walk down memory lane thanks to a twitter Glambert who posted a link to YouTube. It’s a video celebrating Adam and Neil as brothers. I noticed for the first time that they had a dog when they were growing up. My favourite pic is one where the dog is sitting on one of the chairs at the kitchen table along with the rest of the family.

    Does anyone know the dog’s name?

  28. TLKC says:

    Anyone going to bid for this one-of-a-kind signed tour poster? It’s for a good cause. Starting bid $500!

  29. eywflyer says:

    That third time’s the charm tweet from Adam is kind of a downer. Recognizing that the first two albums did not perform to expectations, at least not the expectations that were placed upon them/him.

    I’d like to think that Q+AL will make a difference for the third album, but I honestly don’t think it will. The trajectory of diminishing returns with subsequent albums for artists coming from Idol is very well established and is very hard to break. Plus I don’t see much crossover at all from the rock-oriented Q+AL crowds to the electronic pop/dance genre that Adam has mostly inhabited for his previous two albums.

  30. TLKC says:

    Lovely to hear that Queen fan’s thoughts after seeing Adam perform with them, rs. I ventured onto queenonline a fair bit this summer and it is a uniformly depressing place except for a couple of people who have come to feel the way your Merriweather friend does. The converts are a true joy.

  31. TLKC says:

    Certainly, the sales are diminishing all around, eywflyer but that pretty much removes the only leverage radio ever had. Radio is losing it’s power and it’s touch.

    When no one is winning the game; the game has to change. I haven’t a clue how things will shake out but Adam will have a lot of advice and a lot of people pushing for him.

    And, regardless, we will have new music.

  32. eywflyer says:

    TLKC, very true – almost no one is doing well in the music industry these days.

    This may be an unpopular opinion here but I’ll just say it. After listening to Adam use the full abilities of his voice singing some of the iconic rock songs of all time for the past three months, I’m not so excited about his solo work, at least not if it continues in generally the same direction he has been going. With a few exceptions, much of the material on the first two albums featured production as much or more than it did Adam’s voice. I don’t want to hear a third album like that. I know it supposedly doesn’t sell these days to have vocals featured above all else, but what is selling well currently anyway? Why not try something totally different?

    On a lighter note, I don’t think Adam will ever worry again about his voice holding up for longer (90-120 minute) sets of his material. Not after doing 34 shows over 2 hours each of very challenging Queen material.

  33. luval says:

    One thing I do agree with, Eywflyer, is that this tour with Queen will have no bearing on his new music. Hope I am wrong. Looks good on a resume and with interviews and hopefully he made loads of money. But in this stupid music business , hope he can breakthrough and surprise the hell out of all those “suits” and peeps wondering “what happened to him”.

  34. luval says:

    Like I said, though, NO MORE DEBBIE DOWNER for me! Onward and upward!!!

  35. riskylady says:

    Who has this much fun on stage? This is when Adam photo bombed that selfie we saw. So damn cute!

    @SASpurs21Fan: RT @liveoutlouder Here’s the vid of our photobomb mo with @adamlambert not many would get away with it Wink” YAY YOU!

  36. rs says:

    TLKC did those “downers” on Queenonline actually go to any of the QAL concerts or even watch the vids, which great as they are, don’t do justice to the actual live performances? Or are they like my cousins who wouldn’t even entertain the idea of going to a Queen concert without Freddie?

  37. rs says:

    Bringing this over from the concert thread, since this is where the discussion seems to be happening.

    eywflyer wrote:

    I’d rather Adam just put out an album with music he wants to make and let it sink or swim. If it sinks, he has other options. I really don’t see Brian and Roger working with anyone else as their frontman for the rest of their active music careers at this point.

    I think that is just what Adam is going to do. Adam will be true to himself and his values. He won’t put out crap just to get radio play. And thanks to the Queen connection and the high esteem that he is held in by so many of the people who really know his worth and talent, he is in the position now that he can do just that. He doesn’t have to be a One Hit Wonder, a Justin Bieber, or someone who leaves the scene as quickly as he came. He will have a solid and multidimensional career for as long as he wants it.

  38. riskylady says:

    I’m not even going to speculate about Adam’s next move. He has very good management, and however they are plotting the future will be interesting I believe, going by the past year. Is album sales/radio the end-all/be-all still? IHeart seems to like Adam now, maybe that will factor in. Or maybe something completely different. Whatever, I’ll follow along just to hear and support that voice.

    ETA: AND, what rs said VERBATIM!

  39. rs says:

    YAY luval. No more Debbie Downer! Jump Clap Keep it up! If you begin to get worried, write to me, I am so full of optimism about Adam’s future that it will easily overflow onto you. Maybe my vision for Adam’s bright future doesn’t necessarily include being a huge radio star. There are so many other fabulous things he can do.

  40. rs says:

    eywflyer, I also hope that the voice is front and center of his new music. I think we all do. Sometimes often the production on his earlier albums was too much for me, and I much preferred the acoustic versions, but I am of a different generation, even if I am 29 years old, lol, and I know that what was on the album was what Adam liked. Maybe this experience with Queen reinforced for Adam the idea that the Voice really has to be the most important thing, of course, with great song writing that showcases the Voice. Adele showed that you can make it big in Pop music today on the power of a great voice and songwriting with less production.

  41. luval says:

    I have decided to tell anyone who says to me “I miss Freddie or Freddie is better” (and it happened to me recently), that I will ask them to buy a ticket for Queen & Freddie, go to the show and tell me how it was. Smile

  42. riskylady says:

    @VeroniqueORCEL: @marisa_965 it was in my tweet above, p.20

    Swipe to get to pg 20 nice foto and blurb about Adam.

  43. riskylady says:


    @petrrra: @DrBrianMay such a shame the tour had to end!

    @DrBrianMay: Thanks @petrrra – but we will ride again ! Bri X

  44. riskylady says:

    Has to be Spring next year, gives A 6 or 7 mos. for his music!!!! Ohhh, double whammy ahead! In Love

  45. luval says:


    Can always count on Brian to spill the beans. Hope they all stay healthy.

  46. rs says:

    Going to Greece next April. It had better be something I can work into plans that I have already made and can’t change.

  47. asifclueless says:

    Are you ready for his third album, Glamberts?

  48. angelowal says:

    eywflyer, rs and luval, here are my two cents: I hate speculation, so whatever Adam’s career trajectory and choices are – what will be will be, and his fans will be there to support him.

    He will have a career as long as he wants in the music/entertainment industry because he’s flexible, smart, creative, talented and highly likeable; whether it be concerts, theatre or producing behind the scenes.

  49. ultimathule says:

    Second your post, angelowal – solid approach – realistic and all things within reach. But, of course, as we’ve discovered, surprises pop up, don’t they! Really looking forward to #3 and all that goes with it.

    That blurb, riskylady, was perfect – well said.

    Just found a crop of that blurb, risklady – nice

  50. asifclueless says:

    Joan Rivers … REST IN PEACE! Cry Cry

    Gelly ‏@14gelly

    oh Frown RT @itvnews: Joan Rivers has died in New York, aged 81

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