- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
Its really not that hard to get from London to Birmingham, only a couple of hours drive, even Manchester. Its quite possible for the UK folks to do at least 2 or 3 of the concerts without too much hassle.
Last show of the tour would be great, but who knows if Zurich really is the last – whatya think Cher?
I am pretty sure they are going to add more Ladynorth. I strongly believe they might very well end their tour back at the O2. They are gonna keeping adding and I think Finland should be on the list. Maybe China, Indonesia, Phillipines, South Africa. Depends on Adam’s album launch date.
tlkc No way would I want to be in an onstage seat! rs and other peeps, you can buy tickets in case and purchase the ticket insurance. I believe it’s 22 euros and that covers all the tickets made in that purchase in case you don’t go. They really do have such good seats available at some of the venues. I wish when the presale opened here that we had had so many options. #jealous!!

tlkc You’ll be Boss-less for about 10 days. However will you manage without him?
LOL, cher, no worries at all.
TLKC says:
09/29/2014 at 9:25 am
LOL, cher, no worries at all.
Try not to be too jealous of where he’ll be.

I’ll try and fatten him up a bit, not that he needs it.
I would love onstage seats cher. I read an account of the backstage part of the tour by a fan who went and it would be worth it.
And if I had the money, I would buy a bunch and drag you and the rest of our front row TO gang. (Well, you would probably be the only one I’d have to drag.)
Ha ha cher! The only thing I am jealous of is the chance he’ll get to have a good old first-person gab with you. Please talk to him about Adam non-stop
and ask him to bring your comments back to me. Verbatim.
It’s what he wants, you know.
Oh! Someone just pointed out that Adam’s birthday is in the middle of the tour. Cologne to be exact.
(latest? have a 2011 QAL pic as someone points out.)
Handy info – press releases, etc.
Damn. I really, really hate these chaotic ticket buying marathons…complete with second-guessing and regrets. Impossible to get it ‘right’. Bah.
Having said that, I am excited for peeps who are going! In spite of the winter weather…you know that the interior of the venue will be HOT!
Was toying with the idea of Paris, but think I will sit this one out. I really enjoyed my one QAL concert but will be happy to watch vids for the European tour, and save my pennies – and spousal goodwill – for as many as possible of the concerts for Adam’s album tour, which is more interesting to me.
It is wonderful being secure in the knowledge that there will be good and maybe even great vids! I didn’t realize just how fortunate we are until I started looking for vids for other performers concerts and saw the contrast in quantity and quality.

Adam fans are truly THE.BEST.
Was curious about other performers’ vids, Krad – see you’ve looked into that and Adam’s are truly the best (just like the photographer on the Elvis shoot was taken aback by the enthusiasm of Adam’s fans).
What other performers did you look at, by the way?
Both fun and interesting –
#48 –
Freddie Mercury held the band’s showmanship dear. He once declared: “A concert is not a live rendition of our album. It’s a theatrical event.”
“On the night the press attended, the audience was loaded with celebrities. Former “American Idol” contestant and season eight runner-up, Adam Lambert was in the audience with his boyfriend; and jumped to his feet to applaud at the play’s conclusion.”
(Don’t mind the “boyfriend”? insinuation, but can’t we get over the five-year-old AI/runnerup, please.)
Old pic from Cam – 4/1/11 – El Rey Theater – UHH Show
Yeah, his boyfriend Sutan lol!
Kind words of praise from Lady Gaga to Adam Lambert! One Queen to another!
(All of a sudden I love Lady Gaga – lol)
So who is actually thinking of going, aside from LadyNorth? If you haven’t seen the show multiple times, of course it is a must, but I did see 2 Hammersmith shows and three shows this summer, 2 of which I was within a few feet of Adam. Such a big part of the fun was going with a group of ALLers with the festivities before and after the actual concert…So I am just not sure that one more concert is worth a winter trip to Milan if it won’t be an ALL reunion, too.
Map of concerts –
mmadamimadamm @mmadamimadamm
“@illuxxia: lol guess the ticket portals couldn’t wait
The O2’s FB page –
“Adam Lambert continues to give Queen new life.”
Alphabetical List of Media:
This gif is on ONTD page –
Some tweets about no Header on his twitter page – ?
ulti Whats a header? There is the same photo as recently plus his name, plus “singer songwriter actor host”. Should there be more?
Not sure – that’s what I saw when I logged in, Calgary – maybe just a mistake.
(What I said was confusing – I saw the SAME as you, Calgary.)
I wasn’t sure what the header meant either. Was embarrassed to ask! Thanks for asking, Calgary/!
Don’t remember this pic –
Bonni Moschetti ♥♫ @bmoschetti
Wut?this guy talking about auditions 2day at Cow Palace SF says contestants will go before JLo HCJr & Adam Lambert
Guys, the header was a pic where the area is just grey now. He had a pic of him and Brian from one of the concerts, with his avatar pic in the middle (still there) up to last night. Don’t know why he took it down, but he does like to change things.
Curious what he will put next.
ETA: This pic was his header. @unrealitytv: http://t.co/2cfpVJqgEh
One of my old school friends, who I’m friends with on FB, just updated her status saying she was so excited, just booked Queen and Adam Lambert tickets, and only has to wait till January…..I told her how jealous I was…..
So I guess today the San Francisco auditions were just the cattle call, not actually in front of the judges according to twitter. I couldn’t get the Fox tv video to work.
ulti, I have looked for vids for Lindsey Stirling, Kesha, Passion Pit (three that come quickly to mind), even Kris Allen…they are usually partials, not even whole songs, and often don’t get posted until quite a while after the concerts, I have to go back a week or so later to check.
I think that the difference might be that Adam’s fandom feels a responsibility to share with other fans who aren’t able to attend (thus the speedy posting of vids and tweets that they are coming!) that isn’t felt by others’ fans, and also that we are more evangelical, we want peeps outside the bubble to discover the magical vids that will create new fans.
We are so spoiled!

Good luck to anyone and everyone trying to get tickets.
I will not be traveling across the pond. Dammit. Big time.
I should feel lucky and blessed and very very fortunate to have seen the show three times, twice within mere feet of the guys and our guy. I just want MORE. ( Hangs head in shame ).
And. OMG. Cologne. On his birthday. You can just bet that those Glamberts will be there. I’m sure they are still trying to get over his GN appearance there. It was so raw, so sexy, so over the top, egads, ya’all know it’s one of my favorites of the whole tour. Who can forget that Cologne WLL.?????
The timing is interesting, because, Idol should be broadcasting the NY auditions toward the end of the tour. Hmmmm. Maybe a live remote bit of QAL on Idol???
WOW…would love that!!!!
Well, I need to be in Amsterdam for a conference in late February, so I was hoping that the timing would work out to dovetail with my conference. Unfortunately, the timing is not great, although it’s not not out of the question either, so I’m thinking about it. The Q+AL show in Amsterdam is on January 30, so that won’t work unfortunately. But it’s possible that I might be able to make the Zurich show (Feb 19) work, if I travel a few days earlier straight into Zurich, see the show and hang out in Zurich for a day or two, then travel up to Amsterdam for my conference. Not sure yet. Anybody else considering Zurich as a possibility?
‘Nuf said.
was this posted? Looks like it may be same 2014 video but now says 2015.
Haha mils – the Cologne PH/WLL is on the playlist I play most frequently on my ipod. It’s just amazing, really. As I recall, that was Monte’s birthday that night, so I think that’s one reason he turned it up a notch.
I know that the winter timing of the UK/European tour is not great for many of us North Americans, but my theory behind the timing of the winter tour is that it’s related to Adam’s album release. This schedule allows him to finish recording his album and do the album art photoshoots, etc. by year end. Then he goes on tour with Queen during the period of time that the album is being mixed, mastered, pressed, and packaged (which usually takes a couple of months after recording is done). Then at the point that the Q+AL tour is done, his album is ready for a spring release, and he’s available to promote in Spring and tour in Summer (hopefully!).
If Q+AL had its tour in spring or summer, then that would mess with Adam’s album release and promotion/touring timing.
So although winter is difficult timing for us, from a perspective of what’s best for Adam, I think this is the best possible timing.
Like your take, cwm – makes sense.
(Some really mediocre singer is on The Voice right now – hear it on the TV in the basement – no reason to rush down there to look/listen – lol.)
Am watching The Voice too, ultimathule. No stars whatsoever.
cwm makes sense what you said about the winter tour. I think Queen made the decision to do everything possible to support Adam even if it means not so popular winter shows. They don’t need the money and they are giving as many fans as possible the chance to see them. And as cher said earlier, who knows if Zurich will be the last one?
This tour is steamrolling slowly all over the world. There are still so many places for them to tour.
Well, while I do like the romantic notion of scheduling to be polite for Adam’s release and tour, however, my more practical side looks at the idea that they wanted to lock this down in an off season, and took dates and venues where and when they could.
Unless, they actually knew they would do this for a long time, and had this locked down in order to keep up the tour momentum and PR as soon as possible, while fans are still foaming at the mouth for tickets and a chance to see QAL.
So, this may have been signed sealed and delivered long ago, and just announced today.
I still think they will go to Rio, and South Africa.
If they do add any Europe shows, I would still think Poland and Hungary and Finland.
And, Adam better go shopping for some warm weather duds. Scarves, earmuffs, gloves, and layers and layers to keep him snug and warm.
I volunteer to be a human warming blanket. My hands and hugs are quite warm I’m told.
So what was the speculation about the forehead? One picture made it look like an acupuncture needle stuck in there with makeup over it.
Another picture looked like makeup over a splotch.
Maybe he bumped his noggin and needed some TLC.
Poor BB.

mmadamimadamm @mmadamimadamm
Look what I did!!!!
New venue list –
So Beyonce had quite the wardrobe malfunction the other night.
That’s never happened to our guy.
Oh wait.
It did. Vest opened up.
And he snapped it closed lickety split.
Bee kept on performing with that top wide open.
Just saying.
Another pair of boobs in today’s female-dominated pop scene – really exciting – lol