- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
nice drawing –
44 minutes ago
THIS diva… @torikelly
60 minutes ago
@ferras, Tarek y moi
Anyone hear about this “rival” to Facebook – a new social network apparently – need an invitation – no ads –
What is your opinion on Ello? Will you be joining this new social network?
Was in my local independent record store last night & bought Queen Live at the Rainbow ’74 blue ray DVD for $14.99. Thought that was a good deal.
Just saw a bit about it on a midnight news show here. They said that it is very primitive and they don’t think that it will last.
Capacity for each of those venues… Again NOT OFFICIAL YET!
Queen + Adam Lambert – Possible Concerts?? – Information NOT official – Possible dates!! ??
11,000 – January 13, NewCastle Arena, NewCastle
13,000 – January 14, Hydro, Glasgow
20,000 – January 17, London O2, Londres
13,000 – January 20, Lees, Leeds Arena
21,000 – Janaury 21, Manchester, Manchester Arena
12,800 – January 23. Birmingham, NIA
10,000 – January 24, Nottingham, Nottingham Arena
6,300 – January 26, Paris, Zenith
19,500 – January 29, Cologne, Lanxess Arena
17,000 – January 30, Amsterdam, Ziggo Dome
16,150 – February 1, Vienna, Stadhalle
15,500 – February 2, Munich, Olympiahalle
17,000 – February 4, Berlin, Berlin O2
16,000 – February 5, Hamburg, Hamburg O2
13,500 – February 7, Frankfurt, Festhalle
15,000 – February 8, Brussels, Palais 12
13,200 – February 10, Milan, Forum
15,500 – February 13, Stuttgart, Schleyerhalle
15,000 – February 15th, Herning, Jyske Bank Boxen
17,360 – February 17th, Prague, Prague O2
13,000 – February 19, Zurich, Hallenstadion
Holy smokes – where did that come from, jlurksacto
Twitter with facebook page, then atop with venue/size
Whoooo – so much chatter on twitter –
Well, Roger is now a Doctor too!
Holy cow, jlurksacto. If even half correct!
21 so far – someone said his birthday in Cologne – yup – right!
Adam Lambert on Instagram: “Iced Water Does A Body Good #hydrate”
Don’t remember this –
The Drag Queen, Adore Delano that
Adam met in Perth is none other than former Idol contestant, Danny Noriega. I was surprised no one else mentioned that. The schedule that Jlurks posted sounds like it would be good timing. I’m sure they don’t want too much of a lag as it might be harder to keep the timing, and comradery they have going.
ADAM LAMBERT retweeted
iTunes Music @iTunesMusic
Watch @ladygaga sing “Bang Bang (My Baby Shot Me Down)”—a Cheek to Cheek #iTunesExclusive.
I prefer GaGa’s Bang Bang so much more than that other Bang Bang out now.
i see 11:11 @noskerdycat
Born to be loved! @adamlambert summer sonic screencap
ultimathule…that isn’t a piercing on his left forehead is it? lol, maybe the photo.
I’ll check that one out, luval. Meant Bang Bang, but I’ll check the forehead thingee, too.
Went to the cropped pic…still looks like something is there. ha
But summer sonic was relatively a long time ago.
Geez – hope it’s just a black and blue mark –
Well, it looks more prominent to me in the Tokyo 8/17 pic and lighter in the cropped pic which took place about two? weeks ago – like 9/14 or so?
11 minutes ago
Astrology on the Ceiling. Fairmont Hotel Penthouse- San Fransisc
I thought cropped picture was last night? Wedding in San Fran.
Apparently he is still in SanFranciso according to twitter. And San Francisco Idol auditions are tomorrow.
JLO and her two kids were in a car accident per MJ’s. Rear ended. They are OK. Maybe Adam will judge again????
He tweeted this 9 minutes ago:
Eileen @TrespassMyAss
Remember when the tour was 19 shows? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA….
You’re right, luval about the wedding pic.
It’s fun being an “investigator”. Normally I let other people do this.
Penthouse at the Fairmont –
More Fairmont –
ultimathule…I think it’s great how he notices things like the hotel ceiling. I think most people (including me) would not pay that much attention.
Here’s eonline about JLO
ADAM LAMBERT @adamlambert
@ladygaga that Bang Bang performance was KILLER. Fantastic vocal Lady.
Adam agrees with you, luval –
I like the GAGA Bang Bang also. I never like anything Adam pimps LOL
Getting close to October. Some photos for your consideration, AL
Bang Bang by Jessie J. et al, is not the same song that Gaga sang during a Gaga and Tony Bennet show. The Gaga one was a hit by Cher in 1966.
I actually like them both very much. But, the Gaga/Cher one I do prefer a bit more.
luval, me likey all the pics you posted for October, except jetlag. Sorry.
I nominate this pic Luval Posted from day one, in the gorgeous blue suit.
mils…did I give the impression I thought they were the same song? …I know they are two totally different songs. The title of Cher’s song is actually “Bang Bang (My Baby Shot Me Down)”.
“jetlag” is kind of a joke. Can you imagine opening up the thread every day and seeing that? lol!
Good one, riskylady.
Sorry luval, my brain is full of sand and sunshine. Two days at my glorious beach I always talk about. We finally had a perfect weather weekend here, and , man, did we take advantage of it. I popped in here to catch up whilst hubby was scrubbing off the sunscreen, and now it’s my turn….
BB looked great at that wedding. He had lots of friends there, and no doubt made more connections.
On the way to the beach today, ToveLo was guest DJ’ing on IHeart Radio, and was talking about being a songwriter and how much she loves to collaborate. She is getting to be a big star, and performed here to rave reviews this summer.
By the time Adam’s single or CD comes out, her name will be good cred for their work together.
Wonder how the Queen news/dates will coincide with his album release.
I just hope that he’s IN THE USA this time.
Ain’t that the truth!
We had a perfect weekend too here in Central New York! Can’t believe it’s almost October.
This conversation – hahahaha – so there, too –
*YEAH TITTIES* @tattoojo
this will be me next round of the tour pic.twitter.com/kRwlFZNs1A
@tattoojo It’s me every day since 2010
Katerina @Jadelle1
@tattoojo we all are becoming night owls
YEAH TITTIES* @tattoojo
@Jadelle1 2012 i ended up on meds because i couldn’t sleep
Katerina @Jadelle1
@tattoojo I tried meds, didnt help at all so I gave up. I go to bed at 5-8am every day, crazy, not healthy but that’s my life these days.
*YEAH TITTIES* @tattoojo
@Jadelle1 lucky if i get 4 hrs a night
GeralynK @GeralynK
Giving face at diff angles LoL grace/jensen wedding party
Now, this gif I find funny – lol
The wedding in San Francisco Molinari posted was for Mark and Steven. With Ferras and Katy Perry there also I think they(the couple) must be friends he’s had for awhile. Looks like a really upscale place for a wedding. If I remember right Adam has some relatives on his Mom’s side in San Francisco area, maybe a Grandmother and cousins. So many great pictures to choose from, Al will be having a hard time. Mils, the weather has been unbelievable here too. I think it will last several more days. Wish we had a nice beach here.
slightly different version of the crop – yum
This is my favorite. I like it better than the crop. Seems more natural, un-posed look.
eta: and the hair looks longer
Nadine ♐ @citygirl36
Lol subtle Adam #nicepackage
Missed out on this one –
That twitter convo is hilarious, ultimathule.
Yes, see what you mean, luval – in the cropped pic, his eyes look almost feline.
And it looks like a bit of the pursed, duck lips in the crop. Not my favorite. But it’s not up to me!! Any photo would be good. I tried to find the one where he’s coming out of the club after the tour was over with the big smile on his face but couldn’t find it.