- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
Hi krad, so nice to see you. What a little bit of shaving can do… I have to say I grew quite fond of the barely there facial hair he was sporting lately.
Hi all —
I’m in LA at the moment taking care of my ailing mom, who has declined rapidly, and it’s hard. It’s odd to think that Adam, his apartment, and his hang-outs are just over the hill from my mom’s house – only about 20 mins away probably – but it feels like a world away from me right now.
Anyway, thanks for keeping up the chat, everyone. Sorry I’ve been AWOL.
Regarding a picture for October, I’m kinda partial to the one Adam posted with #openmouthedsmilefordays #timeofmylife:
Full uncropped version: http://adam-pictures.com/albums/10/iHeart/41.jpg
I love it that you ask us for suggestions, AL. Thanks for all you do. You always make fantastic choices for the top of the thread.
Dear cwm,
I’m so sorry to hear that your mom isn’t doing as well as expected. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. I hope you will still be able to sing in NY. Stay strong and visit when you need some relief from RL.
Hi cwm-So sorry to hear about your Mother’s declining health. My Father’s health is declining also, and it’s so hard. My parents live in Brentwood, which is quite close to the Valley, and I will be up there visiting later this week. Maybe we could have lunch together if you have time. Maybe even take a ride past where A lives!! Do you have my email? Should have it from the San Diego concert.(Cell is:949-887-3626).
Dear cwm. As usual, whenever I think about you and wonder how you are doing, you appear. I am so sorry to hear about your mother’s declining health. She has had so many terrible things to cope with in the past year. And you have had so much to carry on your shoulders. She is so lucky to have you to be with her, and you seem to be able to get there fairly often. When you need a bit of respite for a while we are here. It is pure escapism.
ETA. Just sent you an email and got an automatic “out of the office reply”. Just wanted you to know.
Kradamour so nice to hear from you. He does look different without the beard, younger. Unlike you I can’t see what the puking person have to do with the snake, apple, vines, keys. Oh well it is his arm but I feel about the tattoo like you did about the scruff and this will never go away. Looking forward to many long sleeved shirts. Enjoy your vacay.
I’m glad that I’m not alone on being not a fan of the tattoo sleeve. It was reinforced when I saw the picture with Chord that was posted above with the “clean” lower arm. Don’t understand the timing of that photo with the ones from Bootsy’s and don’t understand the timing of getting the sleeve when you are starting on a TV show where most actors don’t have any visible tattoos (or maybe they are just covered up) – what do I know!
So. Looks like they are only going to show the Queen and Fun collab on the CW.
Hope it is wrong. But still.
ETA: artists are missing, Katy for 1, so hope this is wrong.
The CW promo lists only 6 songs for Monday night and doesn’t even mention Katy Perry. The show is going to be 2 hours long. My guess: Q+A will have more than STL. Possibly 15 minutes of the whole: the medley and hopefully WWTLF which is a hard to ignore major moment. Hope so, anyway. Also, they have moved FBG to Tuesday night. We have to watch 2 nights!
I keyed up the DVR last night. For Toronto viewers – channel 166 on Rogers.
Yeah. Saw it, got excited, posted it, then really read it and was like WTF. Then thought about it and yes I think it is wrong. Urban, Muse and many others not listed. Still very strange.
If they show anything with just Adam I bet it is WWRY/WATC since they are Queen’s best known songs.
This better be wrong, wrong, wrong.
As headliners I think they could get 15 minutes. Ending medley is 7 minutes + STL + one other song. Hoping for WWTLF. It means no ABTD, CLTCL or DA. Sad and wrong wrong wrong but this is the way it goes.
FBG is night two.
They could do a full show of Queen. The set was 35 minutes. Interviews and commercials could make a full hour. One of the very few sets that is good enough to go live in full. Maybe we should lobby them. If Queen has any promo plans whatsoever….
Yep. Just what I thought. Bummer. From Queen site.
OK- Back to glass half full– It is 5 + minutes on national TV that he wouldn’t have otherwise singing some of the most well known songs of all time by my favorite, and IMO, the best band of all time. So all good

Yeah I’m bummed as well…
cwm Sending you all of my positive thoughts and energy. I’m sure your Mom is grateful to have you there to help her in her time of need. Take care of yourself.
@cwm Thinking of you and your mom..
TALCvids @TALCvids 43m
MT @goforlocation: ‘Glee’ filming next 3 days on the edge of Vasquez Rocks rock climbing/repelling scenes pic.twitter.com/AcJx5JXfx2
updated bootsys
CW iHeart line up
cwm…thinking of you.
Tough going for you right now, cwm, and recognize the emotional toll it must be taking. Had similar experiences with both my mother and father. Yes, thinking of you.
Ah, cwm, I can relate, unfortunately. It is one of the reasons for my sabbatical from all that is nonessential. Find strength where you can, cherie. These situations are so daily – sending you virtual strength to have the wisdom to know what to do from day to day.
Adam Lambert @adamlambert 13h
Whew that Breaking Bad finale! Bam! So good.
nice big pic
EDMTunes @edmtunes 1h
.@Avicii and friends set to perform at the Historic Hollywood Bowl on November 19th. http://www.edmtunes.com/2013/09/avicii-perform-hollywood-bowl/ …
Hmm – different than live stream footage – hope it’s more centered on him.
He’ll always have a fallback position.
cwm: I’m so sorry to hear you are going through such tough times with your family. Sometimes life is miserable and there is just no glossing over it. I am sending you hugs and my sympathy. You will be thinking of you.
I wonder it that is his subtle way of letting us know there will be no WWTLF. He knows Glamberts will be upset.
Queen is the last minute
“Adam Lambert FT. Queen” LOL
It’s on – hear it downstairs –
Nate just drove me out of the basement.
I’m keeping my hopes up (foolish I know).
BoRap, AOBTD, CLTCL, WWTLF, WATC. At least 3 of these. Must (phleease) include WWTLF.
bleat bleat
They just showed Adam backstage with Brian May. Big smile on their faces.
I think they will only show Fun collab, We Will Rock You and We Are the Champions. IMO we will not hear one note of Who Wants to Live Forever. I think they want to keep the show upbeat. Who cares about an historic performance.
I don’t even remember any of the artists they’ve been showing including Robin Thicke! TLC? don’t remember. lol!
Think it belongs to Avicii – what is it?
Oh, darn, luval – missed the pic of Adam and Brian – was it just a quick shot?
They showed them again….not pictures…film. (Quick-ish shots). Better get down to the basement, ultimathule.
“So glad I don’t have to watch 2 hrs of this crap to catch like 3 minutes of what I wanna see lol”
I echo chunkey/monkey
Brian & Adam again…very quick. Brian’s hair glows.
Here’s a gif..Roger’s there too!
Here they are. Crappy film.
Wow…new thread starting tomorrow!
luval: I hear there is a historic performance of a singing fox. Don’t miss out.
Ahh – thanks so much, luval – aren’t they simply adorable.
lol, yes turquoisewaters. But honestly, I don’t remember that either.
Just vaguely remember seeing some furry things on stage.
They are giving Elton quite a bit of time. His songs are very long.
luval: I am offended by the way you bold everything but me.
hahaha, turquoisewaters. I think I better give up on the bold. Oh boy, here is the fox. Worldwide hit I’ve heard.