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- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
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Adam would need a pasta pot!!
Saving $$$ as of this moment for “the tour”!!
Y’all realize that the audio interview with Roger that was embedded in that article was from a couple of years ago soon after the EMAs?
I think you’re right glambotgram, optimistic vine was what a fan called the tat, and that was before we saw the top of the arm
Pretty sure Rufus is straight. GF traveled with him during
summer mini tour QAL. And no limo, they got into Adam’s car
LOL Luval. Any pics of whatsis?
Hi all….
greetings from KK…
flight was awful, bumpy all the way (Air Asia ulti), hubby decided to tell me after the fact that he knew we would be flying over a typhoon!!!!
Last week when we first saw the beginning of the tat, it was just a few swirly lines, now its huge and dark,,,still can’t make out what it is.
And I can’t remember who it was said that Adams fans helped Avicii sell that amoubt of albums, but I was thining the exact same thing the other day. I reckon Glamberts must accout for at least a few thousand of them.
new pic, signing for fans outside Bootsy Bellows
new shirt??
Oh, Adam does love his tailored shirts, unbuttoned. It’s such a flattering look.
He just gets more and more handsome. Unreal.
I love that shirt and the whole look!
Yes – he looks extremely elegant and handsome – very nice, indeed.
Usual funny conversations on twitter anytime there’s a new photo – this one whether he’s lost more weight and shows in his face or if he’s sucking his cheeks in. Boy’s always a source for intelligent discussion – lol.
I think he sucks his cheeks in just a little. He knows how to do this for a posed photo. If you look at any other pap photo or video, they don’t look like that.
Hot stuff cropped
Chunkey has questions
Adam Lambert Videos @AdamLambertVids 1h
Tom Poleman, President Programming Clear Channel Media & Entertainment, w/Adam Lambert http://instagram.com/p/erjeCICu0c/
This tat photo looks like it has colors.
This one is very clear…no colors…plant-like.
Don’t think I’ve seen his hair quite like that before. So glad he’s not making a silly face in this pic. The elimination of facial hair will actually take a bit of getting used to – LOL. His face is so gorgeous without it that it’s otherworldly. Where’s Kradamour and why hasn’t she commented? I think I hear her excitement about the disappearance of Melvin from two states away!
Zoom of tattoo
This week’s crossword looks at Adam’s recent appearance in Las Vegas. After his amazing set there, he will be “Forever in iHearts“.
Congrats turquoisewaters on your 2000th post!
And that calls for a TOAST!
You are so creative, AL!
Just a quick note to say Ron, Cher and I are sitting on a patio in Toronto eating and drinking and shooting the Glambert breeze. Wish you ALL could be here. Cher is explaining the layout of all the Las Vegas hotels and the MGM Grand etc. Point of record: Cher is drinking Pepsi and Ron is having a Bloody Caesar.
So can we say that Ronny and Cher are together again for the first time?!

Beautiful…Sauli…Dancing on Ice. Parallels….Sauli ice choreography, Adam Glee choreography!
Here’s our beauty with Sasha Allen. How I missed that face!
eta: Sauli & his partner are leading in points.
Hi, TLKC & Ron & Cher!. It’s a lovely day, isn’t it? TLKC…you didn’t mention what you were drinking?
I’m the only one around right now! I love me!
No bodyguard. The paps bring up the Queen performance! yay
Don’t think I like what his friend sticks out the window at about 1:40

eta: looking at it again it looks like he was sticking it out the window so the smoke wasn’t inside the limo. Still…..
I am drinking wine, luval! Cher and Ron are in the washroom so I have a spare moment.
Oh, what’s a little toke between friends?
Besides, it’s Cali-maybe it’s “medicinal?”
No worries here, unless it would ever become a headline. Even then, so what? He’s already been in a drunk tank!
It looked like he was flicking ash out the window.
On another whole note, guess who might be meeting up with mieps?
LOLOL, what are cher and Ron doing together in the washroom?
And just what is a Bloody Caesar?
Looked it up. Ron, you are quite brave. I think I’d rather have a snail.
Here’s a local version of the Mary, that made headlines.
Is that an apple and a snake among the vines or spew?
I can see the key in those pics, it got lost in some of the others.
Now, I need to see how it fits in with the upper arm tat.
Adam, could you take your shirt off please!!!
The vines are a good job behind the key. There is a show on A & E I believe called Bad Ink. It’s about these tattoo artists from Las Vegas who go around looking for horrible tattoos and fix them to make them look much better.
Gee, who may this be?
I see an apple & snake too. After all, he’s “Adam” in the garden of Eden. Tempting all us 29 year olds into submission. He’s locked us in and won’t let us out.

Looked again…the snake looks a little like an elephant trunk.
Maybe the trend is for tattoos to not necessarily match. They can just be a hodgepodge of stuff the person likes.
Well, Adam does have a great Adam’s Apple! He makes great sounds from it!!
Maybe the snake is also a reference to the RS cover snake.
Oh, yes, Adam is quite tempting with that apple. He has lured us into his garden and we have never left.
mils, Adam & apple sounds like a list to me.
Hmmmm. luval, that’s very tempting…..
Maybe later, need to get back outside to enjoy this glorious warm and sunny day here. I was out in my garden basking in the rays earlier. It feels just like summer today. What a treat.
JMO but I wish he hadn’t done this. The other Adam (Levine) is all tattooed and I just don’t understand the need to cover up the beauty that is one’s body, especially his. The artist seems talented but a sleeve is so much more than individual tattoos. It’s such a permanent change, unlike facial hair, makeup or hair styles, that I just don’t understand Adam’s desire to do this…
sparkle…after hearing/seeing him at iheart I have decided to not care anymore about his tats. As long as he does nothing to hurt that voice (or shave the hair.lol) he can do whatever he wants with his skin. Cooler weather is coming. He loves to dress in layers. Don’t think we’ll see much of the sleeve anyway. I just want the world for him and the world to love him like we do! I totally understand your feeling, though.
bootsy’s – does he look ever happy in these pics – live is good.
7 days ago?
Thanks, luval, for understanding. I’m sure I’ll get over it with time. And, of course, it’s totally his decision and I know he has the total right to do whatever makes him happy. I think it’s just the huge contrast when you look at his arms in the Bootsy Bellows pics.
I had a bee-u-ti-ful patio luncheon today with TLKC and the one and only Cher.
It would have been a perfect 3 hours together if we weren’t surrounded by bees!! Not only did Cher have a bite of lunch but one took a bite out of her during lunch! Instead of this bee resigning itself to the fact that it was going to die by being squashed in a paper napkin, it decided instead to lash out and sting Cher on her left pinkie finger.
I managed to kill one without incident because it had coated its wings in Cher’s chocolate ice cream cake dessert and couldn’t fly anymore. I learned today that lime wedges, that come with Bloody Caesar’s, can come in handy for crushing a bee when it lies defenseless on a dessert plate.
Why didn’t we just go inside? Well, here’s the buzz about that … it was so small in there, we would have been sitting in strangers laps, and the music was blaring.
Other than swatting at bees for 3 hours, we had a completely carefree, relaxing, and lovely afternoon together.
I’m making it sound
no I’m notmuch worse that it was.What it WAS, of course, was wonderful to see and be with Cher again!! Thank you for wanting to get together, Cher. It was lovely to meet your sister afterwards. It was really great to see you again!
Thank you TLKC for making it happen!
My love to both of you!
I have never been a fan of the full sleeve. But, it’s his body, and as long as he can sing like he did a week ago, it’s all right by me.
And, if that full sleeve is ever in front of me or next to me or within my vicinity, I will be thrilled and happy as a clam.
Ron, your post makes me happy!