- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
rs, thousand thanks! I still have your email address, I’ll send you email If I ever learn to make DVD’s of London, I’ll send you back! Above is a link to Kiev MP3s, if you want to download that. And wait when you see Cher/jlurk’s Kiev DVD, it’s unbelievable!
I should also make CDs and DVDs of Adam’s own live performances, but besides learning to do that should first find out the best vids! I am damn bad with decision making
I broke my own rules and posted on Scotty X-mas cover thread on MJ’s.
I followed strickly MJ’s rules and I’m entitled to MY OWN OPINION. Now I’m patiently waiting for one annoying poster to attack me. I hope that one day she will choke on her own venom.
BTW, I’m not trolling. This is exactly what I think about Scotty’s X-mas album.
thanks nkd
LadyNorth, as I wrote above, I think that it is good quality sound for a fan recording. There are no bass distortions or disturbances from people talking, just the audience singing along.
rs, it’s funny with this site when you are writing and can’t see what others are doing during that, before you send yours and then refresh the page and see someone has already answered you Sometimes I wonder around the internet while doing my post and end up being so behind with my comment!
Oksana…I went over there to the “…..Adam Lambert Still in The Running” thread looking for your posts. Looks like they were all deleted except the first couple.
luval, yes, they were deleted. So what else is new? *shrugs*
Yes, the DVD is from the vid on queenzone.com. And I said “identical to” the live
I love it and had to support you over there, Oksana! BTW, no worries….. You just stated an opinion.
Hi adamized!
I plan to be an absolute wreck tomorrow back at work. I’m sure I will be checking here and MJ’s every chance I get. Thank goodness for my iPad that I keep in my tote bag! I am not able to get into blogs from my school laptop. I’m sure this scenario will continue all week if we do not hear anything tomorrow.
I liked your Scotty comment, Oksana. I think he looks like an insurance salesman. What is with that suit? Isn’t he just a teenager still?
I had also been on the Scotty xmas thread, stated that I didn’t think the cover looked very interesting, someone made a negative comment, so I also replied about it being my opinion on an Idol and that is OK in the rules…
If I give you my address would you be able to send me a cd of the london concert. I have converted several london performances for my ipod from what seemed like good quality videos, but they don’t sound good in my car. I’d be very grateful.
tlkc I live in HK, have for more than 15 years but I’m from England originally.
Okay… back to check out your comment, HK fan!
I have to admit that I hadn’t checked out the entire thread — just went back for Oksana’s comment.
Sure, HK fan , be glad to.
I looked at that Scottie thread on MJ’s and saw that evil poster saying really nasty things about Adam and his failing career (lol) and complaining about Adam fans invading everybody else’s threads. That was nothing compared to the way they invade the Adam threads. And I noticed that he didn’t complain at all when they talked about all the other singers who make Christmas albums. That was fine with him…..Just the mention of Adam set him off.
It is nearly 2:00 am what am I still doing up? Time for bed.
Someone wants Kris, Lee, and David Cook to make Xmas albums,LOLOLOL, as someone pointed out Elliot Yamin made a Christmas album and hes Jewish! Hey Adam is only half Jewish, he Needs to make a half Christmas half favorite song album, and see MJ and all the other fools heads explode all over the stinkin forum. Suggest that someone, it will be a fun read. I refuse to post over there anymore, but I am liking all you guys posts!!!!!
Adding—is tomorrow D-Day ya think? It was supposed to be Tuesday, I guess not last Tuesday, maybe this Tuesday? Wouldnt Adam have said if he is not on the panel? Or doesnt he know yet! Oh to know what is going on behind the scenes!!
Haven’t looked at this yet. From the other night. Full video of Trespassing & cuckoo
Do you remember that one poster “Ronnie-something” who was constantly predicting how Kris’ VOL will become a BIG hit, because he-Ronnie knows hit when he hears one? After VOL flopped Ronnie mysteriously disappeared from MJ.
Right now we have another poster trashing Adam and predicting great future for Scotty. I would hold my opinion until sophomore album. His first was nothing but mediocre, but maybe being bland and mediocre sells well in great US of A….
I posted on the Scotty thread as well. I was the first (after Sharon S.) to respond to hillstreetblooz but my post is still there. I was very careful in my wording but I basically pointed out that Adam would never want to do a Christmas cd, even though he’d do an amazing job. Then I was positive about Scotty.
Think it’s more important for a decent comment in Adam’s defence to remain on the thread for everyone to see than for me to get the instant gratification that comes from letting hillstreetblooz know I can’t stand him/her.
ETA: HK Fan – keeping up with your MJ posts and liking them whenever I find them.
Thanks for the vid luval, have been waiting to see the whole performance. The sound wasn’t the greatest, but good to see anyway. I wonder why it was so short, I really thought he would sing Shady, that seems a good song for the venue…
Thanks TLKC. I seldom posted at Mj’s as it took too much effort to sign in, at least 7 or 8 steps, but since I switched to my new laptop it keeps me logged in so I post more often, although lately there has been so much scotty and James Durbin stuff that there has been nothing worth commenting on. It was good to have the Adam thread again the other day…even though it wasn’t supposed to just be Adam.
Yes, but Adam WAS in the title so I was glad that MJ removed the snide comment about it being a re-tread of Season 8 threads. I am determined to stick it out ’til the judges are decided and maintain a position neutral enough that I can comment on Adam’s behalf when needed. Some of them really get to me but I don’t let it show.
Just saw your question about Lawrence Welk? LOLS, you are lucky if you don’t know who he is. I “liked” it.
ETA: LOLS – MJ just announced in the Scotty Christmas cd post that fighting over an Idol who isn’t even part of the topic of is a “fail” and she’s deleting the problematic emails now.
MJ needs to delete herself
I have not seen this much action over there in months and months! Thanks to us!!!
HD YT Video by @es2012v: Japan TV Celebrity USA Report w ADAM LAMBERT’s NCOE as background music 2012-09-01…. http://fb.me/7jd6AOPSp
HD YT Video by @es2012v: Coverage of ADAM LAMBERT at Mezamashi Live on Japan TV SHINee. Aired Today. 9-4-12…. http://fb.me/1GPjNyqgb
I really have no idea who Lawrence welk is, should i????
………OK, just looked him up on wikipedia, he’s done a lot…but still never heard of him!!!
by the way what does ETA mean, lots of you put it at the bottom of posts when you edit and add something?
ETA: edited to add
(ETA: you pretty much figured this out yourself.)
Alicia @inntheaftermath
here, I just had to do an @adamlambert tongue appreciation post. <3 http://pic.twitter.com/4xEYOGDn
ellessay, I loved the tongue post! Something new for us to play with!
HKFan, I was expecting “Kickin In”. Remember that Adam said it was for the girls?
Hmmm…wonder if he was so PG-rated because of a certain announcement that could be made tomorrow????
Gotta go to bed early tonight to be ready for school tomorrow.
dcglam and all other teachers (including lurkers!), have a wonderful school year!
G’nite peeps! Sweet Adam dreams!
My comment on Scotty’s thread was removed. I get it now. One can express negative opinion about Adam on Adam’s thread because “we are entitled to our own opinion”. God forbid if we express the same negative opinion about other Idol on their thread, cause it qualifies as trolling.
Only praising is allowed.
I really don’t like Scotty’s X-mas album cover. He is 18 year old kid for heaven sake, why make him look like a boring 30 yrs old? What this cover has to do with Christmas?
Lots of mine were removed, too, Oksana – including the one that may have started the whole thing. And, yes, some posts are more equal than others.
Interesting – put my iPod (on the docking station in the kitchen) on Songs – Letter B. And about nine different versions of BTIKM from radio stations and performances have been playing in succession. Such an incredible singer – all different – all brilliant. My heart aches that the world doesn’t recognize the beauty of this man and his voice.
You, too, Kradamour!!
Ultima,this time I’m gonna fight for my equal rights up to the banning point…
I’m pretty sure that MJ is reading our blog therefore I will not go any further in my rant..
You meant – posters, right?..
Ulti, it is worse than that. I dare say that there is a goodly part of the world that does recognize…and just doesn’t care. Or rejects for some unfathomable reason.
On a more positive note…I loved that you just did the letter B and had that experience of the amazing variations. I wonder if Adam ever does that? (listens to recordings of the same song) For that matter, I wonder if he listens to his songs at all?
Okay, really off to bed now. I was too excited about school tomorrow to sleep!
My post was deleted again. I believe that if someone makes some rules should at least follow them.
I don’t get that woman. NOT.AT.ALL.
Good night.
Hi cgesq! You are welcome to use H,T&P wherever and whenever you wish! Have a cancer scare in our family – my 21 year old niece has thyroid cancer and is having surgery next week. May I ask for H,T &P from you all from ALL?
I was in Lowes tonight and BTIKM came on. I was so happy but my daughter told me I could not sing along. BTW, a couple of pages back, turquoise and others were discussing that BTIKM and NCOE should not have been the first two singles. I only partially agree. When I played my CD in the car for my daughter, I asked her what her favorite one was and she said #8, which as we all know is BTIKM. So I think overall it was a smart choice to release BTIKM as the first single given the poor timing (Christmas) and the fact that it was not too different than WWFM, Adam’s biggest hit to date.
However, I totally agree that NCOE was a poor choice for the second single, particularly since Adam was going to spend most of the 3 months following its release overseas!! Should have released Trespassing – get the name of the album out and we saw all the fans singing and dancing to Trespassing. Although if Trespassing and Cuckoo become hits due to exposure on PLL, I will be very happy!!!
When Adam starts judging on AI, he will get the chance to perform several of his songs – just like JLo and Steven – and look what it did for their careers!!
thanks turquoisewaters. I had worked out the context of ETA, but not the actual meaning, could only come up with estimated time of arrival…………
ETA (see I catch on quickly!)
forgot to add this little tidbit from Adam
@adamlambert: Labor Burn http://say.ly/LEN4649
Another video from Circus Disco, LA Matinee
That was great, AL – the audience appeared to love it.
I know I am a total nube at this online chatting stuff, but who is MJ? Clueless in Texas.
paulanation – MJ is the original Idol blog for many of us – http://www.mjsbigblog.com
It’s been been a love/hate relationship (mostly hate, lately) for lots of us. MJ’s moderating sometimes appears erratic and not reasonable, but can sometimes get info about what the Idols are doing. There seems to be a somewhat general animus towards Adam there, too, but the troops here have been vigilant in manning the barricades.
Oooo K!
MAX TAKE 5 – Adam Lambert talks about Better Than I Know Myself
I wonder if somewhere deep inside, MJ is annoyed with us for “abandoning” her and making our own very successful concert (plus much more) thread and she is punishing us. I know that she has always seemed to have a thing against Adam fans but losing all of us must be costing her some of her revenue.
rs, I have had no luck in finding any more long vids of Elton’s portion of the concert. I didn’t check all of the one song videos, but there aren’t many of those.
I’m sorry.
Thanks nkd, I enjoyed the vids that you sent and that was enough. There are still vids from Adam concerts that I haven’t seen, like the Russia and Poland shows, the Japan concerts and some of the Australian ones. They will keep me occupied for a long while. And I just saw This is Love for my morning fix. I can’t get enough of that one. And I have all my photos to download and do something with. riskylady is getting impatient…….
You are up late, aren’t you? It is very late morning here and I have to get on with my day.
Yes, I’m up late!!!!!
Gifs of Adam’s video tweets
and bananas
hahaha! Those are the leopard print pants that Sauli wrote about buying in his blog. He said that he would never be able to walk down the street in Finland wearing those.
Now I want bananas! and rum!
nkd, I feel terrible leaving you alone here in the playground, but I really have to go out now or the pharmacy will close for the day. Maybe it is time for you to go to sleep. Whatever, have a good night.
Today I’m up because my aging dog has had 3 seizures. So I’ve been comforting him through those and guiding him away from tables that he thinks he can walk through. He is walking like he’s drunk, always to the left, but has now found a dark wall to lie against. Poor baby.