September finds blond Adam back in the US after a busy August touring Japan and Australia. What’s in store for us this month? A third single announcement? Confirmation about Idol judges (is Adam one of them?!)? More speculation of a Queen+Adam tour or possibly an actual Trespassing tour? Will he add more shows in the coming months? Even Adam’s hairdresser does not know for sure. So while we wait, continue to chat away about anything and everything Adam related. Enjoy!


2,830 Responses to September 2012 Chat

  1. JOJOSIE says:

    Glambotgram He’s not going anywhere that’s a really old tweet from last year that someone just re tweeted for some reason.

  2. jlurksacto says:

    From 2011, June 6th

    saulikoskinen ‏@saulikoskinen1

    @adamlambert moikka!

  3. glambotgram says:

    Thanks jojosie and jlurk, I didn’t notice the retweet.

  4. JOJOSIE says:

    Jlurk were you up late last night? I know your in a different time zone than me, but I was surprised to open the blog up this morning and see your posts. Thanks for all the updates and pictures. It looked like everyone was having a good time. Party After he sang “Is this Love”, someone ask him who he’d like to hear sing it. He thought awhile and then said maybe Rhianna, Well he must be psychic as when the MD telethon started tonight, she comes out singing it. Despite her Barbatos roots, I much prefer Adam’s version. It’s become real ear worm for me. Glad I downloaded it.

  5. dcglam says:

    JOJOSIE…. These are from several years ago. I’m not liking them at all.

    ETA: I just can’t get enough of Adam’s version!!In Love

  6. jlurksacto says:

    were you up late last night

    I wanted to catch most of the tweets/pics of Adam’s gig. Last post was
    a little after 1am my time. But didn’t go to bed until after 2. Love
    being retired!

  7. JOJOSIE says:

    dcglam I have one word for that YUCK !!!

  8. JOJOSIE says:

    I had to laugh at my sister today, as I showed her my download of “Is this Love” her response was, he’s so pretty it’s distracting.

  9. nkd says:

    he’s so pretty it’s distracting

    ROTFL He’s been distracting me for over 3 years now! It doesn’t stop, nor do I want it to!

    I love that jojosie!

  10. paulanation says:

    jlurksacto Thank you again, so much, for the KIEV DVD> I don’t know you, but I love love love you for being so kind. Maybe you can email me your address? I’m not sending you money, I promise. But I can’t find what I did with the envelope!

  11. paulanation says:

    Wish I’d been at the fiercely sticky gay party. Frown I wonder if anybody got any videos?

  12. nkd says:

    Scan of Australia magazine interview article

    He cracks me up! Laugh

  13. turquoisewaters says:

    So do I see this right that his trespassing vest from last night was just his old leather vest with some creative use of yellow tape? Would be so him. I still have some yellow electrical tape of my own that I used in WB.

  14. HK fan says:

    I was expecting something a bit more wild from that matinee thing too, and from the after parties. But I suppose that is a downside of fame that he has realised since the Helsinki incident, that he has to watch himself in public places, especially parties, and can’t let himself go as much as he used to.

  15. nkd says:

    That’s what I see turquoisewaters, his black leather vest with adornments! Besides the yellow, I also spotted some spikes on the collar.

  16. turquoisewaters says:

    HKFan: I would hope he learned that getting drunk and out of control in public is stupid. He can still have all the fun in the world, just needs to be bit smarter about it.

  17. nkd says:
  18. HK fan says:

    wow, I thought I was doing well with 36 likes on a comment on the mj’s thread, Oksana has 115 on one!!!!!

  19. rs says:

    Morning everyone, I am back from my trip to Ireland and Edinburgh (with a day trip to the Scottish highlands). They were such beautiful places, so green, such friendly people, so much rain (which is why it is so green!). I want to go back and explore more, but you really need a car to do it justice and I am afraid to drive on the WRONG side of the road!

    On the way back to Heathrow Airport from the train from Edinburgh we took the Underground, and it passed the Hammersmith station. Hammersmith was where the Adam/Queen concerts were held just a month and a half ago, and I couldn’t keep this huge grin off of my face remembering that fantastic experience.

    Anyway, I am trying to catch up on the vids and posts that I missed while I was away.

    There are two things that I am sure of:

    1. I adore the Bob Marley cover of This is Love. I even showed it to my roommate on the trip who isn’t a fan (doesn’t dislike him, just not involved), and she agrees that it was very good.

    2. I love his blond hair! It is amazing how quickly I got used to it and how right it seems. Now when I see the dark haired pics, I look twice as if it is something new, lol!

    About the Idol judging gig, I would love for him to get it because it is what he wants, he would be perfect at it, and it would be great seeing him on TV (or rather on my computer) twice a week. At the same time, I understand the downside that people have talked about, too. I just wish that they would announce it already.

    jlurksacto, I see that you have so generously been sending copies of the Kiev cd to peeps here. Is it the same one that cher has? If it is, she is planning to send me one.

  20. luval says:

    Good morning rs and HK fan. Today is Labor Day,a legal holiday here in North America so many people including myself have the day off from work.

    I love that snippet of Trespassing! Can’t stop playing it. And I recognized that vest immediately. Looks like a professional yellow tape and spike job. Or could Adam be that talented? Nothing would surprise me. And kradamour I thought too that he looked very fresh. Those photos were stunning.

  21. glambotgram says:

    Looks like a professional yellow tape and spike job

    I don’t know for sure, but the spikes look just like the ones Sauli adorned his boots with. I have no doubt he could have put the tape on the jacket, after all this is the guy who made a bow tie out of a jacket lapel. Big Smile

  22. luval says:

    Good morning too, glambotgram. Wonder where you buy spikes like that? Hardware store? lol. I can see Adam & Sauli at their dining room table with all the stuff laid out, ready to craft. Just like the rest of us!

    Don’t know if I ever mentioned this but I love when Adam does the chiropractic “crack” head move in Trespassing. If he goes to a masseuse he probably has his head, & back cracked at the chiropractor. I haven’t been for quite a while & I need a tune up. It feels soooooo good. Tomorrow I’m gonna make an appointment!

  23. TLKC says:

    So nice to hear from you rs. You are quite the world traveller. I feel the same way about Hammersmith – just the sight or thought of it puts my heart in my throat.

    Just checked Enrique’s site and he’s booked a concert in Istanbul for Oct. 24th. Tickets went on sale on August 27th. He also has a concert on September 22nd – rumoured to be the first day of judging auditions.

    I’ve no doubt Idol are courting him but he’s acting as though he’s going to keep doing concerts during a key period.

  24. rs says:

    Just came back from shopping. I love traveling, but I have to say that it was soooooooooooooooooooo good to get into my car, turn on the cd player at full volume, and be surrounded by Adam’s glorious voice. I missed that so while I was away. Even if I was listening on the plane with my ipod, I had to be careful not to sing along or bop around to the music. Sheer bliss Big Smile

  25. LadyNorth says:

    Hi rs, welcome back from your trip! Oh that Hammersmith neighborhood Smile When you told about listening to Adam with iPod and worrying “disturbing” people with it, I remembered one time on the bus with my MP3-player when I suddenly noticed that I was clapping my thigh on the beat of the music (it was Adam+Queen or some of his up-beat songs). I think some people stared at me Grin That happens… But I couldn’t help it!

    I’ve been off too for many many days, too much rl activities and still going on. But now finally got time to search for some gay party gig photos and possible videos. Beautiful Adam! I bet he had a great time there.

    Now back to the duties but I need to put some Adam on, serious withdrawals just hit me…

  26. HK fan says:

    Welcome back rs, thats a bit spooky, as I was just thinking about you a couple of hours ago, that we hadn’t heard from you and then I check back in here and voila, there you are.
    Do you know, I have never been to Scotland even though I;m British…or Ireland come to that. I really need to travel more.

    Here’s a pic in a UK mag

    an old photo

    another mag article

  27. TLKC says:

    HK Fan – I thought you were from Hong Kong!!!! See you on MJ’s all the time supporting Adam. Liking you whenever I get the chance.

  28. jlurksacto says:


    Is it the same one that cher has

    Identical. My copy came from Cher. She can tell you the history of the DVD. (Enrique who?)

  29. adamized says:

    rs your trip sounds lovely. I did pretty much the same trip on my honeymoon. The marriage didn’t end well but the honeymoon was great!

    I have a gut feeling that we will get the AI news tomorrow re: Adam. He said that he had a week to work on his personal stuff and craft. Well, as of tomorrow the week is over and he will start the next phase of his amazing life. I really think he has it in the bag.

    Off to take the dog for a walk.

  30. bridgette12 says:
  31. ultimathule says:

    HK FAN – that’s exciting about Oksana’s post. Which thread is it on – wanna go read it – do a “like,” too

  32. Ceddies says:

    OMG, bridgette12, he looks so wolf-like in that photo that you posted. Beautiful pic. Thanks for posting.

  33. riskylady says:

    nkd, thanks for that video! WOW,does he sound GREAT! His voice is just one of the seven wonders of the world right now. And, I think he should FLAUNT it – no holdng back! Fuck all those others who don’t have it. No one who has a great voice holds back because of claims of “showing off.” Not Christina, not Whitney, not Celine, not Aretha, not Steve Perry – no one. Thank goodness he did do some showing off with Queen. If he sings on any awards show, I want him to blow them out of the water, dammit.

    Welcome back, rs. Waitng for some of your amazing photography {{tap, tap, tap}} LOL.

  34. luval says:

    Totally agree, riskylady. Although he has said in recent interviews that he had to show how long & how high he could hold a note on Idol, I so want him to continue doing this!

    My favorite is Under Pressure from Kiev where he wailed out “why”. And when we saw it live on tv I almost died. Amazing. And I know he could have held it longer. He never did it again in another Queen show. He would cut it off for a second, then pick it up. I’m sure he thought that people would think he was showing off, like you said.

    How do we get this message to him?

  35. Ron says:

    Hi riskylady and luval!!

    I couldn’t agree more about the showing off aspect and wonder where that came from. Did he come up with that on his own or did someone tell him that holding those notes comes across as “showing off”. Either way, it’s wrong thinking and somehow Adam does need to get the message.

    If you’ve got it, flaunt it!!

    My example of this is the 2nd Hammersmith performance of “Another One Bites The Dust” during the repeat-after-me segment. At the end of that, he hits and sustains that incredible note that left the audience in awe. Closing night/3rd and last performance, I was waiting for him to repeat it and he didn’t go anywhere near it. Why? Showing off?

    Yes, in a sense, it is showing off but in this case that’s not a bad thing!

  36. ultimathule says:

    Interesting “action” at “waitta you get a load of me” in that TR, nkd.

  37. luval says:

    haha ultimathule…thanks for pointing that out! Didn’t notice. Smile

  38. ultimathule says:

    Yes, that Kiev UP and the 2nd London AOBTD are both on my “best of the best” list.

  39. Oksana2000 says:

    Hi HKfan and Ultima!

    I have so many “likes” on MJ’s cuz I created 114 fake accounts and then I “liked” myself.. Smile
    OK, I’m kidding, I’m KIDDING!!

    Do you remember that person that posted identical post under two different names? It was hilarious.

    I’ts all quiet on the Idol front right now. I’m waiting with the bated breath for the official announcement. If Adam won’t get it all the hyenas on MJ will celebrate. If he gets the job we will find out soon enough how irrelevant that job is. *shrugs*

    I think that Adam is pretty good with arts&crafts. Do you remember the flower he made for one of his school theatre play? (THS)Most likely he did all the bumble bee work on his skincraft vest himself.

    Looks like we have to be grateful to Sauli to make Adam really work out.
    His body is much more defined than before and I guess he nedeed someone with the whip. I know that when I was going to the gym, I was usually taking classes cuz I was to lazy to do anything on my own.

  40. LadyNorth says:

    I very much agree with Riskylady, Luval and Ron that I’d like to hear those high notes more often… I like the way he has done them after Idol, back then it was sometimes too much. He can do it more classy now. Kiev had many great moments, London also but different songs every night. And I love the way he treated Trespassing at NNN Awards. And there are many more… We want them every time, don’t we Smile?

    I don’t know if it’s just avoiding showing off. Maybe he doesn’t want to do the songs same way every time, the way we expect? Maybe he wants to be remembered also as something else than a big high voice? A song maker or music creator? I have been thinking that after something he has said in some interviews. But I really hope he’d feel comfortable to use it more often!

  41. riskylady says:

    The Queen concerts: Second night, TSMGO, INCREDIBLE high notes! Third night, WWTLF, ending note a clarion-clear high note. One of the YT commenters wrote a nice paragraph about it. And yes, that wonderful UP from Kiev. Each concert had some great highlights, really. I have been going back and watching Poland and Russia – some great stuff there too.
    I especially LOVE the voice-guitar dialogues between Adam and Brian i.e. beginning and end of I Want It All in Poland,
    and beginning of AOBTD London night two.
    So much candy!!!!

  42. rs says:

    My example of this is the 2nd Hammersmith performance of “Another One Bites The Dust” during the repeat-after-me segment. At the end of that, he hits and sustains that incredible note that left the audience in awe. Closing night/3rd and last performance, I was waiting for him to repeat it and he didn’t go anywhere near it.

    ron, I totally agree with you. That was one of my favorite parts of that concert. I was sitting in the first row balcony and the whole audience went wild. We had been keeping up with him until then, but when he let go with that VOICE, the whole place just started roaring and cheering. I have the third night’s concert on a cd in my car and as much as I love it, I miss that bit of AOBTD every time I hear it.

  43. LadyNorth says:

    I’d love to make a Queen + Adam DVD from London, picking up the best performances of the three nights. My faves seem to be exactly the same ones that have been mentioned here… But I still don’t know how to do that (DVD), and the one from Kiev is so amazing (picture and sound quality) that it’s not easy to top that.

    rs, whose videos on London 14th did you use making your cd? jlurksacto, do you know whose video was used when making that wonderful DVD from Kiev? I guess it was someone who taped it on Ukrainian tv… I’d be very happy to know that if I some day know how to make it a CDThinking While waiting for that I loaded some Kiev MP3s I found but I don’t know how good quality they are…

  44. aely says:

    Hi all! I am in Casablanca and we were driving through the city in a Taxi at a stop light and I really thought I heard Trespassing in another car and was thinking hmmmm….Just now I ran up because NCOE was on some sort of MTV over here in the lobby bar. Flo Rida followed ha! But wow and yeah!

  45. jlurksacto says:

    do you know whose video was used when making that wonderful DVD from Kiev

    I read around the time of the Kiev concert, that seven TV stations were broadcasting live the concert. BUT only one ustreamed the full five hours.
    Elton John, the break, and the Queenbert segments. I watched the ustream for
    part of the Elton John, the break (stage change), and Queenbert segments. The
    Queenbert segment was uploaded (and probably the EJ also – haven’t looked) to
    the net and made available for downloading. This is where my (Cher’s) DVD came
    from. Thus the DVD is identical to the livestream on concert day. Free concert,
    free TV station ustream, free DVD.

  46. rs says:

    LadyNorth, I really don’t remember. Soon after I got back I saw that someone had converted all Adam’s songs from the third London concert to MP3s so I just downloaded them and burned them to 2 cds. They didn’t fit on one. (the first got to Bohemian Rhapsody so I mostly just listen to that one). I don’t have the link to the download site and I don’t remember if I got it from here (ALL) or from one of the other Adam sites that I regularly visit, (Adam Lambert 24/7 or AdamBert Daily Blog). Sorry, I wish I could help you.

  47. rs says:

    LadyNorth, If you can send me your address, I will burn you a copy of the concert cd and send it to you. It is good quality audio for a fan recording. Do you still have my email from the emails group around the London trip? It has the same initials as my name here plus a middle initial. I can’t remember offhand what your email was, but if I go back and search I will proably find it.

  48. rs says:

    Does someone have a link to the Elton John portion of the Kiev concert? I was on the cruise when it took place and I would really like to see it. Thanks

  49. nkd says:

    rs, try this link from the AntiAids site for the EJ portion of the concert.

    ETA It only takes you to a 25 minute clip, not the full concert. I’ll search more later, mr nkd is pulling me out the door.

  50. LadyNorth says:

    Thanks for the info jlurk and rs! rs, I have to do some googling… Is it ok quality, the sound?

    jlurk, I watched the stream of Kiev too. And downloaded one video made of the stream to MP4 but it was not full screen, lacked the encores and was much worse quality than the one you found Smile That’s why I thought yours has to be made of the tv broadcast, not stream (I was told that the stream version is usually “packed”, which means not that good quality). Was it the one that was on the site? I think my audio MP3s were from that same site, so probably the same origin?

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