- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
Oops, glambot, sorry. I just sent him that link. Thank you.
We’ve tried to use DVD’s in another country to no avail. Sometimes you can adjust an international setting on CD’s, but DVD’s are impossible and frustrating. In my experience.
But, I do have Kiev here, and when he comes home for winter break, he can watch it here, if all else fails.
I’m still watching it, and exercising to it. I just can’t get enough of Queenbert. But, there is something special about the July 14th show too. So polished and perfect. AOBTD still thrills me. And Radio Gaga, yum. He lowered the key, and BR, he just blends into Freddie. Dragon Attack—just adore it.
more China pics
Love the creepers. Just love the creepers. The Des Moines pants. The jacket.
Did we know that they call Adam “Dang Dang” in China??
trespassing tie
picture from RoveLA—licking
Happy Adam
with fan
Pics from M&G
Mils. No buttons for days for
Me either. Where did they go?
I think we did know Adam was called dang dang from GN days. Didn’t realize they still called him that.
Commercial DVDs made for sale in US won’t play anywhere but in US (Canada & Mexico?) BUT home made DVDs don’t have a country code so should work anywhere.
I haven’t received any complaints from peeps about DVDs sent to Europe,
UK, or Asia. (HKFan, @markgilroymusic)
2 videos — type in 820129 and press enter to start
fans singing TFM (enter same code)
He’s looking exceptionally beautiful in these pics.
And the top profile shot in the second line-up of pictures that glambotgram put up is extraordinary. Few humans looks like that.
It appears there are two male back-up singers.
this one ultimathule?
It was the close-up head shot where he’s looking intently at something.
Adam’s FF ranking this week
#6 global
#2 Celebrity
#1 US
What do you think those figures mean in the real world, glambotgram? Would his record label take them into account? What would they influence? Or are they just fun figures to talk about?
FINALLY!! Our friend @kinkykiedis has uploaded her videos from Day #3 of London. Again, excellent sound, and her Crazy Little Thing Called Love has the FULL band intros and Adam’s little speech of “for now, for now, nothing’s definitive” about Queenbert.
Her other videos have great sound too, and overall good video. Amazing feat, because she was caring for her little sister that night at the concert, too. The balcony was definitely the sweet spot for sound.
OMG, I watched that entire video of The Voice posted earlier. Humongous productions with tons of dancers, visuals, etc. but I really had no idea who was a contestant or just a performer. Seemed like most of the songs were pretty low key (think Mad World, Map), the voices too. Adam’s going to leave them punchdrunk LOL.
I love that pic too, ulti. And what I love most is that it is of an Adam who is actively and intently watching, you can almost see the wheels turning in his head, he isn’t just a passive observer.

Even when he is still, there are things going on with him. This is what I appreciate about my closest friends, and it makes me happy to see it in Adam; that engaged alertness is such a huge part of who he is.
Adam just tweeted a series of tweets about colors, decade trends, and all having to do with videos.
He’s sounding rebellious and creative!
If someone could bring them over, or just go to his twitter timeline. http://www.twitter.com/adamlambert
I’ve only got my phone and it’s frustrating to c/p.
Sure wish you’d been there too!!
You’re going to San Diego? That’s just a hop, skip and a jump from jlurksacto! I’m sure he wouldn’t mind the 9 hour drive from Sacramento to pick you up for dinner.
With a wink to Kradamour, as Audrey Hepburn said in “Breakfast At Tiffany’s”: “Quelle night”.
I wasn’t going out in the first place, right? This was SO not going to happen.
So, of course I wasn’t going to participate and sing anything!
….. I sang three songs.
Quelle night. In a good way!
Adam Lambert @adamlambert
Everything’s so low-contrast pastel-ish right now. Coral and seafoam and pink. It’s all starting to feel like the same video and design.
Adam Lambert @adamlambert
Don’t get me wrong- it a really pretty aesthetic- but it’s getting played out.
Adam Lambert @adamlambert
It’s a very 60’s vibe. When do we get to move into the 70’s revival? my mission!
Michele @SepiasSecret
@adamlambert you want the platform shoes & bell bottom jeans … but the 70’s colors are orange & green & brown & just EW.
Adam Lambert @adamlambert
@SepiasSecret no- that’s suburban 70’s. I want Halston! Glam! Rich metallic jewel tones. Studio 54. Bowie, Queen, Elton, Cher Realness!
Reyna @RainOnMe83
Men: why are we still putting lines in our eyebrows?? Plz stop….that has been put to death a long time ago….leave it there!!
Adam Lambert @adamlambert
@RainOnMe83 hahahah !!! Right?
Adam Lambert @adamlambert
Main concept is: enough w all this cute polka-dot doo-wop beach blanket shit- let’s get funky and sexy!!!
Shira is Splendid @SparklySnarkery
@adamlambert the 70s shapes and film & music vibe, yes. The colors? DEAR GOD NO. #babypoopbrown
Adam Lambert @adamlambert
@SparklySnarkery there was plenty of brown in the 60’s and 80’s too!
Adam Lambert @adamlambert
But hey- we had a 70’s revival during the 90’s. it all cycles round again. Just waiting.
Adam Lambert @adamlambert
Ok rant over. Lol
Adam Lambert @adamlambert
But someone’s gotta break this Debbie gibson/pretty in pink/saved by the bell design scheme! Hahah Prom 1963/87.What’s happening.
Adam Lambert @adamlambert
I want Labelle, Funkadelic, early Prince, early MJ. !!!! Ok I’ll stop! Lol.
Adam Lambert @adamlambert
I’m so fickle though- watch : I’ll prob be in full greaser Elvis corvette diner mode by next month. Lol
Adam Lambert@adamlambert
Now 1968 on the other hand….. Hahahah I’m outta my damned mind. Lol
Ha,,ha…mils, I love muddydunn.
Here are more of WLL, David Bowie Medley and Ring of Fire. The zipper pants and the fresh from ROF are sexy and the same time adorable.
Dun is from Finland.
Yep, mils and jlurks, I have had no problem playing the kiev dvd. For the price of a stamp maybe you should send your son a copy to try it. As to the commercial dvds most, if not all dvd players sold in HK (don’t know about the rest of China) are multi regional so should play most dvds.
I love Adam’s rant about fashion color. I totally agree with him on this one. I call them Partridge Family colors. Those pink, turquoise colors. Never wore them, never will. His rich jeweltone that he mentioned are to me his Glam Nation colors. This is him forever IMO. True glam.
Lol he’s probably sick of yellow and black.
A nice little mention for Adam
I can’t believe The Voice starts in an hour, just as I’m due to go to a party.
Aw, too bad HK Fan, The timing is perfect for me: 1:30 in the afternoon. I got my shopping done early as it is the eve of yet another holiday (this is the Jewish holiday season) and I will be going out this evening. Anyone else waiting up?
Yeh, its a holiday here too, mon and tues for Mid Autumn festival, the second biggest Chinese holiday next to CNY. Thats why my friends having her party on a sunday evening as noone has to get up for work on monday.
So has it been decided if he is on the whole show judging, or just singing???
Is anyone getting a live stream?
Actually I think the festival night is tonight, hope that doesn’t effect the viewing numbers too much!!!!
Hi HK – It is 4:30 AM for me here in California. Ihope I didn’t get up for nothing
The live stream is showing commercials now. The stadium is hugh! Looks like it would hold 100,000. I wonder if it will be filled?
Does anyone have the link for the livestream (haven’t gone out yet)?? I have 3 channelv channels, English, China and Taiwan and none are showing The Voice
Hasn’t started yet. Maybe 8pm??? Or maybe my stream is wrong
There it is!!!
Thanks Cher, I’d managed to find one. There’s an awful lot of people there, and the Chinese do love their flashy light things. They are always for sale at any concert here, and festivals. We have to be careful though, we were walking along the harbourfront one christmas eve when my MIL brought my youngest 2 a flashy light each, and they were showing my disabled son them and he started fitting!!
this one is working for me
54 minutes in and no Adam mention yet…..actually not really any singing yet!
The Voice here starts at 8pm EST so I imagine it must be around 8pm their time too. All these commercials driving me nuts.
I like the way the subtitles are in Chinese!
i know and the few times we watch Chinese tv programmes there is always so much talking, and then more talking….
I actually just understood a word…he said Thank you!!!
cherand I are skyping together and watching the live stream, but mine is about 20 seconds ahead of hers
all eyes on Adam
I think it is just for fun, but anything that gets his name mentioned out there is usually a good thing
And I’m pulling an allnighter. No sleep and no Adam yet.
Banners in the stadium
Those dancers are not adding anything to the production, just annoying me. LOL Too much going on at once and they don’t seem to “fit”
No Trespassing yeah my “yeah” LOL
And why did my screen start pixelating right when he came on?
ETA and no “trash” in my bag
I am at work so I will rely on you guys for updates.
How good is the stream?
This is it? No more? I just got out of bed for this. It didn’t work on tablet.
I am waiting for the “real” videos. You know… the ones from north of the border from a little karaoke bar.
I guess that’s all. Adam is prettier than contestants and hosts. JMO.
luval, stream (at least on my comp) is crystal clear.