- Velvet
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- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
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hehe luval, you could make this your new post name: luvaldarkerhair! Not that you express this thought very often lol…or maybe I am just more aware of it because I totally agree with you!
LOVE his look in Shanghai, the mottled black and white/gray from top of tall hair to toes of creepers.
There are two places that I would love to visit before my bucket turns over, and Shanghai is one of them. Such an amazing city with such a rich and complex past!
I’m on the darker hair Crazy Train too! Although the man can’t really ever look bad, well, cough.. cough..
cough.. cough.. And even that only looked bad in stills, it didn’t look near as bad in the video.Banner given to Adam Says “Adam Loves Sauli”
More pics
Phoenix concert group: I left a post for you on the planning thread.
This is SO not going to happen.
What TLKC didn’t mention is that it’s also Nuit Blanche tonight in Toronto. Has a whole year gone by already since the last one?! Downtown Toronto is huge and ALL of it is blocked off with thousands of people roaming the streets looking at boring … and I do mean BORING … “art” exhibits. Last year, TLKC and I wandered around among the masses. I was amazed at what some people consider art that I could only think was bizarre and wonder “What the hell was that?”
At one point, we watched a huge group of people begin to lie down on the street and contort themselves into different positions. I had no idea what they were doing as someone directed them to move this way and move that way. It took them about 15 minutes to complete this “art exhibit” of human beings lying in the street spelling out a sentence. You’d need to be on a very, very tall ladder, roof top or in a hot air balloon to be able to read it. I never did find out what those poor, scrunched up now filthy people, from lying in the street, had spelled out. So much for that …
Actually, that turned out to be one of the highlights of the evening!
Of course, THE highlight of the evening was being with TLKC and for that reason alone I might step out tonight. It’s gotten to be a while since we’ve seen one another.
Maybe I could put on my pirate tail coat, breeches, knee socks, top hat, buckle shoes and carry a walking stick and just stand frozen on a street corner. I could be my own living, breathing “art exhibit” with a little sign that says “Donations
ExpectedWelcomed”.Ooohh, this is turning into a plan!
What do you think TLKC?
There are a ton of pictures coming out of Shanghai.
Glam_alidol is collecting them as fast as she can, you can go to her feed and run through it to see most of the pictures
also this
Cute Set for TV http://ww4.sinaimg.cn/large/6ce92754jw1dxdmsj4t78j.jpg
alidol @glam_alidol
http://ww1.sinaimg.cn/bmiddle/594102ccjw1dxdnhfv6azj.jpg … pic from the talk show staff,he said directors loved adam so much
picture from private with party M&G winners
I got a close look at Adam’s hair just 4 days ago. It was freshly cut with the new color. The roots were dark and the longer hair on the the top was a dark gray, like a pewter color. It changes color according to the light , but is not nearly as dark as those pictures from Shanghai make it look (unfortunately!). I have 3 decent pictures from Tuesday night which I’ll email to luval to forward to ron to post if he’d like to. I’m too computer challenged for that task. There’s also a photo of the autographed poster all the VIP’s got. The autograph is in silver in the upper left hand corner. It’s hard to see unless you blow up the photo.
WOW Seriously
This jacket was a gift on one of the TV shows
Wow. What a wonderment of stuff today!
Global star indeed!
About China and sales: my brother lives and works there teaching English in universities. He constantly refers to “bootlegs” and “pirated” and downloaded Western media. It is pervasive and sold everywhere. The prices are extremely low, even there. For people who don’t live in huge cities like Shanghai, it’s their only way to be connected to the Western media. The political climate restricts access to the internet and cable, satellite, etc. Most of you probably already know this, but, having him there helps me understand their world so much more.
He recently told me that he saw a poster of Adam prominently displayed in a store side by side with Lady Gaga. He made some comment that they are similar looking and being “tagged” together. I did a little “Adam education” with him!! And we have been having a weeks long discussion about Queen-ology. He’s very informed and well-spoken about everything Queen. He is eagerly awaiting watching Queenbert when he comes home on winter holiday. He, of course, cannot access You Tube to view any of the videos..
I told him that Adam is in China right now, and about Voice of China, being that he teaches college age kids, he should be getting an earful of Adam these days. Love it!!!!
The whole thing is funny to me because prior to Queenbert, he was quite eager to slam Adam every time he saw me or e-mailed me. A little homophobic actually. But, the Queen collaboration has opened his mind a bit. I don’t think he’ll ever be an out and out Adam fan, but, he’ll be sure to give his opinion on Queenbert. He said they are probably the best match since Freddie, without even hearing or seeing any of it yet.
But, I digress. I’m hoping to see some video from China. Love the airport greetings. So OTT enthusiastic.
Simon was so right. International superstar indeed!!
Love the leather jacket. Love the Des Moines pants. Not digging the spiky jacket. Wonder if that was a gift? Love the darker hair. Gah. So gorgeous.
Speaking of gorgeous. We’re off to walk the beach today it’s sunny and lovely. Even with a light jacket next to the water.
mils does your brother have a dvd player there, I bet jlurk would love to send him a DVD. It would give him more stalking addresses LOL
Must be checking his twitter lol
Haha yes I do express my love for the dark hair every day! Kradamour, I’ll bet other peeps notice, just roll their eyes and say to themselves ” and yet again Luval prefers the dark hair. Sheesh!” oh well.
Mmm I will forward the pics to Ron after work from my desk top computer. They are not loading up in my iPhone.
The staffs of talk show were making special crystal micstand for @adamlambert @shoshannastone .they really love him
Hope this new crystal micstand can stand his hotness!!
Then this old one should be retired!!
mmm222, you can e-mail me the photos if you like. My e-mail address is under the Administrators. Just click on “AL” and then cut and paste my e-mail into your e-mail program and attach the photos you want to send. I can then add them to the 9:30 Club thread.
Such great pics!!!! He looks incredible. His height and on-stage beauty are such advantages in this biz. And what’s even more amazing is that he has the voice and talent to match those advantages.
Video of Adam trying to learn Chinese sooo Adorable
Good pic of the mic stand, oh yeah not bad of the singer also
The Voice China
I don’t know if this is live stream or recorded stream .. but it’s fun!!
mils, do you email your brother? I saved this EXCELLENT link to a Beijing recording of Kiev from alidol@glam_alidol back when it was hard to find the full Kiev concert on YouTube. Maybe he can access it there in China. The quality is EXCELLENT and you can take it full screen too and still good.
OMG, Sauli is just DREAMY in these gifs!
http://i1113.photobucket.com/albums/k502/illuxxia/gifs2/20120928.gif …
And this one of Adam, blowing a kiss to the lady who was teaching him Chinese
Adam and Sauli both have such easy beautiful smiles – so much a part of their charm.
I think this is my favorite photo from Shanghai. Just Adam maybe not aware he was being photographed, intently on his iphone.
Ohhhhh, this will tug at your heartstrings…sweet boys!
Awww riskylady, my favorite pic of Adam & now my new favorite of Sauli. Sweet.
I wonder if that picture was of Sauli in Finland now, or was it one someone had already. Talented Fandom
Look at what Lyndsey Parker is wearing in this video segment of “The X Factor, The Day After” . She is such a glambert. Love her.
Love that joining of the two pics, riskylady – and I’m sure that does happen.
Liam McEwan Adam Lambert hour is on now because of new Zealand time change.
Okay, now I’m crushed! The DVD I sent to David Bowie was returned.
“Return to sender.” Now time to wallow in a couple of cherry beers.
aww, thats a shame jlurks, but your fame is spreading
Mark Gilroy Music@markgilroymusic
Tonight I will mostly be watching my @QueenWillRock & @adamlambert DVD courtesy of @jlurksacto & @jamaicakitchen – thanks guys! #queenbert
I was curious about Adam’s music, and tried to look up the list of $1.29 songs. The search criteria was pretty limiting and frustrating, so I finally sorted by Avg. Customer Review. Guess what tops THAT list… Better Thank I Know Myself by Adam Lambert! #4 on the $1.29 group was Never Close Our Eyes. If nothing else, those who bought the song, loved it. (Except one guy who never could get it downloaded!)
G-E-E-Z, I really feel bad for you, j! That was such a nice gesture. luval sent the GNT DVD to Bowie. It wasn’t returned but she also never got a response.
I AM going out to meet with TLKC on this crazy night and the person that runs AdamQuoteDaily, another friend, and others I’ve yet to meet.
I do have on my pirate tail coat.
This is maybe the 3rd time I’m wearing it in the five years that I’ve owned it. Same style and tailoring as Adam’s “Strut” coat but mine isn’t striped it’s solid black.
Have a good evening.
Have a great time Ron & Company
Woo Hoo! Ron is coming to Adbert Daily’s karaoke concert. I’m waiting for him at the corner of Yonge and Gerrard in the middle of the beautiful zoo that is Nuit Blanche. @finewinebaby has come all the way from San Francisco and it is in her honour.
@glitteryglambug is waiting with me. We are going to film one and post it! YAY!
Sounds great TLKC Have a wonderful time.
Have fun y’all at “beautiful zoo that is Nuit Blanche.” Waiting for the film!
YYAAAYYYY!!!!! Spread the “Kiev DVD” word. (and where it is available)
The history of Nuit Blanche:
And a lovely little film, named Nuit Blanche:
Happy Birthday Goatie!!
Hope Ron and everyone are having a ball!!
Has anybody seen my buttons?
Riskylady, a US DVD won’t work in China. That’s one of many reasons why bootlegging is so popular. USA DVD’s won’t work in many countries. Adaptations need to be made. But, thanks for thinking of a suggestion.
Did The Voice from above have Adam on it?
Is everybody enjoying the full moon tonight? It’s so crystal clear here it’s almost ethereal.
Our day at the beach was sublime. Warm enough for just a long sleeve shirt, long beach walks, not a cloud in the sky, clear water, soft sand…..lovely.
Happy Birthday, Goatie!!
I am hoping for some great karaoke footage from Toronto. Have fun.
Goatie, wishing you a wonderful birthday and the gift of an Adam tour in the year ahead!

A special full-moon birthday must be a portent of an exceptional year!
riskylady, I sent my brother the link from Beijing. I’ll let you know if it worked for him. Thanks so much!!
Oooh! A full moon birthday, I hadn’t put one plus one together! Thanks kradamour for the math lesson!!
Does that mean goatie gets to howl at the moon tonight?
asif, that mic stand WLL art that you posted above is one of the cutest and funniest things I’ve ever seen in this fandom. Love it.
Hi everybody. Popping in to say hi. Have to say that this site is the best for providing the most up-to-date information on Adam and his whereabouts. Sorry for for being away for so long.
Glambotgram was wondering if that pic of Sauli was of Sauli now or earlier. @Jenny York said
Sure wish I were with TLKC and Ron right now with Gloria a Finewinebaby. I’m busy getting ready to go to San Diego for a conference next week, so couldn’t make it. I bet they are having a blast. I’m not sure I’d feel confortable singing infront of other people, though.
jsurklacto, so sorry that your DVD was returned from Bowi. WTF!?! Did you have the correct address?
Wishing I had gone to the Marriage Equality Benefit concert this week. I heard that not many people attended. Had I known I could have gotten tickets easily…