- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
Probably a remix, luval?
About Rove LA
Uh-oh. Looks like “We Will Rock You,” the ten-year long Queen musical from London is starting a world-wide arena tour on March 27, 2013. See the next-to-last paragraph.
I don’t know if this would interfere with any Queen-Adam plans……but it could explain the venues they’ve been booking per Adam’s old stage manager.
Also, I hope Adam will not be involved (speculating wildly now) because I only want him playing with the real QUEEN….and doing his OWN tour at some point. JFC, Universe, please straighten this out!!!
In case anyone is interested Shanghai time is exactly 12 hours ahead of EST… Should be easier to keep track of. LOL
omg riskylady…don’t like the sound of that. Yes Adam ONLY with Brian & Roger.
I’m just wondering if any of you numbers peeps out there (looking at you eywflyer and riskylady) have any figures as to how much the marriage equality benefit raised Tuesday evening. Although, I do realize that they are still collecting donations.
Thanks for any thoughts you may have.
For those not on Twitter, some GREAT tweets going down tonight:
Promo for Oct. 13th concert in Australia
dcglam, no idea really without knowing attendance, ticket sales, etc. One reviewer that cwm posted said the place was about 2/3 full, so out of 1200, could be about 800 people. To be conservative, multiplied by $100 each net, would be $80,000, leaving the $25 per regular ticket, $75 per tickets with poster, and $150 per M&G tickets for expenses….so, just a guess. Not sure if Adam donated his expenses too, that would certainly add a lot to the amount raised, because he had airfares, two nights hotel for him and band. Who knows?
Trespassing is getting played by more stations in Canada, also in other countries (Finland, Belarus) – stations are picking it up, don’t know if there was official release yet.
(This from Twitter)
Thanks for your $$,$$$ thoughts, riskylady!
This is so great!
Poll for which Amerian Idol you would most like to see in concert
It appears to be a one vote poll, so everyone throw in your one vote!
I’ve noticed a problem with the DVDs. I’ve gotten two emails with contact
info for someone that would like a DVD. It would be easier if the person
is given my email so they can contact me direct. Or jlurksacto@yahoo.com
nkd, that link just takes you to the results, where can you vote or has the poll finished.
don’t worry nkd, I found it with a bit of searching.
mia farrow @MiaFarrow
Beautiful talk, beautiful song, beautiful guy! I love @adamlambert #equalrightsforall
aww, thats at least the second time she’s tweeted something positive about Adam.
Uh-oh. Looks like “We Will Rock You,” the ten-year long Queen musical from London is starting a world-wide arena tour on March 27, 2013. See the next-to-last paragraph.
Oh Riskylady I forgot to tell u that @glitzylady told me that Queen was booking venues for a We Will Rock You tour. Bah humbug.
Speaking of Queen, here’s another gorgeous photo from the London Hammersmith show #3 that just popped up:
Awww Chinese fans waiting at the Shanghai airport. So sweet!
Pictures from Rove La filming
Luke Easton@3ku1
Sneak Peak photos of @adamlambert appearence on @rove LA http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=350923078330552&set=a.350923041663889.82200.126917254064470&type=1&src=https%3A%2F%2Ffbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net%2Fhphotos-ak-ash4%2F320475_350923078330552_1344119141_n.jpg&size=512%2C768
pictures from the airport
Those Chinese fans look very colourful and organized. Can’t wait to see the airport pics.
I read that Sauli left LA yesterday and will appear on BB Finland next Thursday night with Katri.
So sads about the WE Will Rock You stadium tour. I guess it will be 2014 before we see anything likely for Adam with Queen. (Not worried about Adam appearing in it. It’s an ensemble piece, not a solo showcase. Plus they have several leads already.)
Trespassing Tour here we come. Just a matter of when.
More airport pics
what does the We Will Rock You stage show touring got to do with Adam and Queen touring???
They’re 2 totally different things.
Okay guys, I just went to the QueenOnLine website. The WWRY Tour is scheduled for a week in each of 5 UK locations from March to end of June. It is possible that they will mount more than one stadium touring show (I did see at least a dozen arena tour European locations on their website back in July) but they could send the UK group around the European union, which would keep them busy through to late Fall.
Here’s the thing – sales history warrants a Euro Tour and possible an Australasian tour. (WWRY had OZ and Asian theatre productions as well.)
WWRY US sales history stinks. They did very well in Canada but the US initiative ended up in a truncated Las Vegas show and they never made it to Broadway. A stadium tour is a very risky financial proposition, especially after the very middle-of-the-road US sales for the Queen Spectacular.
RE: a North American WWRY Tour, I just don’t see how they can go anywhere except Canada and hope to fill a stadium 5 nights in a row.
Which bring us to the big question: was Dougiesaurus talking US stadiums or Euro-stadiums?
IMHO, the US is unlikely to see a stadium tour show. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it!!!
Is Brian May a producer or backer of the We Will Rock You Tour? What is the connection? This is really sad news IMO. I’ll bet Brian got many many tweets from people asking for Adam/Queen to play US dates.
I’m thinking Adam/Queen will do European or other non US dates since the WWRY thing has already done it’s run there. It’s all about the money. Perhaps the thought is more money can be made with We Will Rock You here in the states than Queen with Adam.
Eta: TLKC just read your post. Now I will agree with your story!! And please stick to it! It’s a much better scenario than mine!
Wikipedia link to the WWRY 2013 Arena Tour, which includes some European venues (no US) and runs from March to June:
Cities could be added, of course.
Wish we knew whether Dougie was talking US stadiums.
No way WWRY will make more money in the US than Europe or Asia. They couldn’t even get backing for a decent theatre production in the US. Plus, I looked up WWRY in wikipedia and they have already allowed a non-Equity production (in Chicago).
I’m a theatre freak and if a production won’t fly in Chicago, the assumption is you can’t tour it. (Toronto and Chicago are rehearsal locations and launch pads for touring shows.) As far back as 2007, they clearly had written-off the liklihood of a full-blown US touring production
I could be wrong, of course, and the lack of an arena tour doesn’t guarantee that Adam and Queen will tour together but….that’s my story and I’m sticking to it.
Off to work….and sticking to my story…see y’all later.
I know that WWRY will be in Finland in Feb/March 2013 for about 10 shows (stadiums). It’s the musical, it has nothing to do with Brian, Roger (or Adam) or their schedules. The musical has been successfully shown in London for 11 years, they now take it on big tour to give people outside London and UK a possibility to see it (before it’s finished some day). I guess the crew comes from London, they are not local productions. I saw it in London, it was good but nothing compared to the real concert
There are many singers, also ladies (who actually did a very good job). I could go and see it again, while waiting for Adam appear in this side of the world 
But the venues in North America can be something else. If the musical has already been there before and not successful, there is no point bringing it again. For Adam’s and US Glamberts’ sake I hope it’s not for the musical there
“64 shows in Europe … Further dates in Japan, South Africa, New Zealand and Australia will be announced shortly.” Nothing about North America…
alidol @glam_alidol
http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNDU1ODQyNjIw.html … video of @adamlambert at airport
Hi asif, nice to see you back
Little sunshine from Sauli Smile

I miss him.
Thanks …LadyNorth.
I’m on different time zone now.
How are you doing?
Asif, problems to catch everything Adam-related
I am always behind and probably miss some things, but I guess I’ll catch the highlights anyway
After my intensive Adam-summer, I have started to find interest in other things too (lol). Have to cut internet time, because my neck is very sore…
Are you glad to be in U.S. (again?)? And regarding your Sauli news, we really need sunshine here, it’s been raining and grey sooo long…
Some dancing with Adam’s music – Shady.
LadyNorth … I’m also far behind Adams’ concerts and news. Now I’m stuck and can’t get enough of Queenbert Kiev DVD from jlurks. He is an angel.
It’s good to be back but we’re very busy working on our house. We had rented it out for ten years (at one time to 4 college kids). A lot of damages done and now will have to do a lot of work before moving in. We need new hardwood floor, new carpets (4 bedrooms and 3 and 1/2 baths, new tile floors and new appliances. I’m having a headache already.
This is supposed to be our retirement … I’m ready to go back to work.
Enough rants … sorry.
I’ve got to go to the hospital now. Brother-in-law is in ICU.
Now this is real life. I was in LaLa Land for too long.
Have a great day!!! Can’t wait for Chinese Voice gig.
asif, good luck with all that renovation! Better to do it now, if you move in it’s never gonna happen
No wonder you love Kiev DVD, it’s marvelous! I have to rely on vids for Chinese gig, I will travel to capital for a weekend. Cooking Japanese food with friends and hot tub outdoors after that
But he’ll nail it, I hope it’s more than one song! Best recovery for your b-i-l.
These links are from bluenile from Atop.
Thank you very much bluenile.
They are great.
You may like to try the separate videos posted on the official site of The Voice China:
to list a few of Wei ZHANG(the glambert)’s performance:
A Change is Gonna Come: http://voice.5ige.cn/ilmusic/voice/video-detail.do?id=1149
My Way: http://voice.5ige.cn/ilmusic/voice/video-detail.do?id=1152
Tan Te (a Chinese song) + Bad: http://voice.5ige.cn/ilmusic/voice/video-detail.do?id=1146
Black or White: http://voice.5ige.cn/ilmusic/voice/video-detail.do?id=1015
And there has been another glambert on the stage, who sang Feeling Good:
Ha ! .. I’m still here visitting the past, Presh Adam.
and some more oldies .. AI time ..
Here’s another video of Adam at the Shanghai airport:
Aww so much excitement and screaming for Adam in these videos! Must be so surreal for him – to show up in China and get this kind of reception.
More pics from China:
I didn’t mean for so much time to go by in between posts. I’m alive and well. It’s just that time has a way of passing by very quickly, doesn’t it?
ulti!!! Welcome home! I’ve missed your beautiful avatar and wonderful posts. It’s so nice to see you again. I hope you and your family will be very happy once you’ve settled into your new home! All good thoughts for your brother-in-law.
It makes me sad to read comments that mention being jealous of mmm, dcglam, asif and sparkle for seeing Adam’s last concert. I’m not jealous of them at all.
I despise them!
Of course not! Was thrilled for all of you and, from your recaps, I know you had a great time. Y-a-y, very happy for all of you!
Dear cwm, I’ve been very remiss in wishing you all the best with your first job application and also in sharing your disappointment when it didn’t go through. I hope you’ll be successful with this second opportunity. They asked for you so it sounds good! Good luck!!
ETA: Cannot edit post.
ETA, the sequel: Yes, I can edit post.
Never mind.
Additional pics have emerged from the Rove LA taping. Very cute! Looks like fun!
And I think this one has been posted already, but it’s so great it deserves to be posted again!
The whole set on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.350923041663889.82200.126917254064470&type=1
Aww thanks Ron! Great to hear from you – I had noticed that you hadn’t been around these parts for a few days!
*psst* {whispers} I think you mean asifclueless, not ulti!
Hi Ron! Glad you’re back! And before you despise me too much, I missed out on St. Agathe too!
*psst* … I changed it. Thanks!
It’ll be our little secret.
Hi sparkle!!
And I missed out on meeting you in Ste.-Agathe!
Someday …
Apropos of nothing …
My father sent me an email this morning with this YouTube Link:
He said he was laughing so hard that he was in tears. Well, I wouldn’t go that far but it is kind of funny. Especially at the 2:47 mark with the last two ladies. They’re the best.
This takes place in the bed section of a German furniture store. Note that the sign says NOT to get on the bed, but … the best way to motivate people to do something is to put up a sign saying “Not to do something.”
AL, for some reason I can see you doing this or, for some reason, I wish I could see you doing this.
Ron, thanks for the laugh!! LOL. I really needed it today!!
Ron , hi! that youtube is funny!
Here is young Liam McEwan. Lead dancer. He is one talented guy!
I still have no “buttons”.
Can I just say I don’t like fan art?
TLKC and LadyNorth, that research is good news – I’m sticking to your story too!! I agree, no mention of the US or South America for WWRY is very good news and opens the door for Queen/Adam in 2013. Plus why bring WWRY here when the Extravaganza just toured the US (and Canada)? Brilliant! All appendages crossed for Q/A and Trespassing 2013!