- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
Sorry about all the bold, just got carried away.
You must have found mils buttons
I definitely hear ‘she’ in the LAX video, then he quickly looks towards Tommy. Maybe he suddenly realised what he said, he obviously wasn’t impressed with what he heard. The Gaga question was who would win in an arm wrestle. I like the way he started firing them with dumb qustions first.
rs, ITA agree with what you said about the scheduling, I’m sure some supporters of the cause were put in a position of choosing which way to spend their evening.
Oh well, at least Adam is doing something humanitarian tonight. Not that he would have gone to synagogue tonight, but some supporters may have or may not be there.
Have fun everyone, I’m off to synagogue myself.
To anyone who celebrates: Have a good fast.
So NZ is real
Sony Music NZ@SonyMusicNZ
We are very excited to have @adamlambert coming to NZ this October for promo! #AdamLambert2NZ #startflailing
ADAM LAMBERT is making his way to NZ! Keep ZM LOUD for your chance to meet him in person! He’s even co-hosting a show with @PollyZM
Adam is following Kat Von D now.
OMG a audio gate! ! ! Hilton gate? “he said” gate? New Gate! ! !YYYAAAAYY!
haha jlurk! I sent that video to my 2 brothers to get their opinion.
Access Hollywood & Enews are still reporting on the Paris Hilton thing. Logo has dropped her show (whatever show that was). I’ve followed the Hilton sisters since they were under-age, going to all the clubs and Paris has a history of saying dumb things! You can google and find out all the stupid utterances she’s said.
Adam uses the phrase “it’s just not worth it” a lot. This sounded like “she” to me. So maybe Hilton’s remark did make him angry and he didn’t feel like letting it slide. After all Hilton evoked the worst stereotypes possible about gay men, and she knows better. Adam would be completely justified to resent her. No need to be Mr Nice Guy in this situation.
Adam Lambert Events @adam_events
)” New Zealand!
“@pollyzm: Adam Lambert will be here Ocober 10th and 11th!! Let the glitter fly!!!
This is totally random…
Adam appeared on E! last night in a piece about the NFL replacement refs controversy. From a focus on the uproar over questionable calls on the field, they moved on to highlight some of “Hollywood’s most questionable calls” and showed brief footage of the Season 8 AI finale “as a befuddled nation somehow chose Kris Allen over Adam Lambert.” Haha
asifclueless – thank you so much for the lovely, kind things you said to me a page or so back. That was very sweet. And welcome back!
And mils my dear – there was no need for you to apologize for your post! Your post reminded me that you and many others have had ongoing job challenges of your own. I’ve been wondering how your job situation has been going and I appreciated the update. My best wishes to you for finding something permanent and satisfying very soon!
Thanks CWM! I do appreciate it!
So. I got back from services ( always inspirational, but, the sermon? OY VAY!! Took a little nappy poo right there in my seat!)
Turned on my TV, and BAM A RAMMA
What do I hear? Ring of Fire. Adam’s version, not his voice, but his version, in the music for the new ABC drama Chicago Fire. All his vocal runs, the whole shebang.
mils, here’s the commercial!
Of course that’s his voice singing ROF.
Adam even retweeted the link
He also tweets
Cracks me up!
Interesting little tidbit about Trespassing the single from someone (@starlyyte) who met Adam at the DC show last night.
I posted this on the DC 9:30 Club show thread, but because it’s important, I’m posting it on this thread as well. Hope that’s ok, eywflyer and AL!
Those of us who couldn’t go to the 9:30 Club show benefiting Marylanders for Marriage Equality can still donate to this important cause here:
Adam said in an interview that he wanted to alert and galvanize his “amazing fanbase” to the cause.
mils – that is DEFINITELY Adam’s voice on ROF in that Chicago Fire ad! That’s from his studio recording of the song.
Got back late today from my long and exhausting and stressful and wonderful weekend in Maryland (small family reunion on Sunday with relatives I haven’t met until they fell out of the internet! before moving on to visit Adamized).
She was feeling a bit better today when I left, probably eager to have me gone so she could bury herself in the vids from last night! She is such a trouper! was totally willing to make herself do whatever we decided to choose last night (Was it only last night???) We still think we made the right choice, but damn it was hard! Truly between a rock and a hard place…fortunately, those Adam vids we were counting on did materialize! I don’t have time to go over to the 9:30 concert thread tonight – have a lot of catchup work to do at my desk – but am looking forward to savoring every pixel!
We did meet and greets with Lindsey Stirling, and I wanted to compare them to Adam M&Gs because I have nothing else to compare his to. Her M&G was so much fun, her assistants so welcoming, there was no stress, no negativism, no hurrying along…and TBH, I think it actually moved more smoothly and quickly than Adam’s with Lane making snide comments and Neil being grouchy, and everyone did photos and signatures and relaxed chatting for a moment or two without feeling pressured. I think that because of the lower stress level, we all felt more satisfied even though the actual time spent with her was no longer than my time with Adam.
BTW, one of Lindsey’s opening acts, “The Vibrant Sound” has a charity song with the proceeds going to providing water for children in the 3d world (so there is a tiny bit of relevance for this blog!):
and they have another song whose words really resonated with me…get past the opening and really listen to the lyrics:
They are adorable and earnest young men, but I can’t help but compare them with Adam at the same age. He had such a presence on stage, it was clear to the most casual bystander that he would find success one day (or if not, that there was something seriously wrong with the universe!). These guys will probably need to keep their day jobs, but I enjoyed the performance and downloaded some songs.
Thanks for the link above, cwm, I will donate as soon as I finish this post. If marriage equality passes, I will be BURSTING with pride for my beautiful Free State! My Maryland flag is folded neatly, ready to run up the flagpole when the initiative passes. (If it fails, I’ll fly it at half staff, but right now I won’t even think about that.)

I wonder if ROF will be the opening song for the show every week or just for this promo?
Adam in German magazine BRAVO
damn! didnt make the cut to @adamlambert’s taping tonight! too many people. didnt know i had to be super early.
Wow. What a difference good audio makes. I’ve listened to the ad via my computer, and of course it’s Adam!!
LOL, I heard it on my little TV that we keep in the kitchen and it has an antenna!! And now I know it has bad audio!!
Of course that’s Adam in his recorded ROF!!
I have a feeling it’s just for promo, most shows don’t seem to have theme music anymore.
Just clicked on for a minute, wish I had time to catch up on the posts of the past few days! Tomorrow… mils, your comment was perfect with this link that someone sent me today!
Pic from the ROVE LA show.
Same suit, same shoes, still no socks, different shirt.
I do not see the need for the extra large suitcase to DC!
I guess he needed his thingses! Or he had Sauli in there!
HiMils It looks like we exchanged likes over at MJ’s. Just wanted to say I really miss the Australian licorice. We have no Cosco or Whole Foods in our area so I feel rather out of the loop at times. I’d also like to try the salty licorice Sauli has mentioned. It might be alittle too intense tho. Lots of Adam excitement now. Loved last night and still working on my Arizona trip. Got my concert ticket today in the mail and that makes things seem more real. The next three weeks will go fast.
Jojosie, I buy Australian licorice at RiteAid drugstores. They often have it on sale, too.
If you can’t find it, let me know and I will send you a supply. kradamour@gmail.com
Hi Jo, the licorice is from Trader Joe’s , but, they do have it at Whole Foods. I’ve never seen the salty licorice anywhere though.
So excited for your Phoenix trip. Is goatie going?
A question for anyone who knows: when does that Rove thing air?
I think I figured it out! It’s the rugs! There were 3 – count em three – animal print rugs on the stage in DC. Check it out! One under Adam, one under Brian, and one under the VJJ’s.
Those babies gotta be packed somewhere, and I’m thinking they were all folded up neatly inside Adam’s suitcase.
That totally explains the need for the super-sized suitcase for an overnight. And of course explains why, despite the huge suitcase, there wasn’t any room for socks!
That’s my story and I’m sticking to it. LOL
mils – I think it airs on Sunday Sept 30, but I don’t know what time.
I went to see Adam at the Rove L.A. taping. There were a bunch of V.I.P.s that entered before everyone else in line. After they entered the guy in charge came over to us and said numbers 1-33 would probably be let in. I was number 34. I was so disappointed. I also didn’t realize I should have left earlier. My other mistake was not checking in immediately when I arrived. That really cost me. I would love to hear about it, if anyone here was at the show. Jlurksacto were you wearing an orange T-shirt?
Rove McManus@Rove
An incredible first #RoveLA show you WILL NOT WANT TO MISS. Thank you @rustyrockets, @adamlambert and @kristenschaaled
Bad luck glitterpatti, how frustrating to be so close
nkd, LOL at the Sauli remark, I must admit that that thought had crossed my mind when I saw the big suitcase too.
You were looking in my livingroom window?? Not me. Had a chance to go
with @ovationimpact (Karen) – road trip, but decided not to. Karen and
other people that didn’t get in decided to see Raja.
From twitter. An account of the Rove LA taping
Anyway, you can read the rest of her tweets and convos here
Sounded like a fun time!
Good interview with Adam on MTV Australia:
On MTV: http://www.mtv.com.au/shows/MTV-Interviews/episodes/adam-lambert-interview-2012/video/adam-lambert-interview-2012-836712/
On youtube if MTV doesn’t work for you: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wy6vDN0d7LU&feature=youtu.be
So sorry you didn’t get into the ROVE show yesterday, jlurksacto. I guess Adam is a big draw whenever and wherever. NVM. Next time, we all know to show up at the crack of dawn.
BTW, cwm, thanks for the link to donate to Question 6. I just got my new credit card (it was “compromised” by someone who needed a lot of automotive equipment).
Anyway, back in business, so-to-speak.
A question for anyone who knows: when does that Rove thing air?
Here it is on TV guide network at midnight saturday.
Hello, Ginger. I heard it was airing Sunday in the US and am wondering if we will get it in Canada at the same time or if at all.
Thanks Krad for your kind offer. We don’t have RiteAid here either. We are just getting a couple new CVSs so I will check there and Walgreens. If I get desperate I’ll e-mail you. Thanks again. Mils Goatie will only be there the night of the concert as she’s attending a meeting in Tucson. There are about 8 from here signed on already and I’m sure some of the California people we met in Des Moines will be there. MadnessinMotion sent me a message that she was close and yet too far away to make the trip. I would have loved to see her again. I guess there is always next year and hopefully Queen with Adam.
Yep, doing yard work about seven hours north of Burbank.
Your ticket from Ground Control (presale) or ticketmaster?
TLKC. Midnight to one AM probably is considered Sunday.
I have been out of touch with you all for days, but am sitting in the Tampa airport, and they just played BTIKM!!! It sounded sooo good…I love that song…very meaningful to me. I hope to catch up on ALL next week!
After Radar Online posted it, Adam’s brief non-comment about Paris Hilton at the airport has been picked up favorably by AfterElton and Instinct Magazine as a “perfect” “all class with just a little bit of sass” response.
AfterElton: http://www.afterelton.com/meme-09-27-2012
Instinct: http://instinctmagazine.com/blogs/blog/this-is-adam-lambert-s-perfect-response-to-paris-hilton-s-anti-gay-comments?directory=100011
Other little tidbits:
This cute pair won a contest to get a meet & greet with Adam in Shanghai with this video of them singing Trespassing. It’s actually pretty good and very sweet. I just think it’s so cool that Adam has fans in all corners of the world:
Photo of the day by Christie Goodwin – a gorgeous pic of Adam with Queen at the Hammersmith:
For those of you who haven’t visited the DC 9:30 Club show thread lately, there are some new treats continuing to be posted there for you to enjoy, including gifs, photos, and recaps. Definitely worth checking out!
Adam Lambert – Shady | Dance | BeStreet
BEGINNERS CLASS in BeStreet! Enjoy
Slow news day …
This is my fav dances to Adam’s Shady & Trespassing
ps..I still have no buttons!
Interesting article in showbiz411 re Amazon pretty much giving away New Green Day and No Doubt albums – five bucks – taking a haircut – concession that no money can be made from actual album sales – means albums will do much better in charts next than might otherwise – revenue has to come from live performances, etc., etc.