September finds blond Adam back in the US after a busy August touring Japan and Australia. What’s in store for us this month? A third single announcement? Confirmation about Idol judges (is Adam one of them?!)? More speculation of a Queen+Adam tour or possibly an actual Trespassing tour? Will he add more shows in the coming months? Even Adam’s hairdresser does not know for sure. So while we wait, continue to chat away about anything and everything Adam related. Enjoy!


2,830 Responses to September 2012 Chat

  1. milwlovesadam says:

    Eywflyer, I lost my buttons again when you did your renovations a few days ago.

    Oh well, I’ll just be BOLD in caps until you can fix it.

  2. JOJOSIE says:

    Asifclueless I definitely think Glambotgramneeds to be in the naughty corner after that picture she posted back on page 44. I was shocked (lie) Big Smile

  3. milwlovesadam says:

    HK, I also don’t get the whole Tommy cray thing. He’s way too pretty, doesn’t smile, the head banging gets old for me, and, I do think there are better guitar players out there. IMHO.

    To each their own. Potayto/pohtahtoe. Spumoni ice cream. Rainbow sherbet.

    Those shippers creep me out. So does fanfic. I’m so grateful for the safety here. And for the non-cray.

    Well, except for me, nkd and glambotgram… Muwahhahahahaha!!

  4. milwlovesadam says:

    Hi Jojosie!! Waving!!

    How are your plans for Phoenix coming?

  5. ultimathule says:

    At Hot 99.5 in D.C., you could call in at 4:40 today for tickets for tomorrow night.

  6. luval says:
  7. glambotgram says:

    JOJOSIE the picture was purely for research purposes, I needed to research(and show mils) my reasons for taking the right side of the toreador pants stuffer inner job. Wink Sweat

    That’s my story and I am sticking to it!

  8. JOJOSIE says:

    Mils I could say you’ve lost more than your buttons. You know I love you anyway. Hope your feeling back to your normal self. Razz

  9. JOJOSIE says:

    So far I’ve booked my flight and hotel and have my concert ticket. Haven’t done anything on the Grand Canyon tour yet but that’s left to do. Do you remember the lady from Oregon that went to the Luau with us? She’s coming and taking your place as my roommate. Anyone else here still thinking about coming? Our number is at eight as of now.

  10. milwlovesadam says:

    LOL. But, will she bring you black Australian licorice?

    I remember her. Very very nice gal.

    Aww. Jojosie, I’m as “normal” as ever.

    Whatever the heck that is…

  11. dcglam says:

    ultimathule says:
    09/24/2012 at 7:11 pm
    At Hot 99.5 in D.C., you could call in at 4:40 today for tickets for tomorrow night.

    Well, this is the first time I have seen this radio station here in DC do something to support Adam. They never ever play his music, and I in return have quit listening to them. Yeah, I know that it is Ryan Seacrest’s station. Doesn’t matter….. They NEVER play Adam. weep

    ETA: And this was one of Adam’s radio promo stops when he was here in the area during March. Sadz… Sad

  12. HK fan says:

    Today : First Radio Station In Egypt And Middle East @NileFM Played “TRESPASSING” They Said M.Jackson Isn’t Dead He’s Alive In @adamlambert

  13. luval says:

    JoJosie…I won’t know until next week if I’m going to Phoenix. Hope I can work it all out!

  14. asifclueless says:

    OH MY GOSH!!!! JOJOSIE and glambotgram and mils and all of you on page 44, you had so much fun with the folds of the fabric. Evil Grin

    If you all have already taken to smooth the center, right and left, then what left for me … on top?
    Nah … That’s the place for Sauli.

    Off .. to the corner .. give me some room, please.

  15. milwlovesadam says:

    Oh my asif, oh oh my, as I’ve already stated, I am not looking for anything to be smooth. Nope. Not at all.


  16. ultimathule says:

    HK fan that news makes me so happy. Thanks!

  17. asifclueless says:

    Hi rs .. Thanks for the welcome.

    I’ve missed the Middle East already. I’ll be posting with you and LadyNorth on your time zone when I can’t sleep.
    I’m retired now though I’m only 29 Wink
    Hubbie wanted to retire eventhough he didn’t have to.
    I’ll be a full time poster here.

  18. TLKC says:

    Welcome home as if. I fell into the same trap as you did. HK fan was kidding!

    The new drummer isn’t as cute as Isaac but his drumming is more important than his looks. I would love to know if this is temporary or not.

    So excited for everyone seeing Adam tomorrow night. I guess he’s going back to LA to tape that ROVE show before he leaves for Shanghai. Jet lag big time.

  19. asifclueless says:

    Thanks … TLKC.
    I’ll get back to HK fan later .. watch out Gurl!!!

    Adam will introduce kale juicing to his new drummer pretty soon. Ha..ha..


  20. cwm says:

    “I don’t need no sympathy
    I won’t cry and whine.
    Life’s my light and liberty
    And I’ll shine when I wanna shine.
    Make their faces crack
    There’s no turning back.
    Let’s go!”

    A few pages ago, y’all listened so supportively to my job non-promotion saga. Update: after having officially come to terms with being passed over for the promotion at my workplace, I just threw my hat in the ring for the national-level position for which I was invited to apply!

    I probably won’t get it, but it felt empowering to apply anyway. Thanks for the boost of confidence! Smile

    And dammit, I am gettin’ my ass to Phoenix for Adam’s show! After the month I’ve had, I deserve it. Really looking forward to seeing many of you there!

  21. TLKC says:

    Thanks, Cher. I eat micro-waved popcorn. A couple of years back I would eat it 3-4 times a week as part of my nutruitionist’s diet plan. It was a “healthy snack”. Just started up again and I’m going to stop. Sincerely, thanks.

    I can’t believe the popcorn makers have until 2015 to phase out the bags.

  22. cwm says:

    So who here is going to tomorrow night’s DC show at the 9:30 Club? I’m jealous – I think it’s gonna be fabulous. Have a blast!

  23. TLKC says:

    I can’t go to Phoenix – too close to my convention – but I am definitely up for an Adam concert at some point after that. We will have to see what he gets up to.

  24. TLKC says:

    LOL as if! I would love to see them all chowing down on kale. Maybe Adam can put it on his contract as a rider: kale smoothies for everyone before the show.

  25. mmm222 says:

    cwm: dcglam, ultimathule, and I will be at the concert together tomorrow night. I’m really happy to attend this concert and support the cause for marriage equality because I feel so strongly about it. Seeing Adam and being in the company of dcglam and ulti makes it that much better. I’ll post a recap on Wednesday.

    I’m really pleased that you will definitely be coming to Phoenix, cwm. And luval, I really hope you can join us too. We have a great group coming. Check out the planning thread for details.

  26. luval says:

    They just showed a short clip but “fiery” singer on The Voice made it through singing WWFM. She went with Christina.

  27. dcglam says:

    I saw that, luval!!! Grin

  28. luval says:

    I really don’t care for the Voice so it was just luck I had that segment on. I actually have 2 tv’s. One with Dancing With the Stars (the all-stars are fantastic), the other with The Voice.

  29. milwlovesadam says:

    I love my Uverse. Taping 2 shows while I watch HBO and hubby watches the Packers.

  30. asifclueless says:

    Update: after having officially come to terms with being passed over for the promotion at my workplace, I just threw my hat in the ring for the national-level position for which I was invited to apply!

    Dear cwm .. I’m late to the party again.

    Best of luck!!! Hope it’s brighter and betterer than the passed over one.
    When a door is closed, there are many windows opened to air the stinky stuff out! … asif-ism

    truly, cwm, I’ve admired your knowledge and skills and how organized you are ever since mjs time.
    I always looked forward to your posts of knowledge and information. You’ve done that long before we learnt how to do it here. Also your posts are neutral and level-headed not cray cray like mine. I guess, you never get modded at mjs.

    Hope to hear good news about your job.

    Fingers Crossed Clover Rose Star Heart

  31. milwlovesadam says:

    cwm, I’m hoping the best for you. I’m also feeling the pain of a lot of rejection for the first time in my career. I’m temping now with no benefits and no set hours. And I just heard from an old colleague friend of mine who had her group contract dropped and the whole team now has to interview for their jobs. Oh, with a pay cut to boot!!

    These are rough times!

  32. dcglam says:

    It looks as though the gang may be in town…..

    If so, it is interesting that they flew into Dulles which is in Virginia instead of Reagan National in DC. My daughter lives only 15 minutes away from Dulles International.

    ETA: Ha, they probably figured that all the Glamberts would be waiting at the DC airport!Wink

  33. dcglam says:

    Better times are in the horizon for both of you, mils and cwm! Fingers Crossed Fingers Crossed

  34. HK fan says:

    wish I could be saying I was going to a concertFrown

    I will just have to fill up on videos and pictures.
    I’ve been watching some of the Idol performances again the last few days, and have just watched The Glambert Project, hope Adam gets to see it.

    Just saw this photo on twitter, its rather nice..

  35. cher says:

    Adam arriving at airport

  36. nkd says:

    I’m interested in the hair under that cap! Looks closely cut on the sides and a bit brownish. Natural color maybe on the sides?

  37. nkd says:

    Another pic

    (I can’t get the link to paste right, so add the .jpg to the end after you click on it, or c/p the link)

  38. nkd says:
  39. nkd says:

    Clip from The Voice with the girl singing WWFM

  40. ultimathule says:

    Sent you an email, Krad

  41. nkd says:

    Announce Hair has changed again!!!!! Announce

    Adam Lambert ‏@adamlambert
    @amlcrazy yes the hair hath changed. Hair grows,color gets cut away. Abreea (my hair designer) and i had our usual fun.Will b on display 2m

  42. ultimathule says:

    Love that “ANNOUNCEMENT” nkd. So funny. Any guesses as to what’s it like. Guess the grey has had its day (lol, rhymes).

  43. ultimathule says:

    Gawd – hope it’s not shaved again. Did I see a reddish stripe on the left side?

  44. riskylady says:

    I think Adam would look stunning with copper hair, like a new penny, with eyebrows to match…..

    Trespassing up a litle on iTunes Pop 200, from 135 to 132. It’s movin’ still slow and steady, which is encouraging. Love that they played it in Egypt! Those people need some good music in their lives!

  45. ultimathule says:

    Well, he’s been tweeting about you-know-who. A tribute haircut? Getting a wee nervous.

  46. ultimathule says:

    Copper hair with those pale eyes – Erik the Red?

  47. milwlovesadam says:

    Who is he tweeting about?

  48. ultimathule says:

    Boy George, riskylady – he did that once before. Pic with hat and one side shaved – scared the bejeesus out of us. Thought he went whole hog.

  49. milwlovesadam says:

    LOL. It’s reverse mohawk with copper sides.


    It’s copper sides and a rainbow on top. Like that guy from the fashion shows.

  50. nkd says:

    There appears to be hair on both sides w sideburns, so no worry there. I don’t see a red streak riskylady.
    It does look like the silver may still be on the tips on top, with the peek through the little tiny holes in his cap!
    It’s always a mystery! Grin

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