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Adam is looking all professional and worldly and just like a judge lol…with just enough of a knowing smirk.

Well chosen!
Hi Kradamour! I agree, gorgeous photo choice.
Happy September to everyone who turns 29 again, like me
Great pic for the month, love Adam’s silver blonde and eye contact to die for! Here’s to some kind of news soon: Idol,Aussie Voice show, promo, tour, tv, more twitter parties, anything!
Oooo, forgot, tomorrow is club night! Will we get stealth videos from spgs trying to blend in?
Wow – chest hair! That’s a changeof pace! I agree Kradamour – he looks ready to take on the role of Idol Judge. I bet someone could find a picture of Simon with that same smirk!
Love the picture too.
I know there were pix of the dolls on the August thread. Did anyone post the website? I like the Zodiac Adam…
Simon doesn’t have quite the same effect for me.
Ellessay, happy belated birthday! So sorry we missed it on your day, Aug 30. Hoping that your day was a memorable one!

You knew I would love your photo choice, AL….
I believe it is my avi!!!
My prediction for Sept, Adam claims his Idol judges seat! !
Happy belated birthday, Ellessay! All good wishes for this 29th year of yours….
I guess it’s tomorrow on the East Coast so I’m gonna bring this over here.
I don’t know about that…he did a pretty good job of keeping Queen (EMA’s) quiet.
And a big, belated Happy Birthday from me to you, Ellessay.
Thanks for the birthday wishes. I’ve got 29 years experience at being 29. Maybe I’ll turn 30 next year.
I think the (platinum) hair is growing on me (at least based on the pic above). Of course, that probably means…a change is gonna come.
Woo hoo! I was waiting to see the first platinum pic in the honoured monthly spot. I also just realized the time. After midnight. Got to go to bed. See you tomorrow!
Happy birthday Ellessay! You should do what my friend does. When she got to 30 she started counting back. She’s 11 now.
My prediction for September: jlurksacto is the smartest, most accurate, most clairvoyant guy in the universe.
Yes, ALL.org is based on GMT (Glambert Mean Time

or ET (Eywflyer Time) if you prefer.
And thank you for the daily inspiration dcglam that subconsciously influenced the choice for this month’s photo!
Where’s Waldo??
Maybe howling at the blue moon?
Probably playing dress up, for tomorrow nights event.
Maybe he is still gazing at the moon and stars above…..

Gah AL I adore that picture you chose for September! What can I say, but thank you thank you thank you.
Well, I must say, tonight has been a good time on MJs. I haven’t had that much fun on a thread at MJs in a long time. It was fun to see so many of us ALLers there!
Yep, and like all other clairvoyant people, wrong fifty percent of the time
and fianlly, got a deletion at MJ’s. Think that is worth a beer.
This must be the E! News blurb (with an Adam mention) that luval mentioned earlier in the evening…
Just got back – saw two of your posts, jlurksacto – good man!
Would have liked to have seen the one that was zapped.
A lovely pic: http://twitpic.com/apsjye
Werk it Adam! http://via.me/-4lsq3eq
Thanks Shosh! I need answers! SOON!
Nkd….how many times do I have to ask “what are you doing up”!
Gorgeous pic up top. Almost forgot we were flipping calendars. Still not 100% with the hair though. I have a friend at work I gifted a Queen cd with and she really hates the hair. She said his beautiful dark hair and blue eyes were things she looked forward to when I sent her interviews or videos. I’m not the only shallow one.
But I have to keep in mind it’s not what I want, it’s what Adam is happy with.
Good morning! I was just over at MJ’s and I absolutely loved your post cwm. The two videos you put up were answer enough to the negative nabobs of negativism and I put in a “like” and a happy reply.
I also saw jlurksacto – you got deleted?
One thing I noticed about MJ’s post, and I just commented on it, is that she got the EW article wrong. A few works from a key sentence are missing.
The EW article clearly says that Enrique is runner-up for Keith’s spot, e.g. if they can’t take care of the Country market they will take care of the Latino market. Then it says that Adam is in the mix – as a possible 4th judge. It is kind of funny because a lot of the negative posts are based on a mistaken reading.
If the EW article is accurate, Adam is looking good at the moment.
TLKC…I always know you’ll set things straight from mj’s!
Jlurk’s post was a funny one too! Maybe when he gets up & reads this he’ll re-post it here.
This is a good fun fan video.
I am dying to know what was deleted. Was it a response to the “mannerisms” post?
TLKC…if I remember it was just a couple of lines about the blog itself (which is a no-no there). Something like “if Adam gets the Idol job there’s going to be hair pulling & eye gouging, etc. on this blog.”
It could be the mannerisms post too. Maybe she deleted a couple of his posts!
Good Morning
I’ve been following the thread on MJ’s. It’s the first time I went back to that site after being permanently banned .
Would someone post something for me?
If you can find musical director Michael Orland’s tweet that read if he was in on the negotiations, the first time Adam’s name came up, it would have been a done deal. Or, words to that effect. It’s just another example of the high regard and respect the people at Idol have for Adam.
None of the posts mention this and I think it’s a good thing to point out.
Oh, I wonder if my post was deleted. I also suggested that she must be tearing her hair out at the thought of all the deleting and moderating she was going to have to do if Adam got the job.
I swear she mis-translated the EW article accidentally on purpose to save herself a little grief. Not intentional – freudian slip.
Hi Ron – I’ll do it. Back in a minute. Shuffles off….
Hi luval!! Email received and … will do!
Okay Ron. here’s what I put:
“Over the long haul it IS about the format and the contestants and Idol doesn’t need four mega-watt celebrity judges. What they need, if mega-watts Mariah and Nicki are both on the panel, is for everybody to get along a little bit. In that context, Keith, who is very laid back, and Adam, who is well-known by Idol from a behind-the scenes point-of-view, are great complementary additions.
FYI, Idol music director Michael Orland tweeted the other day that if it was up to him, Adam would be a done-deal for judge.”
I’m glad you put that out there TLKC. Thanks! You just know though that someone is going to say Orland is irrelevant or how good it is that he’s not picking judges.
Have to go grocery shopping. Will look for any follow up comments over there when I get back.
Adam seems to have adopted the lower neckline shirts quite a bit in the last months. That’s a good sign, I think, that he is feeling good about his body and shedding some of the baggage of having been overweight/feeling unattractive as a teen. Ditto for going onstage in shorts (even though the boots came up to his knees lol…)

A good healthy physical relationship can have that effect…sending a big “thank you” to Sauli for Adam’s improved self-image!
Saw your posts, TLKC & “liked” them!! Really, I did!
I think the majority of the posts…wow way over 200 now are positive for Adam. Hope TPTB read mj’s. I think they might as I believe her blog is known to the Idol people.
A comment under a youtube:
Yup, that about says it.
and another:
Happy belated, ellessay! Another virgo sister! Hope you had a great day and will have a wonderful year, and that you will spend a lot of it with us on the blog! I always love your posts, thoughtful and interesting.
TLKC, that counting backwards thing…um…I haven’t been born yet. Hard to post from the womb. Just saying.

Hi kradamour…did you see this short fan video from Australia? The v-neck is in the back. I’ve never seen this before. I love love love this shirt.
LOL Kradamour, then you are probably around my age and remember when the open shirt was an “Italian Stallion” sort of thing, about which I was very ambivalent. Funny how Adam can make all things attractive, no matter what your aesthetic.
MJ just corrected me – there is an “or” in the EW article which says Enrique for Keith or for the 4th spot if Keith gets the 3rd spot. Very awkward wording. Why not say Enrique is top prospect, period.
I wonder what’s going on with Enrique. He has two concerts in September but he and Jennifer cancelled their Orlando concert tomorrow night for “logistical” reasons. I hope J-Lo just wanted to get home to her babies.
OK after sifting thru every.drop.of.is.Adam.a.judge.or.not!
One phrase sticks in my mind, Adam said, and I dont want to quote, I will let you know when I get the green light.
Does that mean he will let us know when AI gives him the green light to tell us he has the job, or does it mean when he gets the green light from AI that he got the job. Will the PI’s please decifer???
Is it the same as when he said he will be going to the EMAs for a little thing with Queen?
hmmm. Orlando Sentinel says poor ticket sales. Last show of tour is tonight in Miami.
“Inquiring minds might want to know if logistical issues have anything to do with poor ticket sales. It seems like a pretty easy commute from Miami to Orlando.”
Enrique hasn’t receive a lot of favorable posts on his possible Idol judging stint. Someone said he’s as boring as goldfish. LOL
I just hope it doesn’t turn out to be some obscure, hardly talked about person like Mark Anthony getting the position.
hi, happy September, I really love the photo at the top of the page, I could stare at it all day…..actually I pretty msuh do somedays!!!
I’m like cwm and have quite enjoyed that thread at MJ’s, the other threads have been so boring lately.
I’m going to stop worrying about Idol, we’ll know when we know…..saying that I’ll probably be back to anguishing at the next rumour.
Am off to bed, had a very tiring day with my sons 13th birthday, we took him and 7 friends camping, so activites and camp fire outdoors (doesn’t happen very often in HK), in fact for most of them it was their first time camping. I stayed till 10, then have left my husband and all the boys up there. it was supposed to be a boys only adventure, so I should be grateful they allowed me to go along during the day and evening!!!