- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
Thank you, thank you very much to whoever realized that #AdamLambert deserves to be included among the vocalists who will honor the King! ??
Thanks for posting this!
I miss that jawline.
Introducing #RamiMalek as the very first @GQMiddleEast cover star. We’re just gona sit back and look at this for a while…
That cover is not a flattering pic of Rami. I’ve seen much nicer ones.
Lol ulti, remember that old word “florid”? Describes that NYT review to me. Also, “gushing.” At least, until the end.
Yass to your post!
Third episode was the charm.
I have to catch up with AHS. Watched first two. DVR’d last two.
9h9 hours ago
New @adamlambert IG story (rotated)
https://scontent-dfw5-1.cdninstagram.com/vp/2995f9118e051daf793bdde51152fb69/5BB79C11/t50.12441-16/42892997_702323760125886_4300560396414062908_n.mp4 …
7h7 hours ago
From @adamlambert instagram stories “October Mood”
For those interested in 3D stereo for your smart phone
Posted by Roger (he’s on Instagram now). Looks like Rami to me but it’s Freddie
Off by an episode
Last night AHS was amazing
7h7 hours ago
Instagram Is Deciding the Future of Concerts, Says LeRoy Bennett – Rolling Stone
4m4 minutes ago
NEW PHOTO OF @adamlambert from #AStarIsBorn premiere https://www.instagram.com/p/BohnOYYhggH/
It does seem like a long time ago
Writer for the Elvis show. He worked on 2012 Diva’s show with Adam.
Tom and Lorenzo review A Star is Born
They want a DVD
Movie sounds great, luval, but still have no desire to see it. Didn’t care for the Garland/Streisand ones either – just immune to this type of flick, I guess –
Now – if the boy were in it – lol –
Gelly @14gelly
He says he ‘s gotta to go to NYC to watch Terrance in Hamilton. Live ig is from the corner of his bedroom lol . It’s nice to be home cause he has time to work on his music. Do you like roller coasters. Yes I do.
I am in an Elvis special and I love Elvis!
Gelly @14gelly
Pharoh is on the corner. He’s camera shy lol .
Gelly @14gelly
awww while he had Pharoh on the training camp they were sending him videos every day to see how he’s doing , sweet!
Favorite artists. There is a band called SPORTS and Bobi Andonov .
About series he loved Penny Dreadful with his friend Reeve Carney
Gelly @14gelly
About movies “I have a couple of things already filmed so stay tuned”
Gelly @14gelly
Awww Adam. ” I don’t lie, I am not good at lying and some motherfuckers in this industry lie all the time ” “laughs”
Gelly @14gelly
He did pilates this morning , he has a pilates teacher that goes to his house
CAPS from @adamlambert’s live instagram that started a few minutes ago
Actually this was a thank you for the 10-4 12:00 AM pics!
#AdamLambert just did an IG Story Live! He does have opinions and he shared some tonight as some of the questions he was asked were better than usual. PS, he looked amazing as usual!
Gelly @14gelly
Ohhh at the beginning of the live instagram he said he just got home from a studio session!
Adam Lambert live from his IG 4-10-2018
Very nice of him to do this live instagram. He is so normal!! But the questions….nothing new…same ole thing! No one asked him about his new house (not that he would answer), nothing much about QAL, his favorite ice cream lol
He wants to go to New York to see Terrance in Hamilton. He has seen an LA production & he said it was intelligent. Not amazing, not incredible…intelligent. Hmmmm.
Of course I loved him talking about his hair! And probably not a “knot” on top. Man bun lol. Can’t wait to see this 70’s hippie hair. Hope he doesn’t give up and lets it groooooooooow!
Other than the Elvis special I would have asked if he has anything else down the pipe. Not that he could answer, of course. Maybe letting his hair grow for that production of Hair coming up in 2019? Hope so!
this this is about XFactor when “stars” went to Simon Cowell’s house:
12m12 minutes ago
Ahh so Adam collaborated with Robbie for the show! Yay! ?RT @jeanjenie: So we should be seeing Adam on tele soon then
Verified account @QueenWillRock
2m2 minutes ago
Here’s a clip of a new short film where we dig out some of the Hidden Gems from Queen’s career including My Melancholy Blues, I’m In Love With My Car and Princes of The Universe.
Watch in full on YouTube here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cJMNrp9T7pM …
Directed & narrated by Simon Lupton.
Hollywood Reporter
Verified account @THR
13m13 minutes ago
How Oscar producer Neil Meron is “adjusting” after collaborator Craig Zadan’s death http://thr.cm/dHuvUy
A rendering what he would look like after the hair has grown. (I hope not)
14m14 minutes ago
TY ??!
5m5 minutes ago
No 7 (He’s No 1 in my book) “Brian May had such a tone in his head and in his fingers, it speaks volumes. He is a genius” (And he’s still playing like a young rockstar with Queen + Adam Lambert!)
Site seems to be down from my iphone. Am using laptop right now. Maybe an iphone problem?
Anyone else having this problem?
ETA: Seems to be working now.
They say he’s deleted his IG live.
Here is another youtube version in case the other one is not in sync
Consensus on twitter about his live instagram was that most people who could ask decent questions were asleep! I agree!
I felt bad for that. He won’t want to do it anymore.
Actually, it was only 8:00ish – 9:00-ish pm on the west coast during Adam’s live chat, so plenty of us were awake, and we’re not exactly slouches out here on the west coast! I watched the chat live, and could see all of the questions coming at Adam. He got a number of good questions, including ones about his new house, what’s coming next, etc. – he just chose not to answer them or didn’t see them. Remember just because he doesn’t talk about something doesn’t mean he didn’t get asked! Questions were coming at him even as he was prompting us for more questions, but sometimes there wasn’t a great question visible at key moments when he was ready for one. Granted, there were a lot of “I love you’s”, “say hi to meeee”, “come to [place]”, etc., so it was kind of a mixed bag in that regard.
I loved how relaxed and chatty he was. It was a real treat just to listen to and watch him talk about things he felt like talking about!
I always love hearing about his opinions and perspectives on things (e.g. social media, music industry, playing Las Vegas, what he looks for in a guy, how his heart is doing, etc.), even if he doesn’t tell us “news”. I think it’s adorable how often he scratches his head, runs his hand through his hair, and strokes his beard while he’s chatting. 
I also 100% appreciated what he said about women, the need for empathy and understanding in these difficult times, etc. He’s a good man
And he showed us his jewelry box and his sunglasses collection! Loved that he shared those glimpses. Next I want him to show us his closet!
33s33 seconds ago
X Factor EXCLUSIVE WITH A NEW PHOTO : @leonalewis and @adamlambert at Judges Houses for @TheXFactor. Adam Lambert who since appearing on the show in 2009 has gone onto have staggering success, including a worldwide tour w the rock band @QueenWillRock
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-6245105/X-Factor-winner-Leona-Lewis-joins-Adam-Lambert-Judges-Houses.html …
I didn’t see the feed, but saw a good part of the visual IG. I can understand why seeing all the comments/questions flowing past would give a perspective on how many were responding. So, thanks for telling us about that cwm, totally loved his answers.
Also agree with luval that he “looked so normal”. He did say he wasn’t wearing any makeup; I can remember when he seemed to feel he always had to wear it, so I love both the self confidence and honesty he’s showing us now.
I too had a strong sense as I was watching him chat that he just seemed so “normal” and “real” in that moment! That’s why I loved how relaxed and chatty and unguarded/honest he was
Verified account @adamlambert
1m1 minute ago
Replying to @RyanJL
Hey ??
Think he was replying to this:
Ryan Love
2m2 minutes ago
Replying to @adamlambert
Hey you, you make a very lovely Amber ???
Typo(?) error in this
My fav duo, Leona Lewis and Amber Lambert #xfactor
Hans Hansen
4h4 hours ago
Got to see Bohemian Rhapsody last night in an early preview. Amazing performances and a very well made film that tells a good story. @ItsRamiMalek of course stands out, but the rest of the band is well portrayed. ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ #BohemianRhapsody #Queen #FreddieMercury
it’s frickin bats i love halloween
19h19 hours ago
so we saw an advanced screening of Bohemian Rhapsody and my heart is swelling and the tears were real. go see it when it comes out in November. please ?#BohemianRhapsody
5m5 minutes ago
Adam’s IG story: ‘Yeah buddy! @ isaiahmusicofficial’ https://instagram.fhel5-1.fna.fbcdn.net/vp/db589d1161574360b29dca94504192f5/5BBA43C0/t51.12442-15/e35/42929271_175808363309929_1311787032623731307_n.jpg?ig_cache_key=MTg4MzY3NTg3NTg3NTM2NDg1NA%3D%3D.2 … ~ #CloseToMe
(I think he likes Isaiah’s hair too…man bun
HaHa Adam’s face
4h4 hours ago
NEW PHOTO .Drinks w/ Me & @adamlambert tonight at my friend Jesse St James BDay & single release Party! ⭐️⭐️⭐️???? #danieldicriscio
https://www.instagram.com/p/Bolc8qEB3gw/?utm_source=ig_share_sheet&igshid=1g0ebqrv3vh6b …
Birthday boy’s pic
The opera singer that sang with Freddie has passed away
Per Shoshanna and Lilybop, XFactor schedule:
Check out Adam helping Ayda at her judges houses and also present at Simon’s too
I’d missed Monday’s episode! ?#XFactor Judges Houses 1 airs Monday Oct. 8 at 8 pm ET on @AXSTV in the U.S. Also Judges Houses Pt 1 & 2 airs Sunday Oct. 14, and Part 3 Monday Oct. 15. First live show is Sunday Oct. 21. ? @adamlambert will be on w Simon’s Girls & Ayda’s Overs