- Velvet
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- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
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- AL’s Games
12m12 minutes ago
Just been to see @BoRhapMovie and can honestly say that it was the best movie i have ever seen and totally Oscar worthy. @ItsRamiMalek ‘s performance was outstanding with this great tribute to a legend. Oscars all round #oscar #anyandallawards
Yes, ultimathule. Pretty cold. Was sunny today, though.
Roger & the wives are there too
7m7 minutes ago
NEW PHOTO from #BohemianRhapsody
“jcar2n It’s @adamlambert @BoRhapMovie #nyc premiere #queen
https://www.instagram.com/p/BpktAz8FbXj/?taken-by=jcar2n …
The hair…and eyes….and the stache not so dark
26s27 seconds ago
Cast #BohemianRhapsodyMovie Premiere NYC bohemianrhapsodymovie ig story
Oct 29
Halloween is canceled
Balboa Theatre – San Diego
51m51 minutes ago
THIS JUST IN – @tonyhawk will join @adamlambert at the Balboa for @NPRAskMeAnother in December ?
The skateboarder guy
Victoria Lock
3m3 minutes ago
If you haven’t already watched #BohemianRhapsody get yourself there, like now! Best film I’ve watched in ages, even if I did spend my whole evening crying !
Dr Judy A
2m2 minutes ago
The 5 best moments in ‘A Very Wicked Halloween’ https://ew.com/tv/2018/10/29/the-5-best-moments-in-a-very-wicked-halloween/?utm_source=twitter.com&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=social-button-sharing … via @ew
Lucia Yarru
13m13 minutes ago
My oscar nominate prediction for #BohemianRhapsody : Best Actor, Best Film editing, Best makeup and hair style, Best costume design, Best sound editing and Best adapted screen play ?
From BoRhapMovie’s Instagram story, Adam Lambert has arrived. Gorgeous pic.
Video Brian
I at least expected Brian or Roger to greet Adam, their frontman of 7 years. They always say he’s family…..
Waiting for at least a pic.
Why pop songs are getting shorter
♥ Adam Lambert is ♔
Edit by me…this took ages! /0\ ♥
Adam leaving with Joey
Brian, Anita and Rami
Adam and Joey heading to the reception
Wish there were still November nominations
I wasn’t able to watch the Wicked special last night but figured that it would be posted on YouTube today. Adam and Ledisi were outstanding! I can’t stop watching their performance, although I confess that most of the time I’m starting at 1:18 when Adam comes on. He looked gorgeous and was oozing with charm. I watched the other acts too. I want Indina Menzel’s earrings to wear to my next Adam/QAL concert. Of course, if those are real diamonds, I’d have to give up going to concerts for the next 5 years to afford them. That’s a sacrifice I’m not willing to make. Haha!
I also loved Adam’s red carpet photos from today at the BH premiere. He looked stunning and classy in that magenta suit. Honestly, he gets more beautiful every year!
Yup, luval– that picture you posted at 9:45 PM is the best one yet for November.
They talk about Adam from 16:00 to 19:00
Brian head to toe in purple
That pic is the one I posted above at 9:21 –
Love that 9:45 pic for November too, luval – and share with one of the gorgeous close-up screencaps from the Wicked performance. Two sides of Adam’s full circles.
BoRhap ticket sales from Fandango, outselling both A Star is Born and Mamma Mia!
“Director of Queen’s “Bohemian Rhapsody” video considers lawsuit”
Maybe, considering the career he got from doing that video, he should pay them – lol
“Adam Lambert Joins Rami Malek & Cast at ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’ NYC Premiere!”
#bohemianrhapsody @bohemianrhapsodymovie premiere – New York. Suit: @h.a shirt: @viviennewestwood
Genghis Khan –
32m32 minutes ago
At the New York premiere of #BohemianRhapsody @adamlambert who has playing with Queen for the past seven years, calls the Freddie Mercury biopic “just beautiful,” saying he thinks the movie has the same power as the band’s stage show
https://uk.news.yahoo.com/malek-gets-adam-lamberts-seal-103926290.html …
His suit looks more purplish in this video
7h7 hours ago
Graham King (Producer) and @adamlambert #BohemianRhapsody NYC Premiere https://www.shutterstock.com/fi/editorial/image-editorial/new-york-special-screening-of-bohemian-rhapsody-usa-30-oct-2018-9953843ds …
Verified account @socialitelife
11h11 hours ago
Pop god @adamlambert and @ledisi performed and nailed an incredible duet of “As Long as You’re Mine” for the NBC special #AVeryWickedHalloween. Watch and learn. http://bit.ly/2OZz2uB
7h7 hours ago
samantha rosé instagram stories
with @adamlambert
I haven’t seen anything on twitter about the reception after the movie. I have a friend who went last night, got a quick DM from her…she was talking to Joey when Adam came over. Talked to him for about 5 minutes. He said they were going to Halloween parties in New York. Then somebody thought her husband was Roger. She didn’t say anything about the movie. Think she’s still asleep!
Brian and “brian”
Wicked the Musical
Verified account @WICKED_Musical
12h12 hours ago
For 15 magical years, the story of #Wicked has inspired (and greenified) the Great White Way. Tonight, even the @EmpireStateBldg put a spell on the NYC skyline to help us festivate! #Wicked15 ?: @FireTheCanon
25m25 minutes ago
Carlos Brandt’s IG story: https://scontent-frt3-1.cdninstagram.com/vp/4307c58ff5e736bf178f0af3a45688ba/5BDBE2D3/t51.12442-15/e35/43913445_117001289187201_3956684127323322659_n.jpg?ig_cache_key=MTkwMjI2MjQ2ODMxNzQwOTg0OA%3D%3D.2 …
Not sure if this was posted. A rare (IMO) picture of Rami and Adam together.
Ritt Ster
36m36 minutes ago
.@QueenWillRock ruling the charts again … UK Rock Chart & UK Box Office no 1 positions
Verified account @UltClassicRock
13m13 minutes ago
Mama Mia! The Continuing History of ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’ …
Hollywood Reporter
Verified account @THR
17m17 minutes ago
Box-office preview: #BohemianRhapsody to rock past #Nutcracker, #Nobody’sFool with $35M-plus http://thr.cm/RyQTRk
Here’s Adam & Ledisi including the introduction
(although we probably should watch the official one to get the “numbers”)
1h1 hour ago
@adamlambert giving autograph to a fan #BohemianRhapsody NYC Premiere
https://www.facebook.com/PMorganCollection/videos/249514879047533/ …
Tom & Lorenzo
Verified account @tomandlorenzo
1h1 hour ago
Have a little Rami Malek to get your morning started. He wore a cute plaid suit to the #BohemianRhapsody screening just for you:
Verified account @UltClassicRock
8m8 minutes ago
Why Bad Reviews Won’t Stop ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’ From Topping the Box Office
Mary Queen Taylor
19m19 minutes ago
43 years ago Bohemian Rhapsody was relased as single in Uk. From that moment the music has changed and a great piece of history has been written. Yesterday, today and forever! @OIQFC @QueenWillRock @DrBrianMay @OfficialRMT @MercuryMOTG @brianmaycom
23h23 hours ago
Friends left the comments on Adam’s video https://www.instagram.com/p/BpjC456nxVW/
Finally. A little view of the after party.
13m13 minutes ago
NOT Adam but I just wanted to show the EXTRAVAGANZA that was the after party last night at The Plaza . Decoration was so perfect and fit and in the Queen mood. I mean
I think that picture of Rami & Adam is spliced together.
The pic is a fotoshop from Jared’s blog, posted above at 1:53 am by ulti .
I appreciate that at least Jared bravely mentioned Adam in the same hallowed ground as Rami and the movie.
Maybe I don’t understand Queen politics, but is Adam persona non grata now? Bri and Roger can’t be seen with him, or it will taint the holy space occupied by the movie? Is Adam so wonderful that he might steal attention from the fragile memories of FM???? Remind people of HIS amazing performances for the past 7 years?
Or is this just Adam himself (too humbly) keeping his distance?
Sorry, not sorry! I cannot stifle a rant once it’s in my head.