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- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
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‘Happy October’ ?
Greeeaaattt pic!!!!!
Happy October!!
6h6 hours ago
NEW @adamlambert instagram story
I don’t like the back & forth fast videos or these either.
26m26 minutes ago
Kind of weird with nothing “officially” announced for Adam in the next while. Would love some news …
shoshanna stone
9m9 minutes ago
Replying to @islandgirljams
I promise there is a lot going on and it’s allllll great
A LOT going on! And it’s all GREAT! Love hearing that!
9m9 minutes ago
?@nilerodgers: Today in #Paris: I like to start my day practicing inside and outside of the neck so that it all feels the same…
✨ adamlambert: Hot damn!
✨ nilerodgers: @adamlambert Yo Adam. You looked Super Fly cool in that shot yesterday.
Hollywood Reporter
Verified account @THR
1h1 hour ago
.@PanicAtTheDisco is going to pay tribute to @QueenWillRock with a performance of “Bohemian Rhapsody” from Sydney, Australia. Tune-in October 9th at 8/7c on ABC #AMAs
18m18 minutes ago
Gelly Retweeted Raw Bee.
NEW TV APPEARANCE FOR @adamlambert “Casting and taping for NBC , October 10th and October 11th at Universal Studios in Burbank These show will ft performances by @ShawnMendes, @carrieunderwood, @JLo, @KeithUrban, and @adamlambert
2h2 hours ago
I can’t believe that you painted that beautiful statue with colors. Oh Adam lol
2h2 hours ago
These are the exact colors he used for his paintings. After finishing his painting, much color left, Adam walking around the house with a brush “What should I do? Oh yes , paint the statue!” Ahhhaaa
11m11 minutes ago
VIDEO from @adamlambert instagram story
eta: wish I could hear the end of this clip talking about friends.
Rick Roberts
Verified account @Rick93Q
5m5 minutes ago
Today’s #stupidfact – Adding salt to a pineapple will actually cause it to taste sweeter. It reduces the bitterness of the fruit. ?
15m15 minutes ago
Replying to @AMAs @PanicAtTheDisco and
I love Panic but truly, why tribute to Queen? Was Queen too expensive for you? Queen still tours, performs with Adam Lambert, yeah that kid. Are you scared to have him on the show? This is embarrassing too. Shit awards shows are shit.
American Music Awards
Verified account @AMAs
8h8 hours ago
.@ItsRamiMalek, @MazzelloJoe and @Gwilymlee from the cast of @BoRhapMovie will be at the #AMAs to present @PanicAtTheDisco’s amazing performance! October 9th at 8/7c on ABC.
Rolling Stone
Verified account @RollingStone
Ticketmaster is facing a class-action lawsuit over alleged “unlawful and unfair business practices” after damning report https://rol.st/2NZ83PB
Why not Queen themselves, since the movie is being released just weeks a way? Does this have something to do with Adam & the AMA’s & ABC network? Good grief!

This is a big deal with the movie ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’ being released. Queen actually playing, would be the icing on the cake.
But…..maybe they are playing the Superbowl?
Watched Panic’s BoRhap – good, but not anywhere near QAL –
They’ve already chosen Maroon 5 to play the Super Bowl, possibly with Cardi B as a guest.
AMAs will have fake cast and fake band, so kudos? to them….
Hint? Wishing? Just the Movie?
5h5 hours ago
Secrets shmecrets lol
18m18 minutes ago
Replying to @marisa_965
Exactly. Panic released a new album and are nominated for awards. Adam has not. Of course they are going to pick them over Adam for a performance. That’s how the industry works.
Panic! At The Disco
Verified account @PanicAtTheDisco
15h15 hours ago
Beyond excited to honor the one & only @QueenWillRock at the @AMAs (presented by @youtubemusic) by performing Bohemian Rhapsody! October 9th at 8/7c on @ABCNetwork ? #AMAs
uDiscover Music
Verified account @uDiscoverMusic
6h6 hours ago
Which Queen Song Are You? Play to find out ?
@QueenWillRock #Queen
(I’m Radio GaGa)
Bohemian Rhapsody
Verified account @BoRhapMovie
3h3 hours ago
Tune into a live Q&A with @ItsRamiMalek, @Gwilymlee and @MazzelloJoe at 11:30am ET today with @iHeartRadio.
3m3 minutes ago
NBC plans an #ElvisPresley all-star tribute to celebrate his 1968 TV special and @adamlambert is on the list of performers! ??❤ #AdamLambert #Elvis
https://www.axs.com/nbc-plans-elvis-presley-all-star-tribute-to-celebrate-his-1968-tv-spec-130411 …
(? via @bbluesky922)
eta: So that’s what this is then.
NEW TV APPEARANCE FOR @adamlambert “Casting and taping for NBC , October 10th and October 11th at Universal Studios in Burbank These show will ft performances by @ShawnMendes, @carrieunderwood, @JLo, @KeithUrban, and @adamlambert https://twitter.com/rob_e_bee/status/1046826168605761538 …
I don’t see any list of performers for that Elvis thing anywhere yet. And someone already said the 10th/11th thing was the Simon Cowell special. So much guessing……..
So this was linked to that tweet above, but is it official?
Who knows, riskylady. One week or so from now we should know what the show is (oct 10,11))
It seems that it will be the Elvis special. It’s filming on Oct. 10/11 according to this tweet
It’s from the Seatfillers site.
From NBC (no artists mentioned though)
Arleen Stamp
Sep 10
WOW!!! The Elvis Information Network has a write up about QAL covering Heartbreak Hotel! @adamlambert @DrBrianMay @QueenWillRock Nice words from @Cilla_Presley
This might have been posted last month.
Hi all, finally posted a recap on the last concert thread of the residency. It’s probably too long, but I had a great time remembering that awesome experience!
Hoping for some acting news for Adam soon. Also, new music. Well, anything, just about, would make me happy.

Rami Malek
Great recap Tothebeat!!!
Tothebeat– Thanks for the great recap! It’s fun to relive the adventure through our recaps. I hope you had a great time in Yellowstone too.
BoRhap press tour
Love recaps! Thanks, Tothebeat – very much appreciate your take since can’t be there – and that goes for all our recappers!
@adamlambert in @k_stoyneva ?
“Rap Is Huge, but on the Concert Circuit, Rock Is King”
4h4 hours ago
The designer of that awesome jacket Adam is wearing for Client Mag https://www.instagram.com/p/BnToqVMl5Q3/?taken-by=krasimira_stoyneva …
https://krasimirastoyneva.com/collections/outerwears/products/red-signature-jacket-a-w17 …
Def Leppard wearing a QAL shirt on stage!!
Mr. Dimples on IG
7h7 hours ago
I LOVE this edit https://www.instagram.com/p/Boem5u-FhAk/?tagged=adamlambert …
32m32 minutes ago
‘Bohemian Rhapsody’ Cast on Filming In Front of Queen Band Members & More (@iHeartRadio 2 Oct 2018) https://www.iheart.com/content/2018-10-03-bohemian-rhapsody-cast-on-filming-in-front-of-queen-band-members-more/ … #bohemianrhapsody @QueenWillRock @GwilymLee @ItsRamiMalek @MazzelloJoe
NYTimes review of A Star is Born
The review alone would keep me away –
“who steadily rises as she weeps and sings toward fabulous self and sovereignty”
Well…I’m tremendously looking forward to Star is Born!!
And Bo Rhap
And Elvis
And anything else that Adam does!!@
And, American Horror Story just got woke tonight!!@. Yasss!!
Well, pour some sugar on me! That’s so cool!
I’m with ya mils, I’m really excited about A Star is Born! Trailers look so good!
the Streisand/Kristofferson version.
I’ve not watched any episodes of AHS yet this season. On my Dvr waiting on a binge session.
Hahaha – SOOOO great –
Hot frames SloMo fr Shades Of Elvis photo shooting site ? TY @lilybop2010 !
For All You Glamberts! Just A Little Video Of Our Gorgeous @adamlambert ?❤️??