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- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
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Gelly @14gelly 3m3 minutes ago
@adamlambert instagram https://www.instagram.com/p/BanD2onATVa/
https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/e35/22637732_225257878008248_1867836652320194560_n.jpg …
I don’t get his costume. Snake? Vampire?
Angel_nDisguise @Angel_nDisguise 2m2 minutes ago
Adam’s IG: “tonimarz”
DL https://scontent-dft4-2.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/s640x640/sh0.08
/e35/22793848_137274543665075_3221511473872240640_n.jpg …
instagram.com/p/BanFkrjg4XC/ DL https://scontent-dft4-2.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/s640x640/sh0.08/e35/22709506_1940387566285908_2691174830627094528_n.jpg …
We Will Rock You on DWTS now.
Audience screamed when song started. Not Queen singing, though.
Sexy ass snake.
He lent his momma his choker with pull ring.
Is Leila supposed to be Elvira?
She is gorgeous and sexy!
Adam might be going to the UK to join Queen folk pretty soon.

Per Adam here, he’s the Serpent of Temptation. Appropriate, I’d say….he’s tempting, alright!
LibraRising @LibraRising1 2h2 hours ago
LibraRising Retweeted billboard
Includes @adamlambert – If I Had You
Stufish @StufishStudio 3h3 hours ago
Stufish are back in production rehearsals for #Queen and #AdamLambert’s Europe leg. Who has tickets booked to come?
Nic @nicolec42 11h11 hours ago
Adam and the Serpent of Temptation ?? @adamlambert
Kind of going into withdrawals.
Adam must be flying to London very soon.
Hoping for a spotting of him, or I will need intervention.
Adam’s TOH dancer Holly at Adam’s party
ilybop @lilybop2010 8m8 minutes ago
✨?? Miss you! ? @hollyhoneychile Fu$& IT UP, FU$& IT UP… #Leeloo https://www.instagram.com/p/BanbLo-jlWn/
We Will Rock You from DWTS last night
Pretty sure Adam traveled to the UK today or last night. Glad he got his Halloween before leaving! Looked like a fun bash with loads of friends. Nice to see Anna Kendrick there too, plus the regulars – great turnout for him, and some fab costumes.
Dan WoottonVerified account @danwootton 3h3 hours ago
EXCLUSIVE #XFactor’s @saaraaalto ditches Simon Cowell as she signs huge new record deal. Plus she sings me new track http://thesun.uk/60158CzjX
Holly looks fab!! So slim, so lovely!
Yeah, he’s prolly there or travelling there already.
Gah, wonder if he’ll see any Bo Rhapsody filming.
mils, don’t you think it would be nice if they gave Adam at least a cameo in the movie? Even uncredited, but in a way that you could recognize him? It would be a nice reward, after all, he’s given them 6 years so far.
Just an opinion here, and, though happy for Brian and Roger (because they seem happy), can’t say I’m looking forward to this movie. I’ve watched so many YTs, vids, tv movies on these men, particularly Freddie (his life), that seeing an imitation of them on the screen doesn’t really appeal to me. I do plan to see it and will try to approach it openly and with as little pre-judgment as possible. (Would never say anything to Brian and Roger, of course.)
I would love to see him in the film. Of course!! Would be surprised and thrilled , but wouldn’t be surprised if he weren’t.
The thought that goes through my head is that Rami will get huge media blitz, and Adam will be left in the dust. As the front man, getting live accolades. With the real men of Queen.
Even if he got a cameo, or a vocal credit, I would wonder what kind of attention the press would pay.
Although, they do love him in the UK.
Rambling here…
One paragraph
Lilybop @lilybop2010 2m2 minutes ago
Lilybop Retweeted Iwona/6.11.2017
? Polish translation New#AdamLambert Interview
https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=pl&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fmuzyka.onet.pl%2Fkoncerty%2Fadam-lambert-z-queen-apetyt-na-dobry-czas%2F0c7h85%3Futm_source%3Dmuzyka_viasg%26utm_medium%3Dnitro%26utm_campaign%3Dallonet_nitro_new%26srcc%3Dust%26utm_v%3D2&edit-text= …
Another bit of interview
With more guitars, more rockish album?
“And she would be very happy” – good to hear that, luval –
Can click on Translate –
Tracey @kinkykiedis
ICYMI – Theres a new Queen documentary on BBC4 on Nov 3rd & Adams name is in the credits so possibly in it too. I’ll record it. Lmk if want!
Angel_nDisguise @Angel_nDisguise 5m5 minutes ago
?NEW!! Nov 3: UK Queen Documentary?
Includes footage from Q+AL 2017 summer tour
Airs on BBC Four at 9pm GMT, 5pm EDT
Details/Clock/Stream Info: http://www.adamlambertmedia.com/index.php/event/televised-queen-rock-the-world-uk/ …
“Brian May LRT Gyvenimas Life ahead of Q+AL 17Nov Kaunus Lithuania bc 18102017”
Love this look!!!
Dapper Adam Lambert creativesharka ig story
Kelly turned 30 on Oct 25, 2014. Adam Lambert’s IG: “Happy Bday @kellyosbourne … Let’s do the Time Warp Again”
He’s in London
Screencaps from Adam Lambert’s IG story ” Good Morning London”
Kathy Katz
Eeeep Adam is in London (2 Stories)
sjg66 @sjg66 3h3 hours ago
Sanna posted a lovely video of Sauli’s hair ?
OOOOH … Thanks … luval!

I can watch that beautiful hair and his contagious laugh all day.
I’m happy right now.
Adam! … Don’t you miss putting your fingers through that lovely hair?
“Classic Rock Is Now A Young Band’s Game”
Freddie mention –
Angel_nDisguise @Angel_nDisguise
Just a few more days to wait!!
Three shows next week!!
Rand DurenVerified account @RandDuren
It’s been over 8 years and I still haven’t seen a tv singing competition contestant as exciting as @adamlambert…
Creator. Writer. Work in social media and marketing. Love: • pop culture • tv • drag queens • lady gaga • great music • gifs. Views are mine. #queer #boricua
?? @ScorpioBert 4m4 minutes ago
?? Retweeted Whatever
18 Artists with Androgynous Styles
(Adam included)
Rick RobertsVerified account @Rick93Q 13m13 minutes ago
Today’s #stupidfact-If you pay $3 for a coffee, that’s a 2,900% price markup on what it would cost you to make it at home . . . 10 cents. ☕️
haruhiko6231 @haruhiko6231 Oct 25
Is anyone looking for the tix of Q+A in Helsinki ? I have one great seat 2nd row close to the stage!
By face value
Getting warmed up for next week with this little ditty, OMG, put your earphones on and listen to the low range, and keep your you know whats on!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And then theres the best performance ever! Out of the dark!
Thanks for those vids, Miss Chaos – when he appeared out of the dark at MTV that was one of the most thrilling moments ever for me – must have played that performance a hundred times –

On November 6, it will be 6 years since this phenonenal performance. What a ride since then!
Adam posted an IG of Remy
BrianMayCom @brianmaycom 4h4 hours ago
.@QueenWillRock POPULARITY ANALYSIS: Where they really rank? Biggest hits? Which albums most successful? Fascinating http://bit.ly/2zSP5iM