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- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
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MaRySe ? @snuggle62 4m4 minutes ago
adamlambert’s photo https://instagram.com/p/Bab_J5HACs1/
Purple pants:
GLAAD @glad
Happy #SpiritDay! Tweet us your photos and show us your purple outfits. How are you showing your support for LGBTQ youth?
15 IG stories linked, Livin on a Prayer
So glad he’s out and about and singing.
Wondering if we knew about this?
Wondering if our ninjas knew?
Woulda had better vidz, that’s for sure. Grateful for nuggets, but….
Wonder if GLAAD will put out better vids like other events did, Point and GM salute.
Also, the George Michael film airs on Saturday night on Showtime. Set your DVR ‘S.
Can I just say , again, how much I love when he covers classic rock. Yes, Bon Jovi is now considered classic rock , with induction into Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, it’s official.
I know, it makes me feel old too….
I’m still waiting for him to cover several of my fave songs…. but this sounded great!!!
Adam Lambert “What’s up” @ Glaad #Spiritday, 27 ig stories, October 18 (6:38 min)
Lots of coverage.
Special Thanks to “our Prince of Queen” Adam from Justin Tranter – open the Instagram for full message.
Adam Lambert singing Livin’ On A Prayer @ Glaad #Spiritday , 15 ig stories, October 18 (3:32 min)
Postmodern JukeboxVerified account @PMJofficial 4h4 hours ago
NEW VIDEO! The winner of The Voice @alisanporter makes her debut with our remake of “Smells Like Teen Spirit”!
What a wonderful lady she is..so beautiful inside and out just like her son! Watch the full video:
#equality #lgbt
Adam and Courtney, he looks gorgeous.
Will he keep this look for QAL?
A couple on Dancing with the Stars on Monday are dancing to Queens We will Rock You, someone has to be singing it,
The best clip so far of Livin on a Prayer, Adam’s Instagram.
Justin asked him to sing it.
That IS the best clip,riskylady.
Will and Grace.
Found its stride just now.
Best episode yet.
And….Andrew Rannells.
Happy fan here.
Great clip risky. Such clear audio. ….leaves me wanting more and more.
Just watched that Behind the music documentary Adam did years ago..he looked so gorgeous
Wish they could make another one on his life for the past 6 years..
“Adam Lambert, Game of Thrones, and others post messages of support for Spirit Day”
“Justin Tranter & GLAAD Present ‘Believer’ Spirit Day Concert: Photos”
Don’t Stop Me Now Emirates Airlines commercial.
Pret-a-ReporterVerified account @pretareporter 60m60 minutes ago
Billie Joe Armstrong is collaborating with Kat Von D on an eyeliner collection: http://thr.cm/YH6zMY
“Another Lonely Night (Adam Lambert cover) – The Meaning”
Well done –
kayla lange ? @langebert
also i’ve been weeping all day long over this CUTE ANGEL with his striped socks and lil shorts and pretty legs and EVERyTHing
Video – https://youtu.be/iPKp0v0-OuU
Queen drummer back on Instagram
Viviana Nagel @viviannagel 7h7 hours ago
Stop complaining & bitching about his Carrer!!…
If i see rude comments to Adam, i unfollow. No more.
He deserves respect. Period.
KweenJeane @kweenjeane 26m26 minutes ago
Peeps being negatory about the purple pants? It was Spirit Day! It’s Adam, our gorgeous sweet geek. Was good enuf for Prince! #TwoFux !!!
Entitled fans.
Stop the wank.
He looked and sounded great. Lots of press
That’s all I care about.
Thanks for sharing luval.
Gelly @14gelly 12m12 minutes ago
VIDEO STUDIO again today I see different clothes- asiapersuasia ig story “The vocal stylings of @adamlambert ” ?
Gelly @14gelly 5m5 minutes ago
Caps from the video he’s adorable!
Another video from asiapersuasia…
Tonight Big Bash Thread.
Christopher Petrosino
Noise Club
March 2012 – Present (5 years 8 months)
Noise Club is a New York City and Miami based music production house that specializes in artist production and original composition for the film and television industries.
asiapersuasia is a songrwriter and chrispetrosino is a producer?songrwriter
cap from the video I just posted Adam. SOCKS
*Саншайн* @FATLYNXY
Фото из разряда “можно рассматривать вечно”???#oldphoto#adamlambert#посиделки#приятныйвечер
Translated from Russian by Bing Wrong translation?
Photo from “can be seen forever”???#oldphoto # adamlambert # gatherings # prijatnyjvecher
It seems like we are not getting any new music from Adam this year or the near future. I get the feeling that his solo career is really falling by the wayside, since he is going to be tied up with Queen for the next few months and then again a few months next year. I like him with Queen, but would like to see him move on with his own music. Does anyone have any idea about any new music or if a 4th album is really going to be realeased?? Just wondering!
I don’t mind if we don’t get an album leoblueeyes…I’d be happy with a new song every few months, rather than wait several years for an album.
And I understand the the need to do queen now….Brian and Roger are realistically not going to be able to do it for that much longer, so they need to fit in as much as they can while they can.
Adam has put out 3 albums and done 3 solo world tours in the 8 yrs since Idol (although he did an official international Trespassing WAG tour, before that he did many one-off radio fests around the US). PLUS basically 3 world tours with Queen and the 6 European shows in 2012.
His albums about every 3 years. 2009, 2012, 2015. So 2018 – maybe early before Oz or just after, seems about normal. He has after all been recording, we know that. But he is picky, so I don’t expect frequent “background noise for radio” type albums from him. I don’t think he’s going for the “radio” crowd, but won’t complain if it happens a la Ghost Town. He kind of made that clear in his last live chat.
I feel he keeps us entertained with plenty of appearances, interviews, surprise stuff. I’m happy enough, love the new covers, don’t tire of the albums because good quality songs all, and making history with Queen.
His likes and views on Instagram have grown very nicely(better numbers than Freddie on Queen’s Instagram), gets lots of love and “best vocalist of this generation” comments there and on YouTube. Very rarely hate comments nowadays
Just a few wankers on Twitter who think Adam should be Zayn, or Liam…..he’s not in that herd IMHO. He appeals to all ages, even (shock) adults who also like music!
I’m happily waiting to see what he comes up with. Maybe I won’t like it – but then, I’ll still have the other stuff and Queen.
And one-offs like Lay Me Down, Can’t Go Home… Great workout music. And the Idol studio recordings, Upright Cabaret et al.
Nice posts.
I’m thinking 2018 too.
So many peeps love him in show biz, who knows, with power shake ups happening these days, maybe film offers will finally come his way.
Sounds about right, riskylady.
mils, I hope it’s ok to bring over your post here about Adam from last night’s BBBSLA event. Reminiscent of your lists and all true.
This face will surely be a November nomination, if not the winner
Oooo, this photo too!
Gelly @14gelly 13m13 minutes ago
omg not Adam but look at Nemanja’s transformation (he’s an actor) wearing Adam’s feather jacket oh!
cocoo @cocooyau 9h9 hours ago
Wow thank you @SvetlanaSVK1992 !
I nominate the pic twilight posted.
George Michael in one hour on Showtime. Count down begins!!!
This show is amay-zing!!!
So many visuals….so evocative of our guy!!!!
Can’t wait to see Adam’s reactions to this show….
Okay , it’s over now.and I have tears in my eyes and a lump in my throat….was anybody else watching?