- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
And – off we go. Europe here we come !!! ???Thankfully we are still Europeans right now. Perhaps this whole embarrassing Brexit nonsense will just blow away. Meanwhile … Let’s Rock ! Bri
TALCvids @TALCvids
adamlambert’s IG photo: #halloween memories w Dad https://instagram.com/p/Ba2ca0VAyZd/
Brian May’s IG photo: And so it begins again. We shall be busy ! #queenandadamlambert #europe Bri https://instagram.com/p/Ba2cSiAD5lx/
Dr. Brian MayVerified account @DrBrianMay 1m1 minute ago
Very happy to realise the video for this song, just 40 years on.… https://www.instagram.com/p/Ba2efh8DaOD/
From Brian’s Instagram that luval just posted…
Todrick Hall
October 26 at 11:21am ·
Disney Villains explain why ‘he had it coming’ in this throwback to Spell Block Tango!
Adam Lambert
Interesting. QAL will be in London November 14th & 15th per that schedule. Interviews?
AXS_UKVerified account @AXS_UK 2h2 hours ago
Extra seats have been released for @QueenWillRock & @adamlambert both shows @TheO2 in December! Be quick if you want tickets http://w.axs.com/jw4830gdkpb
Gelly @14gelly 2h2 hours ago
Building the stage in Prague
josef.seibert The Show Must Go On ??? #queen #adamlambert
https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/e35/22861116_1532926506743139_3652148951081025536_n.jpg …
Lilybop @lilybop2010 13m13 minutes ago
?✨?✨? Queen + Adam Lambert at O2 Arena, Prague, Czech Republic Wednesday. November 1, 2017. #QAL #NOTW40
Anamor @Ladymaserati8 18h18 hours ago
Wow! The audience sings with @adamlambert ??
@DrBrianMay wipes his tears ?
Actor Kevin Spacey declares he lives life as a gay man
Dr. Brian MayVerified account @DrBrianMay 3h3 hours ago
WWRY/WATC 2017 !!! Bri https://www.instagram.com/p/Ba3wJZDjH1X/
6 replies 25 retweets 85 likes
Luval, I love Kevin Spacey, his talents are renown, but, I’m not loving how he came out today.
I’m totally accepting of being out, being proud,
Having a pedophilia charge is not the right time or place. IMHO.
It was already widely known and assumed he was gay. So what? I agree with post gay theories, it shouldn’t have to be discussed anymore.
He has discussed his sobriety of decades now, but an alcoholic past. He has apologized publicly for “bad behavior while drunk.”
Now, it is known that his bad behavior was homosexual pedophilia????
Gah. My head is spinning.
This Hollywood expose’ is a good thing that’s going on….but it hurts when it involves a beloved star, not a manager or executive. Most of the stuff coming out is of stars being the victims, not the criminals.
What do ya’ll think?
Pretty much 100% of the internet agrees with you, mils.
Loading in
Lilybop @lilybop2010 7m7 minutes ago
Lilybop Retweeted Stufish
? Looks familiar #NOTW40 #QALPrague
Lol luval, I haven’t read 100% of the interwebs, but, it’s good to know that I’m in good company!!!
?? @ScorpioBert 2m2 minutes ago
?? Retweeted DILAMBERT
3 questions 3 answers: They are making Adam Lambert and Queen at the Budapest Concert
Google Translate: https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.blikk.hu%2Fsztarvilag%2Fsztarsztorik%2Fezekkel-keszul-adam-lambert-es-a-queen-a-budapesti-koncertre%2F1nj5j10&edit-text=&act=url …
Adam Lambert NL @AdamLambertNL 4m4 minutes ago
Adam Lambert NL Retweeted Adam Lambert NL
ICYMI We are looking for fans who want to share their @QueenWillRock+@AdamLambert concert experience with other fans https://www.facebook.com/adamlambertnl/posts/1621763534553966 …
RE: the Ohio State Fair and John Kasich –
Lynch wanted to raise the question of whose job it would be, going forward, to pick the bands, and Kasich cut him off. He didn’t want Lynch or some liaison picking bands. “We’ll go get the bands,” he said. “Let’s get Queen.”
I interrupted. But Freddie Mercury is dead.
“What’s his name, Adam Lambert, is playing Freddie Mercury,” Kasich said. (Lambert, an American Idol contestant, has become the front man for a new iteration of the glam-rock band.) “He’s doing great.”
(Long article – about 2/3rds of way down)
lol, ultimathule…that is the longest article I have ever read in my life!
But nice to finally get to him talking about Adam.
Andrew Bytheway @BythewayAJ 2h2 hours ago
Oooh, look what I found just 2 mins walk from my Airbnb ??? Just the 17 trucks then!!! ? @DrBrianMay @OIQFC @brianmaycom
Luval —makes you wanna hug a truck, doesn’t it???
You GOTTA check out the new update of the Diableries app for Halloween !
Yes, that’s the first thing I thought of when I saw the pictures. And I also wonder why most other peeps have no interest in hugging them.

Check out this promo vid for the incredible haunting AR app @DrBrianMay has created with Unanico for #Halloween
#HALLOWEEN #COMPETITION with @lomography –
#WIN #DIABLERIES signed by @DrBrianMay & a FISHEYE 2 Orange edition
Lomography X Brian May – A Stereoscopic Adventures in Hell Competition
“Brian May is offering a signed copy of his Diableries: Stereoscopic Adventures in Hell 3D book to one lucky reader. You can also win a Fisheye 2 Vibrant Orange edition to get you in the Halloween mood! Submit your spooky themed analogue shots here.”
“Adam Lambert is all skin-and-bones on Another One Bites the Dust”
Mean muggin’ with @leecherry @scarlettcherry @adamlambert @therealcarmit ?????
Me, @scarlettcherry @adamlambert @leecherry & @therealcarmit ??
VIDEO @adamlambert Snapchats, his giggle lol
The Show Must Go On ???
No judges yet
“Netflix cancels flagship series ‘House of Cards'”
@QueenWillRock + @adamlambert European tour starts this week!!! Happy Halloween!
Wonder if Bryan Singer will be one of the next Hollywood people to fall….
I still love this flying trumpeting herald of the Underworld. Bringing devilish good cheer ! HAPPY HALLOWEEN folks ! Bri
Yes mils, Here you go from a small media website. Rumours have been rife for years:
Sorry to post so infrequently and then, in this case, to show up in a somewhat negative way.
Happy Hallowe’en everyone! Only wish that we could all trick or treat together. Maybe one day Adam’s concert tour will end up somewhere warm on October 30th.

Yes ,TLKC, his name pops up in articles these days. Waiting for the hammer to fall.
Gelly @14gelly 2h2 hours ago
VIDEO from @adamlambert instagram story “Here we go again! Tour! ” https://instagram.fath3-2.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t58.9793-16/20456924_1579373985434691_8823719106554363904_n.mp4?oe=59F9D291&oh=7601c241e0fad1fdcbe55a8d00bd8b61 …
Gelly @14gelly 3h3 hours ago
From @adamlambert snapchat “Not a Mornin person” loving the beanie
(what’s under that beanie)
Adams UK Glamberts @lambrasoqueens 16m16 minutes ago
So they flew as per usual from Farnborough Airport
Victoria Davies @scallywagsmum Oct 29
i blame @JKCorden 4 sending me in2 a frenzie..saw his front man battle with @adamlambert & had 2buy tickets 2C adam with @QueenWillRock uk
Debbie Forman @deb_forman 26m26 minutes ago
@TODAYshow is using @adamlambert Ghost Town for their Halloween segment! ?
Just heard it on Today!!
Lol. Matt is a great Dolly!
Al needed to look at Adam’s costume, he did it better.
Blake singing on Today.
Confirms it.
I just don’t get country music. Don’t like it at all. It all sounds the same to me. And he’s raking in millions.
Sam Smiths new vid Burning, already has a million views. And showcases his voice and his multitude of small hand and finger and arm tats.
Gelly @14gelly
VIDEO tamarindtreecz #QueenOnTour
@ O2 arena Prague I hear @adamlambert ‘s voice singing “Whataya Want From Me”