
After a busy few weeks playing concerts in Israel and throughout Asia, Adam is about to take a seat but he won’t be able to put his feet up just yet. Judge Adam will be on Australia’s The X Factor which premieres on October 3rd with the auditions. Live shows will follow in the weeks to come.

Enjoy the chat!

Photo from Adam’s Instagram by Joseph Sinclair
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And during this quiet time why not check out the puzzle page for a new jigsaw puzzle, crossword, word search and Adamoku (Sudoku)!

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‘Evil In The Night’ – The X Factor Australia 2016 (10/31/16) – Non-US Only
‘Evil In The Night’ – The X Factor Australia 2016 (10/31/16) – ALL (with intro)

Hot Patootie ft. Adam Lambert | THE ROCKY HORROR PICTURE SHOW – FOX (10/20/16)

Broken – Tritonal & Jenaux ft. Adam Lambert – [Official Lyric Video] (8/12/16)

Welcome To The Show – Official Video (7/6/16)

“Hands” – A Song for Orlando – Interscope Records (7/5/16)
Can’t Go Home – Steve Aoki & Felix Jaehn ft. Adam Lambert (4/26/16)

Another Lonely Night Video (10/08/15)
Ghost Town Video (4/28/15)


1,277 Responses to October 2016 Chat

  1. luval says:



    Adam Lambert – You are the sun, a glowing halo. (RT & SHARE?) ?

  2. luval says:

    But I do want to say I love going to different cities & exploring them if there’s time. Then the concert at the end…topping on the sundae!

  3. milwlovesadam says:

    Yup. Me too luval. But, as for me, it’s about time and money. I loooerved to travel and see new places. But if I could see a couple of shows in the same place, that would be beyond my dreams. Gives more time to relax and enjoy the place.

  4. Axxxel says:

    Las Vegas ? Indonesia I don’t think so. They already were in Singapore last month…

  5. Axxxel says:

    I hope it may be something like TV or so… a reality show featuring QAL… or a concert movie with limited showing. Imagine watching it in IMAX…

  6. twilightmagic8 says:

    Haha twilight.

    Speak for yerself.

    I’m 29!!

    Ha ha sister girl, I said ‘feel young’, and that’s the truth. God love ya mils! Rose

    Always the late bloomer here, and the oldest of 7 siblings. Felt like Cinderella, while my mother was popping out babies, one after another. I got to hating cloth diapers!
    Grew up kind of shy, and would never take risks.
    So, I am so much more young at heart now. My 2 daughter’s are both stymied, by my more adventuress spirit.
    They are amused at my Adam obsession, but were worried at first. They would tease me every now and then. They don’t do it anymore, and have helped me do files on my computer, to put Adam in his proper files. Wink
    They both love ‘The Rocky Horror Picture Show. So, I’m waiting to see if they mention Adam? Re-makes are all always hard, to the ‘purest’ fans. We’ll see? Can’t wait for the 20th to get here.

    My Direct TV box stopped working, and the replacement should get here today in the mail. Thank the stars, it didn’t happen while watching TRHPS on Thursday the 20th. Big Smile

  7. milwlovesadam says:

    Once again, lol.

    My viewing of Adam singing Faith was dubbed over by a thunderstorm alert for an area 30 Miles away.


  8. luval says:
  9. luval says:

    This is from a Queen convention. Not sure if the little guy is supposed to be Adam.

  10. luval says:

    From Britain’s Got Talent. This is really great!

    What @QueenWillRock think of @CollabOrchestra rendition #DontStopMeNow? #orchestralrock @DrBrianMay @adamlambert

  11. retjenny says:

    While watching a baseball game we just saw a “for California” TV ad. It was gay actors (most of whom I recognized but can’t name). The purpose was to get the gays out to vote. About 8 different actors and each one had a sentence – The one that stood out was, and I quote:

    The last time gays didn’t vote, Adam Lambert came in second

  12. milwlovesadam says:

    That collaboration group looked liked a lot of fun.


    75 people don’t sound anywhere as good as 6.

    At all

  13. luval says:

    That was great, retjenny!

    Mel ‏@RabbitholeGirl 28m28 minutes ago
    Best shirt ever

  14. Kiwi says:

    75 people don’t sound anywhere as good as 6.

    I was thinking while watching it, that it’s amazing that the sound seemed to be no “bigger” than with the six band members (plus the singer, of course).

  15. luval says:


    Roger’s reaction when Adam sang the unexpected high note at the end of We Are The Champions! #queenplusadamlambert

  16. milwlovesadam says:

    What show was that?


    And why did I never see or notice the pattern on the back of the leopard suit? ??

  17. ultimathule says:

    OMG – Roger and Brian – both agog – thinkin’ WTH was that!

  18. luval says:
  19. luval says:

    Dr. Brian May ‏@DrBrianMay 9m9 minutes ago

    Dr. Brian May Retweeted Queenie of Norway

    In my present depleted state, I couldn’t resist a compliment. Thanks. Bri

  20. riskylady says:

    Brian confirms QAL next year sometime in his blog

  21. magiclady says:

    I think Las Vegas sounds great! They could be there for months like Britney or Celine!
    Not too far from SoCal. Bring it on!

  22. riskylady says:

    RHPS in InTouch mag! Nice Adam mention.

  23. ultimathule says:

    Catch up soon man cheeeeers for a wicked night! ?? @adamlambert

    Is this new?

  24. riskylady says:

    Don’t know if this was posted
    Laverne Cox Is Ready to Get Sexy as Rocky Horror’s Dr. Frank-N-Furter | Vanity Fair

  25. Axxxel says:

    Roger’s reaction when Adam sang the unexpected high note at the end of We Are The Champions! #queenplusadamlambert

    It says that it was in Dallas 2014…

  26. Axxxel says:

    twilightmagic8 yeah… I am not the only one… a latebloomer I mean….

    was shy until the age of 18 but not really a risk taker.. started to take risks only a few years ago…

  27. Axxxel says:

    luval… I am imagining QAL performing Somebody to love, WWTLF, TSMGO and Borap with a philharmonic orchestra….

  28. Axxxel says:

    magiclady Grin

  29. Axxxel says:

    retjenny LOL… every vote counts… Sometimes funny to see how people up to now are still talkimg about the result that faithful Idol final in 2009….

  30. ultimathule says:

    Remember that night, Axxxel, like it was yesterday. Remember the press room with KISS walking around looking stunned and people shaking their heads in disbelief – my girls called to commiserate – had voted all night long, but in my heart knew he wouldn’t win – but stuck around all these years – and LOOK AT HIM NOW!!!! So great

  31. ultimathule says:

    Moments like this, make it all worth it! The glorious @BrianMayforreal performing in the Lace Button Down by @byMENAGERIE.

  32. ultimathule says:

    You know you’ve made a tough call when you get this kind of reaction, hey @AdamLambert?

    Wow – feel for him –

  33. ultimathule says:

    “I’ve been battling against a very big black cloud in my personal sphere”

    Sad to hear this –

  34. ultimathule says:


  35. ultimathule says:

    “With the Three Seat Challenge looming, Adam’s Unders prepare for battle”

    Iggy’s and Guy’s here, too

  36. ultimathule says:
  37. ultimathule says:
  38. ultimathule says:
  39. ultimathule says:
  40. mmm222 says:

    Hi everyone! I’ve been in Paris since early October staying with a good friend who is living there for 6 months. We’re on the train to London now for a 3 day visit. It looks like I missed seeing Adam in London (not that we frequent the same places) but maybe I’ll run into Brian. That’s wishful thinking for you! He’d be hard to miss with that hair. I’m really excited about Brian’s announcement about more QAL in 2017. I’m also hoping for some US shows. We’re long overdue for another big ALL gathering. I’m not returning to the US until 10/23, so I’ll miss the showing of RHPS. I’m hoping that it shows up on vimeo or YouTube. I also need to catch up on all the XFactor shows when I get home. The snippets I’ve seen have been great although we knew all along that Adam would be a great judge.

  41. luval says:

    Reviews are starting to come in already

    “Adam Lambert, though, wins the performance trophy with his oh-so-brief turn as Eddie. He steals the show, then disappears.”

  42. luval says:

    ? ‏@idklambert 50m50 minutes ago

    But adam’s criticisms are the best, he’s real, & he actually paid attention 2 every tiny lil detail of the performance. King of everything


    The 3 chairs for Adam’s group have been chosen. Here they are.

    adamlambert’s photo Love my singers! #xfactorau

  43. luval says:


    TALCvids Retweeted #XFactorAU

    Adam Lambert’s shoe throwing as “high praise” now adopted by all the judging panel ! ?????

  44. luval says:
  45. luval says:
  46. luval says:
  47. luval says:

    Leah Ane Dee ‏@LeahtDee 1h1 hour ago

    Obssessed w his serious fashion here

  48. milwlovesadam says:

    I am too.

    Love that look, head to toe.

  49. milwlovesadam says:

    Is it just me, lol, or does the phrase “Adam’s Unders ” make anyone else giggle?


  50. luval says:

    mils I didn’t giggle until I read your post. Then I howled, cackled & ROTFL

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