
After a whirlwind of a tour with Queen conquering South American, October finds Adam back to promoting his current album and (soon to be?) new single “Another Lonely Night”. So check out the “Upcoming Shows/Events” column and see when and where Adam will be this month.

Click on the photos above to open a new window with the full picture.
Photos by: PopLine – Gustavo Bresciani, Miami Spashion – Adela Guerra, Schön – Diego Indraccolo, ALN – @adamlambert, Radio Futuro – Hernan Rojas

Enjoy the chat!
And don’t forget to check out the puzzle page for a new puzzle, crossword, word search and Adamoku (Sudoku)!

Another Lonely Night Video (10/08/15)

Ghost Town Video (4/28/15)


1,652 Responses to October 2015 Chat

  1. ultimathule says:
  2. ultimathule says:
  3. ultimathule says:
  4. ultimathule says:

    Turn the bass up ! Adam Lambert in tha house !#adamlambert

  5. sparkle says:

    Sweet Smooth and Sexy with Seth Dreams, ALL!!

  6. ultimathule says:

    Tune into @LateNightSeth now!

    #ghostTown on @latenightseth Coat: @worldmcqueen shirt: @openingceremony gloves:@majestyblack

  7. ultimathule says:
  8. ultimathule says:
  9. ultimathule says:

    Opening Ceremony Range Split Slim-Fit Shirt

  10. ultimathule says:
  11. ultimathule says:

    Lisa G. @VioletFeline

    Darn – forgot to SHAZAM it – hope there’s a YT – that should work –

  12. ultimathule says:

    Adam Lambert – Another Lonely Night [Music Video Trailer]

  13. ultimathule says:
  14. ultimathule says:

    #AdamLambert feelin’ it #GhostTown

  15. ultimathule says:
  16. ultimathule says:

    “…all the machines, had been disconnected.”

  17. leoblueeys says:

    Fabulous performance of Ghost Town on the Late Show! However, I don’t understand why they would have him sing Ghost Town when it has gone recurrent on the charts and Another Lonely Night is fixing to drop. I am hoping he sings Another Lonely Night tomorrow on The Today Show, because I haven’t heard of any other national tv shows that he is going to be on to promote it. This kind of worries me a little. Anyone have any ideas on this?

  18. ultimathule says:
  19. ultimathule says:

    Pat H @PattiHum
    As much as we love GT, streaming ALN & viewing on YT is what fans can do to propel its numbers! Thursday at midnight!

  20. ultimathule says:
  21. Kiwi says:

    I wondered about Ghost Town rather than ALN as well. Maybe lack of rehearsal time?
    I must admit I wasn’t sure about the coat. It seemed very full/flared??

  22. ultimathule says:

    Ohh the suit is vintage D & G

  23. ultimathule says:

    Kraken Netiri @n_etiri_zandz
    That’s a Sat Night Fever suit look, and def a Sat Night Fever doing up the buttons…l

  24. Cait1602 says:

    Hm really I dont know why ppl are so surprised that he performed GhostTown on the show? Why should he perform ALN if the music vid isnt even out yet? What should ppl watch on YT? The fan-made lyric vid of ALN?

  25. sparkle says:

    Getting excited to watch the Today show performance!!

  26. adamized says:

    Morning! Woke up at midnight and went downstairs to see our BB on the big screen. He looked and sounded great though I’m not sure how he manages to stay so cool with all those layers.

    The video snippets and trailer for ALN look all kinds of wonderful. Love that he had Gigi in it. She is a special person with a crazy amount of fans/followers.

    Luval and MMM enjoy your visit to NYC tomorrow. Looking forward to your recaps already.

  27. HK fan says:

    Cait…..songs are often released to radio and promoted quite a while before the music videos come out, sometimes several weeks.

    I must admit i’m one that doesn’t really understand why he wouldn’t have performed ALN…

    Loving the look of the video, I loved the GT video but couldn’t watch it much as it moved way too fast for me. This looks much slower and easier to rewatch!!!

  28. HK fan says:

    Mj has video up.

    eta..great performance.

    this oomment makes sense as to why he sang GT from mj’s..

    not surprised he did Ghost Town on Seth…ALN isn’t getting any radio play yet, doesn’t have an adds date (that we know of) yet and isn’t even listed on cool new music at all access…you wouldn’t launch a new single with a performance at 1:25 am; other than the hard core fans no one has heard the song yet. To the general public Ghost Town is still his current single and its still being heard on the radio (and still being played regularly by big stations). I expect him to do Ghost Town on the Today show if he only sings 1 song and GT and ALN if he does two. He will undoubtedly have tv performances of ALN once it starts getting played on the radio

  29. luval says:

    So I missed the Today show because I’m at work. Didn’t realize he’d be on so early. I even told a couple of patients to tune in around 8:30 but obviously too late.

  30. little dutchess says:

    Hi, I’m at work too and can’t watch here but I don’t think he’s been on yet. The Duke’s at home and says he hasn’t been on but they say “next up”. They will wait to the end as we know. The TODAY show is apparently on til 10AM

  31. ultimathule says:

    Saw the performance at the end of the hour – had a great retrospective of his career first – then ads – then the performance – wait till you see what he wore – always amusing – he was great, by the way –

    Here’s the look –

  32. ultimathule says:

    Still voting here – lol – when does this thing end????

  33. ultimathule says:

    Feral @feraltwirler
    Please watch the performances at their source not at fan rips if you can.

  34. sparkle says:

    Both performances were stellar. Loved that Adam was the guest that got the most applause on Seth’s show – both in the beginning when announced and at the end of the show. It bothered me that, since 7 am, Today was promoting its new concert series that starts Monday with Selena Gomez as if she is a far more popular performer than Adam. They didn’t mention that Adam would be performing until after 9:00 (as I recall) and so I’m sure that a fair amount of viewers that would have been interested to hear what Adam was doing didn’t stay tuned. Maybe I’m being too sensitive – it’s great to have Adam on TV in any capacity or circumstances. Hopefully GT will spike up the charts today!

  35. ultimathule says:

    Catch @adamlambert talk #AnotherLonelyNight with us today! #Access

  36. ultimathule says:

    Vimeo has the intro/history part –

  37. little dutchess says:

    yes, sparkle, I noticed the same thing this morning hoping to catch the performance before I left for work. No mention of Adam despite hyping the new lineup with new sponsor. The Duke called me at work past 920AM to tell me they had been saying ‘up next” and of course he wasn’t on until about 945AM. Not the same kind of hoopla as they do/did on GMA.

    Haven’t seen either performance-last night or today’s yet. Hopefully will catch them at lunch;if not, then after work.

  38. riskylady says:

    My post on MJs numbers thread:

    Wow. Adam’s The Original High album jumped from 922 on Pop Bars yesterday to 226 when I looked just now. And clean Ghost Town jumped about 200 spots from the 500s to 300s, while explicit moved from 120 to 86. Don’t know what numbers this may mean, but good indication that still draws interest so kudos to Warner for these late promo spots.

    Ghost Town video and Spotify still very active, and ALN hasn’t been formally launched. I think Warner and Adam’s team have it all mapped out very well, and we’ll see that in the next few days.

  39. glitterpatti says:

    In response to the question is anyone else going to NYC, Chicago or Houston, my friend and I are going to Houston. At first we were considering New York, but then Houston came up. Being from California, Houston is closer and a full show. Knowing how Adam loves to dress up for Halloween, I hope his beautiful face will be recognizable.I say this because a few years ago I went to an October performance in Dallas.He wore a wig, top hat and yellow contacts during his performance. His voice was outstanding as usual, but I do like gazing at his handsomeness.

  40. riskylady says:

    GAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!! This vid preview on WB Sweden’s Instagram! HOT HOT HOT!!

  41. ultimathule says:

    Good call, riskylady – agree – Warner knows what it’s doing –

  42. ultimathule says:

    #AdamLambert performed #GhostTown this morning in #Studio1A.

    What a way to wake up this morning!! Did you catch #adamlambert KILLING IT on #todayshow?? It was ??!! #ghosttown

    Hope you didn’t miss @adamlambert on @latenightseth last night.

  43. riskylady says:

    @ShowbizOnSofa: Lined up for @TheXFactor live shows: @Bhaenow @FleurEast @ddlovato @ollyofficial @samsmithworld @ArianaGrande @adamlambert @yearsandyears ?

  44. ultimathule says:

    That’s some line-up, riskylady

  45. ultimathule says:

    Hipster hat with eyebrows that can’t be taken down. Lol. ILHSFM.?

  46. ultimathule says:
  47. ultimathule says:
  48. ultimathule says:

    My face is a ghost town tbh. @adamlambert ?? #adamlambert

  49. ultimathule says:
  50. ultimathule says:

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