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- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
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- AL’s Games
Here are a few more Glee shots – really nice close ups of the ones we’ve already seen.
From lilybop:
From Scorpiobert:
Also, a great Halloween collage from Scorpiobert:
Crazy eyes: http://imgur.com/VOkhDju
Cap’n Hook close-up: http://instagram.com/p/gBFL2QDfVr/
Me, too cwm. And what aely said. Adam has so many options open to him and his life is such an adventure in terms of the people he gets to meet and works with. This will never change. He is just too talented and too professional.
This is my favorite comment about Adam’s version of Marry The Night. It was on the PopDust site:
I love that – Perfect description! It’s so true!
Happy Halloween 2013 from Adam!
He posted this on instagram a few hours ago, but didn’t tweet it out.
Gorgeous and spooky! (I recognize the pic from his Glamnation DVD cover shot, but I love what he’s done to it.)
Oh one more!
I think this is my favorite picture from his genie costume the other night. I have sooo many tabs open on my browser and I keep “accidentally” opening this one. LOL
He just cracks me up. I love his sexy “oh I’ve been so bad, please punish me, Mr. Policeman” look.

Pulling a Kradamour! This just in: Bowie has released a follow-up to “The Next Day” cd. It features four more songs.
New cd is called “The Next Day Extra”.
Wow! Who knew we had a
Never have said this about any of Adam’s looks before but I don’t like this version of the Genie costume. That gold diaper shortens his legs something fierce, which is a pretty hard thing to do ‘cos his legs are so long. NVM. Once in a “blue” moon.
How does he pack so much expression into such a beat-driven song? That verse about “lace up my boots, throw on some leather and cruise…in my fishnet gloves, I’m a sinner” just gets to me. It’s true, NO ONE can sing like him.
TLKC, it isn’t a gold “diaper”. It is a wide sash that is hanging down in front. In the pics where he opened his coat you could see what it is and that that he has tights on underneath. I think that he hung it there so he wouldn’t be so “exposed”, but I agree that it did shorten his legs when it was just hanging down. But the rest of the costume is so fierce that I can’t dislike it.
Hi cwm, I saw your lovely tweets to Adam so I knew that you would be here shortly. Thanks for that Halloween instagram. Just…WOW! I saw that quote, too, and loved it. Almost brought it here, but I had just brought over Lyndsey’s quote, and there has been so much love for this song, how do you choose? I really think that Glee will bring Adam to a whole new audience who will fall under the spell of his his charm, voice, adorableness, fierceness, and just…. Adamness. Resistance is futile…
Up to 112,728 and still rising
aely, did you see TLKC‘s post?

I totally agree! That swing is terrific and really gives the idea of him swinging into a new piece of his career, it doesn’t scream “Glee” and could really be from any context.
And def a group shot for the Glee thread.
Just MHO, of course, but please please please! I’d love to see Adam on a swing whenever I open the page in November!
madnessinmotion hi! it must’ve been in Orlando that we met(?) since I wasn’t in Paso Robles (darnit!)
Those tweets from Adam last night are almost overwhelming! He is just so special and different( in such a good way). Reinforces how I’ve always felt about him and why I feel as I do! There is no one like him-vocally or otherwise!
cwm Your post describes it perfectly! Thanks for being articulate you!
Thanks little dutchess and rs.

Here’s a new promo piece for Glee on EW for ipad with a new quote from Adam:
And new poster for Adam’s Halloween party tonight at Bootsy Bellows:
Anybody here going? I was in LA last weekend, but alas am back in Oregon now. Hoping we get good pictures!
Just wanted to say hi to madnessinmotion – good to see you again!
And congrats to eywflyer on your promotion and move! Thanks for checking in and updating us. I’m always very grateful for the work you’ve done and continue to do on this site for our benefit.
And congrats to Suz526 and Mister526 on your marriage! May you have much joy and happiness together!
Great new pro pics from LA Fashion week:
more here: http://vrvisionphotography.smugmug.com/Fashion/LASFWD4/32782338_ZzCc4Z#!i=2846101454&k=9hGvj3H
Adam’s new twitter avi pic from the Trespassing album booklet
nkd http://i.imgur.com/9IbbHH8.jpg
I noticed that on his twitter but couldn’t see it properly ‘cos it was so tiny – so thank you for giving us the larger view. Wow, that is truly a creative work of art, isn’t it?
Here’s the pic again
click the magnify once, then twice. You can see it then!
And the others
Why is Shosh tweeting that the name “Glambert” only applies to fans and not Adam?
Three vampires went into a bar and sat down.
The barmaid came over to take their orders. “And what would you, er, gentlemen like tonight?”
The first vampire said, “I’ll have a mug of blood.”
The second vampire said, “I’ll have a mug of blood.”
The third vampire shook his head at his companions and said, “I will have a glass of plasma.”
The barmaid wrote down each order, went to the bar and called to the bartender,
“Two bloods and a blood light.”
More of Halloween jokes and Horror Humors …
Can’t say I’m fond of the new tweet update where you see pics you don’t necessarily want to see.
OAFEnet @OAFE 1h
Sadly, that also removes images when you open the tweet, but it’s better than the alternative. Maybe @Twitter will fix it themselves soon.
Did you know that without Adblock Plus, Twitter has sponsored tweets and sponsored trending topics?
He must be getting dolled up for tonight by now. Whatsit gonna be? Looking forward to this one – he’s gotta do something different from the last two. Another take on Vampire?
Adam mention
re photos…I don’t really like the new one of him swinging from the Chandelier, his body pose is great but I don’t like his face in it…Love the close up of him swinging on the rope though, he looks so happy and like he’s having fun.
Wasn’t fashion week this month, there must have been a great one from that, and have a Glee one for the Glee thread.
apparently Adam is ranked 76th out of 70million twitter profiles worldwide……
Agree, HK fan, Adam’s face looks very contorted in that new chandelier pic. But in the swinging pic he links soooo happy.
I would still love a pic from Adam’s real life for November (I.e. his real costume from his OWN fancy shindig complete with live entertainment from dear friends Sam, Ivy and Bonnie on his FAVE HOLIDAY).
Its nice to be on line with someone else riskylady….usually I miss everyone.
Just having breakfast before getting ready for work…running a tad late though as I was doing the puzzle from humpday!
Seems more VIP packages being added to Miami – “a greater amount of interest than expected” – H.A.
Quick look at that Twitter List – only two males ahead of him – Beiber and West. The other seven singers are female – Gaga, Britney, Swift, Katy, Rihanna, Miley, and Selena.
I think it’s really very cool that Adam is hosting this Halloween party tonight at Bootsy Bellows. A big fancy shindig, with live entertainment from Sam, Ivy, and Bonnie, and Adam walking around being all friendly and host-y in his sure-to-be-fierce-and-OTT costume, making sure everyone is having a good time. How cool it would be to attend that party!! Gah – the life!!
Chandelier Swinger @ladistardust 44m
@BorneoBert Most impressive to me is that there are only 9 other musicians above him. All of them so called Global Superstars.
coptoit @coptoit 42m
@ladistardust @BorneoBert Adam is one too. It’s just a secret yet.
Chandelier Swinger @ladistardust 40m
@coptoit Known only to the privileged few!
It’s very impressive that Adam is #76 on that twitter influence list. That’s amazing, especially when you consider that there are 70 million twitter accounts and look at the caliber/popularity of the entertainers/music artists and sites ahead of him.
It speaks to the dedication and passion of his fans that when he says “jump,” we say “how high?” and when he points us somewhere, we go.
Someone (I don’t know who) has created an Adam-only music “station” called “Glambertparty” – all Adam all the time!
I’m watching X-Factor on Fox now. Next, they’ll show Glee -“The Quarterback” again.
We are giving out candies to trick-or-treaters. Bad weather with rain, we haven’t had many of them this year.
Thanks .. cwm. Love this station … they play songs that I haven’t heard them for a long time. Pick U Up is on now. So Good.
“Glee” Sneak Peeks: Adam Lambert, Kurt’s Tattoo, and More!
That’s weird, asif – because I’ve been listening to the station for the last 45 mins or so and I haven’t heard PUU. They’ve been playing the entire iHeart Radio Queen + Adam performance for the last half hour or so.
So maybe it starts at different places for different people depending on when you click in.
I heard Pick You Up. It was even scrolled across the top that it was playing. Yes, must be all different music for different places and when you click in like you said, cwm.
Do we have a costume yet?
Prolly not yet. OOO, but I would love to see Sutan becoming Raja, and helping everyone else put on their glitz and costumes.
That new poster has a twisted Victorian vibe. I would just loove to see Adam in that Interview With The Vampire look.And he has been showing more chest this year.
I sent my new baby Glamberts MTN. They are just in love with his voice. To say the least.
Strange … cwm.
Pop That Lock now. I think … as you said .. It depends when you click in. I paused at one time when I got back it started where I left. I didn’t expect that.
Ring Of Fire .. now.
asif, am with you except right this minute (8:53pm edt) it’s Time for Miracles! (already heard ROF)
Krads, it was so nice to see you pulling a Kradamour again!
Loving all the tweets, all the positivity out there today.
I just love Marry The Night, always did. I still listen to Fame Monster, just love Gaga’s voice and songwriting. Her “shtick” is getting a little old for me. I’m so over all that. But, it does keep her in the news and selling music.
LOL. Except for her Disco Shtick.
Re: Glambert. I always thought that Glambert referred to the fans. I have never liked it when he was referred to as Glambert. Maybe Shosh is trying to clear that up. Fine by me.
#New Adam Lambert, still on Glee.
Somebody asked a couple of pages ago about whether or not the song would be like the full version released yesterday on the show. The answer is: Probably not.
Just like on Idol, the show performance version is different than the studio version. The show of Glee is most definitely lip synched to the studio version, but, is shortened. The ITunes version is the long cut, most of the time.
Hope that wasn’t clear as mud.
That was me, mils – thanks.
I’m afraid Shosh has her work cut out for her then, mils –
“Adam Lambert lives up to his Glambert nickname in a preview for his upcoming spot on Glee, which has him out Gaga-ing Mother Monster herself.”
mils, I am thinking the song will be the same as the soundcloud except I have a feeling they may cut into the song with jabber from Kurt & Santana sitting at the table. You know, besides Kurt’s expression some talk too. Hope not, though.